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294 - Simple Affiliate Funnels

294 - Simple Affiliate Funnels

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Highlights from my keynote speech at Affiliate Summit.

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Best Quote:

You find the hot offer that people are already buying and that’s kind of the first step. And then let’s say they have a video sales letter. They got some way they’re selling it, I want to watch that video and try to figure out what’s the one most interesting curiosity based thing in this sales process.


-- ClickFunnels: Everything you need to start market, sell, and deliver your products and services online (without having to hire or rely on a tech team!)

-- DotComSecrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online With Sales Funnels."

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Hey everyone, this is Russell. Welcome back to Marketing In Your Car. I just got out of the airport, back to Boise Idaho, sitting in my car and it is so cold, I am dying. It’s literally, I think zero degrees, maybe negative one or two right night. I have a light jacket on so if I’m chattering during this episode, that’s why. I’m driving back to the office, then back home and I just wanted to talk to you guys for a little bit.

So I was at Affiliate Summit yesterday, which some of you guys were there. Which is kind of fun, I met some of you guys there. Affiliate Summit is a really strange event. It’s an event, it’s not even an event, I don’t even know. The events I go to, that we put on, Funnel Hacking Live, for those of you coming to Funnel Hacking Live, it’s like a rock concert. Tons of energy and emotion and it’s a really, really fun thing.

Here it’s like, a whole bunch of people have booths, we had a booth. Then there’s probably like 500 other booths. Then people come and pay to walk around the booths. Then they have little break out rooms of 100 people at a time, and you can go to the break out room to hear the little speakers. So I don’t normally speak much, but Affiliate Summit was a big deal because a long time ago I went to it and I was like, “This is so cool, these guys are affiliates who are making money.” I thought it was really cool so I wanted to, I thought it would be cool to speak at. I didn’t realize what exactly that meant until we got here.

I was like, oh wow so there’s 6 thousand people at the event, but the biggest room they have holds about 150 people. They’re like, “Yep.” And people have to pay extra to come to your session. I’m like, this is the stupidest business model I’ve ever heard of. Anyway, whatever.

So the first day we walked around the booth and I walk by and this little guy comes and grabs me, and I’m like, “Hey, how’s it going?” and I recognized him, you know that feeling when you’re like I know you somehow, but I don’t know how I know you and it’s kind of awkward. I’m trying to not awkwardly look down to your nametag to read your name because then you know that I forgot who you were. So I’m just like, “hey!” We were talking, and after a while I realized who he is. He was the media buyer we used for Neuracel, he’s the one who took Neuracel and blew it up over.

I was like, “oh man, how’s it going?” and he’s like, “I left that company, I went over here to this other company. Dude, I gotta thank you for introducing me to Trey.” I’m like, “What do you mean?” and he’s like, “Trey Lewellen.” and I’m like, “Yeah?” and he’s like, “When you introduced him to us, he had this really weird flashlight offer that no one thought was going to work and I tried to blow him off four or five times, but finally he was so persistent. He prepaid all this stuff, so I had an affiliate run his offer and dude, you probably don’t know this, it was the biggest affiliate offer in the history of affiliate marketing. That offer did over $10 million in the first 90 days. There’s never been an offer that big.”

I was like, “Dude, that is insane. It’s interesting, I didn’t get a piece of any of that, I introduced you. I could introduce you to a lot more people, but man if you don’t, I got nothing out of that.” I’m just kidding, I was joking with him. But it’s kind of true. At least you should have sent me a Christmas present or something, I don’t know.

Anyway, that was kind of cool. He looked at me and said, “Dude, Russell, do you understand what you guys have done with Clickfunnels?” “What do you mean?” “You’ve changed marketing forever. You’ve changed affiliate marketing. You’ve changed everything.” I’m like, “What do you mean?” He’s like, “Pre Clickfunnels, I had maybe 5 or 6 guys come to me that had an offer that we could run. Now I’ve got 16 year old kids with offers that are converting and they’re making millions of bucks. That never happened. You’ve literally given everybody the ability, everybody equal playing ground, everybody can be in this business.”

