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2017 Recap: The One Million Book Journey Update

2017 Recap: The One Million Book Journey Update

I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since the Expert Secrets book launch and contest.

As you know, we’re on a journey to sell one million copies of my books, DotCom Secrets and Expert Secrets.

Dotcom & Expert Secrets Books

Before I give you the numbers, a few cool things to update you on…

This past year, our goal has been to sell both books to our warm and hot markets. These are people that know about funnels, about Clickfunnels, and generally buy whatever we push out!

But now that we’ve exhausted that network, it’s time to go out into cold waters, where people have no idea who we are or what we do.

This means we’re using presell strategies like blog posts to bridge the gap between where they are (problem aware) to where they need to be in order to want to buy the book (solution aware).

The blog post acts as a frame and helps create the desire for the book. I’ll share more about this in the coming weeks and months. We’re doing some really cool stuff that I want to test before I show you!

Secondly, DotCom Secrets and Expert Secrets have both gone International! Currently, the books are being published in:

  • ​Hungarian
  • Spanish
  • Mandarin
  • ​Chinese
  • ​Vietnamese
  • ​Turkish

…and we’re trying to expand out to more languages as well.

So what are our numbers?

One Million Book Journey

As of December 31, 2017 we’ve sold a total of 203, 530 books!

The average New York Times Bestseller sells around 10,000 books so we’re very excited with the numbers so far. We’re almost a 1/4 of the way there.

The breakdown is as follows:

DotCom Secrets

  • Through our funnel – 81,776
  • Through others (like Amazon) – 17,542

Expert Secrets

  • Through our funnel – 90,250
  • Through others (like Amazon) – 13,962

If you haven’t gone through the book funnels in recent weeks, you should go through it again because the funnel has changed!

There’s a LOT to learn about buyer patterns after nearly a quarter of a million purchases and so we’ve updated and changed the funnels to simplify the offer and streamline the design so they look consistent between both.

In both funnels, you can get the audio book version, the black box (which now holds both books and a ton of extras), and then each funnel has a separate masterclass as the OTO.

Here’s a comparison of the first page of each of the funnels.

On both funnels, the books are free (just pay shipping), with a Black Box order bump, and a secondary order bump that directly relates to the book.

Expert & Dotcom Secrets Page 1

On page two, the offer for each funnel is the audiobook plus a bunch of bonus trainings inside a member’s area. The bonus trainings are not the same in each funnel as we choose the trainings based on the book funnel they are in.

Expert & Dotcom Secrets - Bonus Stack

The third step is an upsell to a masterclass that directly relates to the book they are buying. For Expert Secrets, it’s the Expert Evolution Masterclass for $197. For DotCom Secrets, we’re selling the Traffic Secrets Masterclass for $297 since that’s the next logical step for someone building funnels…traffic.

Expert & Dotcom Secrets - Upsells

We’re also doing something really cool on the order confirmation page to help increase cart value, but that’s for another post. 🙂

The goal for 2018 is to send these funnels into the coldest of markets with some incredible pre-sell pages and content that gets them ready for the sale.

We’ll keep you posted! Remember, you’re just one funnel away….


Russell Brunson


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