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Episode 2 – #AskRussellAnything


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Russell Brunson: What's up, everybody. I'm officially live right now. And check this out, I'm going to try to make the same face as I'm in this picture. And look good. Okay. Welcome everybody. We're hanging out for a few minutes while everybody is jumping on here on Instagram Live. I'm really excited because today is the first ever inaugural episode. I would say issue, but it's not issue. Episode of the Drop The Mic Show. And we've got a lot of fun about tapping you guys, and this is the... Check out the graphic that Jake did behind me. That was him right here. Yeah.

And this is a pop quiz for everybody who's paying attention watching right now because that's obviously my blue face, but can you tell whose hand that is? in fact anyone who gets this wins a free one day consult with me. If you can guess in the next like 10 seconds.

Group: Whoa.

Russell: That's like...

Group: Thousands.

Russell: Yeah. Actually, we just sold someone $100,000 for that and they said yes. So, it's $100,000 for anyone who guess in the next 10 seconds. Whose hand is this in the image? 9, 8... Someone said blue man group, nope. 5, 4, 3... No, not Tony. 2, 1. Okay. That was close. That is actually Walter White's hand, Bryan Cranston. So there you go. We added morphine in there to make it happens. So this is the Drop The Mic Show. We got a bunch of guys here. So just really quick background, earlier this week, we an idea like how fun would it be to use... Like right now, I haven't been doing a lot of cool stuff on Instagram, we thought we should. So we're doing Instagram Live now. Once a week, we're going to ask any question you have, we call it the Drop The Mic Show.

The way this game is played is you asked me a question on video. In fact, over the last three days, we've had 22 questions come in. This is my panel of marketing geniuses here who have been going through and pulling these questions out. So they pick the top 10 favorite questions. I'm going to answer all those questions. And when it's over each question I will answer, then we will drop the mic. That officially means your question has been answered. And then at the end of it, these four, this is the panel of judges right now. First you were experts, now your judges, sorry.

Group: We're geniuses.

Russell: They're genius. So they're going to vote on who's got the best question. The best question, we are going to ship you out your very own drop mic. Yes, I bought everyone in stores, so now we have them all. So if you want a drop mic, the only way to get it is on the drop the mic show, which is happening right now. So that's what's kind of happening. So that's the game plan. To begin with, you guys haven't seen the intro. You guys went through the trailer intro. So here's how it works. When like two days we had the idea, then I told Jake. Instantly Jake designed the logo and branding. And then I went and I recorded a voiceover... I wrote a script and then did a voiceover. And Steven edited the voiceover and then Brandon and Brett did a video, and this is the video now intro for the Drop The Mic Show.

So I'm going to flip this around so you can see what's happening and what's going to be happening here so you understand the game. My name is Russell Brunson, and I'm on a journey to help entrepreneurs get unstuck so that they can get back to changing the world. In the past 10 years, I've built a following of over a million entrepreneurs like you, sold hundreds of thousands of copies of my books, popularized the concept of sales funnels, and co-founded a software company called ClickFunnels, it helps tens of thousands of entrepreneurs to quickly get their message out to the marketplace. If you've got questions, I've got answers. Here's how it works.

Step number one, go to Instagram and create a video asking me your number one question. Step number two, tag me at so that I can see your question. Step number three, use #askRussellanything, so my team is notified. And then each week I'll pick the top 10 questions and answer them on Instagram Live. After each question, I'll drop the mic, but for the best question each week, we'll ship you out your own drop mic. Now make sure you follow me on Instagram to see if I answer your questions live. Ask me your questions so that you can get unstuck and get back to changing the world. All right. That's the Drop The Mic Show, I'm so excited. Okay. So that said, that's how it plays. So if you guys want me to answer your question next week, this is how it works. Follow the instructions on the video, go submit the thing. And then next week when we do this, we'll pull the questions and we'll answer them the same way. But big suggestion, from the questions we got in here, if you do like a... I guess even with a minute limit, intro has got a minute limit.

Some of you guys still just like talked forever and then you're going like “Oh here’s my question”. Just say your name, ask the question and we can get to business. All right. Okay. So with that said... Where did that come from? This has been YouTube week. We've had YouTube guys in town always, so I'm speaking... Anyway. All right. Okay. So first question. All right, here's our first guest. Here we go. What's the name we got here?

Group: Leslie.

Russell: This is Leslie. Okay. Leslie's got question number one. First off Leslie, congratulations, you got question number one. And we're going to play this here so you can kind of see it and let's see what the question is.

