See if your question got answered live!
But the first thing is you got to believe in yourself. And that just comes with a lot of you doing things. Again, it comes back... We talked about earlier, like God gives you an idea. You're going to be a good steward of this idea. And the more often you take an idea and you run with it. Even if you fail, the more times you do that, the more you start trusting yourself. And that's a big part of it. Right now I can walk into a room where there's like, things are on fire and there's pure chaos, I have no idea what I'm going to go into it. I walk in knowing that the right idea's going to show up and I need it because I've done it so many times over and over and over and over and over again. I just know that it's going to happen. And I have belief in myself. That's the first thing.
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What's up everyone. This is Russell. Welcome back to the
Marketing Secrets Podcast. I'm back with Josh today. And do I tell
them what today's episode is, this is a really fun one?
Josh Forti:
Yeah. Today guys, we're doing rapid fire. We went to the
community. We asked a bunch of different questions and by the way,
we have like so many more to go over. So like, hey, just keep
coming in, which is awesome. But it's a rapid fire Q and A with
Russell to kind of bring out a side of Russell that maybe, maybe we
don't get to see as much by asking just a bunch of rapid fire
There's some cool questions there. I think you guys going to
enjoy. I think there's something for everybody. So listen, take
notes. And next time we ask you for some questions, make sure you
submit them maybe you'll get answered live.
And called out. We called out some people.
It's true. Maybe you got called out. You should pay attention.
Anyway, thanks Josh. This was a fun episode, with that said, let’s
queue up the theme song and we'll get right back with some Q and
All right. So this one I want to do a little bit different, kind
of phase three here as we go through this is I went and ask
community bunch of different questions and there's so many
different ones. I've got screenshots on screenshots on screenshots
of, on Facebook, on Instagram and kind of things like that. And so
I thought it would be cool to go through and do a rapid fire style
where we hit you with a bunch of different questions. And there's a
lot of similarities, like underlying actual questions at what it
is. But a lot of it is people they want to understand your thought
process. They want to understand how you run certain things or how
you do certain things or whatever. And so what I thought would be
cool is I have enough questions to where we could literally do one
a minute for the next couple hours.
So take as much time as you want or need to go through this. But
I think if we just went through and did like a rapid fire of like,
all right, start here and then go through and do this, I think
that'd be super beneficial. And I think it'd be a unique creative
thing that we could try and see how people like it, sound good?
That'd be fun. Let's do it.
All right. So the first question is, and I think this kind of...
It's interesting, I think this ties into both of our previous
topics that we covered and talked about, whether it be podcasting
and finding your voice there or funnels and figuring that all out
is like... The question got asked probably three or four different
times, some variation of like, what do you do when you don't know
what you want to do yet, like when you haven't found that
And you're like, because I think... For me, it's interesting. I
actually found my voice before I found my product, right? And I
think a lot of people figure out what they are going to sell before
they find their voice. And so for me it was a little bit easier
because I had all these followers before I was ever selling
anything and I was super broke and then I found dotcom secrets and
it was like, "Oh my gosh, this is amazing." I literally went from
making like $25,000 a year to like $250,000 a year and like one
year. It was amazing because I just added it too.
But a lot of people, they really struggle with like, "Okay,
cool, I get all these things conceptually. I know I need a funnel
and I know I need a value ad. I know I need a community and a
following and raving fans. And I get all the things, but I don't
know mine yet. I don't know the thing. And so when you're doing
that, like what's the thing that you do or what advice would you
give people to fix that problem of, or what things should they be
focused on when they haven't found their voice yet?
I'd say there's two directions on this, and both of them are
correct. It's just depends on who you are. Number one, if you are a
visionary, if you do the DISC profile, and you're a high I, you
want to be the person that's there; the biggest key is not to wait.
