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254 - NZT Time

254 - NZT Time

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The daily template I built out this week to help maximize world domination.

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You can’t change it when it’s set in ink, right? So I got it printed out, I’m carrying it with me and I’m going to try this week to follow that template to a t, as perfect as I can. The reason I sacrificed some things, it means The Bachelor in Paradise, I will not be able to watch it tonight because it wasn’t on the template. I’ll shift those things to Saturday, they’ll be Saturday activities. Everything else that’s fun that doesn’t fit in those, I will shift those things to the weekend. Weekends I’ll be more free. Weekends are all about for us, getting projects done and then playing with the kids and really just having fun there. And Sunday is more of a church, family time. So that’s kind of the game plan. So I’ll be, at least this week, trying to be perfect in the template. So I recommend for you guys if you don’t have a template yet, to go build one.


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Hey everyone, good morning, this is Russell and today’s the first day of school so today is a back to school special of Marketing in Your Car. Hey everyone, I hope life and everything is amazing.

I appreciate you guys so much and so glad that you are listening and hanging out with us. I am excited today. Our kids started back to school, which means we get back to a normal schedule. No more staying up til midnight watching movies, no more sleeping in, no more anything. So today I was up early at 5 and I have been pounding through things. It’s now 8:44 and I’ve lived an entire day.

Now I’m heading to the office, which is exciting, it’s been really fun. But what I did, and this is what I want to talk to you about because this is important. Yesterday I was like, I’m going to create a schedule and actually stick to it. And a lot of times we have our daily to-do’s that we go through and we have our Google Calendar where everything is calendared out. But I wanted a framework that I could live my week around. So I was like, I don’t know how to do that. I can’t really do that in Google Calendar, I can’t really do it on….I don’t know.

So I was like, I’m going to just make a framework in Excel. Now, I hate Excel, so this is good for any of you guys who are wondering, you don’t have to have any Excel skills to do what I did because I did it without being good at Excel. But I opened up Excel and left hand side, I started breaking down time. And the morning, my morning routine is a lot tighter, minute by minute of what I need to get done. The afternoon is bigger time and then night is bigger as well.

So I broke it down. For when I wake up, I got 15 minute segments, so 5:00, 5:15, 5:30, 5:45. 6:00, 6:15 like that all the way until the morning. So I did that on the left hand side. And on the right hand side I went Monday through Friday, because Saturday and Sunday are just different days. But Monday through Friday I want to follow a strict, stringent schedule. So I kind of build out the calendar, and again this is not something that shifts day to day, week to week. This is the template, then everything else kind of plugs inside of it.

So I did that and then had the template, and then start breaking it down. It took a while, it took me probably an hour and a half, two hours. Kind of kept shifting things around, moving around, trying to find the perfect schedule for the perfect day. You can tell this life radio right, because I’m coughing in the middle. I apologize. So trying to do that, and if you guys listen to my podcast a little while ago about the Perfect Day formula from Greg Valentine stuff, and I kind of started building my perfect day, but it was hard to stick to it because I just kind of had it, but I didn’t have a template of where things are plugged in

. So anyway, after about an hour and a half yesterday, I had this template and everything fits. So my goal is this week, is to live the template perfectly and not deviate from it at all. I’ll kind of give you guys an idea of what my template looks like. And everybody’s is going to be different obviously, but this is what mine is. So Monday I start it at 5. From 5 til 6 I have funnel time. So I get up and work on my funnels, my projects, my books and things like that.

I found that by leading the day with something that really gets me excited, where there’s pure pleasure and no pain associated with it, it’s easier to get up. When I have to wake up at 5 to go lift, there’s pleasure associated with it, but there’s also a lot of pain, so it was harder. So I’m starting my day with what I would want to do the most. So I wake up, boom from 5 til 6 on Monday is funnel time, and then from 6 til 7 we have weight lifting time, so that’s when I head out to my gym and then invite anyone else who wants to come.

