One of the questions I get a lot is “should I write a book?”. I’m going to tell you what I think, and why I’m starting book #4.
I want to write a book that's going to change people. That 500 years now people will reference it. That's the kind of book I want to write. So it's just like, can I make this something that's amazing, that's different, that's unique, that's not the same conversation, but it's a different conversation that'll inspire and help people for a long time? And so that's been the questions going through my head. And recently I figured out the title of it, and then I bought the domain, which was not cheap. So I bought the domain for it. And then it was, "Okay, this could be a thing."
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What’s up, everybody. This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to
Marketing Secrets Podcast. That beep means I need to put my
seatbelt on before I drive away. And I am here today to answer the
question, should you write a book? Today, something that has been
on my mind is this question I get asked a lot, which is, should I
write a book? And it's funny because, as you guys know, I've
written three books. One of them was a New York Times bestseller.
Woohoo! So that's pretty exciting. But it's funny because I never
was a writer. I didn't want to be a writer. I hated writing in
school. Even to this day, someone asked me, two days ago actually,
he said, "Russell, do you like writing books?" I was like, "No,
writing books is horrible. It is the most painful process of all
time." And so, no, I do not like to write books, yet I've written
three, and I'm probably going to write more.
And people ask, "Well, why would you do that?" I'm like, "Well,
it's the most painful process part of all the things I do." It's
the hardest thing to do, but at the same time, it's also the thing
that live the longest, that lives beyond yourself, that lasts,
especially if you write a book that matters. I know there's a lot
of people who teach how to write a book really fast, and I'm not
talking about that. I'm talking about should you write a book
that's going to be your legacy, the thing that people are going to
remember you by? And a couple of things, I remember when I first
got started, it was about 18 years ago, I remember going to events
where people were selling the dream of, "You need to write a book.
It's going to give you credibility," all these things.
And so I put it in my head, I want to write a book. But I didn't
for almost 10 years. But I remember when I started, I was like,
"I'm going to write a book. It's going to be called Dot Com
Secrets, because I don't know why. I just love that name." A lot of
people told me they hated it. In fact, Jeff, Walker was like, "It's
the worst name of a book ever." But whatever, I still like it. So
anyway, I decided I'm going to write a book. I remember there was
something cool about just in my head knowing that I'm writing a
book. Even though I hadn't actually written anything, I just was
like, "Okay, well, what's the outline? What's the table of
contents? What's it going to look like? What should I write?" I
started brainstorming it. But there was something when I flipped
the switch to I was writing a book that just became exciting. I
don't know.
And I remember after I got done and I was like, "This is so
hard. I'll never write a book again." But then when I decided I'm
going to read Expert Secrets, there was something magical. I don't
know. Maybe it's the romance of being an author and writing, and I
don't know all that stuff, but there was something magical where I
was like, "I'm writing again," and I got in that fun stage. And the
same thing with Traffic Secrets, the romance. And I remember after
each book, I was like, "I'll never write a book again. I'll never
write a book again." But about the time that I got done the Expert
Secrets book, I was hanging out with Brendan Bouchard. He's
written, I don't know, a ton of books. And I remember he told me,
he's like, "No, you're an author." He's like, "You just write a
book every two years. That's just how it works. For the rest of
your life, you should do that." And I was like, "Huh,
And it took me a while, I'm not going to lie. Almost until I
decided to do Traffic Secrets. After that, I was like, "All right,
I'm going to do that. That's going to be a thing where I'm going to
read a book every two years for the rest of my life." And so when
Traffic Secrets got to the end, I was burned out because it was a
brutal one. Plus, as some of you know, after finishing Traffic
Secrets, I went back and I rewrote Dotcom Secrets and I rewrote
Expert Secrets. So that was a season of too many words, hundreds of
thousands of words. And I was just like, "I don't know if I can
keep doing it." It was hard. So I haven't written anything in, it's
been over a year. Holy cow. Weird. Yeah, because basically 2020
happened. We blinked and 2020 happened, and now we're back right
now it's February of 2021, and I haven't written anything. So it's
been over a year. It was just crazy.
Anyway, I tell you this because I knew my next book what I want
it to be, and I've told you guys on this podcast it's called
Bootstrap. This is going to be the ClickFunnels story. And I'm
excited. The problem is I also know, to write that book, it's going
to be big and overwhelming and there's a lot that goes into it. And
while I've started the process of it, I just know it's probably a
two to three year project, if I'm honest with myself, because I
have to learn how to write it a different style. It's not a how to
book. It's like a storybook. And I want to sync it to The Hero With
A Thousand Faces and all these story arcs. I interview 1000 people
because I want to get everybody's perspective. I don't want to tell
the story from my perspective. I want to tell it from everybody's
And so that's one that's big. Plus, I don't have an ending to
the story yet. What's the ending of the story? "And then we were
happy." No, it's got to be awesome. "And then we went public," or,
"Then we whatever," something cool. So I'm still waiting for the
ending of the story. So it was hard to write the beginning if you
don't know the ending and I'm hoping the book's not going to be a
tragedy. I don't think it will be, but you never know. I don't
know. I don't have a full picture, so I can't write that one yet.
