Enjoy another awesome episode from the Traffic Secrets book launch podcast.
Want to learn how to systematically attract your dream customers overnight... and how to get in front of them over and over again? On this episode, Russell Brunson will teach you...
-- Why you should dig your well before you're thirsty.
-- Why he spent 10 YEARS building a relationship with Tony Robbins (that paid off!).
-- How to attract your dream customer RIGHT NOW and how to attract your dream customers over the long-term (BUY your way in or WORK your way in!).
Listen in to learn more! Also, go get your FREE copy of Traffic Secrets here!
Your job is to start building a relationship today, immediately. Start digging you well before you're thirsty. That's why I led the book with this, because you should start doing this today.
Let's say you do this on Instagram or on Facebook. Let's say Instagram, you figure who on Instagram already has my dream following. Who are the influencers who already have a huge list of people, a ton of followers of my dream customers? And then start messaging them.
-- ClickFunnels: Everything you need to start market, sell, and deliver your products and services online (without having to hire or rely on a tech team!)
-- DotComSecrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online With Sales Funnels."
-- Expert Secrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Converting Your Online Visitors Into Lifelong Customers."
-- Traffic Secrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Filling Your Websites And Funnels With Your Dream Customers.
Hey, hey. What's up everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome
back to, what do we call this, Quarantine Traffic TV? We should be
talking about viral traffic, how viruses grow. We actually are
going to be talking about viral growth, viral traffic towards the
end of the Traffic Secrets book. When we get to growth hacking,
there's bunch of really cool things. But, we will save that for
another day.
Just checking in on everybody. Hope you guys are doing great. I
know it's crazy times, a lot of things are happening, but a lot of
good things are happening in the world right now, too, and just
grateful for just so many amazing people who are publishing.
I went live yesterday to our 2 Comma Club collective group and I
told everyone, I said, "Look, now is the time for you to all be
publishing. Your people need you. They need faith. They need hope
in a better world. They need things like that to happen. It's time
to start publishing." We're going to get deeper into that in the
next couple episodes here as we're talking about Traffic Secrets,
about publishing and finding your voice and things like that, but
now is the time. Your people need you more than ever. It's
important for you to go out there and start sharing. Even though
it's scary and even though all the stuff, it's time to be a light
for the people that follow you.
Today, we are getting back into Traffic Secrets. Hope you guys
have been enjoying this so far. Have you guys enjoyed these, going
live every day? It's been fun for me to kind of start and of kick
off the day. Hopefully, it's been good for you guys as well to give
you something to think about and talk about and brainstorm on
throughout the day.
One of mantras I've had in my business for the last, man,
probably 10 years or so is this concept of how do you give yourself
a raise every single day? Every day, I wake up in the morning and
I'm like, "How do I give myself a raise today?" Because think about
in the real world, the only way to give yourself a raise is to go
back to school. If you're a doctor and you want to give yourself a
raise, you got to go back to like four more years of medical school
or postgraduate school or things like that.
As an entrepreneur, it's kind of fun because I can come into my
office and be like: "Okay, if I can increase the conversions on my
page; that gives me a raise today. If I can get more traffic coming
into my funnels, that's giving me a raise today." There's all these
little things we can do to give ourselves a raise every single day.
Hopefully, this hanging out with you guys, talking about Traffic
and going through the Traffic Secrets book, is giving you guys
ideas as you come every day to listen for tip, a hit, an idea,
something that you can grab that'll be the thing that'll give you a
raise today. The more you guys do that, the better so it's kind of
Anyway, we're in the middle of the Traffic Secrets book launch.
I think we're halfway through the official launch. It's been going
amazingly well. The funnel's converting well, the books are selling
like crazy. I want to thank you guys all for participating, even
though times are crazy.
I think this is the time for all of us to start sharpening our
saws. You look at the best companies in the world were all built
during these times of economic uncertainty. And so your business,
your following, your brand, it is the time to start building it
now. All right, so here we go. You guys want to jump into Traffic
Secrets again?
I've been going through chapter by chapter every day. Some days
we've covered half a chapter, but I'm going to be moving into the
next stuff. If you don't have your copy yet, we're in pre-order
right now. You can go get trafficsecrets.com to go get your copy.
They're there. It's free plus shipping, so it costs you I think
9.95 US, 19.95 international. We start shipping these on May 5th,
so you may have to wait a little bit to get them but the audiobook,
which I recorded, it's seven hours of me reading this entire book,
is available right now. Every single day, we're going live and I'm
going through the book so while you waiting for the book to come,
also I'm sharing with you guys so you can start getting the wheels
in your head spinning and get the ideas coming forth.
