Let me take you behind the scenes of what we’re doing to sell out Funnel Hacking Live once again.
It's been almost 18 months since the last Funnel Hacking Live. I hope you're excited. I think most of you guys are going to be there, which is exciting. If you aren't going to be there, literally, do you hate money? Do you hate growth? Do you hate relationships with amazing people? Do you hate hearing me talk? Those are the only logical explanations that I can think of. I say that with making sure that you need to be there.
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What's up everybody. This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back the
Marketing Secrets Podcast. Today, I want to tell you guys a secret
about how to fill live events. All right everybody, as you guys
know, we are coming down to the final stretch of Funnel Hacking
Live. I think we're less than 60 days. Dang, two months. Less than
two months away. Whew. It makes me nervous just saying that, from
Funnel Hacking Live happening, which is exciting. It's been almost
18 months since the last Funnel Hacking Live. I hope you're
excited. I think most of you guys are going to be there, which is
exciting. If you aren't going to be there, literally, do you hate
money? Do you hate growth? Do you hate relationships with amazing
people? Do you hate hearing me talk? Those are the only logical
explanations that I can think of. I say that with making sure that
you need to be there. If you don't have your tickets yet, go to funnelhackinglive.com. The show is on. Right now
we're in the final stretch.
Tickets are almost sold out, and we sell out every year, but
this year we're selling out earlier, because the venue's smaller.
We only have 3,500 seats versus last year, we had 5,000 people in
the event. We pre-sold more tickets the last Funnel Hacking Live
than ever before either. Anyway, we're almost sold out. If you
don't have a ticket yet, now is the time to go. The other
interesting thing is, this is the first and hopefully the only year
we're doing a virtual as well, just because a lot of countries,
people actually can't get to here, which is frustrating. Other than
that, I've always been anti virtual, but we had to, this time
around. If you aren't able to come, you're locked out of the
country, or whatever, or you're nervous about people, which is
understandable as well, there's a virtual option this year, but
that one is also almost sold out. If you're getting tickets, now's
the time, but anyway, I digress, as we're getting towards the final
stretch. We're like, "Okay. Well, I just want to get done selling
tickets," because selling tickets is a grind.
If anyone who has ever done a live event or a virtual event,
it's a lot of work to continually sell tickets. Right? That's the
place that we're in now. I was like, "I just want to get it done
with. How do we just sell the last batch?" Like, "Let's get it over
with." It's funny, because every year we try to reinvent the wheel.
Like, "How did we sell these last year? What campaigns work the
best?" We went back through, and we looked at ticket sales. We saw
there was a week or two, where we sold hundreds of tickets a day,
right? We're like, "What did we do during that week?" We went back
and found the emails. It was funny, because of course, here's me
reinventing the wheel. Hopefully in a year from now, someone can
remind me, "Russell, don't forget, this is what we did last year,"
but I'm sharing this with you guys, because the thing that we'd
done in the past that sold more tickets than anything else, outside
of at the last year live event, we sell tickets to next year's,
that sells the best.
Number two, when we do the kickoff Webinar this year, that sold
a ton of them this year for us, which we'd never done that in the
past, so kickoff Webinar. Then the third biggest thing to sell
tickets has always been taking things away, right? Taking away a
bonus or increasing the price, things like that, and usually
throughout the promotional campaign, we always are doing little
things like that. Right? We're increasing the price. We're taking
away a bonus. We're doing this. Last year, we had this great idea,
which I forgot about until just recently. We had each speaker jump
on a Facebook Live with me, just for a quick 10, 15 minutes. I jump
on, I talk about who they are, what they're talking about. We do
that tease, like "This is what we're going to talk about." It's
really exciting to get people pumped about being there, talk about
that speaker's experience at FHL. It's just a really fun thing.
Then at the end of it, I said, "Hey, for those who were coming to
FHL, do you want to give them a bonus to make sure they show
Each speaker then gives a bonus. It's crazy. Some speakers are
like, "Here's my three-day live event. Here's my $2,000 course.
