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98 - The Slight Edge

98 - The Slight Edge

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A few quick things you can do to give yourself the edge.

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For me, I am always trying to get the edge. That is why I read so much. That is why I study so much. That is why I am always listening to trainings and audios. I want to get those tiny things. Each little supplement I can learn and put it in my brain can give me an edge and help me increase my business and help me make more money and help me to serve more people. For me, just like supplements, I am always looking for those little things. I think about the people that almost had the same response with the supplements. I look at their life, and I think they’re response of information would be very similar.


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Hey everyone. This is Russell Brunson, and welcome to a very cold and rainy Marketing in Your Car. Hey everyone. We are almost on episode 100, which is exciting. At 100 I am changing the theme song. I promise. I honestly can’t believe I have listened to 100, that theme song over 100 times.

We have new things coming out. Also, I wanted to see how long all my podcasts have been. So I took them all, and I am getting someone to transcribe them all so I can put them on the blog, and all that fun stuff. I am posting it out there. I had my brother rip all the audios. We put them into one long thing. That’s not counting the music. Just the actual talking parts.

It ended up being seven or eight hours long. Maybe it was even longer. It was crazy. I was like, “Man. That is a short key to my office. Can you imagine for a lot of you how much time you spend each day in the car?” It is insane. So, anywho I wanted to talk about something I think is funny. As lot of you guys know I eat really clean and healthy. I also am a big fan of supplements, and every morning I have a supplement regime that takes me almost an hour to do. Some people think that is crazy. Why would I spend an hour doing it? I have my kits there. Aden helps me.

He helps me juice, and also helps me pick out all my pills. We take whatever out of each bottle, and I have this huge stack of stuff, and I take all those. I take a bunch of powders and mixes. I look forward to it every morning. It is my favorite part. Usually when I am doing it, I am super tired. I take all the stuff and in about 15 minutes or so, I just feel like a million dollars. It is really awesome.

Last night I took a picture of my supplements to post on Facebook. I thought it would be fun to get people’s responses. Man, it cracks me up. People’s feedback. Some people, and it’s funny because the people who are the least healthy are always the ones who are trying to explain to me how it’s going to kill my liver all these types of things. It makes me smile because I think about all the stuff I am taking compared to one big mac at Mcdonalds. It makes me laugh.

Also, the super healthy people who have their thing that they follow and they believe, and they stick with that, and they won’t. They said, “All you need is this. All you need is whatever.” They have their thing. Then there’s a couple guys who I know who are always trying to push the edge on things to get themselves the slight edges. All of them posted pictures of their supplements. Some of them have twice what I had on mine, which was fun as well. I just thought it was funny. I started thinking about that. In all aspects of life.

Again, obviously I am a big believer in supplements, but during Halloween, not Halloween, we went down to this Halloween celebration to my brother in law, sister in law’s house. They saw me taking all these things. It was interesting, my sister in law, she said something that I thought was kind of cool. She said, “Wow. You always look for little things to give you the edge.” I thought about it, and that is what supplementation is.

I am trying to figure out what little tweaks, what little hacks, what little things are there that I can take that are going to give me nutrients that I am not able to get out of my food, that are going to give me things that will help me open up my mind, or increase my energy in a natural way that’s not tied to caffeine or tied to these horrible things. All these little incremental things that I am adding into my supplementation have been amazing.

That is the first part, and then I started thinking about also from a learning stand point. For me, I am always trying to get the edge. That is why I read so much. That is why I study so much. That is why I am always listening to trainings and audios. I want to get those tiny things. Each little supplement I can learn and put it in my brain can give me an edge and help me increase my business and help me make more money and help me to serve more people.

For me, just like supplements, I am always looking for those little things. I think about the people that almost had the same response with the supplements. I look at their life, and I think they’re response of information would be very similar. Those who fight to have enough and they don’t need to do learn more, who would mock my library. Then we have those who already have, who do, you know a lot, but they don’t want to learn anymore, and those who are trying to seek knowledge in all aspects of life, and try to search out the best things.

For me, I like the idea of always searching out the best things. Trying to find those little edges you can take that are natural. From a learning standpoint and a nutritional standpoint, to help you get to where you want to get, faster.


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