If I would've waited four click funnels and funnels, I never
would've got here. I just started creating stuff that was bad like
potato guns, zip brander, or forum fortunes. All these things that
didn't work or I made very little money. No one's ever heard of,
but I did 150 funnels before I was ever like, "I'm the funnel guy.
I'm going to fun... I go on teach..." I started getting into
funnels and then we built funnel software, but it was man 14 years
and 150 funnels before I figure that out.
But if I wouldn't have been in motion, I never would've found
that. So if you are a creator and you know that's your calling,
just start moving forward and find out what you're passionate
about. If I was starting today, I would be into bio hacking, I'd be
into nutrition. I'd be into those are the things I'm really geeking
out about now in my life. So I'd be running that direction. I don't
know what the opportunity's going to be, but I'm going to do
something or I'm going to nothing… And then eventually I feel like
God, as we start moving in a direction, like conscious I'm moving
this direction, trying to figure this out; He will give us little
ideas. He'll give us impressions and ideas. And He's trying to see
like, "If I give Russell's idea, is he going to be good steward to
this idea or not? And if I take it and I implement it, He's like,
oh, he's a good steward of little thing, let me give him some more.
Let me give him some more."
And then 14 years later, He is like, "Okay, now I know he's
worthy of this. Let me give him the big idea." But He's checking
it. And if you get the idea, you're like, "Oh, I'm scared. I get
fearful, whatever." And you don't do it, He's not going to give you
the next one. He's like, "Oh, he's not a good steward of ideas."
And He gives idea to somebody else. It's why, how many times you
are like, "I had an idea for that, but so, and so did this."
Because you weren’t a good steward of the idea when it showed up.
So that's the one thing it's like moving forward.
The second thing is that some of you guys, you're not the
visionary person and that's okay. There's 450 people who work at
ClickFunnels who aren't the visionary person. And if it wasn't for
all of them, I'd be screwed. There are people that are my number
twos that are my psychics that are helping me support it and they
can buy into my vision. In fact, I remember Leon who designs all my
slides for me. He's one of the most amazing people in the world.
And he was out here in Boise one day and he's a quiet guy, just
more reserved and he's got to leave for the airport. And he pulled
me aside, he said, "I want to talk to you real quick." And I was
like, "Yeah, what's going on?" And he said, he's like, "I've
decided that my mission in life is to help you to get your word out
to the world." I got chills and I was like, "Oh my gosh. Thank
It was such a cool thing. And I was like... And I got it. He's
got this skillset. He's not going to be on stage doing the things
and doing podcasts and stuff, man, without him, I couldn't do what
I'm doing. So being a supporting role is huge. So find a vision you
do believe in. If you're like... I think Dave Asprey in the bio...
and the bulletproof movement is the thing, go get a job from them,
go work for them, go work for free, whatever. It's like, go figure
out how you can be close to that person and help bolster. It's
like, I'm hoping that everyone believes in something. Figure out
something you believe in, you're passionate about and go be a
supporter of that. Your vision is not to be something you created.
It's just something you're supporting and you're helping to move
forward. And so that'd be my two advice, depending on which side
you fall on. If you're not sure, just start running.
Love it.
See what happens.
Love it. That's awesome. And I think that's really, really cool.
My current assistant, I've cycled through a couple of assistants
now and I finally have one and she's amazing. And she's just like,
"I came into your company thinking that this is what you needed."
And I was like, "Yeah, because that's what I told you I needed. But
I had no idea what I needed." And she's like, "What you actually
needed is this." And I'm like-
"I need you to tell me what I need."
