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300 - Check Out My New Podcast "Traffic Secrets"!

300 - Check Out My New Podcast "Traffic Secrets"!

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Episode Recap:

I just launched the new Traffic Secrets podcast. If you want a sneak peek, check out today’s episode! You can subscribe to my new Traffic Secrets podcast here! On this episode, Russell walks you through the introduction of his new Traffic Secrets book where you’ll learn…

-- The 2 reasons that Russell’s business survived previous market crashes.

-- Why evergreen traffic strategies are so important… especially right now.

-- And listen until the end to find out where you can get 4 FREE FunnelFlix videos!

So listen to this episode to find out what Russell thinks is in the future for email, that will make having a large list even better.

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Marketing Secrets podcast
Marketing Secrets podcast
Marketing Secrets podcast
Marketing Secrets podcast

Best Quote:

I feel like it's my moral responsibility to the 100,000+ members of our ClickFunnels community and the 1,000,000+ entrepreneurs who follow me and to anyone else who listens to prepare them for this storm. Those who master the strategies will absorb the traffic, customers, and sales of those who are not prepared. Master these principles and you and your company will thrive.


-- ClickFunnels: Everything you need to start market, sell, and deliver your products and services online (without having to hire or rely on a tech team!)

-- DotComSecrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online With Sales Funnels."

​-- Expert Secrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Converting Your Online Visitors Into Lifelong Customers."

-- ​Traffic Secrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Filling Your Websites And Funnels With Your Dream Customers.


Hey, what's up everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets podcast. Today, I got a really special thing for you. You may or may not have heard, we just launched a brand new podcast called the Traffic Secrets podcast, where I've been going deep and reading chapters from the Traffic Secrets book and giving people ideas and hints and strategies.

And it's been amazing. Anyway, right now, I think it's listed... We made it all the way to the top five highest rank podcasts in iTunes with the Traffic Secrets new podcast. And I haven't even told you guys about it yet. So I'm going to do two things. Number one, when you guys are done with this podcast, I want you to go over, back into iTunes and search for Traffic Secrets and then go subscribe to it.

Listen, rate and review. I think there's like, 10 or 15 episodes in there so far. Each one's about 30 minutes long and it's me going chapter- by-chapter through the Traffic Secrets book. And if you like it, please rate and review it. But to bribe you right now, I'm going to let you guys listen to the intro episode.

So we're going to plug that in after you get back from the theme song and when we're done, make sure you go over and subscribe, find the Traffic Secrets podcast in iTunes and subscribe, listen, rate, and review, it would mean the world to me. Thanks so much. And we'll talk to you guys tomorrow.

Hey, what's up everybody. This is Russell and I'm quarantined in my house right now. And we are going live on a couple different places and want to say hi to everybody really quick. Hope you guys are all doing awesome today. I've got some exciting announcements. You guys pumped for this? I know that most of us are sitting at home wondering what to do. We're nervous, we're bored, we're getting prepared. And I want to let you guys know that we've been killing ourselves for the last little while, working on a secret project right here, and you can see the project.

It is... Make sure I get the scene all set up right. It is the new box set of my books. Ah! How many you guys are excited to get your hands on this thing, what? This is like, 8,000 pounds of words about how to get traffic and sale, anyway. So I'm going to tell you guys a really quick story and I'm talking about it because tomorrow is the first time anybody will have a chance to buy any of these books.

Also the brand-new Traffic Secrets... Actually, these are out of order. No, that's right, traffic Secrets books. So I'm going to tell you guys a really quick story about what these are, in case, those of you guys who don't know yet. And I'll talk about how you can get your copy of Traffic Secrets tomorrow. At least the audiobook version, we're opening up the funnels and pre-orders tomorrow. The new books, the new version, hard-bounds, and the boxes don't actually ship till May 5th, but the audiobooks are all available tomorrow.

So you can start listening to them as early as tomorrow, which is exciting! All right, so really quick, for those who don't know everything about what this whole thing is, about five or six years ago, I wrote my very first book and it's called DotCom Secrets, which is the underground playbook for growing your company with online sales funnels. Wrote the initial version, it was a soft-bound book and over the last...

The last couple weeks, couple months, I completely rewrote this book from the ground up. So this is basically new book folks haven't read. There's over 30-something thousand new words in here, a bunch of new doodles and sketches and amazingness. So this is the new version of DotCom Secrets book. So this was number one. So I wrote this book a little bit after we launched ClickFunnels. And this book's goal was to get people to start building sales funnels.