Today was kind of fun, Brent and John both came, and Dave came and Steven came, and Dave’s son came. It was a big party today. So that’s kind of what happened from 6 til 7. And I’m trying to do this thing, I used to do it, where Monday I would do back and biceps, Wednesday chest and triceps and Friday would be legs, and the problem with that, I was talking to Alex Hormozi, one of our Inner Circle members and a stud.

He talked about, he’s like, “If you want to be good at anything in life, it’s all about volume. You want to be good at marketing, volume. Just study like crazy and do a bunch of stuff. You want to get good at lifting, it’s all volume. Right now you are lifting out each of your body parts once a week, you should do it three times a week.” I was like, alright. So today we lifted everything. We did a circuit, a heavy circuit. We did legs, back, biceps, chest, triceps. Kind of pounded all of them, which was really, really fun. I actually got done in less than an hour, which is cool.

Super intense, just lifted hard and heavy and as soon as that was done, at 7 til 7:30, we’ve got a cryo session. So we jumped on over to the cryosauna, everyone wanted a freeze, froze, which is kind of cool. Then from 7:30 til 8:30, is my family time. That’s about the time my kids are waking up. So I jump out and have breakfast with them, and then we got them ready, got school pictures and then they headed out the door. From 8:30 til 9 is Marketing in Your Car/driving to the office, which is what’s happening right now. We’re in the middle of this day, you guys are part of it.

When I get to the office I’ve got about 15 minutes to kind of plan out what’s happening, and then I have what’s called NZT time. So NZT time, if you guys have been watching Limitless, the movie or TV series, both are amazing. If you do, watch the movie first and then go watch the TV series. But in there, there’s this magic new tropic called NZT, where you take it and all the sudden you are in the zone. Unfortunately, there’s not a real thing called NZT that actually works like it, but there’s a thing called Keto OS, similar.

It’s got caffeine in it, it’s amazing. And normally I was taking that first thing in the morning, the problem is that by the time I get to the office it had all worn off, so what’s happening now is I’m bringing in my NZT, which is my Keto OS along with a bunch of supplements and stuff. So as soon as I get there, I’m going to plan my day and it becomes NZT time. Basically I’m going to drink the stuff, I get my caffeine boost, focus and it’s my NZT time.

So if you watch the TV show, Limitless, basically what happens is he comes in every morning, he takes NZT and he’s got a 12 hour window where the NZT works and he’s like a genius for 12 hours. So I’m going to do the same thing, except for instead of 12 hours it’s closer to 6 hours. Take my thing and then it’ll ….obviously it’s not the same as NZT but it’s like…..there’s something really cool with rituals and with doing things to get yourself into a state.

So I’m trying to create a state called my NZT state, which is like everything is focused. Boom, I take this drink and now I’m in focus mode. I’m out of reactive zone. I can’t answer emails, can’t check emails, can’t do anything. Just gotta move forward on the projects. So it’s, obviously there’s a little caffeine boost, which always feels good. And I like drinking Keto OS because it tastes good and you get ketones in your body, a whole bunch of benefits. But it’s more so the initiation of the state. If you’ve been to a Tony Robbins event, you learn how to get yourself in a state instantly.

You learn how to create triggers and things to get you back into that state. So this is going to be my trigger. That as well as the song, Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes, always gets me in a state. So I will drink that while I listen to that music and it will automatically get me in a NZT state, which is where I’m going to be most productive and I will work like crazy through my NZT state, which will be about 6 hours. It will be probably somewhere between 10 and 4. That’s 6 hours right.

Yeah, 10 to 4 will be my NZT state, which is all proactive, moving forward time, which will be amazing. About 4 I kind of go out of that. That’s when I check emails, Voxers, catch up on everything. Then at 5 I shift to family time. From 5 til 9 is family time, so me and the kids are partying, playing, my wife as well. Reading scriptures, having dinner, playing. And then at 9 the kids go to bed. From 9 til 10 I’ve got scripture study time, which is going to be me in bed with some Biohacking device, so I’ve got all sorts of weird, crazy crap that Anthony’s got me hooked to.

