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523 - Jay Abraham Q&A Interview - Part 4 of 4

523 - Jay Abraham Q&A Interview - Part 4 of 4

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On today's episode, you get to hear the final part of a recent interview Russell did with Jay Abraham.

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Best Quote:

The identity that we have is going to direct where we go. If we have an identity that we're dumb, we're going to be dumb. And not that we are dumb, but if we think in our subconscious mind, oh, I'm a dumb person... And so we got to come in there and create an identity that's so powerful it shuts down all the rest of them and says, no, you're not that person anymore. This is who you are. We shift that identity and all of a sudden now getting the result becomes really, really easily.


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Russell Brunson: What's up everyone. This is Russell. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. This is like bittersweet. This is the last of the four part series with Jay Abraham. I hope you've enjoyed the first three episodes in the interview so far. In this one we have a chance, Jay, ask you some more cool questions. And we talked about just a whole bunch of cool things. In fact, we had some of the guests from the audience ask questions this one. Questions about how do we build our culture? How do we create an identity shift for people to follow? We talked about campaign slogans, award shirts, a lot of things from the Expert Secrets book talked about the two comma club award, the two heart award, how to shift somebody the identity and a whole bunch of other cool things. So, I hope you enjoy.

This is the exciting conclusion of my interview with Jay Abraham. Hope you've enjoyed this series. So, let me know. We can do more like this. Or if you'd rather me just come back to talking into the microphone, I can do that as well. Appreciate you guys. Thanks for listening. And we'll see you guys on the next episode.

Jay Abraham : Yeah. What are the tragedies? And I think a lot of people... Well, I think it's a dual tragedy of our time. Some of the most profound universal thinkers that have formulated ideology, methodology, philosophy that are enduring. They have to be modified, in other words, direct marketing is direct marketing, but it has to be modified to online and as attention changes, made more efficient. But a lot of the younger people don't seem to have any awareness of some of the most profound thinkers. And I'm of an era that it's like we're last men or women standing sometimes. And I find it fascinating. I've got clientele all over the world and I don't do, although maybe I should again, information marketing very much. I used to be very big in it. But I find it's so fascinating that all these principles are translatable, they're adaptable, but most people don't realize how profound knowledge from the past is because a lot of it, it just gets updated. It's very interesting.

Russell : Yeah. So, that's a big part of I want... And I know we've tried to do deals a million times that these worked out yet. I feel like that's the one someday we're going to figure out because I want to take your stuff. And everybody has something like I want to... Again, I think the biggest tragedy is this stuff changed my life in a dramatic way and most people don't know about it. I want to put it in a way where they can find it.

Jay : And I admire that about you. I think you've got nobility and nobody knows you spend millions of dollars underwriting humanitarian things that have very, very high value on trying to protect innocent children all over the world. And you've funded documentaries and you've given and raised millions of dollars. And it's very admirable. I want to respect your time and I'm enjoying you. And I hope this interview has been fun. You've given generously and you've been very responsive to questions probably are a little different than most people I hope asked. I never want to ask the same questions everybody does because it's boring and I don't think it respects all that reside, that are stored, waiting to be released in a career, in a life, in somebody's understanding and worldview. And worldview is something I'm very...

Now, I'm going to tell you one thing, just because you'll enjoy this and I think it has merit. I sent Tony something a couple of weeks ago. It's a new distinction that I'm working on and everybody knows what LTV stands for. And if the Japanese don't, means the lifetime value. It can be defined as whatever a buyer is worth over a predictable period of time. If they last three transactions, what is that cumulative worth to you? Not just in revenue, but in the lifetime value its profit represents. If you add one more transaction before to make it easier to get people in, it changes everything. Because as Russell said, what used to cost you now is all profit if you add things. But I was thinking about it the other day because I'm older and I'm at a different point in my life. And I was thinking, we don't think about what is our lifetime value, Russell and everybody, if we don't change the course of our life, career, relationships, health? It's very interesting because what are you going to be? What are you going to make? What's it going to be worth? What is your impact you're going to make? What are your relationship going to be? What's your longevity going to be? The quality? And I'm working on that. But I think it's a very provocative concept.

Russell : Interesting. Yeah.

Jay : And nobody think that way.

Russell : That'd be really cool.