And it worked really, really good. But what's interesting is after people got this, they were understanding the concept of sales funnels, how they could use this to grow any company, any idea, any nonprofit, any whatever their business was, they started using these principles, we started watching inside ClickFunnels and seeing that some people had a lot of success with their funnels and some people didn't. And so we did this huge thing, we looked at over six million different funnels, over 130,000 split tests to figure out what's the difference between a funnel that...

Having a funnel and having a funnel that actually makes money. What was interesting is that what we found after going through this, the difference between a funnel that makes money and a funnel that is just a funnel were all the concepts that we taught now in Expert Secrets. So I spent the next two years on a journey to write this book, and this is the new updated version. There's, again, I think like 40,000 new words in this book, the new hard-bound version.

So we wrote this book, which is the underground playbook for converting online visitors into lifelong customers. Woo. And for those who already have this book, you notice there's new cover, anew subtitle because the book has changed a lot. And I'm excited about this one too. But this book helped people understand persuasion. How do you speak on every page of the funnel? How do you talk to people, all those kind of things.

This is book number two in the series. Then came book number three, which is going live tomorrow. Ah, I've been killing myself on just getting it ready and tomorrow we're finally launching the third and final book in the trilogy, which is Traffic Secrets. And this is all about how to fill your funnels and your websites with your dream customers; not just any customers, but your dream customers, the people that you would like to spend the most time and energy with.

And that's what this book's about. It is... You guys want to see how big this book is? So excited. It is 330 pages long. There's a ton of good stuff in here. As of tomorrow, you guys have a chance to get it. So what I'm going to do today is I'm actually going to read part of this to you. Do you guys want to hear some of it? I think I'm going to do that every day for the next little while, just cause I think it'd be fun to talk about it. I'm excited, because I'm in the middle of a book launch that's starting tomorrow.

So I thought it'd be fun to talk about. I don't know if the video, if this is backwards for you guys, it may be backwards, but it says Traffic Secrets. If you can see the right... Anyway, you never know with the mirror images and stuff, but that's what this book is, Traffic Secrets comes out tomorrow. In fact, if you go to, you get on the waiting list right now, and you'll get an email before it goes live.

Also, if you're interested in helping us promote it, which I would love it if you got Instagram, Facebook, YouTube following, email list, whatever, and help us promote it tomorrow. We do have an amazing affiliate program and again,, you get info about that. And if you want to interview me on your podcast or your blog or your YouTube channel, again,, all info's there until tomorrow when the new page, the new funnel goes live, which is exciting.

So anyway, that's what's happening. And then "Russell, what's this fourth book. What is the Unlock the Secrets book?" So there's one other book that's coming out. I'm not going to tell you too much about it, other than it's 600 pages. And it is a workbook that goes with these other books. So anyway, there will be the ability for you guys to upgrade and get the box set if you want. But for most part, most important thing for tomorrow is knowing that this is going live.

So a couple things, we don't ship these until May 5th, so this is a pre-launch, the way the publishers work. So this is a pre-launch. And so, your book will actually be shipped out May 5th, long as you order it tomorrow, it's kind of a first-come, first-serve, so the sooner you order it, sooner it'll come out to you. So that's number one. And then, number two, I actually, I recorded the audiobooks of all three of these books, the new audiobooks, and all of these will be available tomorrow. So as soon as you get this, again, it'll be a little while before the book shows up, you can start listening to it ASAP, which is exciting.

Start getting these concepts into your mind and stuff like that. So how many you guys are excited for that? If you're excited, let me know because I'm excited. All right. So what I'm doing now is I'm going to spend a few minutes and every day for the next couple of days, I'm just going to read... Not read, but I'm going to tell you parts of it if that sounds good. So I'm going to jump in and today, since we are working on the fact that tomorrow this goes live, I think I'm just going to share with you guys the introduction.

So the introduction, if you open it up, says "Introduction, there's a storm coming." And again, I'm not going to read it to you cause I want you guys to read it and I've already read the audiobook and it was a huge pain, took me multiple days. And so I want you guys to... you should get the audiobook so you can listen to me read it. But I'm just going to tell you guys a little about the introduction and why this book's so important. Especially today, especially in the market, the one right now. Because right now we're in the middle of chaos, we're in the middle of a whole bunch of insanity and things happening.

And so this is why this book is so important today, while we're all locked down, I'm literally at my house right now. This is my little home office. So I don't do much stuff. Usually I'm at my office-office. So here today because we're in lockdown. And so I thought I would share some stuff with those of you guys who are, same thing, you're in lockdown, bored. So, all right. So the book, the introduction is called, "there's a storm coming."

