If you’re not careful, this frame will 100% guarantee your failure.
On this episode Russell responds to a Facebook post talking about being skeptical about his one funnel away challenge working. He goes into detail about how skepticism isn’t doing you any favors in your business and why you should rid yourself of it. Here are some of the informative things in today’s episode:
-- Find out how Russell got over his own skepticism and why he thinks it is one of the worst personality traits.
-- Hear why he thinks people who are skeptical will never be successful.
-- And Find out how to ditch your own skepticism to allow yourself to have faith in what you are doing, and have success.
So listen to this episode to hear why being skeptical is guaranteed to hinder your own success..
I have yet to meet a person who was skeptical about any topic ever, go on and be successful with that thing. Those who are skeptical about a diet, never have success with the diet. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The skeptical frame that you are taking this challenge from will guarantee that you won’t have success with it. I suggest you changing your frame, or let my team know and we’ll give you your money back, because you’re just wasting your time.” Oh, and then the last thing I wrote, I said, “Those that walk in faith and belief in the system are the ones that somehow always find success.”
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What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson, welcome back to
the Marketing Secrets podcast. It is late at night, I’m out by the
pool writing my book, and I just saw a post on Facebook and I made
a response, and because of that I wanted to make a podcast talking
about this concept for you because it could be the reason why some
of you guys are failing in this journey. So I want to kind of nip
it in the bud, as quick as I can. I’m going to call this title the
Skeptical Frame, and how it’s going to keep you from success.
Alright everybody, like I said in the intro, I am outside
writing the Traffic Secrets book, cranking away on this as fast as
possible. And every once in a while when I get stuck or tired or
whatever, I love to jump on Facebook or whatever and just read the
comments and it’s fun because right now we’re in the middle of the
One Funnel Away Challenge, and I see everyone’s testimonials and
feedback and just thousands of things coming in that are positive.
I see people from the last challenges completed and having success.
I see members coming in, I see people in our two comma club
coaching programs, tons of success flowing through.
So that’s what normally my feed is filled full of, so it’s fun
it go through and it just makes me happy to see the success stories
that are coming from this movement and it makes me really, really
happy. And then as I’m scrolling through there’s one post, I’m not
going to read the post, but the person who posted it, I think it’s
like day 2 or day 3 of the challenge right now, and she’s skeptical
about the business model, skeptical about the funnels, skeptical about this and that. And just talked about the whole
And then she’s mad at the affiliate program because it’s…anyway,
it’s just so funny. I heard her use the word skeptical like a dozen
times, and a bunch of other stuff. I usually don’t post on those
kind of things, I just let the community kind of have fun with it.
But this one bugged me, and it bugged me because I know there are
people that are struggling because of this. So I’m going to read
part of my post. I’m not going to read the whole thing, because
it’s not applicable to you guys, but the last thing I said, I said,
“Number three, I would comment on a ton of other things, but it all
comes down to you being skeptical. I have yet to meet a
person who was skeptical about any topic ever, go on and be
successful with that thing. Those who are skeptical about a diet,
never have success with the diet. It becomes a self fulfilling
prophecy. The skeptical frame that you are taking this challenge
from will guarantee that you won’t have success with it. I suggest
you changing your frame, or let my team know and we’ll give you
your money back, because you’re just wasting your time.” Oh, and
then the last thing I wrote, I said, “Those that walk in faith and
belief in the system are the ones that somehow always find
So I want to share that because there’s this weird thing, and
it’s funny, I have so many people I know in this world that are
skeptical about whatever. It’s not just, it’s my things that I
share, but skeptical about anything. About weight loss, or about
finances, or about making money, or about running faster, getting
stronger, insert anything. And people who are skeptical, have you
ever noticed that they’re never successful with it? It never serves
you to be skeptical. I don’t even know how to say it. I’m probably
the least skeptical person in the world. I just take people at
like, I believe they’re probably right, I believe they probably
know what they’re talking about. And sometimes it’s gotten me
burned. Maybe two or three times in life I’ve gotten burned by it,
but the majority of the time, because I’m not skeptical, I don’t go
into a situation like, ‘I don’t think this is going to work. I
believe it.” And then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
I come in saying, “What if.’ Let me just change that frame from
“I don’t think this is going to work.” To “What if that worked,
what if that was true? What does that mean? What does that open up?
What are the possibilities if that thing is true?” And I shift my
mindset. In fact, I remember going to my very first Tony Robbins
event, this is probably 12 years ago now. I remember I walked in
and everyone’s jumping around like crazy, doing their Tony Robbins
thing. And I remember being like, I’m not doing that. I don’t jump.
I don’t dance. I’m not playing this game with everybody. I remember
sitting there for a long time, and I was just like I’m not going
to, I kind of fought it, I was skeptical.
So I was looking at this whole thing through the frame of
skepticism. And as I was sitting there, I was like I’m not getting
much value out of this. I look around and I see everyone else
having these breakthroughs and crying and these emotional things.
And I don’t get this. Why are these people, they’re all dumb.
They’re morons. I’m thinking that they’re dumb. And I didn’t
realize, I’m the one that’s being dumb. I’m the one coming into
this situation being super skeptical. So I remember sitting there.
