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30 - 68% Of Your Visitors Never Even See Your Funnel…

30 - 68% Of Your Visitors Never Even See Your Funnel

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Episode Recap:

It's amazing that marketers don't discuss this simple and lucrative funnel fix more often... On this episode of Marketing Secrets, we have the last bit of knowledge Russell wants to share from the affiliate mastermind. This time it is a tip from Trevor Chapman. Here are some of the super informative things you will hear in today’s episode:

-- Why knowing that 68% of people leave a website before it’s finished loading is significant.

-- How you can increase conversion just by making your page load faster.

-- And how Clickfunnels can help you decrease your page loading times.

So listen here to find out how making your page load faster could significantly improve your conversion rates.

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Marketing Secrets podcast
Marketing Secrets podcast

Best Quote:

“I always thought it was because ugly pages convert better. No, the problem is a lot of times pretty pages take way longer to load.” You’ve got beautiful background images and a video file and all that kind of stuff just takes longer to load. That’s why people are leaving. Where with the ugly ones, it’s just html code, there’s text and some stuff, they load faster and therefore instead of 68% of people leaving, it maybe drops down to 23%. You’re getting twice as much traffic just by increasing the load speed time. I thought that was fascinating and interesting.


-- ClickFunnels: Everything you need to start market, sell, and deliver your products and services online (without having to hire or rely on a tech team!)

-- DotComSecrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online With Sales Funnels."

​-- Expert Secrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Converting Your Online Visitors Into Lifelong Customers."

-- ​Traffic Secrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Filling Your Websites And Funnels With Your Dream Customers.


What’s up everybody, this is Russell Brunson and welcome to the last of the secrets I want to share with you from the affiliate mastermind. This one has to do with page load times. Okay, so I hope you have enjoyed some of the recaps we’ve shared this week. There’s one more cool thing I wanted to share with you. I’m not going to actually show you the video clip of it.

But I do want to explain the concept because I think it’s pretty valid and I think it’s interesting and it’s something I’m going to be testing and it’s worth it for all you guys as well. So this actually came from Trevor Chapman, and Trevor is one of my inner circle members who was there. It’s interesting, he was talking about doing all sorts of stuff with his funnels trying to figure things out and he ended up starting to put Google analytics on stuff to look deeper at everything.

And as he was looking at analytics he was trying to figure it out and he couldn’t find someone, so he’s like, “I gotta dig deep in this and try to figure some stuff out.” And a couple of things he found that were interesting and I think it’s worth listening to. So number one, he said that basically 68% of visitors, I don’t know if it was his page or if it was an industry stat from Google analytics, but 68% of people leave the page before it finishes loading.

So they see your ad, they click on it, come over to the page, the page starts loading and 68% of them leave before the page finishes loading, which is interesting. So he started going back in and started saying, “My page is loading too slow. I need to increase my page load speed. If I’m losing 68% of people before the page even loads, that’s 2/3rds of my traffic or whatever the fraction is on that, never even see my ad.”

So he started doing stuff to lower things. Lowering the image size, lowering page size, page structure, a bunch of stuff like that and increasing how fast the page loaded. And he got his, I can’t remember how much he decreased the load time, but from 25-30 seconds down to 10 seconds, down to 5 seconds. And as he did that he 2-3x’d his income. Not by changing the page or ad or anything, just by reducing, increasing the page load time, which was super fascinating.

In fact, he kind of mocked, he teased me because the homepage right now, I don’t think I ever optimized those images, but it takes almost 30 full seconds to load the entire page, and he’s like I bet you 68% of people never see that thing. I’m like, “That sucks.” So that was kind of interesting. Then he made another observation that for me was super fascinating. He talked about how people like me say ugly pages convert better, or your page….a webinar registration page without a video on it increase conversation rates and all sorts of stuff.

He’s like, “I always thought it was because ugly pages convert better. No, the problem is a lot of times pretty pages take way longer to load.” You’ve got beautiful background images and a video file and all that kind of stuff just takes longer to load. That’s why people are leaving. Where with the ugly ones, it’s just html code, there’s text and some stuff, they load faster and therefore instead of 68% of people leaving, it maybe drops down to 23%.

You’re getting twice as much traffic just by increasing the load speed time. I thought that was fascinating and interesting. So I’m going to be doing some more testing, but I wanted to share with you guys, with everyone as your doing it, because I don’t know 100%, I take everything with a grain of salt, but I do think he’s onto something. I do think the page load time is interesting.

I do know on the Clickfunnels side, this is something that should be comforting to you guys, Todd spends time every single month trying to decrease page load speed on our side, doing stuff to optimize the pages, get the code out faster, all those kind of things so that page load is happening faster. In fact, I’ve seen over the last probably year, I’ve seen him shave across network wide, tens of millions of pages that people view every single day on ours, shaving time off by multiple seconds. So we’re always optimizing on our side.

But you guys as you’re building pages in Clickfunnels, just know that. Know that, man if I have a background image, how big is that file? If it’s 3 megs and I got 3 of those things, that’s 9 megs just in background images. That’s not good, especially when you’re pulling it on your phone or mobile. It gets really, really bad. In fact, we just created a new tool inside Funnel University, for those of you who are Funnel U members, it should be there by the time you’re here.

But it’s an image re-sizer. I had Dorel on my team build a little software app where basically you take a background image, throw it in this thing and what it’ll do is take an image that’s like 3 or 4 megs, you’ll click a button and it’ll pop the image back out, it looks exactly the same but it decreases the image size from 3 or 4 megs to like 300 megabytes or whatever, 1/10th the size. So I’m going back to all my old images, my e-cover image, my picture image, any image I upload in Clickfunnels, I have on a page, I’m putting back through that thing and shrinking the size of it to increase page load time.

Just know, those are things you should be looking at because, man, if you can increase your conversion by 10%, 20% 30% just by images loading faster, that’s a lot of money without having to write better copy or any of those kinds of things. Just page load time. So Trevor Chapman, thanks for bringing that top of mind to me. And hopefully everyone who’s listening on the podcast, it’s something definitely worth doing.

And it’s something you should all look at. With that said, I hope you guys enjoyed this episode of Marketing Secrets podcast. If you loved this episode, a couple of things. Number one, please go and share with those who you love. Tell them to go subscribe and listen. Number two, please read a comment. I do read the comments over at, leave a comment and let me know.

Number three, the best thing you can do to increase us, right now, last I checked we’re number 5 in the business category, if we want to be number one, it’s all about listen time. The more you listen the higher we get ranked. So go and binge listen. Go back to episode number one, click play and let’s catch up on the last 5 years together.

Basically since we started launching Clickfunnels is about the time I launched this podcast and you get to hear the ups and downs, behind the scenes. Everything we did to go from zero to over 100 million dollars in sales and it’s all free here on the podcast. You just gotta go binge listen at the very beginning. So come back to episode one, let’s have some fun and I hope you enjoy the podcast. I appreciate you guys being on here and we’ll talk to you guys soon. Bye.


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