Although, I do know that is my legacy project of like telling the
ClickFunnels story and how we did it all kind of stuff. So I sit
back and I know that I have a lot of friends that have written
personal development books. I've never wanted to do a personal
development book, but there's something that, man, for almost
probably nine or 10 months now it's been in my thoughts and I keep
thinking about it, keep thinking about it, keep thinking about
And yesterday I was like, "What if I just wrote that book
first?" And then I was like, "Huh? It'd be a lot easier to write. I
could get it done. We could launch it next year. It could be out in
the world." But is it worth writing? I don't want to write a book
just to write a book. A lot of people just write a book because,
"Oh, I need a book." I want to write a book that's going to change
people. That 500 years now people will reference it. That's the
kind of book I want to write. So it's just like, can I make this
something that's amazing, that's different, that's unique, that's
not the same conversation, but it's a different conversation
that'll inspire and help people for a long time? And so that's been
the questions going through my head. And recently I figured out the
title of it, and then I bought the domain, which was not cheap. So
I bought the domain for it. And then it was, "Okay, this could be a
So yesterday I reached out to somebody who I know who actually
designed the very first Dot Com Secrets book covers. He's name is
Rob Secades. And I was like, "Rob, I'm thinking about writing a
book. Do you want to design the cover for me?" And he got all
excited. I got all excited. I'm like, "Ah!" So now he's designing
the cover of the book. And now officially, as soon as that
conversation ended, in my head, I was like, "I'm writing a book. I
haven't even told my wife about it yet." Gosh, she's going to freak
out. I almost want to not tell her and then just be like, "Hey,
it's done," when it's done, because she knows the pain that I go
through to write a book. But that got me excited, and then I
emailed our publisher and was like, "Hey, if I wrote a book on
this, would you be interested?" And this morning I got emailed back
and he's like, "Heck yeah, that'd be amazing." He was freaking out
and, "Let's do this thing,"
And he's like, "To hit the dates you want to sell this thing by
here's when we have to have the manuscript back and everything."
And I was like, "Oh," and now I'm sitting in my car, out front of
the office excited because officially the switch has been turned
on. I'm writing my next book and I'm not going to tell you what it
is yet. But I do want to tell you that there's this weird energy
that comes with it. And so to come back to the question initially
for you guys, which is, should you write a book? The answer is a
deafening yes. You should write a book. Same questions, well, when
should I start writing it? I would propose you start writing it
today. You've just got to flip the switch. When you start flipping
the switch, these last 24 hours, my mind has been trying to figure
out, what's this book? What's it look like? What's the outline?
What's unique? What's different? What's the frameworks we're going
to use?
The swirling in your head, in your mind, and all these things,
I'm like, "Oh, it's amazing." So if I was you, I would commit, "I'm
going to write a book." And you don't have to write today, and
maybe you hate writing, and that's okay. But just, "I'm going to
write a book." And if you're like, "What's the title going to be?"
And then I would hire someone to go create the book cover, because
for me at least I can't design a site until I've got a logo. I
don't know. I'm very visual that way. But I see a book cover and
it's like, "Oh my gosh, I can see the tangible thing that people
will be holding in their hands someday to make this real." And then
your mind will start looking for the answers like, "Okay, what is
this going to look like? What's page one? What's the first section?
What's the second section? What's chapter one, two, three? Where do
I want to take people? What's the mission of this book? What's the
goal? All those things.
Maybe somebody I'll write a whole course on how to write a book
because that could be a fun thing too. But for now, I just want you
think about that. If you start, you'll start opening your mind to
the ideas. And even if it takes you 10 years to write a book,
that's okay. But now you're putting things down. I remember Matt
Fury told me one time, he's like, "If you wake up every morning and
you write two pages a day," he's like, "that's 700 and whatever
pages a year." He's like, "That's three books a year." So even if
you say, I’m just going to write one page a day. If you wrote one
page a day, that’s 365. That's a big book. It gives you tons of
time to take weekends off and whatever. But if you wake up and say,
"Everyday, I'm going to write one page a day," if you do that
consistently, within eight, nine months, you've got a book done,
which is exciting. And there's something magical in the romance of
just saying, "Hey, what are you up to you?" "I'm writing a book."
"What? You are?"