Leslie: Hi Russell. Here's my question for you. How can my teenager become financially independent this summer using ClickFunnels, even if he doesn't have a product that is out. He says he's ready to start this week by selling reflex racing hand guards invented by his stepdad. We're looking forward to you answering this question so we can drop the mic.

Russell: Oh, she wasn't drop the mic. All right. So good question. So I'll recap the questions. The question was, how can my kids who are 15 years old, what can they do to make money in ClickFunnels this summer, so that they can have some money, they can drop a mic? I get that right. So how can a teenager basically make money with ClickFunnels? So, great question. Now I have not pre-read these questions either because I wanted to be able to do this on the flag because it's more fun that way. So a couple of things, what did she say they had? They had some products.

Group: Handle bar reflex…

Russell: Handle reflexes. So there's two kind ways to do. Number one, if that's what you want to sell, then you can go and create a funnel. But number two, especially for a teenager, something that might be a lot faster to do that I would do, first off is I'd get them to go inside of ClickFunnels and learn it, become good at the editor and actually making pages and understanding funnel hacking and just geeking out on that. Okay. I've got five kids, as many of you guys know. My oldest twins are 11, almost 12, and both of them know how to play in ClickFunnels, how to move things around, how to add images and things like that. And so what I would do is I would have them build a little tiny funnel for themselves, so their own little business that teaches... That basically talks about how they build this funnel and their skills and what they're learning and stuff like that.

And then what I would do is I would go around to my local area, try to find like a strip mall or try to find something where there's a couple little businesses, something fun like that, and basically knock on the door. Because I don't know about you, but if there's a kid that comes to my door, cold calling and he is like, "Hey, I'm 15 years old and I want to talk to the owner." Most entrepreneurs are going to be fired up by that, and I would let him come in. And if he came and he said, "Look, I built my very first funnel, this is what it is." It'd be something simple. You could even make it.... Actually, we're calling these... Inside the office we call them hero funnels. Where hero funnels basically it's like, you, your picture, your social media, like links to all your stuff.

And so have them make their own hero funnels and then go to these business owners and say, "You need a hero funnel. Right now you got this website, but it doesn't do much. You need a hero funnel and I can build a hero funnel for you for free. And if you like at the end then I only charge $500. But let me build it first and see if you even like it." And then I would go and I'd build a hero funnel. I'd walk around their office, I'd get my camera out, take pictures of their staff and their people. Little things like that. Set them up on Twitter, on Instagram, a couple places, link to those things. And then create that hero funnel with them and experience the whole thing in the office.

And I promise you as a young entrepreneur, if you're in an office of business owners and people and you go through that work and you do the thing, you put it afterwards, most people will give you at least the $500 you ask. And a lot of people give a lot more just because they think you're awesome. And that is a true thing. So that'd be what I would do really quickly if I was a 15 year old and I want to make some money this summer. And there you go. That's question number one. Is that good you guys?

Group: Awesome?

Russell: Can I drop the mic?

Group: Yeah. Drop the mic.

Russell: All right. We're going to drop it. It has been dropped.

Group: First one of the show.

Russell: First mic has been dropped. All right. He has missed the flip. I flipped it better when I wasn't looking. Okay. Number two. All right. What have we got number two?

Speaker 2: All right. This is from socialsmartpenguin. And he's asking, "How do I know if there's a market for my course idea? I want to teach fundraising for missionaries and small nonprofits." How do I know if there's a market for my course idea.

Russell: Okay. What's what's his name again?

Speaker 2: Social smart penguin.

Russell: All right. So social smart penguin asked, he wants to create a course and he wants to know ahead of time, how do I know if this course is actually going to make money, right?

Speaker 2: That's it.

Russell: And so that's one question then the second question was his course was actually... What was it actually for?

Speaker 2: Fundraising for missionaries.

Russell: Fundraising for missionaries and small nonprofits. Okay. So a couple things. Number one, the best way to find out if your idea's going to work is go into a market and make sure somebody's selling something similar already. Okay. We are in a marketplace that is not brand new. It's mature. There are few markets that are untapped and usually the untapped ones are because there's no money and so people stop trying to tap into them. So, for you got to understand that is if I can find somebody selling something similar, not the same product. If you've read the Expert Secrets book, you know the difference between red ocean and blue ocean. You still need to create your own blue ocean, but are there red oceans right now selling something similar? Like if there's not a red ocean anywhere, it means the fish and the shark have disappeared.