Different lights and lasers and things so I’ll be sitting in bed from 9 til 10 hooked up to lights and lasers as I read my scriptures, get my spiritual time in, re-focus, re-center. Then at 10 at night, try to go to bed, which is hard for me, but it’s the only way to get up at 5. So that is Monday. Tuesday will be similar; the only difference is I’m not lifting on Tuesday. On Tuesday morning I wake up, I’m actually going to start with a float in the float tank for an hour.

My float tank time is my gratitude time. So I sit in the float tank and I think about everything I’m grateful for, and not at a high level, but person by person by person. So my wife, my kids, each one of my kids. I think about each of them and be grateful for them, and then I go through my parents, my siblings, my staff, my team and I go person by person and think about what I’m grateful about each of these people for, until I fall asleep, which is usually what happens. Because I don’t really know how to meditate and it seems weird to me and I don’t really like the idea of meditating, but I do love being in the float tank.

So when I’m in the float tank, that’s what I do. I go person by person and think about them and what I’m grateful for. And when you wake up after that, you just feel good. So I got float tank in the morning from 5 til 6:15. At 6:15 I got my energy session with Tara Williams, so I’ll be doing that for an hour, til 7:15. At 7:15 boom, that’s when kids are getting up and my morning routine from that point Tuesday is pretty much the same. Wednesday will be very similar to Monday. Thursday I don’t have an energy session, so I’m going to basically start the morning with funnel time for an hour, then do a float session.

And then Friday is pretty much the same as Monday and Wednesday. The only difference is Friday at 4 I leave the office and I shift into date time. My wife and I have dates a couple times a month. Now we’re going to make it where every Friday it happens, regardless. I’m Mormon, so one thing we’re going to do is try to once a month go to the temple during that time, and three times a month doing dates. Probably dates by ourselves, maybe inviting friends to dates.

Basically every Friday night will be locked down to date time. There you go, there is my template for Monday through Friday. Oh, and one other thing. Thursday night from 9 til 11, I threw in wrestling time. So I’m inviting some of my wrestling buddies over and I will wrestle for 2 hours every Thursday night, which is something that feeds me and fuels me and gets me excited. So thursday night is wrestling time. So there’s my template, its printed out and literally set in ink.

You can’t change it when it’s set in ink, right? So I got it printed out, I’m carrying it with me and I’m going to try this week to follow that template to a t, as perfect as I can. The reason I sacrificed some things, it means The Bachelor in Paradise, I will not be able to watch it tonight because it wasn’t on the template. I’ll shift those things to Saturday, they’ll be Saturday activities.

Everything else that’s fun that doesn’t fit in those, I will shift those things to the weekend. Weekends I’ll be more free. Weekends are all about for us, getting projects done and then playing with the kids and really just having fun there. And Sunday is more of a church, family time. So that’s kind of the game plan. So I’ll be, at least this week, trying to be perfect in the template. So I recommend for you guys if you don’t have a template yet, to go build one.

Again, it’s not going into your Google calendar and blocking out hour by hour, because those are for your minute by minute things, that’s what’s happening inside your NZT zone or whatever those things are for you. For me, this is a template that’s printed out that I can look at and say, “From this block this is where I need to be and what I need to be doing.” Anyway, I’ m excited to try it out, and I’ll let you know throughout this week how it goes. But that’s what’s happening.

Hope that helps a little bit. That is my schedule and that’s all I got you guys. I’m almost to the office, we’re doing a marketing hack-a-thon this week during NZT time, and it’s going to be fun. I’ll be snapchatting and just grabbing some of the behind the scenes, so if you want to see what we’re doing, come hang out over there. Alright guys, thanks so much for everything and we’ll talk to you guys all again soon, bye.


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