And I was just like, dang. That was two cool compliments in one thing. I was like, “You don’t have to pay me any percentage of that 10 million bucks now, because that was awesome.” So that was kind of cool, I wanted to share with you guys.

Then we had our Clickfunnels booth that was really, really cool. We’re not a big booth company yet. I hate booths, this is why. Every other type of marketing on planet earth, we are very big on. If we can’t see the ROI, the immediate return on investment, track able, then we don’t do it. Booths you can’t. It’s like, okay we have this booth. But it’s like, all our competitors are at these shows and if we’re not there, they’re talking trash about us, we assume. So we gotta kind of be there, it’s frustrating.

So we had the booth, it was awesome. Bunch of my favorite people were there working the booth, it was pretty cool. Then I had a chance to speak, the topic they gave me was affiliate funnels. I had 18 minutes to speak. I think they’re trying to be ted talks except they’re not. So I had 18 minutes to speak on this thing, so everyone comes into the room initially. The speaker right before me, I was sitting in the room because I wanted to see what was going to happen, and there were literally two people sitting in the room. I was like, are you kidding me? No one’s going to be coming to hear me, this is so awkward.

Because people had to pay extra. You pay to go to the booths, and pay extra to hear to a speaker. Anyway, I’m like, no one’s going to come. So my whole team is trying, I’m like tell everyone. Try to get people to come to my thing. Because I don’t want to be the only talking to myself, that’s really awkward. But luckily, they went and got some people. We ended up with probably close to 100 people in the room. They said it was the biggest audience of any of the breakout sessions, so that was kind of cool, I guess. Of 5 or 6 thousand supposed attendees, we got 100 to sit in a room for 18 minutes.

So then I get in this room and it’s set up so weird. There’s this stage, but there’s a pole, there’s all these chairs, it was so stuffy and corporatey. Ugh. I hate this corporatey, crappy stuff. So I start my slides up and jump down off the stage and come out in the front. I’m like, “I’m not standing behind there guys. We’re hanging out down here.” And I started it and give my whole presentation, and it was funny because I was trying to get this audience to be excited about life and the fact that we’re in the greatest time in the history of the world. I’m like, “You guys are affiliate marketers. Do you realize what that means? You can and should be making millions of dollars. And you don’t have to go to college, and you don’t have to have annoying bosses and all the crap that comes. You guys are living the dream.”

And they’re all just sitting there like, “Blah.” So unexcited. So I spent the 18 minutes trying to get them to smile. I’m telling jokes trying to get fun and exciting. I hate when people’s energy is that low and it’s hard to get them to, I don’t think it’s the people. I think it’s the environment. The whole event is so corporatey and it just kind of ruins it. I was telling people, “you come to one of our events and it’s a lot closer to a rock concert than it is this, at all.” I hated school, so we’re not doing school. We are doing something that’s actually conducive to learning and emotional, I want people crying in our audience. We have that. I want transformations, and that doesn’t happen with school.

I don’t know about you but, I cried at school but it wasn’t because I had a life changing moment, it was because I wanted to kill myself because all the crap they taught was useless. So that’s my…where this whole thing happened. So I’m trying to think with these guys. There’s two slides and I showed my first slide. I was like, “I have kind of a unique angle.” At an affiliate summit, just so you know, there’s the vendors who have products or there’s the networks, the affiliate networks, where they’re selling a bunch of products. And then there’s the other side, which are the actual affiliates. So I knew there were two audiences.