So I need to make sure I have confined a red ocean and then I try to create my own blue ocean side. That's number one. Number two, I always tell people, you need to make sure you hit a market that has two things. Number one, they have to be willing to give money. Okay. So they're willing to do it. Number two, they have to be able. So willing and able, two things. So willing means I would love to give you money. Okay. Does that market like to give people money? Do nonprofits like to give people money for education?

Speaker 2: No.

Russell: Do they?

Speaker 2: I don't know.

Russell: I don't either.

Speaker 2: Let's try to find that out.

Russell: I'm not sure. My guess, is that most nonprofits keep their profits. Is that right? So I don't think that they're willing. Not to willing to spend money especially nonprofits. That'd be my one concern. Number two is are they able? If they're a broke nonprofit and you're trying to help them to raise money, they're probably not able either. So I would be concerned about that, but you could take those same skills and you could go and you could create something for a business that is in profit, make some money and then give money that nonprofit. I know we had a couple questions about VC... Or not VC, about nonprofits, like... Anyway. Maybe we'll answer those when we get there. But the biggest thing is just like... A lot of times... Like I do charity work and I give money to different organizations and things like that because I love them, I care about them. I serve people for free. I do a lot of stuff like that because I love it and I care about the market. Not so much because I want to get in business.

I want to get it business. I want to find a hot market. Okay. What's the three step form, if you read Expert Secrets? Find a hot market, ask them what they want, and give it to them. So that's what I'm looking for, and then I can donate the money I make, parts of it. Where I can serve, give time, things like that to charities. And also I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I think it is. If you do charity work for people, a lot of times that can be tax right off. Let's say you normally charge $10,000 an hour from consulting, you can go and you can work for free for a charity and then they can actually write it off, and you get that as a thing I believe. Is that true?

Speaker 2: Russ is not an accountant or-

Russell: I'm not an accountant or attorney, don't trust me. This is not legal or financial advice. But if you're wondering, that's kind of it, right? That works? Is that good guys? Can I drop the mic?

Group: Drop it.

Russell: Can I drop it? All right. So we actually had a drop mic. This might... Anyway, I broke my first drop mic when we were filming the intro video. I think this might just broke too. Someone want to fix the drop mic while I'm... I only got one hand, the other hand is on the camera. All right. So there's question number two. All right. These are good questions you guys. Okay. Don't forget if you want your question answered, make a video on Instagram and tag us, @russellbrunson and then #askrussellanything. And then we will see it and get the top 10 questions. We're going to come back and answer next week. All right. Question number three.

Group: Yeah. So Heather asks, "How did you stay sane throughout your entrepreneurial journey and how did you fight burnout and keep your wife happy?"

Russell: All right. What's your definition of sanity and... All right. So Heather asked, and this is a great question. So Heather asked, how did you... Read again.

Group: How did you stay sane about throughout your entrepreneurial journey?

Russell: How did you say sane during your entrepreneurial journey and.

Group: And how did you fight burnout and keep your wife happy?

Russell: And fight burnout, keep her happy. Okay. First off, if you are an entrepreneur, by definition of the term, you are not going to be completely sane. It's one of those things like, if you... Especially after you've gone through it, like if you would've known what you had to go through to be successful entrepreneur before, you probably wouldn't have done it. To be completely honest. It's not like all sunshines and roses. It's more like walking into a boxing match and getting your face pounded in for a long time. So, if you're in it... And I did a whole podcast yesterday actually, if you listen to Marketing Secrets podcast, I did an episode. They said the number one way that I know if it was going to be successful or not, it has to do with what your motivation is, 100%.

So, if your goal of becoming an entrepreneur is like, I want to make money, almost 100% of the time you will fail this game. Probably 100%. If you come in and your goal is like, I want to help something or... Whatever it is. If you're fired about something, that gives you the motivation to actually stick through the pain, because you get beat up every single day. I saw Caleb Maddix just jump on it. Caleb gets beat up on Facebook, on comments. I get beat up, it's a brutal thing. So you have to be so obsessed and passionate about the person you are serving that all that stuff just goes away. That's number one. Number two, burnout. Burnout is a huge thing, especially when you're first trying to build something, because it's not like... People always ask like, "Russell, how do you keep your life so balanced?"

