Just super grateful today for the gift of entrepreneurship…
It was kind of crazy. We signed paperwork and it was interesting, because I've been really excited about this for a long time, and I was freaked. I've been nervous on it. I feel the same way like if I sold a house to somebody. I feel nervous about if they're going to like it, are they going to...all those kind of things. And so part of me's been nervous about that, "Is he even going to like this? Is he going to be excited? What is...?" Those type of things.
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Hey everyone, this is Russell. It's really late at night right now. I'm driving home, and wanted to say, "Hey," to all my "Marketing in Your Car" followers.
Hey, everyone. First off, I appreciate you guys listening, especially this late at night. [laughs] I know it's probably a normal time of day for you right now, but I probably sound a little tired right now. I'm driving home from a long day, after having our new baby, baby Nora. It's been kind of insane on our side. My wife's got to take care of her, obviously, and I've got to take care of four other kids, so it's been crazy. [laughs]
We had football games today and birthday parties today, and I was driving around all day, and then I went and picked up food, and then came back, and then I just went grocery shopping, and now I'm coming back. Anyway, I'm kind of worn out, but just wanted to smile for a little bit and say, "Hi," to all you guys, because things are good. Things are fun.
We did something really exciting on Friday. I've been working like crazy trying to get everything done for the book launch, and I'm so excited for you guys to see that. I think it's going to be really exciting. I did a podcast a little while ago about the whole funnel stacking concept and everything. I think you guys are going to enjoy just seeing the process, and so again, funnel hacking, when I do it, but notice that it's a deep funnel. You're not going to see it all in one day, and so pay attention, take notes.
Anyway, I'm excited for that. The other exciting thing is that as I was rolling in things happening and craziness, and it was a crazy week. I had our Decade-in-a-Day on Friday, which is like we do these one-hour consult for our new incoming members, and so I did six of seven of those, and just all this stuff, and then at three o'clock in the afternoon, I jumped in my car. I drove over to this big legal building, and had to go get name-carded and get someone to buzz me in the building, all these things, and went up to the top floor overlooking all of Boise. It was beautiful, and I was there with one of my friends who just purchased Neuracel from us. It was kind of crazy. We signed paperwork and it was interesting, because I've been really excited about this for a long time, and I was freaked. I've been nervous on it. I feel the same way like if I sold a house to somebody. I feel nervous about if they're going to like it, are they going to...all those kind of things. And so part of me's been nervous about that, "Is he even going to like this? Is he going to be excited? What is...?" Those type of things.
I remember I was driving there and I got a Vox from him saying, "Hey, we just got the cashier's check. We're so excited. We're going to come to meet you," and I was just like, "How cool is this?" What a cool win-win. It's exciting for him to come and buy this company from us, and it's so exciting for me to be able to sell a company, and I feel like we created an offer that was a win-win for both of us, where it was a really good win for us, it was a really good win for him, and just a great experience all around. It was so cool. We went up there in the building, signed the paperwork, and he handed me a check, the biggest check I've ever seen in my life that was a real check. [laughs] Just so exciting.
So I'm just grateful. I'm grateful for the gift we have of being entrepreneurs where we can invent things and create things and try to provide value to the world, and what's cool is that when we do it right, and we do it the correct way, we get the world, the market, whatever you want to call it, that we're selling these things to, that we're putting the value and the ideas out there. They reward us by giving us money, and for me, I've always focused on the customers giving us money, which has been really fun, and it's just cool to see somebody else's value of something we've created enough and be excited enough that they actually want to buy it and own it. Anyway, for me it was just a big day, something I've always wanted to do, first time ever.
I've sold websites before. I had sold one website for a little over $100,000, I think $114,000. That was my biggest. I think that might have been the only website I've actually sold, actually. No, I think I've sold two. Anyway, I've only sold a couple of websites here and there. This is the first time I've sold a real business. I've always wanted to do that, and it was just cool to see the process and see the whole thing, and to see the finality on our side of seeing this thing end. We'll spend the next couple of weeks transitioning it over, and what was cool for me is that one of the people that bought it is actually one of our coaching students, so I'm going to have a chance to be able to still have my hand in the business a little bit through proxy, through sharing ideas and stuff. It just makes me happy that I can still be part of it, even though it's not mine anymore.
Anyway, it was really fun and just grateful to be an entrepreneur. I hope you guys are grateful for this opportunity as well. I know that some places in the world, this is not possible, and other times in history when this was not possible, and we just live in such an amazing day and age, and I'm so blessed and grateful to be here and to be able to have a life like this, and an opportunity like this. I think all of us are so blessed to be living in a time and a date where things like this are possible.
Anyway, I'm just grateful, and so I want to share that with you guys, and I hope you guys are grateful for this blessing of entrepreneurship that we all have, and sometimes, some ideas that we have make money, some don't. Some lose a lot of money. I think I've probably lost more money than most people ever dream of. [laughs] But every once in a while, it works, and that's what makes it all worthwhile. Anyway, just like I said, I'm grateful to be an entrepreneur, and I want to share that with you guys tonight. I hope you're grateful as well.
Just got home. The garage is shut behind me. I'm going to do in, and take the groceries in, give all my kids a kiss, and tuck my little baby into bed, and I'm going to pass out. [laughs] I'll be ready for next week when we do the last phase of our preparations for the product launch. I actually rented a studio. It's like a professional recording studio. I'm going to go on Tuesday and record the audio version of my book, so I'm just excited. So much fun stuff.
I appreciate you guys listening as always. I'm going to go in, crash. Just be thankful, you guys, again for this gift that we have of being entrepreneurs and the ability to create and to give and to share and to serve. I'm grateful to have that chance with you guys.
So thanks again, and we'll talk to you guys all soon.