So I was like, “How many of you guys are affiliates, how many of you guys are networks, how many are both?” It was kind of split down the middle. I was like, “I come from a unique perspective, because first off, I’m a really successful affiliate. This is a Ferrari I won in an affiliate contest.” I showed them the Ferrari I won, “But I’m also a really successful vendor, network. In fact, that same Ferrari I gave away two years later. I won a Ferrari as an affiliate and I’ve given away that Ferrari to an affiliate. So I’ve been on both sides of this game. So I have a kind of unique perspective.” And I wanted to show them, this is how simple this business could be.

So this is the moral for this for you guys. Those of you guys who are listening and who want to be affiliates. I talked about simple affiliate funnels and I said basically, this is the process. The first thing is you got to find a hot offer. Find what people are already buying. So let’s just say, for you it could be whatever. Something you’re excited and passionate about because potentially you’re going to be writing about it and hopefully someday if you are a good affiliate and make money there, you’re probably going to set up camp there and build an actual business and create your own products and services. But you have to figure out, find a hot offer. So boom, people are buying this thing, maybe it’s weight loss supplements or maybe it’s info product on dating or whatever it is you’re passionate about.

You find the hot offer that people are already buying and that’s kind of the first step. And then let’s say they have a video sales letter. They got some way they’re selling it, I want to watch that video and try to figure out what’s the one most interesting curiosity based thing in this sales process. So I’m watching it trying to figure out. So I watch the whole video. Maybe in the video they talk about, the example I showed was the diabetic, way to end diabetic pain. So I watched the video and in there they’re talking about this shake they make that diabetics can drink in the morning and make it so their hands don’t tingle.

I’m like, boom. That’s the one thing, intriguing and interesting. So I took that one thing in the video, pulled it out and made a headline. “Discover the weird shake you can drink in the morning that will kill diabetes nerve pain for the first four hours of the day.” Something like that. So for diabetics that saw it would be like, “That’s kind of cool.” So I turned that headline, the unique thing I pulled out of the video, make it a headline and put it on a squeeze page. “If you want to know this one weird shake I make, give me your email address.” So that’s the funnel’s one page.

So then I go and advertize on Facebook or whatever. “Hey diabetics, here’s one weird shake that you can….” And they see the ad and click on it, go to my landing page, see the headline, put their email address in. And after they put the email address in, guess what happens. It redirects them to the affiliate offer, they ten watch the video that gives them that one cool thing. And if I set it up right in Clickfunnels, it attracts my affiliate links, when they buy it, I get paid from the product. It’s so simple. Yet, we all try to over complicate affiliate marketing. So the one other thing that kind of, I guess it’s the layer of complexity, but it shouldn’t be. A lot of times, you’re not going to be profitable up front, because you’re an affiliate. So an affiliate, you’re making half the money.

That means the other half, the vendors getting, so unless their offer is really converting high, which sometimes they do, you may not break even immediately. You might spend a dollar on Facebook ads and make 50 cents. So what you gotta do next is then that person gave you their email address, now you build an email sequence. So maybe the first three email in the email sequence are like, “Hey, did you watch the video about the cool shake? Watch it here.” And your second one is like, “Here’s a testimonial of some dude who took the magic shake and their feet don’t hurt anymore. Watch the video.” Keep pushing back, two or three emails, pushing back to that original video.

And every email in that sequence will some to come back and actually watch the video and increase your conversions. And it’ll increase how much money you make off of that, off of each person you got to come through. Then after two or three emails you transition to a secondary product. One thing I do if I’m going as an affiliate in a new market, I’m not going to just find one hot offer. I’m going to find 4 or 5 that complement each other. So we have the supplement, an info product, coaching program, an ecommerce physical product, whatever. I find 5 or 6 different things that that client would want. And then in this email sequence I’m introducing different products.

“Okay, you tried the supplements, you saw the video about the weird shakes. Hopefully you bought that info product, because it will help you a lot. But the next thing is there’s these really cool supplements over here that have been known to lower nerve pain, you should buy these.” I have two or three emails talking about the nerve pain supplements. Then from there. transition to “If you’re still suffering from nerve pain you may need ‘blah’” and I find 5 or 6 different products to serve them and I build email sequences that sell each of those products.