Jay : Yeah. I'm working with Tony. We're going to try to do something at his next plat. I do that one thing with we do the plats and the lions every year. And I said, "Let's sort of develop this." All right. So, we have about 10 minutes left. Hiro, are you there? I don't see you, but it doesn't mean you're not there. Hiro?

Hiro Ogowa : I'm here. I'm here.

Jay : I need to go get my water, but I'm going to let you ask questions and then I'll do a respectful gratitude thank you at the end and let Russell go off to making more impact and serving more people and filling more needs and challenging his intellect to reach more people as he grows. But I'll be right back. You ask questions if you like, or you ask questions for the audience and I'll be right back.

Hiro via translator : Okay. Thank you very much. So, hello. I am Hiro Ogowa and I have read and... We published all your three books here in Japan.

Russell : Oh, very cool.

Hiro via translator : Thank you. Thank you. It's been an honor. So, I have a question for you. So, Russell, you mentioned earlier that you are not a software company, rather you are a movement creator. So, it's not about the product, but it's rather more about creating a culture and creating movements or creating culture. Is there a certain thing you think is mandatory that is essential to create a movement or culture? What is the key ingredient? What is the mandatory factor? If there's anything that you would like to share.

Russell : That's a good question. I would say there's a lot of tactics and techniques you can use to help to build a culture. But I think the biggest overarching thing is you have to create something where people self-identify with it. It has to become an identity shift for them. Right? I think about, for me, there's different businesses I tap into. There's sports I'm into. There's things. And if I can say, for me, I'm a wrestler. I'm also a Mormon. I'm also a biohacker. I'm also a marketer. There's these "I am" statements, this is who I am. To really create a movement, that's what you're trying to do is create something where people feel like they self-identify this is part of what they are.

Which is easier said than done. How do you do that? And I remember when I first had that conversation with Kaelin Poulin who owned Lady Boss, her business at the time was called Tool Time Trainer. And because it was about her, about her. Her last name was Tool. Her maiden last name was Tool. She'd say, "I'm Tool Time Trainer." And she was trying to create this thing but nobody would engage with it because it was her. And I think a lot of times as business owners, and I'm not sure if it's the same there as it is here in America, but in America we all think that we're the greatest in the world so we always are they want to name our businesses after ourselves. And people are always talking about us and it's like, no, it's not about you. It's about them. Right? Who they self-identify with.

And remember I told Kaelin that at a mastermind meeting she was in and then they jumped in a plane and she was flying home and she's sitting there. She's like, "I've had the last five or six years building this brand and building this name. It's named after my dad who passed away." And she had all this stuff and she said it's not about me. It's about them. And said, "If I was them, who would it be?" And she said, "Well, they're lady bosses. That's who they are." And so she shifted this thing away from about her business to who are they and how do I make it about them? And when she did that, then she came back and she wrote out a manifesto and she did all the tactical things afterwards, but it was all about the shift where people could say I'm a lady boss. I am a funnel hacker. I am a biohacker. I am a whatever your thing is. How do you create that thing where somebody could say that?

And it's got to be simple if they put on a t-shirt. I am a funnel hacker. I am a lady boss. What is your thing that your community could tie themselves around. Right? And if you can break it down to something that simple, that's the strategy you got to figure out. And then, like I said, if you read the expert secrets book, there's a bunch of tactics on how to amplify that and how to make the message bigger and all those kind of things. But the core essence of it is who can they identify with where they have this identity shift of I'm part of these people. I want to be one of them. And when you can make that transition, that's the key to really creating a movement inside of your business. And that's what keeps people stuck there because now it's not just the software they use. It's part of their identity. It's who they are. And that's really the big secret.

Hiro via translator : So, basically this not just the seller's identity or what you are, but it's more like what kind of identity the customer can relate with. And it becomes part of their identity. So, as you mentioned, a one word or a phrase on a t-shirt. Something very simple, but something that they can relate to and that can be part of their identity. Does that sum up what you just mentioned?

Russell : Yes. Perfectly. You think about your business, every business gives a client a result. Right? So, for Kaelin it was helps her people lose weight. For ours is helping them to build a business. And so this identity is like a superhero cape. So, putting it on is like this is my cape so I can go and achieve this result that the thing is. And so when you start looking at your business less of as here's the product, but here's the result that this dream person's going to get. What's the cape? What's the identity I need to give them so that they can believe that they can achieve that result through the business that we have? That's the key. Yep. You nailed it.

Hiro via translator : And then so based on that, you used different strategies and tactics on top of that. Right?