... right. I was like, "Are you going to leave me now?" She's
like, "No, I believe in you. And I believe in your vision. I know
what you're trying to accomplish. You didn't realize this is what
you needed but I believe in you." And I'm like, "Huh, that is a
relief." If you can find that person, that's lucky. Next thing kind
of goes along with this another rapid fire one is, as you're going
through and you are figuring out all these different things and
testing through your things, how do you make it to where you're not
confusing your audience and to where they don't feel you're just a
mess, that's everything is everywhere? You're trying all these
different things. You're throwing things at the wall. Is that just
something that people are just going to leave and just be upset
just because, or is that like, is there ways to minimize that and
communicate to your community that you don't know what you're
doing, but that this is the vision. This is what we're going. I'm
just trying a bunch of different things. Is there a way to do that
Yeah. I think a couple things, number one is understanding that
until you really dial that in, it's going to be hard to get a huge
following anyway. Like the other day I was searching my name with
someone else's name that I did a deal with 20 years ago and it
pulled up the Google results and there was like, "Oh, I was so
embarrassed." Anyway, it was bad. But guess what? Those people are
all gone now. They left. They're are not even aware what happened.
They don't know who I am. Most people are like, "Russell I've been
following you since the beginning. Ever since you guys launched
Funnel Hacking Live." I was like, "Oh, I was in business 15 years
before the first Funnel Hacking Live." "I followed you all the way
back from Micro Continuity." I was like, "That was a long time ago,
I was in business nine years before Micro Continuity." Most
people... Just understanding the people are going to be... When you
figure out the thing, it's going to be a whole new group of
And so it's not stressing too much about that, but at the same
time, it's like, it's helping people understand like, I'm
experimenting. I call it marketing experiments or like I used to
call mine dotcom secrets labs before I wrote the book and anything
it's like, I'm practicing these principles. So I would like study
SEO and talk about like, "Oh." And I'd sell SEO courses for other
people because I’m learning from this person to understand SEO. I'm
over here and I'm in a laboratory testing these things out. This is
what I'm actually doing. And there's a lot of value in that because
you're becoming in proxy the person and sometimes you can cut
through stuff that's working and not working, you can get direct
access to people that they can. So just helping them understand
like, my end goal is I want to be... Again, if I was going to bio
hacking world right now, my end goal is I want to be healthier.
So for example, this is my live mushroom GTS root beer. It's
literally my favorite thing. I get twice a day. It's from Whole
Foods. It's got Reishi, Chaga, and Turkey Tail. The actual fruiting
bodies of the mushrooms in here blended into this root beer. It
tastes like root beer my grandma used to make, I love it. I'm
obsessed with it. So I could be like, "This thing's amazing. I'm
excited about it. And this is why, and this is why I did the study
and this is why I'm doing it." I could probably sell a crap ton of
these right now. And then I could find out something else like
Anthony DiClementi, he's got this thing. And I'm like, "I can be
excited. I'm testing it. I bought his newsletter. I bought his
membership site." And so it's just like you as the, I'm like a
reporter, who's testing these things out in the beginning until you
figure out what your thing is and you can really dial it. Maybe I
become the mushroom dude who sells mushroom root beer. I don't
know, but anyway.
Please stick with funnels. We need you in that lane more. Is it
good? All right. Cool. Next question we got here is, do you ever
struggle with scarcity and being in scarcity mode even after you've
made... Had all the success and as much money as you you've made,
do you still struggle with being in scarcity mode or have you
evolved past that?
I don't struggle with scarcity. I have a lot of my own issues
for sure. And it's funny because every time someone launches the
next click funnels killer, it annoys me. But then I'm like, "You
know what? First off they're not going to... I'm willing to outwork
all of them and so I'm not worried that way." Number two,
competition drives me, which is really, really good. And number
three, actually, Annie Grace messaged me this a little while ago.
She was talking about her business and all these people who were
competing and she felt they were leading her people astray. And I
was like, "I get that." And I said, "The thing that's most
comforting to me is actually a Bible scripture where Jesus Christ
said, my sheep will hear my voice and they'll follow me."
That's not direct translation, but basically that's just like,
my sheep will hear my voice. And I believe that's something that
was true for him. But I think it's true for all of us. It's a
universal principle. And so what I understand is like, I'm going to
go out there. I'm going to be Russell. The best Russell I can be.