Like, "Are you kidding me?" Okay. Nothing good in life happens because you're balanced. I want you guys to understand this. Okay. When you met your spouse or potential spouse, someday you will. Like when I met my wife, my life was not balance, like 100% of my attention with my wife, everything else struggled. I kept doing wrestling, but school completely just dropped off. You have to learn how to unbalance your life for a period of time to get greatness in anything. When I was wrestling, my life came completely unbalanced towards wrestling, so I could focus on, so I could master, so I could become that person, and everything else had to suffer and then it came back. It happened in my relationships, everything. Same thing happened to business, like there was a time where your life comes extremely unbalanced and you got to be okay with that. And then it's going to snap back.

You try and keep a balanced life, it's not going to be okay. So, there's going to be burnout, but just understand that burnout's happening... When it starts burning out, that's when you need to snap back and come back into these other things as well. Someone I look up to, I remember he was doing a presentation one time and he held a rubber band. We have a rubber band. It doesn't matter if we don't it's fine. Everyone's like, "Why do you need a rubber band?" And he started, he's like, "Look at a rubber band, it's really interesting. If you just hold it floppy like this, it doesn't do anything, it's just useless." Some people, honestly it's their life. They're just there and it's kind of like they're useless. Rubber bands are meant to be stretched. And if you stretch them they can hold things together, they're useful when they're stretched. But if you stretch it too far what happens?"

Boom, snaps. So you have to understand and start learning yourself. You have to understand like, if I don't know anything I'm useless, but I need to be stretched to be useful. But if I stretch too far, I'm going to break. So for me, it's like, I get unbalanced to be able to accomplish something great. But then before I snap, I have to come back and like get back into normality. That's a big thing. And the third part of this question was about the spouse. Number one is I'm a huge believer in, you can only be as successful as your spouse will allow you to be. So if you haven't picked a spouse yet, pick the right spouse. That's number one.

Number two, if your spouse is not into this whole thing, then I would recommend sticking with your spouse, not this thing. I guess probably counter to what a lot of people say, but there's a quote from David O. McKay. He said that, "No success can compensate for failure in the home." And that's true. So like if your spouse isn't on board, it's going to be harder for you to really succeed in this business. And so a lot of times it's better to not. And just get back to what's going to make you guys both happy, because that's much more important than all this crazy stuff we're doing. Number three, if your spouse is on board, it's still going to be hard. So what I found, this is my personal thing, if I tell my wife in like 15 minutes. Like, "Hey hun, in 15 minutes..."

Or like if I call her at 5:00 like, "Hey, I might be pulling an all nighter tonight." Guess what happens? She is pissed for a long time. But if I tell her three days early like, "Hey, on Thursday night we got to stay late. Is it cool if I pull an all nighter?" She'll be like, "Oh, sure." So for me it's like all about set expectations way ahead of time. And so if I'm like, "Hey, tomorrow night I'm going to fly out to whatever." I just want to take off and do something. Super bad. Horrible idea. If I tell her in advance like, "Hey, two weeks I got a thing." Then she's okay with it. She can prepare herself for it. That's been big for me. The other secret. I probably shouldn't share this on camera in case my wife hears. You guys want it?

Speaker 2: Yeah, absolutely.

Russell: This will let me spike the mic, if I give this one. For any of you guys who travel as entrepreneurs, you will find this. This is like the good stuff. Okay. If you guys like this, then you have to share the show and it's live, because it's important. All right. So as an entrepreneur, when you travel, this is what you do. You'll be traveling and it'll be so much fun. You'll be hanging out with people, you'll be in seminars, events, and you'll be taking picture of yourself smiling, eating good food, hanging out with people, and you send it back to your spouse who's home with your kids, stressed out. They're drooling in on and puking all night. Stuff that happens as a parent. And they're seeing you having fun, and guess what? They will resent you.

It happens. It's not just to me, I've seen it happen with most of the people I travel with in this business. The secret I found, is one time I was on a trip that I was miserable. And when I message my wife, I typed how miserable I was and then she was so sympathetic when I came home. It was way better. So when I travel, guess what? I don't send pictures back of the fun. Guess what I do? The stuff that's hard and that way it... Anyway, it's a secret. Don't tell my wife that. But I promise you this, it works. All right. You guys good with that? That answer the question. All of them. I don't want to spike about these things. Anyway, I'm going to drop it though. All right. That was three, right?

Group: Yeah.

Russell: Number three. Okay.

Group: Melanie's up.

Russell: Melanie's up.

Melanie: Has anyone picked Dave asks?

Group: No.

Melanie: Okay. So Dave asked, "How do I build a funnel for a cabinet hardware company where people tend to buy once and be done? Do I need to change my product or customer base?"

