A very simple process, to double or triple how much you achieve every two weeks…
I'm a pretty driven guy without that but even with that on top, it's really taking it to the next level for me.
I want to encourage you guys to do that. Find an accountability partner, someone who is the same business or different business, it doesn't really matter, but somebody who you can trust and you can share parts of your business with or your life, whatever it might be that you may not feel comfortable with normally. Have them hold you accountable.
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Good morning everyone, this is Russell. I want to welcome you to another beautiful day. Welcome to the Marketing in your Car podcast. It's nine o'clock in the morning. I've actually been up for four hours already. The reason why is kind of fun.
There's this dude I've been watching for the last two years named Carl White, someone I've been really impressed with but I've never had a chance to get to know him. He doesn't know this yet, but one of the main reasons why, probably one of the top three reasons why I joined Ryan Deiss and Perry Belcher's mastermind group was I wanted to get to know Carl.
We had our first meeting a month ago. Carl was there. It was kind of funny. When we began the meeting, everyone had to talk about the one main thing they're trying to get from this. I said, “I'm trying to make more money without increasing any employees, staff, or overhead.” Everyone laughed. Carl came over to me afterwards and said, “What you said was dead on. Everyone laughed at you but you're the one who is thinking the right way. How do you make more money without increasing your costs?”
We hit it off then and went to lunch. We talked about some stuff and was really impressed with him and what he's doing. At the end of it, we started talking and he brought up, “Hey, how would you like to be my accountability partner?” I was like, “How does that work?”
He said, “This is how it works. You write me a check for $2000. I write you a check for $2000. It's got to be a personal check, not a business check because it needs to hurt. We'll keep that. Every two weeks, we do a meeting for about an hour. We set goals, the next two weeks, I'm going to do this, this, and this. Then we go out there and do it. Two weeks later, we meet back again. If you didn't reach your goals, then I get to cash your check. If I didn't reach my goals, then you get to cash my checks.”
We got this thing on the line where we're basically holding each other accountable and it's tied to cash. I was like, “That sounds like fun, let's do it.” We did our first one two weeks ago. It's kind of cool. We got to know each other a little bit and said, “Okay, two weeks from now, this is what I want to accomplish.” We're very careful not to set goals that were tied to things outside of our control like, “I'm going to make $100,000,” an income goal, a leads goal, or something that no matter how hard we work, it might not be dependent upon us but to do steps goals.
For me, it was, “I'm going to have this new funnel completed.” This week, my big one is going to be building out a commission structure for our traffic team and getting them motivated. You pick very specific things that you either do or you don't. I had mine. He has his. That's kind of what happened.
Today, we had our little check-up. It was good. It was painful a little bit.
I had reached all my goals, and then some of the other ones that I had set last week which had to do a lot more with one thing that Carl is good at but I'm not is saving money and building up your wealth, all those types of things. He's trying to push me.
I told him, “Of all my issues, we can drive traffic, make sales and make money but I want to learn how to make it so that when I'm done with this game or this business, I have money in the bank and money for my posterity.”
That's what he's been coaching me through a lot is that, getting set up all these different investment vehicles, putting away a certain percentage and all these things.
There's one thing I don’t really want to do, I'm not going to lie but he keeps pushing me towards it. Two weeks from now, I have to have it done or else he's going to charge me two grand, which is setting up a separate bank account and putting 25% of my income into that that's untouchable.
I can't touch it to buy a house, I can't touch it to do anything. It's just to have, to save and to be able to have for whatever comes up, either retirement, a rainy day, or whatever it might be.
It's really good. I have somebody who is stretching me and pushing me to do things that I know I need to do but I never would do on my own, just a cool process. I had my second call this morning at 5:30 in the morning. We went through it and it was awesome.
I just want to encourage you guys and gals, and everybody who is listening right now to go out there and to actually find an accountability partner for whatever it is you're doing for your business.
I would do it similar to what Carl and I did where you put some cash on the table. Write them a check, have them write you a check for the same amount, and hold up where if someone doesn't fulfill on it, then the other person promises to cash that check and hold you accountable.
Each week or the way we're doing it is every other week, twice a month we're meeting, and having our little meeting to report back what we did and set new goals.
I can already tell just from this, I was anxiously trying to get projects done yesterday because I knew I was going to meet Carl today. If I didn't do it, it was going to cost me two grand so it got me pushing and running, and doing a lot of stuff that I wouldn't normally have done. I'm a pretty driven guy without that but even with that on top, it's really taking it to the next level for me.
I want to encourage you guys to do that. Find an accountability partner, someone who is the same business or different business, it doesn't really matter, but somebody who you can trust and you can share parts of your business with or your life, whatever it might be that you may not feel comfortable with normally. Have them hold you accountable.
Make it a set schedule where it happens every two weeks, you're holding them, they're holding you. I'm excited to see what the next three or four months comes from this on my side but I think from you guys, you can do some amazing things as well. That's what I want to encourage you to do.
The cool thing about this too is it doesn't always have to be just business goals.
Some of Carl's goals today had to do with exercise and fitness, and things like that, just really cool. I encourage you guys to find an accountability partner, put some cash on the table. Make it fun and see how fast you guys can get each other moving forward.
That's what I got for today. I'm at the office. I have two weeks now to get my next set of goals done. I'm going to get to work and have some fun. I will talk to you guys again soon. Thanks everyone.