And a lot of people are not going to follow me. They're going to
understand that person better or whatever. Like some other product
better, but my sheep are going to hear my voice and they're going
to follow me.
I'm going to attract the right people and they're going to come
to Funnel Hacking Live, and they're going to use my platform.
They're going to be exciting. And those are the people I've been
called to serve. I am not called to serve the people who are going
to go and go somewhere else. Or they don't resonate my message or
with me or whatever. And I got to be okay with that because my
sheep will hear my voice. And that's my belief that helps me to not
be scared of scarcity, because I don't want those people anyway. I
want my sheep to follow me and I'm going to help them. I'm going to
serve them. Because that's what I've been called to serve.
That's awesome. That's super cool. All right, next one here is
actually from Parker Woodward, shout out Parker.
Yeah, Parker.
He says, "How do you know what positions to put members of your
team in so they personally thrive?"
Man, I cannot tell you, just you know Parker, this is a constant
thing. So if you read the book Good To Great, one thing he talks
about is like finding the right people and then putting them on the
right seats on the bus. And those are two different activities. And
sometimes you nail it. You're like, "Got the right person. They're
on the right seat on the bus. And it's awesome." So many times in
my company, I find someone who's amazing and we put them in a thing
and it's like, "Oh, they don't fit there." And you move around four
or five times like, "This person sucks at their job. They're
horrible." And it's not actually true. It's horrible. The problem
is you have the right person in the wrong seat on the bus. You get
them the right seat and then they thrive. And so it's understanding
that and really defining it of like, "What are the seats
initially?" Because I think that's... You had this with your
system. I don't really know what the seat is. I just know I need
help. And I'm drowning, what that is, right?
You or someone around you understands like, this is where I'm
hurting, this is what I'm struggling and they can define the seat,
then it’s easy to find the right person, or you find somebody like
knows the right person. And then having them like working with
them, being okay like, "We may have to try a couple seats so we
figure out, I know you're the right cultural fit. I know you're the
right person, the right work ethic." But I don't know what the
skillset is yet. Maybe they don't know yet either. And as soon as
you're able to figure out what their unique ability is, then you
put in the right spot and then they can thrive. And so it's a two
step process.
Interesting. All right. This one's from Braden. He says, "What
are the biggest beliefs fundamentally that you had to shift early
on in your life or career that you believe are required to get to
$100 million and beyond?"
It's funny you think it's like belief that some marketing
principles. So I found out every tier, so me to get to a million
dollars, I was trying to get a million dollars in the calendar
year. It took me three years in row. I missed it by like 20 grand,
three years in a row, I couldn't do it. And it was totally like a
mental block. I didn't believe that I could do it for some reason.
And after I did the first time it was like, "Oh." Then it was easy.
And then 10 million was my next mental block. I missed it first
year, second year we got, and then... So it's there's these mental
blocks where I don't know if it's we don't believe in ourselves. We
don't believe in, that we're worth. I don't know if it's, we don't
believe worthy of it or we have the abilities of it, whatever.
But the first thing is you got to believe in yourself. And that
just comes with a lot of you doing things. Again, it comes back...
We talked about earlier, like God gives you an idea. You're going
to be a good steward of this idea. And the more often you take an
idea and you run with it. Even if you fail, the more times you do
that, the more you start trusting yourself. And that's a big part
of it. Right now I can walk into a room where there's like, things
are on fire and there's pure chaos, I have no idea what I'm going
to go into it. I walk in knowing that the right idea's going to
show up and I need it because I've done it so many times over and
over and over and over and over again. I just know that it's going
to happen. And I have belief in myself. That's the first thing.
I honestly believe that the second thing, this comes back to the
spiritual side of things, is that there's a purpose behind it. I
struggled growing ClickFunnels because I thought that it was for
Russell and Todd and our friends to make money. I thought that's
what the business was, for probably the first three or four years.
