How coaching people, through what you do naturally everyday, can change your business forever.
That’s the art of it, though. It’s looking down and being able to look at the person’s situation and their life and this and that, and we paint this picture of what’s going to work for you. That’s awesome, but for the masses, you can’t do that. How do you create a template where you can plug people in?
That’s where I think the scalability comes in with your content, your offer, your art, and how you can scale it.
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Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson, and I want to welcome you to “Marketing in Your Car”.
Hey, guys and gals. It’s been a while since I’ve done a podcast. It’s just been nose-to-the-grindstone, going crazy, and I just haven’t pulled up for a moment.
I’m driving right now to get my haircut. My hair also has not had a chance [laughs] to have anyone pay attention to it. I look like a wookie. My hair is huge, so I’m getting it all cut down today, and getting prepared for an event that we’re doing here in Boise next week for all of our Inner Circle members. It’s going to be awesome. I’m really excited.
Here’s some backstory on it. It’s interesting.
I’ve wanted to write a book for [laughs] probably ten years now. I keep trying, and it’s hard, so finally last year, I just decided, “I’ve got to do it.” You look at the best people, and they hire really good ghost writers, so I went to out there and tried to find a ghost writer. My biggest thing is that I wanted the book to be the same things I teach at events, the things that I believe in, and that we do every single day, and I wanted it to sound like it came from me.
I went and researched a bunch of people, and I found someone who specializes in writing in your actual voice. She’s been awesome, and so I hired her. She’s not been cheap, by any stretch of the imagination, but she’s writing a book for me. It’s important.
She’s been working on the book, and doing the book’s been forcing me to set down, chapter by chapter, in excruciating detail, and record audios and mind maps, and everything in my core – the things I teach. It’s been really fun, as I have been getting out all of these things. What’s interesting is, she may have told me, or somebody else told me, “When you start writing a book is the first time that you really start understanding what you actually do.”
It’s been interesting because the mechanics behind what we do every single day, when you try to teach them to somebody at this level, it changes. You really have to dig deeper, and you start getting connections in things you wouldn’t normally see or do. It’s kind of fascinating.
As I was doing this whole thing, I said, “You know what? I know on the back end we’re going to want to sell something, so I want to do an event where I actually go through and I teach all of this stuff as well, plus it will force me to get into these thoughts much deeper,” so I’m putting them down, and we mapped out an event, which is the event happening next week.
It broke down everything we were teaching into twelve core secrets. You guys know “DotComSecrets”, so it’s “Twelve Dot Com Secrets”, and they’re all focused around doubling your traffic, conversion, or sales.
It’s been really, really fun. If you guys haven’t had that experience of writing a book yet, I really definitely recommend doing it. It actually reminds me a lot of my wrestling in high school.
I was a great wrestler. I was a state champ, I think, second place in the country. I went to college, and then when I was in college, they started inviting me to come teach at wrestling camps.
I remember my first summer after my freshman year, going to these camps and teaching younger kids.
I remember the big epiphany I had on things. I can remember working with these kids and teaching them stuff and showing them stuff, and they wouldn’t get it, so I’d have to break it down and break it down until the point where it was just so simple that they’d be like, “Oh, I can see how it works.” When I would do that, it made me start realizing why the wrestling move worked. –“The reason why this works for me is because of the way my positioning was this, the way my hips were this, my arm was here, my leg was here.”
You start seeing things you don’t see at a level when you’re in it all of the time, right?
I really think that going back and teaching wrestling camps during the off season helped me a lot as a wrestler. I just was able to learn so much more about what I was doing. You never really see it, and after you realize that this is working because of this, this, and this, then you look at it like, “Well, where else can I apply those principals, those things that are working?”
So that’s what’s been happening with this book. It’s been interesting.
One thing that I wanted to do was I wanted each chapter to be a stand-alone, yet they all kind of build on each other, but I wanted them to be like if you were struggling in one part of your business, you could take a chapter and just read it and learn something, but I was like, “I want to go deeper than that.I want it to be like where you can just pick up an image and look at the image, and the image – like if you haven’t read the chapter, you look at the image, and it won’t really make sense, but when you read the chapter, and you come back to that image, it makes perfect sense.”
That way, it’s kind of burned into your memory, so if you come back a year later, and you’re flipping through the book, and you see this diagram or this sketched-out concept, instantly, everything you learned before will come back, and it will be just like a flood of memories –“Boom.” It will be there really, really fast.
