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127 - Don't Get In The Way Of Your Own Success

Don’t Get In The Way Of Your Own Success

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How $7 kept this guy from becoming successful.

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And the thing that bugged me he said about the book: "I would have bought Click Funnels and I would be at your event this weekend, but because I didn't get the book I refuse to invest in those because it just left a bad taste in my mouth," or something like that. And it just made me think about how often we let stupid things get in our way from being successful. Like, honestly, this guy could be using Click Funnels, which would give him the ability to change his entire company, change his life, as all of you guys know.


-- ClickFunnels: Everything you need to start market, sell, and deliver your products and services online (without having to hire or rely on a tech team!)

-- DotComSecrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online With Sales Funnels."

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Russell: Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson and welcome to an exciting Marketing In Your Car. Today I'm here with my beautiful wife Collette. Can you say hi?

Collette: Hello.

Russell: She's so embarrassed to be on the podcast. But we are heading to the airport, getting ready to fly out for the Funnell Hacking Event.

All right, so today's message for you guys is one that -- well first get to the airport safely. My wife's pretty sure we're going to die. She's not used to this podcasting while we're driving.

We're about to go through and we're going to survive. Okay, so today's message, this morning I was getting ready to head out, jumped on Facebook to make sure everyone was still coming to the event, and that the party's still on.

It was, which is good. But then there's some dude who posted in our group basically saying they still hadn't gotten The Dot Com Seekers book, which I understand. It's been a little while. I've posted like 50 times why it takes a long time.

But anyway I kind of responded back and said, "Hey, this is why."

I said, "It was a pre-launch of the book. That's why it didn't get shipped until recently."

And then the publisher, we're going through a publisher so we don't really have control of it.

My wife's making me punch it past another car. Oh man, if you guys witness this death, tell our kids we love them.

So anyway, I told him basically about the reason my book was late. I basically said, "In exchange, we gave you a $2,000 course for free. And basically you paid $7 shipping and handling. It's going to be all right. Just calm down and everything will be all right."

Anyway, the guy comes back and like private messages me kind of all flipping out about how, "If I was to go to Denny's and if I ordered a steak, I don't care if they'd have brought me free donuts and ice cream. I ordered a steak and I want the steak."

Anyway, just something like that, which whatever.

We're going to be okay. I promise.

And the thing that bugged me he said about the book: "I would have bought Click Funnels and I would be at your event this weekend, but because I didn't get the book I refuse to invest in those because it just left a bad taste in my mouth," or something like that.

And it just made me think about how often we let stupid things get in our way from being successful. Like, honestly, this guy could be using Click Funnels, which would give him the ability to change his entire company, change his life, as all of you guys know.

But he refused to do it because his book has been shipped late. He could be at the event right now, networking with 600 other amazing entrepreneurs who are changing the world in their own way.

But he didn't, because he's annoyed that the book showed up late. And I think that sometimes people, and this guy is a perfect example, he's just putting all of these roadblocks in his way to success because he's just annoyed, instead of being grateful for all the stuff he's getting and all the value he's getting from me and from us and from everything.

And then after a back and forth I apologized and I was trying to be a nice guy, and then he messaged me and said, "Well I tried Click Funnels, but it doesn't work for real estate agents."

I'm like, "Dude, you missed the whole point of everything. Had you have watched the 14 hours of the training," oh cool, some jets just flew over, "If you had watched the 14 hours of training, you would understand how to use Click Funnels as a realtor."

Had you networked in group, had you have logged into Click Funnels and gone through the training, had you have showed up at the event, you would know exactly how to use it for what you're doing. But instead, you're confused because you let a stupid thing keep you in the way of being successful.

So the moral of today's lesson is don't let stupid things keep you in the way of being successful. Just blow it off. It was $7 you spent.

Anyway, I hope that makes sense. Now we're getting in traffic now and we're still pretty good on time. We have 13 minutes before we have to be there.

Anyway, so I just wanted to leave that with you guys today. Just make sure that you're not the one keeping yourself from success over little trivial things. Let things roll off your back and look for the good in things and look for all the awesome stuff that can happen.

And if you do that, you could be successful. You could be at the live event. You could be using Click Funnels. You could be changing your life.

Instead you're annoyed about something outside of any of our control. So I hope that helps. Collette, any final words for the listening audience?

Collette: Stay lovely. Vegas, baby!

Russell: We're heading to Vegas. All right, we'll see you guys. We're going to be in Vegas here in a couple of hours. I appreciate you all and we'll talk to you soon. 


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