And it wasn't until I hired this coach who helped me see the
connection between things. And she's just... Because I was always
like, there's business and there's spiritual things. And God
doesn't care right with my business because whatever. And she
helped me bridge the gap. Like, "Do you see what's actually
happening because this business..." She see people's lives are
changed. All these kind of things. And she was the first person who
said, "This is literally a calling that God gave you to do
And as soon as I heard that and I felt it and I believed it, it
changed everything for me. I was like, "This isn't just something
Russell does as a hobby on the side to keep me busy till I die,
this is what I was made for." I was made to do this, to inspire
entrepreneurs, to change the world because each entrepreneur can do
that. And when I heard that and I believed it, then it changed
everything. It gave me permission like, "Okay, well then it's all
my donkey Kong. I'm going to publish. I'm going to create, I'm
going to write books. I'm going to do software. I'm going to do
things." Because it wasn't just like money for money's sake. It was
because this is the mission. This is the calling. I need to do
And so it changed everything for me. So I think for you guys,
that'd be the next thing is like, you got to be connected. Is this
actually what God wants me doing? And if you believe that, you
believe it's not just some side hobby, man it gives you the feel
you need to grow row because now it's bigger than just you making
money. Making money is so uninspiring. Changing the world because
you were called to, at least, for me changed everything.
That's super, super interesting. And so obviously, I've worked
with Katie Richardson and tremendous mindset shifting things in
there. And one of the things that I've learned just about mindset,
what you said there is your brain, by default just runs. And so it
will run with whatever program... Like 90% of your life is
basically autopilot. You don't even realize that you're making the
decision that you're making. So it's like, whatever program is
there, that's how your life operates. And how you change that is
not by changing this or all these different things, it's by
literally reprogramming is changing belief. And so if you could
actually just shift the belief, that's actually shifting the
program. And so I think, for me, when I first got started in
entrepreneurship, it was how do I hustle my way to success?
It was freaking. I was at Gary Vaynerchuk working 18 hours a
day. Let's go. And so I was like, "That's what I'm going to do."
And it was like, Katie came in and was like, "Cool. That's the
belief that you have and it's only going to get you so far." And
then once you can replace that belief, that it's like, "Oh, you
don't have to do that anymore, this is the way to do it." It was a
real identity crisis. It was like, "But wait, no, I'm a hustler.
I'm up to 4:00 in the morning, every single morning. You can't take
that away from me." But then once the belief shifted, then it was
like, "Oh, everything else in life shifted." It was like, "Okay,
cool. Now I operate this way." And so that's super, super
interesting that you say that because I feel like-
If you look at like what I believe my only role is inside of
ClickFunnels literally is for me to stand on stage, to write books,
do podcasts, everything so I can get our customers to believe this
will work for them. That's it. I know it works for them. But if I
get them the tool and they don't believe this is going to work for
them, it will not work for them. I get them to believe this works.
I'm the head belief, cheerleader. That's all I'm actually doing is
trying to take my... Whoever has the most certainty, any
circumstance, any situation always wins. So when I come into
something, I've got to come with more certainty than them and I've
got to prove them I believe it can work and it can work for them.
And if I can get them to believe it, then it'll happen.
But that's the hardest thing is just the mental thing inside
people's head. As soon as they believe it, you see it, because it's
like, "Oh, they're struggling, struggling." And all of a sudden
something happens, and I believe it'll work for them and holy cow,
next thing they know they're Two Comma Club. It's weird. Because it
makes sense. You're like, "No, it's just a process." Like, "No,
it's a process, but your belief is your fuel and how you attack
this thing one way or the other, 100% depends on if you believe is
going to work." If I believe that if I write a book, a million
people are going to buy it, I can go write a book. If I'm like, "I
don't think anyone's going to buy it. What if they don't like it?
What if..." I'll spend 25 years writing this book, it's never going
to get done. The belief is everything.