And what's crazy... Again, we're in the middle of this storm, I feel like. And so I started the book out by telling the story about April 27th, 2018, who here knows why that date is so important to us nerds? That is the day that Avengers: Infinity War came out. And if you guys haven't seen that movie, there's going to be some spoiler alerts, but in Avengers... Oh, sorry. I'm blanking out. I'm getting my super hero movies. So Infinity War, if you've seen that, if not, you guys just pause everything, go watch that tonight because it's that good.

Infinity War, Thanos is the super bad guy, the biggest villain and he goes and gets this... Oh I should've, I literally have the... I have Thanos' glove in... I should go grab it. I'm not going to grab it. So I'm going to leave you guys hanging, but I've got his glove up there, but he basically snaps his fingers and half of the universe dies, right? And that's how the movie ends. And I remember I actually watched it with my inner circle. It was kind of crazy.

Like we had inner circle meeting the night it came out. So we all went and we were sitting there, sitting by a bunch of people. But one of the guys I'm sitting next to is Peng Joon, you guys know Peng Joon, he's one of my favorite people in our community. And we're sitting there and after we get out of the theater, he was like, "Russell, you know what that's like?" I'm like, "What?" He's like, "Thanos snaps his fingers and half the world disappears.

The same thing is true with traffic," like Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg can snap his fingers and half of the businesses disappear overnight. And I was like, "Dude, I know, I experienced that back when I was relying 100% on Google and Facebook and YouTube and things like that. If you wonder why I'm looking at different cameras, I'm just streaming on different services.

So I'm paying attention to each of you individually, just if you're wondering why. Anyway, and I was like, "Well, I actually remember that." I got hit by the Google slap multiple... The first Google slap, which was a PPC slap. And then the first SEO slap and the second one and the third one, the fourth, and I saw it happen where entrepreneurs, tons of people with big businesses, Larry and Sergey over at Google snapped their fingers and half... And it's called the Google slap, so it wasn't a snap, it was a slap, right? And half the businesses collapsed overnight and I saw it happen over and over.

And it gets crazy how many times I saw it happen in the last decade. And Zuckerberg, for Facebook for a long time, it was super easy and everybody's getting in. It was this amazing experience. And then of course, just like Google, they started happening. And so Payton June and I started joking, calling... Instead of Thanos and Zuckerberg. We blended the two names together and called them "Zenos." So the Zenos snap, where half the entrepreneurs' businesses disappear overnight. What's crazy, that was over a year ago, we started talking about that.

And as I was writing this book, I started seeing as Facebook started shutting people's ads accounts down, thing like that, all sorts of craziness was happening. I'm like, this is literally happening right now as we're writing the book. And so right now, I want you guys all to understand that there's a storm coming and some of you guys have been hit by it. Some of you guys are going to be hit by it, but understanding that traffic is shifting, traffic is changing. And so to really figure out how to get ahead of traffic and to master it, you have to go back in time. I didn't learn traffic like most people do. Most people learn traffic by, they bought the newest Facebook ads course, the Instagram course, the YouTube course.

That's how they learn traffic, right? I learned traffic back before Facebook, before Myspace before Friendster, how many of you guys remember Friendster? Before Friendster, I was learning this stuff back when it was the wild, wild west. There was no none of these things like that. Right? And people always ask, "How did you get traffic before all these platforms came out?" I was like, "It was different." But the reason why the people I was learning from were not people teaching me the latest internet marketing hack, I was learning from guys like Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert, Bill Glazer, Fred Catona... I was learning from people who were doing direct mail, radio, newspapers, classified ads, these are the guys that I studied from.

And so what's interesting is that because I learned traffic from them before there was these easy advertising platforms that we use today, we had to do things differently. This is now my 16th year in this business. So I've been doing this for a long time. I've seen the ups and the downs of every platform, every network. And I've seen every time as businesses... Snaps and half their business dries up overnight and somehow we've been able to ride the wave.

And the question's, "How, Russell, have you survived and thrived during all the economic turmoil where everybody else got demolished?" And I have friends who are making millions of dollars a month, who are out of business now. And that's been happening... People, man, 10 years ago, who I look at them and I was like, "these guys are the richest people in the world."

And now they're working at Home Depot and nothing wrong with that, but just, they lost everything and they weren't able to survive because they were focused so much on a traffic tactic that changes, that shifts. And so when I set on the project to write the Traffic Secrets book, one of my biggest goals was I need to make a book that's evergreen. That's not just a tactical fly-by-the-night thing, but something that is strategic, that lasts today, tomorrow and forever.