Anyway, if you haven't got it yet, go to trafficsecrets.com and
get book. I'd recommend getting the audiobook because you can
listen the whole thing tonight. It took me three days to record,
but it's seven hours of audio. You can listen to it all day today
and by to this time tomorrow have the book done and in your head
and understanding it all perfectly well.
All right. And then on top of that, there's like five, I think
it's five bonus videos you get when you get Traffic Secrets book
that each of those by themselves, we could sell for a couple
hundred bucks. You get them all for free when you go to
trafficsecrets.com and get your free book. I think I said free like
40 times so far. It's time.
Anyway. All right. Everyone's asking, "What's Unlock Secrets?"
Oh, well there's DotCom Secrets, which is book number one in the
series; Expert Secrets, book number two; Traffic Secrets, book
number three. Unlock Secrets is a workbook that goes with all of
them to help mush them all together and mushify them. But right
now, we're talking about the Traffic Secrets book. Okay, so should
we dive in?
Let's recap what we talked about so far. In the introduction, we
talked about the fact there's a storm coming and then it's crazy
that we're in the middle of literally... Well, in Boise we're
actually having a storm outside, but we're in the middle of this
economic storm. It's scary times right now.
It's kind of, I don't know, kind of creepy. I wrote this
probably 18 months ago, but the introduction starts with "There's a
storm coming," and it's talking about... The reason I wrote this
book is because there's a storm coming. Businesses are going to be
struggling. The lifeblood of every business is what? Traffic. The
lifeblood is customers. Right now, in these crazy economic times,
the life preserver you have for your business is literally traffic.
It's the customers coming around you and it's building up customers
that'll be there for a lifetime. Anyway, so the introduction talked
about the fact that there's a storm coming, how to prepare for
Then section number one was all about your dream customer, who
is the person you want to serve, and then really understanding them
at a deeper level. Are they someone who's moving towards pleasure
and moving away from pain? Are they a searcher? Are they a
scroller? Where are we finding these people at? How are we
interrupting them? That was all in section one, which is one of my
favorite chapters. Hope you guys enjoyed that one.
Section two, or secret number two then, was now that we know who
our dream customers are, secret two is where are they actually
hiding? I need to find those people. They got to be hiding
somewhere. We talked about congregations and how to identify
And then in the third video we did like this, we talked about
the dream 100. Who's already congregating those people? Where are
they at? I had you guys do an exercise, so hopefully you did. It's
on page 41 in the book when you get the book. Basically, it was
going through each platform. So on Facebook, who are the people
that have already congregated your dream customers? Who are the
people who already have big Facebook following and writing their
names down. Then who are the people who already have big YouTube
channels and writing those names down. Who are the people who have
big podcasts of your dream customers? Instagram channels, bloggers,
big email lists, who are the people that have already congregated
the customers you want to have and you want to serve? You got to
start listing those people out. That's the first step here in the
dream 100. We're going to come back to that today, so I want to
make sure you guys have done that and prepared there.
And then yesterday, we talked about my favorite concepts, which
is hook, story, offer. Whoop. We talked a lot about that. If you
missed that one, all these are being posted on Facebook. They're on
Facebook long term, so you can go and watch those on Facebook. We
may or may not be putting out a Traffic Secrets podcast of these
episodes as well because some people have been asking for the
replay. That may be coming to you.
But today, we're going into secret number four. Secret number
four, you guys ready for this? Secret number four is called work
your way in and buy your way in. If you read the original DotCom
Secrets book, I talk about there's three types of traffic. How many
of you guys remember this? There's three types of traffic. This is
internet marketing school 101. There is traffic that you control,
there's traffic that you earn and there's traffic that you own.
There's three types of traffic. Today, we're going to be talking
about two of those three types.
All right, so working your way in and buying your way. In fact,
let me see what's the best way I could share with this. Oh, yeah.
It's interesting. When we were launching ClickFunnels five and a
half years ago, as you guys know, I'm the non-technical co-founder,
which means I got no skills. I can't code, I can't write software,
so everyone's writing software for me because I can't do it. Todd
and Dylan were creating software.