... yeah. Garrett White talks about that with Warrior Way. He's
like, "We tell people this isn't the only way, this is A way." And
I was talking with my students the other day, I was like, "Hey
guys, how many different ways are there to grow your business?" And
they're like, "I don't know, thousands of them." I'm like, "Sweet,
what's the way you grow their business?" And they're like,
"Funnels." Like without even thinking about it. And it was like,
"See what Russell did there." He convinced me…
And that took me seven years of preaching consistently to get
the market and get people to believe that. But it wasn't that…
yeah. It's interesting.
All right. The next question here, and this comes up... I mean
this probably came up probably more than anything outside of
funnels was how do you manage the relationship with your family and
the balance between work and family? Because this is something I
think a lot of people struggle with. I didn't even realize that
this was a thing until I got married and then I got married and I
was like, "Oh, I'm experiencing a little bit of this." And I'm
like, I can't imagine like then kids and then being around. So how
do you balance your work and your family and overwhelm and burn out
and like... I mean there's limited amounts and it seems you can do
everything Russell, like cause you’re everything over there. So how
do you balance that with your family and the work life balance of
That's a great question. I get asked that a lot, which is
interesting. I think a lot of people... Well I think the big
problem is most people who are doing what I do, they have... The
area of life they’re the entrepreneur, they're killing it, and then
the rest of their life's a wreck. Or they just don't talk about the
rest of life. No one knows. And so anyway, a couple things is
number one, Charfen had us do like a time study before. You ever
heard of that before?
Yeah. They were the worst. I hate them so much.
So annoying. Yeah I did it for like three minutes, I was like,
"I want to die." But you basically sit down and you start every 15
minutes, you're like, write down what you're doing during the day
and really quick you realize, "Oh I'm only actually working two
hours a day." And I think the average employee, I think is in two
hours and eight hour days is actual productive work, the rest
Yeah, something like that. It's super low.
So the first thing is just by default, this is comes from me
being a wrestler, right? As a wrestler, we have two hour practice.
We got the limited time and I wanted to be the best. So I had to
cram as much actual stuff in those small windows as humanly
possible. And you know when you're an entrepreneur, you're going on
a trip and it's like, "My plane leaves at 2:00, but I got an hour
and a half to work." In the hour and a half, you'll get more done
than an entire day typically. And so I trick my mind that all the
time. So if you look at like a typical eight hour day, like I'm
coming in from usually from 9:30, till 5:00, it's like my window
that I'm here at the office. When I'm here, I'm super present. But
what I do in that window of time is what most people do in a week.
Because I don't... People always ask me, "Hey Russell, can I take
you to lunch?"
I'm like, "You have the luxury of lunch. I've not eaten lunch
in, I don't know, decade and a half, I'm working. I quit Uber eats.
I keep working. It shows up, I'm eating it. And I keep going." I
don't waste time for that crap. I'm in the zone and I'm working and
I'm not doodling and texting in a million different things. When
I'm doing something, I'm doing the thing. I was up this morning
from 5:30, till 7:00, I was writing copy for the new offer. And
like, that's what I did by myself. Cranked it out. Seven o'clock,
boom, I hear Nora talking, hear the kids getting up. And then I
break my presence at the thing and I leave and from 7:00 to like
8:30 ish, I'm a dad.
And so I take high school kids in school. I come back and I pick
up Nora and I play with her a little bit. And then I get her fed
and then Collette's getting her dressed and stuff and I go wake up
Aiden and then me and Aiden are hanging out. We're talking about
the day. And then Collette takes Ellie to school. Aiden's there. I
get in the shower. I get dressed. And by nine o'clock I'm ready to
go. And I jump in my car. I come here and then boom, I'm in
Russell, like I'm entrepreneur mode and from 9:30 ish till 5;00 I'm
here. I'm cranking. My days blocked out. I know everything I got to
do during the day. I got a to-do list. I got schedule. Everything's
blocked out. I knew from 9:00 to 10:30, me and you were here and
I'm present.