Russell : Yep. So, some examples of them that I talk about in the expert secrets book, one of them is I have my dream customers over here and then I'm going to come and I got a campaign just like... I'm not sure how the political system works with you guys, but here we have politicians who run for a party and they'll have a campaign slogan. This is who I am, come and vote for me. And so same thing. There's probably a dozen or thousand people like me who are all competing for the attention of my dream customers. So, what's my campaign slogan? So, for us, it was like you're one funnel way. This is the slogan. This is the mantra we have. Come over here. And this is the mantra that gets people to start moving towards us. Right?

Then we get people awards like the two comma club awards and things like that. They get people to, after they join us, they've got a purpose. What are they doing? What are they working towards? Why are they putting in the time and effort with you versus everybody else? Right? And so we're looking at all those kind of things. We get people t-shirts when they sign-up for click funnels. When they hit different levels, they get clothes. We do live events so they get together, they get to network, they can be part of it. These are all the things we're doing to try to create that community and connection so that it lasts beyond just the product. Just the thing that we're selling. It gets deeper into the identity and the root thing that they're trying to achieve in the identity that they need to have to be able to achieve that.

And if you study any of the good personal development books, anything from Napoleon Hill and things like that, any of the early authors, they all talk about that. The identity that we have is going to direct where we go. If we have an identity that we're dumb, we're going to be dumb. And not that we are dumb, but if we think in our subconscious mind, oh, I'm a dumb person. In fact, I struggle with that, man, all through high school. I always thought I was dumb. It's because that I always struggled. Right? It wasn't until somewhere after I graduated college, I started my business, that all of a sudden I was like, "I'm not dumb. I'm smart. I can figure things out." And my identity shifted, and then I was able to do all sorts of things.

But this identity people have, if they're coming... Again, let's say your business is for weight loss. If they haven't lost weight in the past, they've got something in their identity's holding back. Right? Oh, I'm someone who starts diets and I fail. I'm someone who's lazy. I'm someone who likes to eat food. They have these things in their head, these identities that are keeping them for having success.

And so we got to come in there and create an identity that's so powerful it shuts down all the rest of them and says, no, you're not that person anymore. This is who you are. We shift that identity and all of a sudden now getting the result becomes really, really easily. And so really it's the psychology behind breaking these faults, things that are holding people back so they can have success with the thing that you're selling. And that's really the key to helping your customers have success with whatever product or service you're selling.

Hiro via translator : So, earlier you mentioned that you need a common purpose or a common goal for the community. If you have that common goal, then it's easier for you to relate and also for you to shift your identity towards that goal or purpose.

Russell : Yeah. Think about it. And sports are great. Every sport, there's always something people are trying to achieve. Right? In the UFC, it's the UFC title. If you're football, if you're soccer, whatever sports, the Olympics, there's always something that people are striving towards. One of the things I've seen people in businesses is they'll set a business goal and then they hit it and then they lose all their motivation. Oh, I lost it. And so for you as the person who's building this community and designing it, you got to set these goals. So, we set initially was our two comma club award. And at first we thought that was going to be really hard for people. And then all of a sudden, tons of people started... She's making a million dollars inside a funnel and they make it, they got two comma club award and they were excited.

And then the worst thing happened is there's nothing else for them chase and so they all stopped kind of trying. So, okay, let's make a new award. So, we made an award called two comma club X which is for 10 million dollars. And all of a sudden reengage all these people, they started going for two comma club X, and then people started crossing that and we said, okay, let's make two comma club C for a hundred million dollars. Right? So, we kept creating these targets because, if not, people will get disinterested. There's not a reason for them to keep showing up and participating inside of your community. They're likely often going to leave. Right? And so it's like you create these things.

And then last year, what we did is, cause the people who are making a hundred million dollars, they're doing all sorts of crazy things. And so we said, hey, how about we create an award that's not focused on how much money you made, but instead how much money you gave away. And so we launched the two heart awards, two hearts. So, if you donate over a million dollars to charity, you'd get this. And the first year one person got that. And I was like, that's going to be hard to ever get another person to get the two heart award, and sure enough next year three people got it. And then now everyone message me, "I don't even care about two comma club award. I want to win the two heart award." And they're all trying to figure out to give money away. And it's those kind of things that keep people engaged in your community so they're not just leaving and going to other places. It's what makes it more sticky, makes them stay with you.