Here's my..." People are giving crazy stuff. Right? Each speaker
gives away a bonus. Today, depending when you're listening to this,
I've probably done five or six at this point, but I did the first
one today. It was with Peng Joon. Peng Joon giveaway is literally a
$3,000 event, a three-day live event, the virtual recordings of it,
in a member's area and everything, which is crazy for everyone who
got their ticket from Funnel Hacking Live. What we do is, we start
doing the speaker offer stack. Today Peng Joon gave his bonus. We
send emails with a list. Say, "Hey. Go watch Peng Joon's Facebook
Live. By the way, he gave everyone this bonus, if you guys get your
tickets this weekend." Right? Then next week I think I have three
or four Facebook Lives. Each one with two speakers, jumping on, and
we're doing this thing. Then each of those speakers, I'm asking
them the same thing. Like, "Hey, what bonus do you have?"
Then, they'll give us a bonus, and they'll give us a bonus.
These bonuses will keep stacking, keep stacking, keep stacking.
Then each email goes out like, "Hey, don't forget. Here's Russell's
bonus. Here's Peng Joon's. Here's so, and so's. Here's so, and
so's, and here's three new bonuses added today." It keeps getting
bigger and bigger, and offer stack gets bigger and bigger. What
happens during this week or two weeks of these interviews, the
sales come in slow, and they get bigger and they get bigger,
because the offer keeps getting more and more insane, til
eventually, it's like, "I would literally be insane to not get my
tickets." Like, "Do I, even if I don't show up to the event?" Like,
"I still need to get the thing, because this bonus has gotten so
good." It gets bigger, and bigger, and bigger. We do that as we go
through all the speakers, and at the very end, now that the offer
stack is insane, if you show up to Funnel Hacking Live, you're
getting all the speakers, these amazing products.
You get to know the speakers ahead of time, plus you get to come
to the event, plus all the other bonuses, and all the other things.
Then after we built that up, then we take all those bonuses away.
We do a three-day cart close, where it's like, "Hey, you can still
get tickets, but you'll miss out on this." Like, "Here's the offer
stack of all the things," and we pull that away. That pull away,
those three days is when we were selling 200 or 300 tickets a day,
every single day. It's crazy. We don't have that many tickets to
sell this year. I don't know how far we'll get into it, but again,
I found the campaign. I was like, "Oh my gosh, of course." We've
restructured it, and we're doing it again right now, but for any of
you guys who were trying to sell tickets, this is a powerful way to
do it. Then what else is cool is that today, Peng Joon, he
Instagrammed his audience. Like, "Hey. Check out this Facebook Live
I was on." Now he's selling tickets for us as well. Right?
Then, yeah. It's just really interesting, because all of this.
You're getting the speakers to promote it. You're promoting it.
You're increasing the offer, and you're able to pull the offer
away. It's just a powerful, unique strategy we're using to sell a
ton of tickets. Anyway, I hope that helps. I've tried a lot of
things to sell tickets, and like I said, looking at this, is the
thing that's worked the best. Make sure you're watching us, if
you're not, go make sure you follow me on Facebook. That's where
these are all streaming too. Actually, I think it streams to
Facebook, LinkedIn, a whole bunch of other places as well, but go
and watch that. You'll see the campaign. You'll see what we're
doing. You watch, as the offer gets more and more insane. Then when
we pull the offer away, that's when the huge ticket sales come
through. Anyway, I love this game. I hope you guys can see that. I
hope you can feel it. It's so much fun, and I love sharing with you
guys behind the scenes, what we're doing. Hopefully you guys can
model it for your events.
It worked for virtual events, worked for live events, worked for
all sorts of things. That said, thanks, you guys for listening.
Appreciate you all, and we will talk to you all again soon.
Definitely the next podcast episode, but hopefully more
importantly, at Funnel Hacking Live. If you don't have your tickets
yet, now is the time. You don't want to miss it. The only logical
reason to not go is, if you hate money or you hate me. If you hate
me, you probably shouldn't be listening to this podcast anyway. If
you hate money, you probably aren't listening to this podcast. That
means you. Yes, if you're listening right now, you need to go. Pull
over the side of the car, pause this thing, open up a new browser
window, go to funnelhackinglive.com, and get your
tickets. If you're not sure if you want tickets, go watch the video
at the top of funnelhackinglive.com, then go get your
tickets. It's that good. All right, guys. Appreciate you all.
Thanks for listening, and I hope you guys have an amazing day. Talk