"Yeah. I'm writing a book," which is crazy exciting. So anyway,
I just want to put that out there. I do think everyone should read
a book. I think one of our missions for all of us on this earth is
to come down to this earth and we have an opportunity to help other
people. You've heard me talk about this a lot. I believe that
entrepreneurship is all of us has been called to serve a group of
people. So the first part is identifying who are the people I've
been called to serve, and then you find them and say, "How do I
serve?" And you start looking through those things. And then I feel
like one of our other role roles is, we're going through this life
experience, we're learning all these things, and we're having
experiences and tests and trials and problems and reading books,
we're studying things, and I think part of our job is to curate
your learning. It's like all the stuff you experience in this life,
we should be curating those things.
And you can be curating for yourself, for your spouse, for your
kids, for your kids' kids, for your grandkids, the people you've
been called to serve, whatever it is. We've all been here given our
own unique minds, our own brains, our own experiences, and I think
so many times we go through life and experience stuff, which gives
us growth, but then we never actually leave anything behind to
contribute to the next set of people, the people after us who were
coming, who are like, I'm on the earth now. Does anyone got a
playbook for how to navigate this?" And so all the growth that you
went through, all the things you learn, all the things you
experience, like all this stuff, if you don't leave a playbook
behind for somebody else, oh, what a tragedy. If you look at, and
I'm going to talk about this in my new book, by the way, but one of
my favorite principles from Tony Robbins is the six human
And there's the needs of the body and the needs of the spirit,
and I'm going to go deep into it right now, but there's four needs
of the body and there's two needs of the spirit. And the two needs
of the spirit are growth, number one, and then contribution. I
think most people here on this earth get to the spot where you
figure out the needs of the body and then you can move to the next
tier, and now you start focusing on growth, which is your personal
development. I think so many people go through that, and it's
amazing. But then the most fulfilling, the last step in this
process, is contribution, which is now you're leaving something
behind. How do you contribute to other people? All the growth
you've gone through, what's the purpose of it? And if you don't
leave something behind, then so much of the things you went through
is in vain, because it only affected you.
And so I want to argue that at that as much as I love the
romance of writing a book, I think a bigger part is you creating
this thing that gives you the ability to contribute your life's
lessons back. And so I'm excited for this new book for me, because
it's not that I know the answers to these questions, but it's been
a question that I've been chasing for the last decade. And I think
that I've gotten further to the answer than most people who have
had a chance to be on this planet yet I think it's something that
everyone who's been on this planet should understand. If I can give
you a treasure map that gets you there faster, it'd be a disservice
if I didn't. And so that's why I'm writing this next book, and I'm
pumped and I'm excited. And I hope that, first off, you're excited
for the book.
I'm not going to tell you the title or the name or anything. I
just want you to freak out with me a little bit. Ah, freak out. But
more importantly, because I think if I told you the title and all
stuff it would distract from what I want you to think about, which
is yourself, which is like all the growth you're going through
right now, what's the contribution you're going to leave behind?
And so think about that, okay, based on that, I'm going to write a
book. And it may be a decade process, but I'm going to start the
process so I can tell people, if they to ask me, "What are you
doing?" "I'm writing a book?" "What? How cool is that?" I'm like,
"What are you doing?" "Nothing." "How you feeling?" "Okay." If
they're not doing anything, they're not creating anything, so it's
like, most people's lives are so boring and static and just like,
But we're creators, we're entrepreneurs. We're the crazy ones.
We need to be creating or else we're dying. And so just that
process of somebody asking, "What are you doing?" "I'm writing a
book." "Really? You're writing a book? What's it about? Tell me
about it." It opens up this excitement and this energy and gets
your mind spinning, and there's so many cool, exciting things for
you. So should you write a book? The answer is, yes. You've gone
through too much to not share it with the people you love. Even if
nobody reads it, maybe one person reads it, would it be worth it?
Yeah. If one person can learn from the things that you experienced
and that can change their life, it was totally worth you
documenting the process and turning it into a manual, even if it’s
for that one person. And if you follow the process I teach you guys
with the free plus shipping funnels and all that kind of stuff, you
can get into a lot more people's hands and hopefully help thousands
or tens of thousands or millions or more. And that ripple effect
will be because you decided to contribute, which is exciting.
So, all right, that's all I got. I'm out for the day. I'm going
to go start outlining my new book. So excited. Appreciate you guys
for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, if you're writing a
book, take a snapshot on your phone of this. You just push the two
phone buttons. Boom. It takes a picture. Post that picture up to
Instagram or Facebook or any of the other social platforms that you
chill on. And tag me and tell me that you're committed to writing a
book. I'd love to see it. Appreciate you all. Thanks for listening
and I'll talk to y'all soon. Bye, everybody.