I was 5 or 6 hours in and I thought, you know what? I’m just going
to change my mind just for a moment. What if instead of me saying,
“Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.” What if I just changed and said, “Wait,
what if? What if that’s true? What if what he’s saying is actually
true, then what? What does that look like?”
And I shifted from the no to the what if and it literally
changed my life. I was able to be open in the moment, I was able to
learn and grow, and I didn’t take everything at face value, there
were some things where I was like, I don’t, this one doesn’t drive
my belief system, this one doesn’t fit. But I didn’t shut down
every good thing coming at me because of my skepticism. I kept it
open and because of that I got so much value, so many gifts that
came from that. Because I got rid of my frame of skepticism.
So what I’m encouraging you guys, whatever aspect this is in
your life, I don’t care if it’s business or marketing or sales, or
whatever, you have the ability to experience whatever it is you’re
learning or trying to learn through a frame. So you get a frame of
belief, saying I’m going to believe in this person, I’m buying
their product, I’m putting trust into them. I’m going to believe
that what they’re saying is true, and I’m going to go into this
with a frame of belief, and then, or I’m going to go into this with
a frame of skepticism. And when you do that, one way or the other,
it’ll change your response. I guarantee you if you go into it with
a frame of skepticism you will not be successful. I will give you a
million percent guarantee. I don’t care what the topic is, if you
go in skeptical, you will not have success.
So why be skeptical? Skepticism I think is one of the worst
qualities anybody could ever have. I would rather get burned once
or twice in my life, and open up this world of possibilities that
be skeptical about everything, and because of that I never get to
experience the amazing thing that I’m trying, that I’m testing,
that I’m trying to figure out if it’s going to work.
So I was just sharing that with you guys because I know that
it’s a real thing, a lot of people were raised very skeptical, you
have parents that are skeptical, you have family members who are
skeptical. I want you to look at them for a little bit and be like,
‘were they successful, are they successful in the thing I want to
be successful in?’ maybe it’s their frame of skepticism that they
have in front of the situation that’s keeping them from success.
And they passed it on to me. So either I can be skeptical too and
get the same result they got, or what if I destroy this frame, I
smash my skepticism, I go in with belief and faith and then see
what happens.
And I guarantee, you can pick any diet off the shelf, this is a
reality, In fact, I saw a study one time of “which diet is the best
diet” and guess what, when all was said and done over a six month
period of time, all diets worked pretty much the same. The only
thing that really mattered is if the person stuck to the diet or
not. It doesn’t matter if you’re keto, or you’re paleo, whatever it
is, you pick and as long as you stick with it, and you have belief
in it, you’re going to be successful with it. Isn’t that crazy?
So it’s the same thing with all things in life. The frame you
enter the situation in will effect if you’re successful or not. If
you go in with the frame of belief and trying and openness and
willingness, you have a shot of being successful. If you go in with
skepticism you have zero chance of success. Zero, not even a half
of a percent. You are zero percent chance of success. So why would
you even, all you’re doing, the definition of the word dam is stop
something, you’re damming yourself from the success you want.
You’re putting up this huge dam to block you from success. That’s
all that skepticism is, and it’s what you’re creating when you do
So I’m just wanting to share this with you because I want to
encourage you guys to break down those frames in whatever aspects
of your life that you’re trying to change and you’re growing,
because it will stop you from becoming who you need to become.
Skepticism does not serve you in any situation. I can say, up front
you can be skeptical about like, don’t jump into every single, I’ve
seen a lot of friends get burned, so don’t jump into every single
thing. But when you look at something and you see the fruits of it,
and you see, oh my gosh, this thing looks like it works and I see
tons of people having success. And you look at the fruits of
something, and when you decide, I’m going to commit, I’m going to
go this way. That’s when your skepticism goes off, right.
It’s kind of like, somebody told me when I first got married,
they said, “When you’re dating you need to notice every single
thing. But after you get married, you get to become blind to
everything.” Or something, I can’t remember. There’s a more
eloquent way to say that, but when you’re dating you should be
looking at every single flaw in your potential partners because
you’re trying to figure out the right person. But after you find
that person, boom, blinders to everything that needs to be perfect.
And if you do that you’ll have a successful marriage. Because if
you have this frame of looking at every single problem with you
partner, you’re going to struggle in marriage.
So it’s the same thing, when you’re looking at the opportunity
of like, “I want to lose weight.” Look at all the different
options, look at, be skeptical. At that point be like, this is the
direction I’m going to go, and then you have to smash your
skepticism and only lead into that with belief, otherwise you’re
going to struggle. So I hope that helps. I hope that helps somebody
who was listening. I appreciate you guys all for listening. Your attention means the world to me, and I appreciate you giving some
to me.
If you enjoyed this episode at all, please take a screen shot of
it, post it on Instagram and tag me. I finally figured out there’s a
little button in Instagram where I can see everyone who’s ever
tagged me on a post. So tag me and it will show up in my feed and
I’ll be able to see it. It’ll be so cool. Alright, thanks
everybody. I’ll talk to you again soon. Alright, bye.