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255 - State Control

255 - State Control

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The key to getting people to have the same epiphany that you had.

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Best Quote:

If your job is to tell this epiphany story, this epiphany bridge and you’re trying to give somebody the same epiphany that you had, obviously you tell the story and you hope that the moral of the story is the same thing they get, they the same “Wow. I should have a funnel. Wow, I should definitely change my career. Wow, I should do this way to lose weight.” Or whatever that epiphany to have is. For them to get the same epiphany you had, you have to try to get them in the same state that you were in when you had that epiphany.


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Hey everyone, good morning. This is Russell Brunson and welcome to, you know where we are, we are here today with Marketing In Your Car. Alright everyone, I hope you guys are doing good. I am on day number two of my routine.

Not going to lie, I am feeling it. For some reason I couldn’t fall asleep last night, probably because we turned on bachelor in Paradise and that was dumb. As soon as that started, it was like, there’s 2 hours of my life that I’m not going to get back. It’s actually less than that because I can fast forward through the commercials, but it was still way too much time.

So probably about 11 I passed out on the couch, wake up and I’m like, “Oh crap, I’m already an hour past bedtime, I gotta wake up at 5.” So I jumped into bed and then for some reason I couldn’t sleep until 12:30 and then I finally fell asleep until Norah woke up at like 2. Tough night. 5 the alarm clock goes off, I jumped in the float tank and floated, which was really nice. Then I had my call with Tara, my energy session, which was amazing and cool and weird and I don’t know.

But it’s good, so I really enjoyed it. And now here we are, we’re driving to the office. So I wanted to tell you guys today, I don’t know about you guys, but I love just the art and science of what we do. This whole marketing game. So for me, it’s like here’s the scientific funnel structures that we know work, and within that framework then we have the art. How do we get it to break people’s patterns and cause emotion and get people to connect and bring them back to where they’re at? It’s interesting, one of the coolest things that I figured out as I have been writing the new Expert Secrets book, it’s just cool.

If nothing else, writing a book is cool because it causes you to deep dive, immersion, all the stuff we’ve been talking about the last couple of weeks. All these cool things come out. And one of the things we were talking about in the book is the whole epiphany bridge concept. I showed you guys a bunch of times, and if you missed that go back to and search for one of the episodes on epiphany bridges. But it’s coming back to rewinding and trying, not to sell people, but to get people to buy into what it is you’re selling.

So that’s the difference between selling and getting people to buy into what you’re selling. It’s like, trying to get them into buying into something. So I have to cause an emotion for them to be able to buy into that. So for me, a lot of times it’s going back and telling the back story. So you figure out, you start this back story, and the back story is important because where you’re at today, is where your audience wants to be, that’s why they’re listening to you.

So your back story brings it back to the spot where you’re starting in the same spot they’re at. So that’s the key, it’s coming off of your pinnacle or whatever you want to call it, the mountain on high, where people are looking at your success and coming back down the mountain and standing where they’re at and saying, “Hey, let me tell you about where I was in the same spot, because you want to get to the top of the mountain, that’s where am right now.

Let me share with you how I got there.” So you step down off the mountain and you share this back story. You bring them through this process and then you’re telling them about the epiphany you had. Whatever that process or the thing you learned or read or discovered or whatever. Somewhere you had this epiphany that caused you to move and that was kind of the process.

There’s a whole bunch in the other podcast about how the epiphany is getting people emotionally connected and things like that. But one of the interesting things, so we talked about in the book, a lot of people tell stories and just kind of tell the story. But if you want to become good at telling stories you have to move away from just the telling of the story.

The facts and the details, like “Hey, I woke up this morning and I was really tired so I blah blah blah.” And just tell the story, a lot of people tell stories like that. And getting into the feeling side of it, if you read good books you’ll notice when you read the book the author doesn’t just say, “Hey I walked into the room and then I went to the bathroom and then I left.”

The author walks in the room and he describes the room. “I walked in the room and on the side I could see the paintings that were kind of dusty and they were off center so you could tell they hadn’t been upkept, and the lights in here, one of them was kind of flickering and it gave this dim shimmer on the room. And there was kind of this music you could hear quietly in the background, almost like elevator music but even more quiet. I could smell this musty cigar smell that reminded me of my grandpa and reminded me about back in the day when he used to bounce me on his knees.”

So I’m describing the scene to you, number one. Number two starts bringing you into the emotional things, like how you feel. “As I walked through that door, my hands started to sweat. And as I did that my mouth started getting dry and I had this weird feeling where I couldn’t swallow. I tried to swallow but it got stuck on the swallow. And then that thing that was stuck in my throat and started to swell and I felt like I was going to choke on it, because I couldn’t quite get it through.

So I had to cough to get that pressure off my thing and all I could think about was how thirsty I was and I needed some water quick. So I looked over to the bartender and I saw…blah, blah, blah.” So that’s the story and it starts bringing you into the actual feelings. So he starts describing how you feel and the emotions and the senses and you start kind of describing those things. In the book, and in the event we did last week or two weeks ago, whenever that was, we talked a lot about me telling stories. How to tell them, how to get deep into the emotional side and painting a picture.

And I was thinking about it and how to write this section of the book, I was like, “Why is that so important?” and all the sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks. If your job is to tell this epiphany story, this epiphany bridge and you’re trying to give somebody the same epiphany that you had, obviously you tell the story and you hope that the moral of the story is the same thing they get, they the same “Wow. I should have a funnel. Wow, I should definitely change my career. Wow, I should do this way to lose weight.”