So if and when Facebook goes away, when the government regulations come to shut it down, how do we still survive? What's the differences, how does that work? And so that's what this whole book, the foundation of this book is. So the introduction, I tell that story about the Zenos snap. So there's the Zenos snap. I talk about Google, all things like that. And in here, one of the things it says, two reasons why we survived when others failed, and there are two reasons.

Number one, it says, "We understood how to use funnels. With funnels, we can make five to 10 times as much money for each visitor who clicks on our ads. So we survive and thrive when the costs go up. And number two, we mastered the strategy, not just the tactics behind getting traffic and these strategies work on all advertising platforms in the past, the present, and the future.

If you master these strategies, then no slap or snap can affect the lifeblood of your company." It says, "There's going to be another storm soon, just like there was with Google. It's happening time and time again. We know that the greatest predictor of the future is the past. The storm is headed our way and thousands of entrepreneurs are unaware. "I feel like it's my moral responsibility to the 100,000+ members of our ClickFunnels community and the 1,000,000+ entrepreneurs who follow me and to anyone else who listens to prepare them for this storm.

Those who master the strategies will absorb the traffic, customers, and sales of those who are not prepared. Master these principles and you and your company will thrive." Okay? So that's what this whole book is about. And then the next section title here says, "An evergreen book about the fastest-changing topic of all-time." And so that was the challenge. "Russell, how do you write a book about traffic, which literally changes daily and make it a book that'll last forever?"

And I was so scared. I spent a year stressing about this book before I ever started writing. I don't want to write a book that by the time it's printed and goes to press, it's obsolete. I've seen that with every single traffic book and every course, people create it, they launch it and they sell a bunch of... And then the courses always disappear because the courses become obsolete, usually within weeks or months. I was like, I want to write a book that, that lasts for forever.

How do you do that? And it was not an easy project or easy task, but I'm proud of it. You tell me after you get it, but I think we did something that'll last throughout time, which is really, really important for me. So, all right, so that's kind of the introduction. So my game plan is, again, I'm going to start going through here and each day I'm going to come live on Facebook and YouTube, Instagram, everywhere. I'm going to tell parts of each chapter.

So tomorrow I'm going to talk about section number one, "your dream customer," and we'll keep going through this entire book. And if you guys enjoy the process, maybe I'll do the same thing with all the other books inside of the trilogy. That'd be kind of fun. So what I want to do real quick right now is remind you guys that this book, book number three in the series... DotCom Secrets is number one, first book, Expert Secrets, number two, Traffic Secrets, number three. And then we go to Unlock the Secrets, which workbook goes with all these.

This box set, well, you can't buy this online, but this may or may not be an upsell in the sequence. I don't want to ruin the surprise for you as you go through and buy through the funnel because that would ruin all the fun. But when you guys buy, go to tomorrow, this book will be there. This may be the upsell. I don't know. But again, these books and the box set start shipping on May 5th. So we have a little while before they ship, but the audiobooks are available instantly.

You can instantly download the audiobooks, start listening to DotCom, Expert, and Traffic tomorrow, which is insane. I spent 7 days in a studio reading these books. It was a horrible, painful process, but the books are... The audiobooks are done. I got them last night. I was like, "Ah, that is so crazy!" They're not on Audible right now, maybe eventually in the future, but you can get them inside the funnel tomorrow.

So what you guys are going to do right now is go to, go get on the waiting list because it's going live tomorrow. If you want to help us promote this, there's links to become affiliate at as well, if you want to interview me on a podcast or whatever, that's all, there's also links there as well on how to do all that stuff. It's all at

But this is happening, you guys. This is... I can't even tell you how cool this is for me. This is like my life work. This is, each book is like, 90,000+ words. So it's like, what? 90,000 times three... 18? I have no idea the math. 180,000? No, no. 90,000 times 3, 270,000 words in here. Huh? But this is everything I've learned in the last 15 years. They're all evergreen things, on how to build the funnel, how to communicate with the audience inside the funnel, and how to drive traffic into your funnel. And so this is like, this is everything.

In fact, I wrote here on the side, "you're one funnel away," and there's a quote, it says "The life you want, the marriage you want, and the family you want are going to be fueled by the businesses you build," from Garrett J. White. And if you look at this on the side, it says "DotCom Secrets is the framework, Expert Secrets is the fire, Traffic Secrets is the fuel and Unlock Secrets is your playbook to put it all together." So anyway, this is, ah, so excited.

