What to know why I’m freaking out? Listen to this episode to find out.
And so the framework, the origin story I'm sharing is not the origin story about, you know, how I met my wife or the origin story about how I started the business, that's not the origin story I'm sharing. Yet that seemed like for most of the people who were there, they've been sharing their origin story just about their life. Like, I was born on a cold winter night in blah, blah, you know, whatever, like they're telling their story, as opposed to it's the specific story about your discovery of the framework. Like, how did you actually find that framework? That's the story that's being told. Because when you do that, that then gives people the desire to go deeper on the framework.
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What's up everybody. This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to
the Marketing Secrets podcast. Again, this is episode number two
from a recent Marketing Secrets live show. I've been doing more of
these podcasts live and having so much fun with it. Hopefully you
enjoyed the last one where you had a chance to hear some really
cool marketing secrets from some of my friends. This episode, I'm
actually going to go deeper into something that I've been geeking
out on. And I've been thinking about, that I think you are really,
really going to enjoy. What I'm going to cover in this episode is
actually one of the big ahas I got from a recent event we ran. It
was our first live event we've had in, man, in a year and a half,
two years, crazy. And it was called the FAHD event, the Funnel
Hackathon event. I share one of the big epiphanies that a lot of
people had at the FAHD event.
If you want to get on our next Marketing Secrets Live show and
get your questions answered live and hang out with us, make sure to
go to clubhousewithrussell.com, go register for the clubhouse and
you'll be notified the next time I go live.
All right. Well, I'm excited. Typically, when I record the
Marketing Secrets podcast it's me on my phone clicking record and
talking. That's what's going to happen for the next 15 minutes or
so, it's just sharing you guys the biggest thing that's on my mind
right now. And so this week we actually did our very first live
event since COVID, which was amazing. Here in our office we have an
event room that holds about 60 people and so we did an event. The
event is called the FHAT event, and it's not F-A-T, like overweight
people who eat donuts and stuff for two days, it was the Funnel
Hackathon. So Funnel Hackathon F-H-A-T. So they all nicknamed it
the FHAT event. And this is an event we used to do. Four years ago
was actually the very first FHAT event we ever did. And it was
helping people to figure out their messaging, their story.
And then we actually built out a webinar presentation with
everybody in the audience, and we did it four years ago. And if you
see inside of ClickFunnels community, some of the people who have
had the biggest, most successful webinars, people that a lot of
seven, a few eight, and a couple of nine figure earners who were in
that room at the time, who crafted the webinar that went on to
build out their entire businesses and their followings based on
that. And so we did it once and then we ran versions of the FHAT
event three or four times afterwards. And then, you know, when
things work really good, like a lot of us business owners and
marketers do, we stopped doing it. So we stopped doing it. I think
I was tired of doing the live events. We kind of just paused it and
didn't do it for a couple years.
And recently I got excited and I'd been working on webinars and
frameworks and just things like that. And I was like, I want to do
the FHAT event again. And so we put it together. We invited some of
our inner circle and some of our Two Comma Club X coaching students
to come to it. And we had about 60 people in the office here in
Boise the last two days, and then four or 500 people watching from
home and it was amazing. It was two days and it was cool because we
had a chance, it wasn't just like strategically teaching, like, oh,
here's the strategic concepts, but it was very tactical, like,
okay, here's slide number one, let me explain the strategy. On
slide number one, this is what we do, why we do it, how we do it.
And then everyone would jump in and they'd actually build out slide
number one. Then we do slide number two, three, and we build out
the entire presentation.
So it was cool because when it was finished, everybody had a
presentation that's done. They can go and they can actually use it
to sell their stuff. And so that was what's happening the last two
days. So obviously this is what's been top of my mind. And the last
day of the event we went around the room and had everyone share
their biggest aha and their biggest takeaway. And what was
interesting to me is that the thing that came up the most often,
that was people's biggest aha was something that I was kind of
confused. I didn't realize that it was going to be even that big of
a deal, and it was interesting. So before I share what that is if
you know how the Perfect Webinar Framework works that we teach,
When somebody comes on a webinar, first, we have an
introduction. From there we share the origin story about how we
discovered our framework, and then we have secret one, two, and
three. Secret number one, you teach the strategy behind the
framework. Secret number two, you teach the strategy behind the
internal false belief they're going to have about the framework.
Secret number three, you teach the external, false belief that they
may have about their ability to use the framework. And then you
transition to the stack and the closes. And that's kind of the
Perfect Webinar framework, right? If you don't know how it works,
if you go to perfectwebinar.com, seven bucks, you can buy the
framework and the training that shows you the process. Or read the
Expert Secrets book. I go into excruciating detail in that book,
walking through the process as well.