I'm not looking at 1000... We're here doing the thing, it's
going to be done. And then at 10:30, I know exactly what I'm doing.
As soon as we're done, I'm not sitting around for 30 minutes, like
what should I do next. I know what's going to be happening and I'm
going, I'm doing the thing. And so my days are like that. So boom,
boom, boom, by the time I get to the end of the day, it's like,
"Oh, I got a lot of done today. This is amazing." And then I go
home. And when I walk through the door from my car in the garage to
the door, I send... Before I walk to the door I stop. And I'm like,
"Okay, I got to literally stop for a second." I'm like, I'm getting
dad mode. I'm getting husband mode. And I get done and I walk
through the door and I'm now a dad and husband.
I'm not an entrepreneur. And I go, literally go to every one of
my kids in the house. My love language is physical touch. I go give
each a hug. I go give my wife a hug. And then I'm there. And from
that time I'm dad till 9:00 and then from 9:00 to 11:00 I'm husband
and 11 o'clock I'm in bed waiting for the next day. And so it's
just, I'm really good at chunking time. And I'm not perfect. Some
days I'll get depressed or I'll get tired or burned out or
whatever, and I don't hit it. But for the most part, I would say
I'm pretty consistent in getting a lot of stuff done in the windows
that I got.
That's super, super interesting. Being present and being present
at work, being present at home, that balance that once again,
something Katie talked about a lot is just like, be fully present
with where you are and then set boundaries. Having those clear for
You ask my wife too, I'm not perfect at it, but I try to let
things bleed from thing to thing. I try that when I walk through
the garage door at night that I'm done with work and I'm home and
then, you know what I mean?
And I think that's what most people don't do is like, it all
just mushes together where they're doing everything. So everything
becomes done inefficiently. I was listening to Dan Kennedy actually
yesterday. He's like, "Would you hire a doctor who is going to do
surgery on you, and while he's doing surgery, he's watching YouTube
video and he's eating something on the side?" He's like, "No, you
want presence if you're going to hire someone." Same thing, if you
want to build a funnel, you need your designer and everyone who's
doing this to have laser focus. You don't want them doing these
other things because you need their full attention and
That's awesome. This one's from Paul Vanblum He says, and I'm
going to paraphrase this here because... But how do you modify your
behavior? Which is, like maybe you've got this thing that you... I
don't know, scroll Facebook too much and you just can't seem to
quit. I'm sure that's not a problem for you, but how do you go
through it actually change or modify behavior? Because it sounds
like a lot of your life is routine. Is that true? You figure out
the process that works and then you go until it needs to change.
And then it's just you pick the next process. So how do you go
through and modify behavior that you want to be able to change?
That's a big section of the new book that's coming out someday
in the future. So this is a reality is that the shorter versions if
we're running close on time is understanding that we do things that
meet our needs. And so we had to figure out, how are our needs
being met? Talked about this at Funnel Hacking Live a little bit
with Tony Robbins, Six Human Needs, right? Like if any... I wish I
could geek out on this for like two hours. Maybe this would be the
first topic for next time we do this.
Yeah. I was going to say maybe we do that.
That'd be fun. But there's six human needs and there's four
needs of the body. And anytime three of the four needs of the body
are met, it creates a physical addiction inside you. So if you're
scrolling Facebook all day long, it's because it's meeting a need.
Like you're getting certainty from it. You're getting significance
from it. And you're probably getting love and connection from it.
So three of your four needs are being met... And variety, all four
of your needs are being met by scrolling Facebook. So it's creating
a physical addiction. So for you to break that physical addiction,
it's not going to be easy unless you replace it with another
physical addiction that you enjoy more.
So it's like I have to replacing that. I can't just just
willpower it out and got this thing out and be gone. It's like, I'm
trying to get my needs met somewhere. And so they're getting met
there, I'm good. So I need to get met somewhere else to replace it.
