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183 - Recap Of The First Two Days From Inner Circle

Recap Of The First Two Days From Inner Circle

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Did you miss the Inner Circle meeting? If so, here’s a little of what just happened.

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They showed the whole model to everyone. It was just like, holy cow. Ahhh, it was just so cool. Then you got, you know, people who are webinar experts walking through all the best things that they were doing in their webinars right now. We've got some of the best sales guys in the world teaching their sales scripts, and what's working now, and how to generate leads for those. Just person, after person, after person, was just like dropping gold bombs. I just felt honored to be...I's amazing to me that I get paid to do this, but just honored to even be in that room.


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Good morning everybody, and welcome to Marketing In Your Car. Hey everyone, so I'm heading out to day number three of the Mastermind. My guess is, if you listen to my other Mastermind video, or audio, podcast, it was late, I couldn't get it to upload from my phone or my brother, so you'll probably get these after the whole Mastermind is done.

First two days were amazing. I've been in a lot of mastermind groups. I've paid a lot money to be in, and just like me as an attendee, that was the best mastermind group I've ever been to. It was really, really amazing. Just grateful for everyone who came and shared, and was a part of it.

Last night was cool because our second mastermind group is going today and tomorrow, and so last night we all got together and did a big dinner party and hung out, and got to know each other, and then Drew Cannoli, some of you guys know Drew from came and spoke and talked about his journey, and how they built up their following initially, and a bunch of cool stuff.

Then gave everybody some Organify, which was cool. It was really, really fun. He told a story about how they kind of had started, and grew this big following, and had, you know, millions of followers on Facebook. Then Facebook changed their algorithms, and they couldn't reach anyone. They were losing about $50,000 a month. That's when I had a chance to meet him.

At about that time they had a supplement they were about to roll out and stuff. We coached them through that funnel on how to build it out, and they launched it, and now it's doing over a million dollars a months. So cool. Anyway, it was amazing, a really fun experience. I think everyone had a good time hearing his story as well, and it was cool. Now we're heading in for day number 2. I've been taking really, really, really good notes on each of the presentations, like my big takeaways from each of them, so I'm excited.

I'm going to do a couple of series where I kind of just break down some of my biggest takeaways from the mastermind group. Just hopefully give some of you guys some value who obviously can't be here, because I have some really, just like amazing takeaways. When you get this caliber of people in a room, they're all doing different things, and everyone just gets, so many cool ideas. One of the new members of our group, they signed up less than a week ago, and they live in Australia, and they jumped on a plane, and flew out here.

A super cool couple and they were talking about, their whole story where basically they were doing these membership sites, and somebody asked them to speak at an event about membership sites. They spoke at the event, and they sold a little membership site boot camp, teaching people how to make membership sites. Then they had like, I don't know, 100 people who came to this boot camp, and then they decided to sell like done for you thing.

They did like $200,000 in sales, and they were going crazy. Then they did it again 6 months later, and made 2.5 million dollars in sales. The next time, they built this whole system around that, and they have, like their seminars choreographed, like minute by minute, what happens, and how it happens, and they've just perfected this model. They showed the whole model to everyone. It was just like, holy cow. Ahhh, it was just so cool.

Then you got, you know, people who are webinar experts walking through all the best things that they were doing in their webinars right now. We've got some of the best sales guys in the world teaching their sales scripts, and what's working now, and how to generate leads for those. Just person, after person, after person, was just like dropping gold bombs. I just felt honored to be...I's amazing to me that I get paid to do this, but just honored to even be in that room. Some of you guys know, when I got started, the first mastermind group I joined was Bill Glazer’s.

At the time I was probably making around $100,000 a year or so, and I get in this program, around all these people who were making a whole lot more than that. I was the youngest and the most immature, I think I still am the most immature in the room, but definitely at that point. I didn't know anything. I remember doing my little session where I got to share my business with people who gave me feedback, but where I got all the value is like listening to all these other people share their business.

Back then during the real estate guru booms, like half the room was real estate gurus. They were talking about the events they were doing, and the webinars, and this, and all these different things. I was like, I never even thought of those as possibilities, and then after that meeting I came back, and started implementing some of the things other people were doing in their business into mine, and made my business more full and more complete. Then, you know, every 3 or 4 months I go back to those meetings. I did that for 6 years in Bill's group.

Our business got better, and better, and better, and better, and better. I probably would still be in that group, but Bill sold the business, and I kind of disconnected from that because Bill was really my first mentor in there. After that, I started looking for a new home. I was like, I need this, this is part of what I need to be in, one of these things every few months, and I joined, I think I joined 4 or 5 other groups. It wasn’t me just picking a random group, I did my research to find out like, what's the best group?

You know, and I went to the group, and I was like, ah so let down, then what's the next best group? Went to that group. Let down, and let down, and just, anyway it was frustrating. Basically at that point I asked everybody, and they were "well, you've been to the best ones, so if you didn't like those, you should probably start your own, because there's nothing else better than that". I was just like, dang. That was really, like, one of the main reasons why we started this one, and why we built it. At first I was nervous, because I'm like, what if people don't come?

What if we get crappy people? All the different fears that kind of come with that, but, man, like I look at the roster of who we attracted into these groups, and it's amazing. It's pretty fun. It's been 2 days so far, I've got 2 more days, and I'm just back here just gleaning ideas off each person, and figuring out ways to perfect more so what we do, and it's pretty exciting. That's all I want to tell you guys.

I just want to give you guys an update, letting you know all the cool stuff that's happening, and I'll probably, I don't know when, maybe Friday this week. Friday I have the morning off, I've got to fly out of town, so maybe I'll jump on, and just go through my notebook with you and share, share my top 10 big takeaways from the 2 groups, and hopefully give you guys a ton of value, and hopefully cause some desire for you guys to join the group, even though there are not many spaces left.

In fact, I had a cool idea the other day. I was like, at our Funnel Hacking event, which, if you don’t have your tickets yet, go get them,, Marcus Lemonis is speaking. It's going to be amazing. I was thinking about having a board that said, Inner Circle, and then, like, I think I told you this before, like we're capping the inner circle at 100 people, and I'm not opening up again.

I want to have a board that has everyone's picture, like all 100 pictures, or you know, whatever it is at that point. It's probably like 95, 96, and have like the 5 spots with like, blank heads. And just be like, "There's the group you guys, when it's filled, it's filled. The only way that a spot opens up again is if someone drops out", and just like, you know, and that's it. Let people go fight over those last couple of spots, if there are spots left at that point.

Then when that happens, I'm basically going to turn the site where it was sold over, and just have like that, the pictures of 100 people, and then when one drops out, we'll say, "hey, this guy dropped out. Who wants a spot?" Then it will be up for auction, and I guarantee at that point those spots won't go for $25,000, they'll be going for a lot more. It's kind of fun. I'm really liking this whole concept.

Anyway, that's about it, you guys. I'm heading in, and have an amazing week, and I'll probably talk to you guys on Friday, with hopefully a recap of all the cool stuff. All right, thanks everybody.


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