And so, what’s cool is that for every single core concept I teach and I do and I believe in that we’ve been doing, I’ve been breaking them down into these really cool, drawn-out process flows, where Step One is this, Step Two, Step Three, and so on.
I literally went through an entire yellow pad of paper sketching out all of these different concepts, and I’ve been taking pictures of them, and I send them to one of my designers, who then takes it, and makes it look like a really professionally hand-drawn image instead of my scribblings on yellow paper, but it’s really cool.
Today what was fun is one of the chapters – I have a whole chapter that’s when we get to the sales and the copywriting and how we sell stuff online section, that I call “Inception Secrets”.
It comes from a presentation I actually gave at mine and Daegen Smith’s event, where I was talking about how in sales and marketing how much business has changed.
In the 1980s, the average attention span of a person was twenty minutes, and today, the average attention span is only nine seconds. Is that crazy? Every nine seconds, your brain’s looking for the next text message or Facebook or e-mail or whatever, and so you can’t focus.
Because of that, that’s the world we’re selling in now. If you look at how sales has been taught for years, you know that these brilliant copywriters back in the day, Eugene Schwartz and all of these guys that you study and learn about, while what they taught was correct, and what they showed is true, it’s not as relevant today, just because the environment that we’re selling in is so different.
They would have evolved and gotten to the point where they could sell something in nine seconds, but they didn’t have to back then, and so the Inception Secrets is this evolution of copywriting and how it’s changed.
One of the big things is that people that don’t want to be sold to. They love to buy things, and so if you can create a selling environment where they think it’s their idea – you’re basically showing them a process, and then all of the sudden they have this epiphany that they think is their epiphany. It’s kind of like the movie “Inception”, where they would place an idea inside of somebody’s dream which would cause them to do or say or change something.
That’s what the whole concept of that chapter was. It’s like, “How do you illustrate that? How do you create these epiphanies in people’s minds so that they don’t feel like they’re being sold, that they’re buying in?” That was a concept at Todd’s event, but it was like, “How do I materialize that in to a graph where you can look at it and have a process that you can follow to be able to create an inception?” It took me about a day to sit down and really map that out and all of the pieces and all of the things, and it will come out and say, “Boom. Here’s the graph. This is how you do it. Here’s how you create inception in somebody’s mind in the sales process.”
In the next chapter, I go through the different sales scripts for different points in the sales funnel, and I think there’re six core scripts that I use, and again, I go through and down and break those down into excruciating detail, like every single thing. It turned out so cool, like one of them is basically my copywriting template, and it’s based off of – I can’t remember who I learned it from initially. I think it was Gary Halbert, or it might have been Dan Kennedy, but anyway, I talk about the core fundamentals of a sales letter as a star, a story, and a solution.
A star is the person the sales letter is about. The story is their story, and the solution is the product that you’re offering, so it starts out with the three sections, but then inside each section, what’s the process you take somebody through? In the star section, I think there were five things that you take somebody through, and then in the story, I think, there were twelve things, and in the solution there were eighteen things. When you write your copy, you pull out these three diagrams, you start at number one, and, “Boom, boom, boom.”
By the time you’ve gone through the whole thing, you’ve got your sales letter written very simply and very easily, knowing that you’re following a proven model.
I just went through all of my old sales letters and literally, I just had like this huge table of everything I’ve ever done or learned or created about writing copy and broke all of that stuff down into these little simple diagrams. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m excited for it.
“What’s the point of this podcast?” you may be asking.
Outside of getting excited to see the book someday, and then hopefully getting excited for the event, if you’re coming – and I’m sure we’ll sell recordings of that later on down the road, but what’s the point of this podcast?
I think that the real point of it is a couple of things. First off, it comes back to when I talked about back when I was wrestling. I was a good wrestler. I was a state champ. I took second place in the country. I was an All-American.
I did great in high school, yet it wasn’t until I started teaching other people what I was doing that I was able to break down things to a fundamental level where I really found out what made what I was doing work. When I learned that, I was able to apply it in so many different areas, and I think it’s the exact same thing with businesses. I think for you, whatever it is that you do, or you teach, or whatever your business is, I think one of the most powerful exercises you can do is try to teach it to somebody else, even if you’re not a “How to Make Money” or “How to Start a business” business.