And so it was like what was my job in this whole thing? My job
was to figure out, when the doors open on day one, how am I going
to make sure that there's traffic coming into our funnel so that
people are lined up waiting to create a trial? While they're up all
night coding, drinking Red Bulls and doing the hackathon, stuff
like that, I was hanging out with them, figuring out, "Okay, I got
to figure out dream 100. Who are the people who's got our dream
customers?" And so I built my whole dream 100 list, just like I
just showed you guys right now and how we did this… actually I did
this a couple days ago. I built out the dream 100, and then I
started contacting them and calling them and messaging them and
sending them stuff in the mail and getting to know them and all
sorts of things.
After I figure out my dream 100, there's two things I'm trying
to do. One, I'm trying to work my way in and number two, I'm trying
to buy my way in. Working your way in is, how do I get those people
who already have my dream customers to promote me? All you guys
have been watching this Traffic Secrets book launch. I have a lot
of people who said, "My entire Facebook and Instagram and YouTube
feeds are all filled with people talking about Traffic Secrets."
Literally, it's my dream 100. It's people I've been building
relationships with for years who I say, "I got a new book coming
out. Do you want to talk about it?" And they have.
I worked my way into those relationships. Those people are
promoting it. I'm not paying them. They are affiliates, so they
will get paid commissions if they sell a book, but I didn't buy ads
from them. I said, "Hey, do you want to promote this?" They said
yes. right. I worked my way in.
If you look at how do you work your way into your dream 100, you
could go through the book here on page number 57. I start walking
you through the process. Step number one is called dig your well
before you're thirsty.
There's a book that Harvey Mackay wrote called Dig Your Well
Before You're Thirsty. I remember reading that book and just being
like, "Okay, that's the thing." A lot of times, people are like,
"Well, when my product's done, then I'll go start working on my
dream 100. I'll start building relationships. When I'm ready to
launch, then I'll go do that." It's like no, no, no. You need to do
that today because when your product's done, if you come to someone
and the first time you meet like, "Hey, how's it going? My name's
Russell. Do you want to promote my book?" they're going to be like,
"Dude, I don't know who you are. All you're doing is asking me for
favors and asking me for things."
Your job is to start building a relationship today, immediately.
Start digging you well before you're thirsty. That's why I led the
book with this, because you should start doing this today.
Let's say you do this on Instagram or on Facebook. Let's say
Instagram, you figure who on Instagram already has my dream
following. Who are the influencers who already have a huge list of
people, a ton of followers of my dream customers? And then start
messaging them.
I read you guys a couple days ago in here talking about dreaming
100 Rachel Hall, when she launched her book that became the number
two bestselling book of the year last year, only losing to Michelle
Obama, come on now, first thing she did is she went to Instagram
and found everyone who had her dream customers who had over 200,000
followers. She personally DMed every single one of them. She
started working her way in, getting to know them, messaging them,
sending them free copies of her product and getting to know
Same thing with Tom Bilyeu from Quest. When they launched Quest
Nutrition, same thing. He went to Instagram and found who was all
the influencers who got my dream customers? I'm going to start
working my way in and send them free samples, send them product and
started working their way in. So that's step number one, is working
your way and getting to know these people.
When your product's launched, they should already know who you
are. They should be friends. In fact, I think I tell a story in
here of Tim Ferriss.
When he launched The 4-Hour Workweek, he did the same thing. He
said, "I'm writing a book. I need to start digging my well today."
So he said, "Who's my dream 100? Who are the people that someday
I'd love for them to promote my book?" He built a huge list of
bloggers and podcasters and things like that. He started getting to
know them, became friends with them, messaged them a year before he
launched his book. He started digging his well before he was
thirsty with these people, getting to know them as he's writing a
Eventually people are like, "What do you do for a living?" He's
like, "Oh, I'm an author. I'm writing a book." They're, "What's the
book?" "It's not done yet. I'll tell you when it's done." But
people are like, "This guy's really cool. He's just really
And then eventually Tim's like, "Hey, my book's done. Can I send
you a free copy?" They're like, "Heck yeah," so he sent all these
people free copies of The 4-Hour Workweek. And then he's like,
"Hey, launch day is this day. If you like it, I'd love for you to
write a blog post on launch day and tell the world." And on launch
day, he had like, I don't know, a thousand bloggers on day one
blogging about The 4-Hour Workweek. That built Tim Ferriss.
And so this whole concept is how it works. You figure out your
dream 100 is and step number one, you start digging your well
before you're thirsty. I'm not going to spend too much time, but we
talked about all the different ways to do that here inside the book
and the ways you do it the right way and then the wrong way.
Okay, let's see. Let me I make sure I'm doing this in the right
order. Step number one is dig your well before you're thirsty. Step
number two is you work your way in.
