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20 - A Student Of Marketing

20 - A Student Of Marketing

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What is the secret message I’m trying to get to you?

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Please you guys, be students of this game, the marketing game. If you do, you will succeed. You've got to become passionate about it. Daegan Smith and I talk about this a lot. Until you become obsessed about marketing, and obsessed with how we drive traffic and how we do conversions, and cool sales processes, and that kind of stuff, until you become obsessed with that part of it, you're not going to become successful online, at least not to the level you want to be. Everything else is just going to be a chore. It's going to be a headache.


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Hey, this is Russell Brunson and I want to welcome you to the Marketing in Your Car podcast today. It is a beautiful day. Hey everyone, this is Russell again. It's Friday today and I'm excited because we're heading out of town for Memorial Day weekend.

We're going to have some fun out at the lake with my family, so I'm excited for that today but on my drive in to get some stuff done this morning before we head out of town, I want to give you guys a quick message. This message has to do with becoming a student of marketing.

There's this guy I got some text messages from yesterday. He's someone who I met in the last six months or so and someone who I think is a really cool guy, who wants to be an entrepreneur. He's trying to learn this stuff. He's got his first app he's been creating, and I've been helping him, steering him the right way.

When Rippln came out, which obviously a lot of you guys probably know what Rippln is. It's a new viral app that we're helping launch and stuff like that. I showed him that. He got excited and signed up, and started talking about it to some people, and started doing some stuff. Then last night, he texted me and said, “Hey, can you take me and my wife off of Rippln?” I said, “What are you talking about?”

He said, “I'm tired of getting all the text messages and emails, and it's not for me,” all this stuff, “please cancel it.” So I wrote him back and said, “Yeah, just go contact They can take care of it.” I sat there. It really bugged me. I wanted to write him back but I didn't because I knew if I did, it would be kind of out of me being upset a little bit. It just makes me sad because I know someone like him, he's trying to learn this internet marketing thing and trying to learn apps, trying to learn how to launch his own app.

I gave him behind the scenes access to the fastest growing social network app launch in the history of the world. He got behind the scenes access to watch it going live. He's getting all the marketing material texted and emailed to him every single day, and instead of looking at that and saying, “Wow, this is a really good case study about how to launch an app,” he got annoyed with it and asked to leave and to cancel it.

It just blows my mind how many times people who are trying to learn marketing get upset at marketing. It drives me crazy. I can't tell you how many emails we send out doing cool marketing, showing cool marketing, and actually marketing to people, and instead of people looking at that and saying, “Wow, that's a good idea. I'm going to go and implement that in my business,” people come back a lot of the times and just get upset and say, “Oh, I can’t believe you keep emailing me. I can't believe this.”

They're upset about whatever it might be, and it just makes me laugh because the reason why they joined my list, the reason why they listen to this podcast, the reason why you come to my teleseminars is to learn how to make money. Sure, I'm going to be selling you stuff along the way but watching the process is worth as much if not more money than the actual thing we're selling every single time.

For example, yesterday, we did a webinar that in the first 90 minutes or whatever, in the 90 minute webinar, we did $80,000 in sales. Now, a lot of people were on that webinar and they got excited by the product and they bought it, but if you were just to have watched the process about how we got people on the call, what happened on the webinar, the words we said, the slides we used, the process, the close, the takeaway, the offer, I would have paid $1000 just to have seen behind the scenes of that webinar, what I did.

Everybody had a front stage pass. Everyone is on my email list. They all got the emails. They all sat there on the webinar. They're watching the replay cycle right now. From this webinar, we'll probably make a quarter million dollars and there will be people unsubscribing from my list because they're annoying I'm marketing to them. Why did you get on my list in the first place?

You're trying to learn marketing from me. Watch what I'm doing. Anyway, I just wanted to stress that because so many times, I think that we're looking for something and we're missing what's right in front of our eyes. If you want to learn marketing, you cannot be annoyed by people marketing to you. You need to watch that and study it.

With my friend, I started texting this back but then I deleted it but I wanted to tell him, “Look, if you want to be passionate about this career, you should be throw away all your marketing books, quit going to college, whatever it is but every one of those emails that Rippln is sending out or that I'm sending out, you should print those out, put them in a binder, and study them every single day because that will make you more money than anything you'll ever learn in college.”

I feel bad because he missed the mark. He's so focused on trying to launch his app that he missed the marketing lesson I was trying to give him about how to launch his app. It's a shame and a tragedy but that's what happens with so many people. Please you guys, be students of this game, the marketing game. If you do, you will succeed. You've got to become passionate about it. Daegan Smith and I talk about this a lot.

Until you become obsessed about marketing, and obsessed with how we drive traffic and how we do conversions, and cool sales processes, and that kind of stuff, until you become obsessed with that part of it, you're not going to become successful online, at least not to the level you want to be. Everything else is just going to be a chore. It's going to be a headache.

It's going to be whatever it's going to be but if you really focus on that part and make it a passion and a love, then you can be successful. On a Hangout I did the other day, I was on a Hangout with Anthony Morrison who had one of the best running infomercials for four or five years straight. I told everybody, “Look, Anthony's infomercials are awesome, so awesome that I recorded them, I had them transcribed, and I've read the script over and over again to learn what he said and why he said it.”

There's so much value for me in watching the infomercial. You can ask my wife. It drives my wife insane but when we're watching TV, guess what? My favorite part is the commercials. She always wants to fast forward. I'm like, “No, this is why we're watching the show, so I can watch the commercials.” When we listen to the radio and the commercial comes on, she wants to change it. I'm like, “No, you know this is the part of the show I'm here for, to listen to the commercials.”

That's where I learn, that's where I grow. It's because I've become a student of this marketing game, and you need to become a student too. Quit getting annoyed when people market to you and look at it as saying, “Wow, that's a cool idea. That's a cool way I can implement something in my business.” When you start doing that and your perspective changes to that, you guys can become even more successful, but it really takes that leap from I'm trying to figure out how to make money to I'm becoming a student of marketing.

When you do that, like I said, everything else will change. For all you guys who are out there, for every email list you're on, don't get annoyed anymore. Please start printing out the emails, putting them in a binder, studying them. That is your homework. If you do that, I promise you guys you'll be more successful. That's it for today. I hope you guys all have an awesome Memorial Day weekend. Maybe, if my wife and kids pass out in the car, I’ll give you guys a four hour long podcast while I'm in the car driving. If not, I'll talk to you guys when we all get back.

If you're enjoying the show at all, please go to and leave your comments, leave your feedback. I love seeing it. It's probably the most exciting thing of the day for me right now so go back and look at the comments. If you're having a good time with this, please leave feedback and let everybody else you know know about the Marketing in Your Car podcast. Thanks you guys, and we'll talk to you soon.


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