Hiro via translator : You started with information content business and then you shifted to software business. So, I think the most difficult part is you getting engineers and then for you to develop a software. But how did you overcome that when you shifted from one industry to another? So, securing engineers and developing softwares and stuff.

Russell : Yeah. That's a great question. So, there's different ways to do it. And I've had friends do a lot of different ways. One is hiring people. There's different things. For me though, I used Jay Abraham’s strategy. I found somebody who was a really good developer and I partnered with him. So, my business partner's name is Todd. And Todd, when I found him and I met him, and he was in our community. He was in our world. He worked for us for free for a long time just doing side projects and stuff. And then we had edit for ClickFunnels, we decided to partner on it. And so what's nice that now I have a co-founder who's technical who can do all that kind of stuff. If I was to start another software company, the first thing I would look for is a technical co-founder.

And you can hire people, but it's always harder to hire someone who... Who knows if they're going to stay or they're not going to stay, especially when you build something we're eight years in the click funnels. And if I had hired someone and he disappeared, it would be hard to do what we're doing today. Right? But because I have a co-founder whose livelihood is built into the software as well, he shows up every day and he's built a whole team now developers. And so if I was start over, I would look for a technical co-founder. If you're not willing to do that, then there's people you can hire that are great developers as well. But that's kind of key is finding someone that can help with that. That can manage the process and I can give vision like, oh, I want to do this and this and this and this. And he can take that and translate it into actual code and software and things like that.

Jay : Hiro, I'm going to, just to respect Russell, going to wrap us up. But Russell, you have been very generous in letting us probe and plug into your mind and your methods and your worldview. And I think most people don't understand that the broader your worldview, the more powerful you become. But I thank you very much. And I ask only one final question, is... Two questions. Is there something I should have asked you that I didn't? And if it is, what would it be? And answer it. And if not, but if there is, I'd love to know it. But if not, what one thing do you want to leave people making sure that they got out of your investment of openness in today that will maybe haunt them positively so that it's not just entertainment. It'll move them to do something with what you've shared.

Russell : Yeah. Well, first off, before I answer, I want to thank you guys for having me. This has been super cool from both sides. First, obviously amazing to hang out with Jay, which I've grateful for. Hiro, it's so great to officially meet you. And then all of you guys from across the world, it's just so fun to see entrepreneurship everywhere. So, thank you for letting me be part of this. And I think the biggest thing that I would come back to is, and this is just... I mentioned it, but I want people to understand this. I literally believe that business is a calling. I believe it's calling from a higher power. I think every single one of us has been blessed with gifts and talents that are unique to us. Right?

Everyone of you guys have unique talents and gifts, and they weren't created. You weren't given these gifts or talents for yourself. Right? You were given these gifts and talents because you've been called to serve and help a group of people. And so what I would say, if there's nothing else you get is figuring out who are the group of people you've been called to serve. That's more important than what your product's going to be, or you're going to be selling software, information or supplements. None of that matters as much as you've been given gifts and talents, and you're supposed to help people. Who are those people you're supposed to serve? If you can go find those people, here's the group of people that I'm supposed to serve, then you start listening. What do they need? How can I help them? How can I make their process simpler? How can I help them have success faster? What is it that I can do different than anybody else is doing? And when you figure those things out, everything else comes easy. Right?

The ideas will come. They'll flood into your mind. I'm not a creative person, but I listen to my audience and they tell me what they want. And I'm like, oh, they want this. Let's go make it. Right? It becomes really, really simple. But the key is making that distinction and that shift. The first two year, three years of this business for me was chasing after money and I struggled. So, I stopped. I said these are the people. I'm going to serve them whether I get paid or not because I love them. I enjoy being around them. I want to help them. And when I started shifting to that and that became my focal point, everything else in my life changed.

And so if I can do nothing else, believe in that, because if you do, you're going to start looking and listening and all the answers that you're looking for are going to show up. And that's the key to business. That's why I'm so obsessed with it, why I'm so passionate, why I love sharing these kind of things. Because every one of you guys is like the ripple effect. Hopefully something I shared with you guys today will start a ripple effect from where you guys are at and change more people's lives. And hopefully my LTV will go up from what Jay said earlier. Right?

Jay : Thank you very much. I greatly, in behalf of everybody, appreciated and I hope it was fun for you.

Russell : Thanks, you guys, so much for having me. It was awesome.

Jay : Okay. Bye. Thank you.


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