It's interesting. Right now, while we're on quarantine, my kids
and I and my wife are doing the Marvel marathon. We started with
Captain America and then Captain Marvel. We're doing it
chronologically so it's not when the movies released, but when they
chronologically fit into time. So Captain America's number one,
Captain Marvel. Last night, it was Iron Man. Tomorrow, or tonight,
it's going to be Incredible Hulk. We're doing the whole
As I was watching, I was thinking about... I remember when
Infinity Wars came out and Endgame came out. How did they launch
those movies? Thinking about this, what they did is that the movie
theaters, Disney, they have relationships with the people that have
their dream customers, so The Today Show, The Tonight Show, Good
Morning America, Late Night, all the different talk shows. About a
week before any of these movies go live, what happens?
Again, let's just say that we're Hollywood right now. Hollywood
builds out their dream... So here's your dream 100. I got to figure
out how to work my way in and buy my way into these people. This is
what Hollywood does. It's the same thing. It's like okay, here's
the morning shows, the talk shows, late night talk shows. If we're
going to promote this movie, we need to start working our way in
And so what do they do? They go and all of a sudden, you see the
guy who plays Thor, Chris Hemsworth, is on every single show
talking about the movie. And then you got Iron Man going
everywhere, and you got all the famous people going on all these
shows, talking about the movie like, "This weekend, the movie's
coming out. It's coming out. It's coming out." They're working
their way in to all these channels, letting them know that this
thing's about to go live. And then boom, movie goes live on the
weekend. They make a billion dollars. That's how they launch
The same thing's true in our world, For the last two years that
I've been writing this book, I built my dream 100. I got to know
them. I built relationships. I sent free copies of the book. Now,
I'm doing podcast interviews, Facebook Lives and all sorts of
stuff, talking about my book, getting it out there to the
Same thing's true for your product. It's the same thing. You
start working your way in. We call it working your way in or
earning your traffic because it's free. You're not paying for it.
You're paying for it with your time, your relationships.
But it's the best kind of traffic because it's... First off,
doesn't cost you any money. Number two, usually it's coming with a
personal recommendation. It's the best type of traffic you can get.
So work our way in. The first goal is to work our way into
everyone's side of the dream 100.
In fact on page 64, you see, well, here's a picture of it there.
Personally, I try to figure out how to work my way in. I go through
all my podcast lists. How do I get on everyone's podcasts? I want
to hit the podcast circuits. Here's all my YouTubers. How do I get
on the YouTube circuit? Here's all the people that Facebook live,
people who have email list. I'm trying to work these circuits and
get into every single person's thing. That's how I worked my way
In fact, when I launched the Experts Secrets book, I show a
picture here, but I spent... Some of you guys saw that video. I did
a whole YouTube video about this. I spent 10 years building a
relationship with Tony Robbins, my dream 100. When the Experts
Secrets book came out, I said, "Hey, can you interview me about my
book on your fan page?" He's like, "Okay," and he interviewed me.
This interview got 3.1 million views, of Tony interviewing me when
the last book came out. I was working my way in. Didn't cost me any
money, but I got in there and got this free promotion.
The first thing is working your way in. The second way is you
buy your way in. Now in a perfect world, everyone in your dream 100
would just promote you for free. But the reality is for 10 years,
for example, Tony Robbins didn't promote me for a decade that I was
working my way in, working my way in, working my way in.
But what's cool is during that time, while I'm working my way in
and hoping to get him to promote me for free, I'm still able to go
and buy my way in. I was able to go to Tony Robbins, he's my dream
100, and I targeted his fans, his followers on Facebook. I bought
ads to his followers. I know his followers are my dream customers,
so I bought ads to those people. I knew that Grant Cardone's
followers are my dream customers, so I bought ads to those people
and I did the same thing.
There's two steps to the process. You figure out who your dream
100 is. Number one is you're going and you are working your way and
trying to get free exposure to their following, to their fans, to
their audiences. And then two, while you're trying to work your way
in and get free exposure, you can also buy your way in. All the
advertising platforms nowadays like Facebook and Instagram and
YouTube allow you to buy ads directly targeting certain people.
If I have your dream customers, you can buy ads and say,
"Everyone who follows Russell Brunson, I want them to see my ad."
You can do that really easily. If you're selling a health product,
you can say, "Everyone who follows Dr. Oz, show them my product."
While you're waiting for Dr. Oz to put you on the show someday in
the future, while you're building a relationship and trying to get
on his show to get all this exposure, at the same time you can be
buying your way in today. You don't have to wait for him to say
yes. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, the channels have already said
yes to you. So I'm working my way in and I'm buying my way in.