If you want to grow your business, one core thing that you can do is sit down and work with other people showing them how to fix their business, or change their business, and start getting your thinking at a different level. You start realizing why what you’re doing is working, why your funnels look this way, why they’re converting, and which part’s not.
I think one of the biggest strategic advantages I’ve had over a lot of the other Internet marketing coaches is just first off, I’ve run a lot of businesses.
I do a bunch of stuff. The second off is because our coaching business has been so successful for so many years, I’ve had a chance to work with hundreds and hundreds of different businesses every single year, so I have had a chance to look at different funnels and their processes and coach them through it. Again, I think I get a unique perspective on it because of that, and so I want to tell you guys that same kind of thing.
If you’re in business and you want to grow, then focus on helping somebody else’s business, because it will help you so much more to start seeing those things. But then also from your content standpoint, whatever it is you’re selling, how can you teach people more? Even if you’re in a weight loss space, how can you get you more hands in, and teach you more, and break things down more so that you can become better and better at your craft and your art?
That’s the first big take-away, and I think the second one is, just because this was so valuable for me, is try to take all of the core things you teach, and again, if you’re writing a book, it could be fifty pages on a concept and how can you map it, how can you break that down into one piece of paper, sketched out, like in a process for Step One, Two, Three, et cetera. –“Here’s the way you do it.” I was thinking about this as I was going through, like what I do in business is very, very – there’s an art and a science. The art is the beauty, and you’re tweaking and testing and trying all sorts of things.
And then there’s the science, which is like, “Here’s the specifics,” and I think the Internet, at least in my business, is more art than science. I think there’s so much art to it. It’s me taking my art, but I have to translate it into a scientific process so that other people can model it, right? I don’t know if that makes sense to you guys. I’m rambling a little bit, but it’s a really cool process.
What you do in your business is art. It’s hard to teach art to other people. I can tell people, “Here’s the conception,” and go into things, and hope that a lot of them do the stuff, but most people don’t, except for the other artists, right?
For example, I remember teaching events, and I had a bunch of people there who just wanted to get a process down, and they can’t. I’m telling them all of these different ways they could do it, and they can’t figure it out because of that. People like, for example a Daegen Smith, who was in the room. He’s an artist. I could show him all of this stuff, and he could take that and turn it into his own art.
But other people might take that, and it doesn’t help them, so to really help other people, I think, for the masses, because you’ll be able to help other people sharing your art, but if you can to tweak it so that you’re turning your art into a science, again, into a process, now other people can replicate it. That’s where it’s going to be so much better.
An example is one of my trainers that I work out with. I was asking him, “What should I be eating?” He’s like, “Well it depends. There’re all these elements, these variables, and it all depends on all of this stuff,” which is all true, and I get that. That’s the art of it, though. It’s looking down and being able to look at the person’s situation and their life and this and that, and we paint this picture of what’s going to work for you. That’s awesome, but for the masses, you can’t do that. How do you create a template where you can plug people in?
That’s where I think the scalability comes in with your content, your offer, your art, and how you can scale it.
I’m in one of those kinds of things where I’ve been sitting at thousands of things, and I’ve been looking at them and mapping them out for the last ten hours, and so maybe I sound kind of weird to some of you guys listening, but I hope you got something out of it. I really hope that you guys take some time and take your art and break it down into a science.
Try to make it something that’s a process. As you will see when my book comes out, it’s my best attempt possible to do that, and then second off, go and find somebody else who wants to be like you, coach them through it, because the process of coaching someone through your process and what you’re doing will open up so much stuff for you.
I am here, ready to get my hair cut. Ready for my head to be a little bit smaller [laughs], and excited for those of you guys who are coming out to the event next week. We’ll be hanging out, and we’ll be covering some stuff, and you guys will get the first copy of all of these worksheets I’ve been working on. I’ve been creating a huge book in a binder for everybody that has all of the stuff in there, and then the next time that it will be open will be when my book is done.
Hopefully, we’ll have that done by the end of summer. I’m going to try to do one of those “New York Times ‘Best Seller’” campaigns. That’s one of those things on my list I want to accomplish someday, is to get on that list. That would be kind of fun. Hopefully this book will be the tool.
I’ve spent more time and energy on this, I think, than any other project I’ve ever done [laughs], so hopefully this will be the tool to get us there, and change some people’s lives, and help get everyone thinking a little differently about their business. I’m excited, and I’m here, you guys, so I’ve got to bounce. I will talk to you all again soon. Thanks, everyone.