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93 - The Power Of The Order Form Bump

The Power Of The Order Form Bump

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How I can make as much front end revenue giving my product away for free, as I can selling it for full price.

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Best Quote:

I can get three times as many customers and make the exact same amount of front-end cash before people see up sells by doing the free plus shipping on page order form bump as I can for a $47 straight sale, and the $47 straight sale – I’ve got to sell the crap out of it, whereas with the free plus shipping, I’ve just got to tell them that there’s a cool thing for free. They pay for shipping, and on the order form I need two sentences to sell them on my core $47 product. It’s interesting.


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Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson, and I want to welcome you to another “Marketing in Your Car.” Hey, everyone. It’s been a little while since I’ve done one of these. I’ve been super busy, and was actually out until about three o’clock last night recording the coolest promo video ever. I’m excited to launch it.

It’s a blend between the, if you watch Tim Ferriss’ promo video there – it’s a blend between that and “Prison Break” [laughs], and I think it’s going to be pretty cool. It took us six hours to film, literally, twelve seconds of footage, so we’ll see how it all turns out. In my head it’s amazing, so I’m hoping that it actually turns out that way. That’s pretty exciting.

What I want to talk to you guys about right now is something that I think is literally changing my business right now, and it’s so simple and so easy that everybody should be doing it – and I don’t see anybody doing it yet. Actually, one other dude, I do. One dude was smart enough to see what I did and copy me. So this is the concept. Let’s say you wanted to sell a $47 product.

You’ve got your $47 product, and you’ve got your up sells, and you’ve got your down sells. That’s just trying to sell. For a typical $47 product, you’ve got to write a really good VSL. It’s a lot of work to sell that, right? So you take that into consideration, and there’s your $47 product. Or you create a free shipping product, and then afterwards you have the same up sell and the same down sell you do on the $47 one, but it’s free plus shipping. I want you to go head-to-head with those. I’m curious.

If you send a thousand people to both of those, and on your free plus shipping offer, your copy’s not amazing, but it’s a good offer, so people want it. How many people would you think want both of them? I was thinking we’d be conservative. From $47 down to free, let’s say we get three times as many, so let’s say at $47, I get ten customers.

At free, I get thirty customers. Now I want to ask you – do you guys agree that that’s pretty realistic? If I had almost the identical product, if it was just as good of a product, with one I’d get three times as many customers by not charging them and by giving it away for free? They just cover five or six bucks for shipping and handling? I’d say that three times is pretty conservative. Let’s say three times four – this argument of what I’m trying to sell you guys on right now, okay? [laughs] So there’s that.

Now this is a little secret that we figured out about seven or eight months ago that is literally transforming all three of our core companies. On the page that we’re taking the product, we have the order form, and they put in their credit card information, and then right before they click “Submit”, there’s a little tiny block that has two sentences. The sentences just say, “Yes, I want this,” and “Hey, do you want me to throw in this extra thing that does this that’s really cool. It’s an extra $47.

This is a one-time offer, and not available anywhere else.” It’s literally probably thirty or forty words. I’ll have to find out how many exactly, but that’s about it, and then we sell this $47 product. That’s called a bump, that’s like an order form bump. Now, right now, we’re averaging almost forty percent, so I think it’s thirty-eight percent is what we’re averaging – people who buy our free plus shipping offers, who click on that little button. So let’s say we broke it down, and we only got 33.3 percent to do it.

So now I want to come back. We’ve got two offers. The $47 product that we’re selling along with our up sells, and then we’ve got our free plus shipping product, but on the order form, we’ve got this little bump that says “Hey, only $47”, and right now, we’re getting a third of the people to take that. What just happened? What just happened is, we get the exact same amount of front-end revenue.

Ten customers at $47 or thirty customers at zero plus shipping and handling with a $47 bump, if one-third of those people are taking that bump, which they are in all three of our tests right now. Do you guys see what I’m saying?

I can get three times as many customers and make the exact same amount of front-end cash before people see up sells by doing the free plus shipping on page order form bump as I can for a $47 straight sale, and the $47 straight sale – I’ve got to sell the crap out of it, whereas with the free plus shipping, I’ve just got to tell them that there’s a cool thing for free. They pay for shipping, and on the order form I need two sentences to sell them on my core $47 product. It’s interesting.

We were doing some consulting stuff, and these guys had a sales page, and then their up sell was their membership site. It was a $1 trial, and they’re getting fifteen to eighteen percent of the people to take that trial. They had some really good copy – a long form video and everything to sell people on that $1 trial. I said, “If you just got rid of that whole video, added that offer to your order page, and write two sentences, they said the lowest we’ve gotten is twenty-eight percent conversion.

The highest is over fifty. They’re averaging fifty – pretty close. I think it’s thirty-eight percent or so, are taking that offer. It changes the dynamics of everything. So I want you to think about that. It might be kind of hard to envision from me explaining it, so listen to this two or three times, and kind of map it out, but the concept is amazing. When we launched Click Funnels, we gave away a free trial, and then we had a $47 bump on the order form.

That was the lowest one, I think. We had eighteen percent of the people take that. From the eighteen percent, it made something like $60,000 in sales from giving away free accounts. So pretty sexy, pretty exciting and definitely something you guys should look at and figure out how to try to implement in your business. I’m at the office now. I have a fun day planned out, so I will talk to you guys all again later.


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