Or whatever that epiphany to have is. For them to get the same epiphany you had, you have to try to get them in the same state that you were in when you had that epiphany. That’s the key, that’s the big aha I had this week. It’s all about state control. I should do a whole course on this, it’s so cool when you start understanding it. I learned it originally from Tony Robbins. How to get in a state instantly. If you search Tony Robbins, search the Triad, it’s a concept he talks about where it’s basically there’s 3 things you need to do to get in state any time.

Your physiology, what your body is doing. Then there’s pop quiz if I remember them. Physiology, focus and meaning. So what you’re focusing on and the meaning you’re attaching to things. And you can instantly get into any state as soon as you understand the pieces that go into state control. You can instantly go into a state. I want to be in a happy state. Boom, you can do it by changing your physiology, change what you think about, change your focus. Boom, boom, boom, really quickly you can get into a happy state, or a depressed state. State control is the key when you understand it.

So when you understand it for yourself and how you can, not manipulate, but how you can control it and use it at certain times, the same things happening when you’re telling your stories. You were in a certain state when you had that epiphany, so because of that, the change happened. Have you had a friend that tells you a story and they’re like, “The most amazing thing happened ever! It changed my whole life.” They tell you the thing. “This was the thing.”

And you’re like, “That’s it? Dude, that’s not a big deal.” And they’re like, “No, you don’t understand. When I heard it, it changed everything.” And you’re like, “It’s not …” and the reason it’s not a big deal to you is you’re in a different state when you heard it. So the state you’re in, it’s not that impressionable. You’re like, “Oh, yeah. Whatever.” The power behind the epiphany that they had when they share it with you, because you are in a different state, you miss it.

There’s no emotion to it. So for one of our stories when we go back and tell our stories, when we’re telling this epiphany bridge, the goal of the story is to get them into the same state that you were in. Because if they’re in the same state you’re in, you control that state and get them to that same state, then they’re more likely to have the epiphany you are trying to get them to make. Does that make sense? I haven’t verbally talked about this, I’m kind of thinking through it live on this podcast to help you think through it.

But that’s the key, that’s why it’s good to start understanding the principles of good storytelling. And understanding how to describe the scene that you were in and describe the feelings that you felt, the emotions. Because you describe those things, even though that person is not there, you start telling this story. Like I told you guys the story of the room I walked into. That was all make believe on top of my head, but I’m guessing you guys had a vision and you felt like you were in that spot. And I talked about how I felt when I walked in, my nervous system and the lump in my throat and how thirsty I was.

For a minute you guys were taken to that spot. You have to be as I describe it. So for you as you’re trying to tell your stories and give people an epiphany, think about that. It’s not just you have to tell them the story to give them the same epiphany. You have to get them in the same state you were in, and you do that through how you tell the story.

Through breaking down the environment and the emotions and all these kinds of things, because when you have those two things in the storytelling process, if you do it correctly you’ll get that person closer and closer and closer to the state that you were in when you had the epiphany. When you share that piece of the story they’re much more likely to have the same epiphany you had. So that’s it you guys. It’s all about state control, so exciting.

So I would recommend, here’s your homework assignment. Google Tony Robbins, State Triad, I don’t even know, search Google, Youtube. Find some videos of tony teaching about that, because you need to understand how to do state control for yourself. How to control the state you’re going into, which is powerful. But then second off, you start understanding, as I’m telling my stories these are the things that I’ve got to control in the story. I gotta control the physiology, so how do I do that? I explain my physiology. I want to control their focus, I gotta control the meaning, I gotta control all these different things. How do I do that?

By sharing what I was thinking. By sharing my meanings I was attaching. By sharing all those kind of things. So state control. I’m excited. I want to write a whole book on that now. Just kidding. No time for that. No more books. I swore I’d never write a book again after this one, but it would be a cool topic. Maybe we’ll do a training, a deeper one on it. But state control is pretty exciting.

So there you go, you guys. Hope that kind of helps as you are doing your stories, writing your webinars, crafting your pitches, connecting with people. Think a little bit more about state control. Alright that’s what I got. See you later, have an amazing day. Oh wait, you guys want one more last value bomb. We learned something cool today, yesterday actually. So Clickbank makes us, when we have a button, you have to have a text version of the button underneath it, so let’s say the button says, “Click here, order now.”

Underneath that you gotta have a blue underline link “Click here to order now.” Looks ugly and that was annoying. But Clickbank on their rules said you have to have that, so we had to do it on this thing. So for the Free Water Straw funnel we launched last Thursday, John threw on this heat mapping software, which he always does on the pages, it’s kind of interesting. So he threw it on there to see what’s happening.

And what’s interesting is if you look at the page where people are clicking, we’ve got the video, the call to action button, copy, call to action, copy, call to action, anyway the last button, the thing that had the majority of the clicks on the page was on page 3 or page 4 in this funnel and it was the blue underline link underneath the button. Crazy, crazy.

So guess what I’m doing right now. I’m going back to every button on every one of my pages and making a blue underline link underneath it. Because It’ll increase your click through rate. All my emails going out will no longer ever have just a button. They will have a button with the blue underline text underneath it, so there you go, guys. There’s a little value bomb for you today. Alright, that’s what I got. Peace you guys, have an amazing day. Talk to you soon.


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