People always ask me, "What's better? Is it better to work your
way in or to buy your way in? The reality is you want both. Here's
a little graph here, if you can see. See? If I'm buying my way in,
boom. I can get a big spike immediately. I start getting traffic
like yesterday. I can get traffic super, super fast. I work my way
in, it takes longer. But over the long term, you can get way more
traffic from that.
The reality is you want both. You want the immediate traffic in
sales coming in from buying your way in, and you want the long-term
consistent free traffic. If you're doing both at the same time,
that's the best way to do it. ClickFunnels has built up of a lot of
traffic from both things, free traffic that we're working our way
in, as well as paid traffic that we're buying our way in.
That's kind of where we're starting. I could spend like six
years going on this, but you got to get the book, you guys. You
have to get it. You can't say it about your own book, that's
annoying, but I worked really hard on it so I can say that. I think
it's really good. I'm really proud of it. It's funny, because when
you're you finish writing it, you're so proud of it, and then
there's this phase where you have to send it to people to read.
Man, it is a scary, scary phase.
I remember sending it to a whole bunch of my friends and just be
like, "Here's my new book," and then just waiting and hoping and
hoping. It's funny because at first, you don't hear back because
books take a long time to read. You're just like, "Oh my gosh, they
must hate it. I'm really, really scared."
And then a couple weeks ago, I was at Tony Robbins' 60th
birthday party, which was insane. I'm sitting there and I saw
Garrett White across the room. He came over, gave me a hug. And
then he's like, in the way Garrett says it, "Brother." He's like,
"I read the new book." I'm like, "Oh yeah. What'd you think?"
freaking out like, "I hope he..." And Garrett's been one of the
biggest fans of DotCom and Expert Secrets that we have, one of our
biggest promoters of the book.
He's like, "This one's better than the other two." I was like,
"What? Are you serious?" I'm like, "Oh, cool. Thanks." Inside, I'm
freaking out because I've been so panicked, so nervous, so afraid
that when people got this, what if they don't like it? It's the
insecurities of the artist. You always will have it as you start
putting your stuff out there.
But it made me really happy that... Anyway, so far everyone
who's had a chance to read it has loved it. So many of you guys
have had a chance to listen the audiobook and sent amazing
feedback. I'm grateful for it. Anyway, yes. I'm excited.
If you guys don't have a copy of the book yet, now is the time.
All you got to do is go to trafficsecrets.com. Again, we're in
pre-order right now. These don't ship until May 5th, assuming that
Amazon opens back up soon. Anyway, that's a story for the another
day. May 5th, these start shipping. We'll be shipping from our
warehouse, so you don't have worry about that.
But if you go to trafficsecrets.com, you can pre-order. There's
an order of form bump for an audiobook. If you want to start
listening to it today, you can start listening today. I spent three
days in the studio reading it. It's seven-hour audio, I think, of
the whole book. You can start listening to today and have it ready
by tomorrow. It's going to be awesome.
Anyway, I'm excited for you guys. Hopefully, you enjoy the book
when it comes out. I've got to jump. I've been working my way and
I've got interviews starting in four minutes with a whole bunch of
other people who are going to be talking about this book. I'm going
to go jump off and jump on the calls with them, you guys. Yes, I
practice what I preach.
But now's time to get your book. Go to trafficsecrets.com. I
hope you guys enjoy it. I hope you guys love it. And again, while
you're ready for the book to show up, there's the audiobook you can
There's five videos you get. One of them is me talking about
Traffic Secrets at Funnel Hacking LIVE. There's one from Prince EA,
who's over 3 billion views on YouTube. There's Peng Joon's video.
There's a whole bunch of amazing Traffic videos you get instantly
when you get the book, so go take advantage of that as well at
trafficsecrets.com. Someone said, "Where at?"
Anyway, I'm jumping off. I got a call in three minutes. I
appreciate you guys. Thanks for hanging out with me today. We'll
talk back tomorrow.
Tomorrow, we're going to be going into the next secret, which is
traffic that you own. This is the most important type of traffic,
so we'll cover this tomorrow. Again, there's three types of
traffic, traffic you control, traffic that you earn and traffic
that you own. Tomorrow, we'll talk about traffic you own, the most
important, most vital, most fun type of traffic.
Thanks, you guys. Trafficsecrets.com. Appreciate you all. We'll
see you guys tomorrow. Bye, everybody.