It's a lot of people get their needs met by eating. And so they
keep eating, eating, and they want to lose weight and they can't
lose weight because all their needs are met there. And so until
they replace those needs somewhere else, they're going to keep
defaulting to that. Again, we can geek on that for a long time, but
that's the core root of it. Is it fulfills your need until you get
those needs met somewhere else you're going to keep falling back to
it over and over and over again.
All right. Last two, super rapid fire questions. Number one.
What is the top, the number one or... I'll give you top three,
because number one's impossible. Top three books outside of your
own that someone must read? Outside of your own because duh
obviously is DotcomSecrets, Expert Secrets, and Traffic Secrets.
Thinking bio...
Oh, depends on which area of your life looking at. I just
bought... I spent a... not a small, a pretty big fortune buying the
Napoleon Hill thing. So I'm in the middle of this Napoleon Hill
like Deep Dive. Can I give you my three best Napoleon Hill books
because that’s all I got right now.
There you go. All right, modify the question, three best
Napoleon Hill books?
Everything else seems like a distraction. So for me Outwitting
the Devil is the best thing he's ever written. It is insanely good
and very, very practical. Think and Grow Rich, I've been revisiting
and like, oh, it's so good. And then the Laws of Success is not a
book. It's a book series, which I now own. Oh my gosh. I don't know
if I've even told you this yet. I think I showed you a quick
picture, but-
You showed me a video, yeah.
... The Laws of Success was published in 1928. I have his
version that he wrote in 1925 before he sent it to the editors or
publishers, first edition signed that he printed at a schoolhouse
here in my possession. It's insane.
I can't wait to visit your library bro. Oh my gosh. It's
But those are the three. I would start with Outwitting the Devil
because I'll make you fall in love with Napoleon Hill, then go
Think and Grow Rich. And if you love that, then go into Laws of
Success' it's like a longer form version of stuff, but it's... Ah,
he's my favorite right now.
All right, last question for you. And we all know the answer to
this, but I thought it was a great last question to end on just to
make sure in business, in marketing, in success for all of success,
what's the number one skillset that someone must learn?
: Oh, persuasion.
It's learning how to tell a story in a way that gets people to
move. Because everything else, like I can outsource all the rest of
it. But like I said, we're talking about creating the offer for the
Magnetic Marketing. It's the story, the persuasion, the thing
that's going to get people to move. And that... Because that weaves
into your funnel, weaves into your email, like weaves into how you
get your team to move. How you get your community. All the stuff
comes down to that skillset of learning how to persuade people.
Awesome. Well, Russell, I think that wraps it up. We'll see what
the audience says. But that is a fun run.
That was really fun, man. I appreciate that. This has been a
good day. I woke up this morning working, have a ton of energy.
This has been a lot of fun energy. I appreciate you appreciate it.
And if you guys like these episodes like this, let us know and
we'll do it again. This was kind of a test drive to see if you
enjoyed it.
Yeah, you got to let us know guys.
And I had a lot of fun. So hopefully you did too.
Was this was super fun. Yeah, man, for sure. It was good
chatting with you and everybody go buy Russell stuff and
ClickFunnels and all the things because it'll make you tons and
tons of money and that's it. That's just the end of it.
That’s the real reason we did this… I wanted you to pitch the
stuff so I didn't have to awkwardly tell people to buy it. Thank
you so much.
Okay. Everybody go buy stuff right now. It is amazing. That's my
pitch. The first thing you're going to get is you're going to get a
change of belief. The second thing you're going to get is you're
going to get, I don't know what it is, a step by step process of
the marketing bible. The third thing you're going to get is
increase the status because Russell will like you. Boom there's my
Boom. What more do you want in life? Come on now.
Yeah, you can't imagine. All right, Russell. Thank you so much,
man. I appreciate your time and we'll talk to you soon.
Awesome. Thank you too.