And so that's kind of, real quick overview of the framework for
those who don't know it. Those who have gone through my stuff, you
understand how the framework works. And the biggest takeaway people
kept saying was fascinating was after they would introduce the
webinar, they transitioned to their origin story. And what people
were doing is they were just telling their origin story. Like,
here's how I became me. Right? And they're telling their origin
story. And even people who had really successful webinars, that's
what they were doing. And when I kind of rebroke it down, slide by
slide, I showed them that it wasn't just the origin story of
themself that they're sharing, yet that's what most people were
doing. It's the origin story about how you discovered the framework
that you're actually teaching on the webinar. So for example, if
you watch the webinar that we used to launch ClickFunnels, the
framework that I'm teaching is this framework of funnel hacking, of
how we find successful funnels. We look at them and reverse
engineer them and we build our own funnels. That's the framework
that I'm teaching.
And so the framework, the origin story I'm sharing is not the
origin story about, you know, how I met my wife or the origin story
about how I started the business, that's not the origin story I'm
sharing. Yet that seemed like for most of the people who were
there, they've been sharing their origin story just about their
life. Like, I was born on a cold winter night in blah, blah, you
know, whatever, like they're telling their story, as opposed to
it's the specific story about your discovery of the framework.
Like, how did you actually find that framework? That's the story
that's being told. Because when you do that, that then gives people
the desire to go deeper on the framework.
And so when we were building out everyone's webinar, the very
first step we did with everyone is, okay with this webinar, there's
a result you are promising. What is the result that everyone's, if
they go through this 90 minute presentation with you, what's the
result that they should be able to get? And so every business was
different. There's some people there in the weight loss market, so
I'm going to show you how to get six pack abs, how to make a
million bucks or how to speed read, or you know, whatever the
person, the result they had. And so it became super clear. What's
the result? And the second question was, what are all of the things
that people are currently doing to try to get that result?
Like if someone's registering for your webinar it's probably not
the first time they've like, oh, I want to lose weight. I want to
make money. In fact, Kaelin Poulin said that the average woman goes
through eight diets a year. So almost every month they're starting
a new diet, so when they come and they register for your weight
loss webinar this is not the first time. They've tried eight other
vehicles this year to try to get that one result. And so that's the
key is, first off, what's the big result you're promising? What are
the other vehicles people are trying to use right now currently to
get that result? And this webinar is about what is the new
opportunity? What's the new vehicle that you're trying to show
them? And so that first origin story is literally telling your
story about how you've tried these other vehicles too.
I tried this, I tried this, none of these things worked. And
that's when this thing happened. Either I had an epiphany or I had
an inspiration from God, or I met somebody and they gave me this
nugget, this piece, this thing. And that's how I discovered this
framework. And this framework is a new opportunity. It's the
vehicle, it's a different way to get that result than all the
things you've tried in the past. And this is how I found it and why
it worked. So that original story, that first 15 minutes of your
presentation is you're telling that story of how you discovered
this framework. And that's the thing that gets the desire for them
to like, okay, now I want to dive into secret one, secret two,
secret three, and moving through the stack and the close and the
rest of the presentation.
And so again, there are probably four or five other people in
the room that, that was their biggest takeaway was I always thought
the origin story was just telling my story, but it's not. It's the
origin story of how you discovered this framework, this vehicle,
whatever you want to call it, the new opportunity that you are
using to get someone the result that they've been trying to get
through all the other things they've been trying in the past. And
when they discover that and they hear your story about how you
discovered it, all of a sudden, it's like, oh my gosh, now I get
it. Now I got to figure this out because you're right. I've tried
all these other vehicles. I've tried all these other ways to lose
weight, or to make money or to whatever. So you're sharing those.
And then this is the discovery that I found, the new opportunity,
the thing that's different.
And now they're intrigued, and now they're going to go through
the actual teaching part of your presentation. So that's what I
wanted to share with you guys is just understanding that the origin
story is the origin story of your discovery, of the framework that
you're going to be sharing with them during the presentation. And
so hopefully that helps. And as you guys are creating your
presentations again, anything you're trying to sell. In fact, I
learned this originally from Perry who was on a little bit earlier,
he said that, I think it was back when he was running Digital
Marketer. It was like, they looked at all their old sales videos
and their ads and stuff like that and anytime in an ad, they tried
to convince somebody of more than one thing, the conversions
dropped in like half. If they tried to convince them of two things
it dropped like 100%, two to 300%.
And so when you're creating your presentation, the only thing
you're trying to do is get somebody to believe that this framework
you're sharing is the best way for them to get the result that
they're trying to get. That's the entire goal of the presentation.
And so we understand that it's like, okay, what is the result I'm
trying to get somebody? What are the other things they've been
trying to get? And then this is the key. This is the framework
that's going to get them that result. So that's what I wanted to
share with you guys today, as you are crafting your sales
presentations, it works for webinars, it works with video sales
letters, works for upsell offers, works for your ads, works for
everything you're doing, it's like that framework, that concept is
the same. Sharing the origin story about how you discovered the
actual framework.