When I was showing everybody the thing, the cool thing is when somebody comes in, and hopefully you guys are able to visualize this. If not, I have a way for you guys to kind of see this in action here in a second. If you’re getting lost, that’s okay I’ll show you where to go to see this. Hopefully you’re seeing this. You pay a dollar in Facebook ads, they come in and opt in. Somewhere in the sequence on day one, on average I make 30 cents per offer, day two I’m up to 45 cents. Day three I’m up to 60. Day 5 I’m up to 80 cents. Day 7 I averaged 90 cents. And by day 8 is my breakeven point. That’s where I’ve made my dollar back. So what’s cool is you gotta figure out, where’s your breakeven point?

We’ll look at that and say, on average in this funnel we’re spending a dollar on ads on Facebook or Youtube, or wherever you’re buying your ads from. But by day 8 I’ve made my buck back, it’s breakeven. Then guess what happens after day 8? Day 9 and beyond? Day 9 is magic because anything you make from day 9 and beyond is pure profit in your pocket. And that’s the magic in affiliate marketing.

It’s like building, it’s like an ATM machine. I want to create some money. I put a dollar in advertising in, I get two dollars back out. Sometimes it doesn’t always happen immediately, at point of sale. It might happen over 3 days, or 7 days or 10 days, but find out what’s your breakeven point. Now I know, hey I’m going to put a dollar in on Monday, by Friday I’ll have my dollar back and then everything I make Saturday, Sunday, Monday and the rest of my life, pure profit. That’s affiliate funnels. That’s what I showed those guys. Pretty cool right?

So for those of you guys who may have gotten lost in the explanation, it’s easier when I have a whiteboard because I can draw pictures, and circles and arrows. Those of you guys who have been with me for a while know that that’s what I like doing. There’s that. If you want to see me kind of sketch this out, I did a video that kind of explains this. You can see it for free if you just go to Oh I almost got hit by a Sherman Williams paint truck. I survived. No worries, you guys.

Alright, if you go to, there’s a video that talks about how to become a Clickfunnels super affiliate, and I walk through how to basically sell, because if you get 100 people to sign up for Clickfunnels, your commission on that is $4000 a month recurring, and it’s a car payment. So the whole video is how you’re going to retire as a Clickfunnels affiliate within the next 100 days. How to sell, basically get one person a day to sign up for Clickfunnels for 100 days, at that point you got a $4000 a month residual check from us, and you’ve got a car, which is amazing.

So will show you that process. So when you opt in for free the next page is a video from me where I kind of explain this, I just talked about. I talked about creating the squeeze, talking about opting in, talking about that sequence that’s happening, what your breakeven points are. It’ll kind of map the whole thing out for you. If you need, even if you don’t need more details, you should still go through that. In fact, if you have an affiliate program, or you want to run an affiliate program, you should go funnel hack that. That funnels been building our affiliate program really well for us. It’s at

Yeah, that’s just kind of another way if you want to look at this a bit deeper. So that’s the magic guys. That’s what I shared this weekend, the affiliate bootcamp. If you guys are, if you listen to this right away, you will find this video. If you listen to it 5 years from now it will be hard. But I did Facebook Live it, so if you go to my Facebook page, which is there is a video, we Facebook Lived the presentation, so you can see it there too if you want. See me trying to get these tired, non-excited affiliates as excited as humanly possible by walking them through this process.

But yeah, it was pretty fun. Anyway, I’m back home. I’m almost to the office, I’m going to get a couple of things done and head home, see my wife and kids and get back to the real world. So appreciate you guys all, thanks so much for listening. If you’re enjoying Marketing In Your Car, please go to iTunes and subscribe, share, comment, all that fun stuff. And if you do that, I’d really appreciate it. So thanks everybody, and we’ll talk to you all again soon. Bye.


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