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28 - The New Backend


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We’re testing a new backend selling system, and so far we’re loving it!  Get the details on today’s podcast!

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It’s not us trying to convince them to buy something. It’s about just trying to see if it’s a good fit. It’s been interesting. I’m really enjoying it so far. I’m sure over the next few weeks and months I’ll report back as we sort of master this thing. So far, that’s where it’s at. Anyway, if you’re looking at selling high-ticket stuff, it’s interesting for me to look at these models and play with them a little bit. Look at that. Look at putting up an application for some high-ticket thing you have. Send an email to your list or go on Facebook and target the perfect, ideal buyer for yourself, and then have that application for them to call on the phone and have that happen.


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This is Russell Brunson and this is the Marketing in your car Podcast. Hey, guys and gals. It has been a little while since we’ve done a podcast, mostly because I’ve just been gone. We did some crazy trips, spent some time in New York.

I went to the Dominican Republic. I was gone for all of August. It’s just been crazy. I apologize, I’ve not been as faithful. But I am back now and ready to rock and roll. It’s been an interesting last couple of weeks or so. We’ve been trying to figure out ways to separate our businesses.

I didn’t really think about my business very well when it got started. We launched and this other thing and this other thing, and now we have like five or six other brands under DotComSecretsLocal, DotComSecretsX, DotComSecretsLabs.

Every one of those really caters to a different market. DotComSecretsX is more for beginners and internet marketers, whereas DotComSecrets is more for startups. We’re trying to think about how to separate everything and still keep it together. We finally figured out a way. I’m excited. Over the next month or so you’ll see us roll out this new model I am really excited about. That’s cool.

Another thing I want to talk about today because I’ve been in the middle of it for the last little while: some of you know we had a call center that we built up to about 60 sales guys with about 12 coaches fulfilling what the sales guys were selling. It was a big operation. It was kind of a nightmare, not going to lie. But it was fun and we had a good time with it. About three years ago we shut it down.

There were a lot of reasons why we shut it down. Liability was one of them. It was interesting. For the last two and a half or three years, we haven’t sold really high-ticket back-end stuff. I always missed that money. I’ve been trying to figure out what is the best way to do it. I tried selling high-ticket stuff off of webinars. It didn’t work so well.

One of the nice things about the phone is you can sell really high-ticket stuff, but I do not want to sentence myself into having 60 sales guys. I’ve been watching a lot of different people and a lot of different markets. I’m one of those guys who buys from everybody and watches what they’re doing and listens in to see what is working right now. I’ve seen people in a bunch of different industries who are doing call centers and doing similar revenue numbers to what we were doing when we had 60 people, but they’re doing it with one or two people.

It’s really interesting. Basically it comes down to just a couple little things. The first one, and this is the big key, is laser targeting who it is you want to sell to. When we were doing the call center with 60 sales guys, we made our offer so low-barrier that it opened up the world to everybody. Everybody would want it. We called every single person in the world trying to sell this coaching.

The hard thing about that is we had 60 guys to call every single lead and filter and find out who these people were, whereas most people are doing it very small-scale. They are laser targeting their audience, primarily through Facebook and direct mail and things like that. When we had our call center, I had to get between 5,000-8,000 buyer leads a month to keep the floor open, which is crazy. With this new model, you only have to get about 60 applications a month to make similar numbers.

In laser marketing you’re not trying to sell to everybody in the world. You’re trying to figure out who is your perfect ideal client who would really want this. That’s who you go and you target. That was the first thing that was interesting. The next thing is that, instead of trying to sell them something, when we would call them blindly and try to upsell them to coaching, you switch around and you make them apply for it. You make them fill out this huge application.

The more questions, the better, because you want them to actually think about it. Again, it’s just another filtering technique that pulls out more and more people. Then we do the call. The call is a lot easier, because at that point they know they’re going to be sold something. They are interested in the topic anyway and it becomes really easy. We launched our first new call center yesterday and it’s been interesting. We sent out some messages and we got about 100 and something applications back so far. We are calling those and the conversation is really different.

It’s not us trying to convince them to buy something. It’s about just trying to see if it’s a good fit. It’s been interesting. I’m really enjoying it so far. I’m sure over the next few weeks and months I’ll report back as we sort of master this thing. So far, that’s where it’s at. Anyway, if you’re looking at selling high-ticket stuff, it’s interesting for me to look at these models and play with them a little bit. Look at that.

Look at putting up an application for some high-ticket thing you have. Send an email to your list or go on Facebook and target the perfect, ideal buyer for yourself, and then have that application for them to call on the phone and have that happen. It’s been working pretty good for us so far.

I just got here to the office. I’m hoping we’re going to close a whole bunch of deals today and change people’s lives with the stuff we do for them. It’s going to be exciting. Anyway, I appreciate you guys. I hope you enjoy this podcast and I dare, you I double dare you, to go out and test some of these strategies. Thanks, everybody, and I will talk to you soon.


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