So, what I need you guys to do right now is I want you guys to be half as excited as me. Tomorrow, when you guys go through this and you get your copy, get a copy, post it on Facebook, Instagram, be like, "I got Traffic Secrets. I'm freaking out!" And let's make some noise and get everybody excited as I am, anyway. But tomorrow's a big day, you guys. March 17th, St. Patrick's day, it is the day, it's when Traffic Secrets and the box set, it's the first time you have a chance to purchase them. And then we start shipping these as first-come, first-serve, so the sooner you get yours, the more likely you get yours in the mail very, very quickly, which is exciting.

I don't know. I'm excited for you guys to get them. And again, they don't ship out until May 5th, but the audiobooks are available tomorrow. So you can plug in and start listening tomorrow, which is awesome. So that's the game plan. So right now, everybody, stop what you're doing, whatever you're doing, go to and go and get on the pre-launch list.

That way you'll get notified tomorrow when it all happens. And then what else are you going to do the rest of the day? I know you guys are on lockdown and you're like me. You're bored out of your mind. "What am I going to do? My kids are driving me nuts." So I got something for you. One last thing. This is our lockdown procedure for what I think everybody should be doing and it's a lot of fun.

In fact, I'm going to give you something for free that you can do with yourself, with your family, with your kids, whatever you want to do. But check this out, you see the screen behind me? In fact, let me refresh it so you can see this, this is kind of cool. So we just finished a new funnel that's got four amazing videos for free for you. So this is, you guys know funnel flick. It's kind of like Netflix, only way better. It's kind of like Disney+, only way better.

It's kind of like... I don't know. We entered the streaming wars recently. But I wanted to give you something for free just to taste-test it, sample, I don't know. If you go to, check this out right now and you put your email address here. I've actually giving the access to four videos for free. The first right here, it's from last FunnelHacking Live.

I didn't tell anybody this, but Frank Kern, the OG of original internet marketing, one of the first guys I ever learned from actually came and spoke, and we didn't tell anybody at FunnelHacking Live. So he came out and surprised everyone and they flipped out. It was like, people melted down. And if you've ever been on with Frank, he's the most sarcastic, funny person ever. So you actually can watch his presentation for free at

Put your email in here and bam-boom. It unlocks Frank's video for free, 100%, no cost, no credit card, no nothing. And then that's number one. Then number two, you can watch this video from my man Julius Dein, who is on Instagram, he's got like, I don't know, five or six million followers. He's a magician. And he talks about how he did it. And it is cool because he shows his successes, his failures. So you can get his little mock-up couple days later for free.

And there's one from me right here, that's kind of cool, I think. And anyway, so you go through there and get a free week of FunnelFlix and get those four videos for free. So that's some fun you can do that that doesn't cost any money that'll help get you guys learning marketing, learning sales, getting your mind indoctrinated on all the things as you're hanging out.

So number one,, go get on the waiting list. Number two, go to and go watch the Frank Kern video. It's hilarious. You guys will freaking love Frank Kern. He, anyway, it was a great presentation. It was really funny. So anyway, there's some gifts for today. Give you something to do while you're in quarantine and get you prepared for the fun book launch that's happening tomorrow. So anyway, appreciate you guys. Like I said, I'm going to start trying to stream every day and just kind of go through the books.

I'll tell you stories from each chapter and get you guys excited. And my goal is to be so excited by telling you the story inside the book that you're like, "I must buy the book!" Which the book's free, you just cover shipping and handling. So it's my bribe to get you to buy a free book that literally, I lose money on, because I want you to read the book.

So anyway, I appreciate you guys, have a good day and I hope you enjoy it. Enjoy the book, go to funnelflix, go watch Frank Kern's video right now. And you get Julius's and mine, the other one's in the next couple days, unlocking as well. And it should be a lot of fun. So that's all I got, you guys. Appreciate you all and yeah, maybe I'll do this more often.

All right, bye everybody on Instagram, bye everyone on Facebook, YouTube, everywhere, all the cameras. Thank you guys for hanging out today and we'll see you guys all soon., Let's go. All right. See you guys. Bye. All right, everybody. I hope you guys enjoyed that first session from the Traffic Secrets podcast.

Once again, pause what you're doing. Stop everything right now. Go over to iTunes and search for Traffic Secrets. Go find the new Traffic Secrets podcast, subscribe, go listen to some episodes. Rate and review it, love to get your feedback and thank you so much again for listening and we'll talk to you all again soon.


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