Russell: All right. This is going to be fun. Okay. Dave is asking... Let me grab the mic. Dave is asking... This is so fun. It doesn't really work, but it's like, I use it I feel legit. All right. So Dave's asking how do you build a funnel for a company that could cabinet making country where like customers buy cabinets once and not like a billion times? How do you do that? All right, so a couple things I would do. Number one, and I know this because right now my house is being demolished. We're putting in a whole new kitchen. So prior to somebody wanting to demolish their kitchen, what do they start thinking about? “What do I need? I need cabinets, I need countertops?” They start looking for things. So first thing I do, is I would make some kind of landing page that was like the top 100 coolest looking cabinets that I was able to find online.

And I go to Pinterest and search a bunch of cabinets and make a page and have all these things in there. And just make a simple opt-in box. So it's like, "Opt in here to see 100 coolest cabinets." Okay. I saw this work really successfully in the real estate market. There's a guy locally here who didn't want to sell like $100,000 homes, so he thought, "I'm going to make a webpage or a funnel, and basically I'll have someone opt in to be able to get email every week, the most expensive houses for sale in Boise." Smart. Who are the people that opt in to see the most expensive houses in Boise probably? The people that got money. So I opted in. And every week you get like, here's the eight houses that sell for over a million dollars.

And I see them, I'm like, "Oh, this is cool." And that dude, I met him. He actually interviewed me on a radio show and I asked him how the whole thing worked. He's like, "Yeah, it's cool because I don't have to go out and show houses, $100,000 houses. Only people call me or people that want a million, $2 million, $3 million houses, and I'm just emailing them." He's like, I built the list over 5,000 people here locally in Boise, and every week I email them out the most expensive houses and I make deals all day long." So I'd do the same thing with cabinetry. Show them all a bunch of cool stuff. If you're the guy sending those things, then they're going to reach out to you. That's number one. Number two funnel I would do, is I would do a funnel that's like a high ticket funnel.

I would find somebody who I did the most amazing job. I would go to their home. I would film the cabinets and like before and after, and just get a really cool video, and I would show that. And have something like custom cabinets. Click here to see our most recent work. And they come to the page and there's a video that shows this transformation of a home, like before and the after and all that kind of stuff. And then down below be like, "If you like me to come to your house, unfortunately we can't do everybody's because we're really busy. Or one man, two man shop, which is why this looks so good. And we only do one a month. But if you're interested to be one of our 12 people this year, one of our one month, put your name and email address down below and let me know." Actually, I wouldn't do just even an email, I'll have them actually apply.

"Apply why you think that yours to be the best. Because I want ones that we can do dramatic changes..." However you want to pitch it to position to get the right customer you want. "We're looking for higher end homes. We're looking for rehab." Whatever it is, the kind of customer you want, and I'd position that way. Have them apply and you get applications. Then you're calling them, instead of you trying to pitch them on like why they need expensive cabinets. It's like, "Hey, how's it going? So we do one person a month that you probably just saw from the video. We have an opening in June and one in December. And I'm curious like, why you think you'd be the right person for us to do this for? Because what we do as artists. I mean, you can go find someone for $50 to put in cabinets. But if you want something amazing, I need to know why you're the right person. Because we want to case study this. We want to show it because we're artists and that's how it works."

And guess what? You can pay a lot more... People will pay a lot more for art than they will for anyone else. And then it's a takeaway sell, now they're pitching you on why you should do cabinets for them, which means they'll spend more. Which means everything else gets good. Is that good?

Group: Awesome.

Russell: Yeah. Am I allowed to drop it? Did I earn it? We're dropping the mic. Oh man. All right. This thing is taking a beating today. How many drops per mic are you supposed to actually have. I literally just broke it again. Maybe we should get down to... We have the purple. You guys are members of funnel university by the way, go to and you can get all of our newsletter. Every month we funnel hack two people. We funnel hacked Purple, a mattress company last month. So I ordered a mini version of the mattress, and so I'll drop it on this because it's really, really soft. In fact, Dave yesterday, if you've been watching my Instagram stories. He sat on this with an egg and it didn't crack, and they stepped on it and it completely cracked. So we're going to drop the mic on Purple C. Let's just try it real quick. Oh, much better. Much better. Okay. Much better. All right. Where are we at?

Group: All right. So we have a Guy H. Lawrence and he says, "We sell protein blend and have been acquiring customers with the free plus shipping offer." So he knows this stuff a little bit about ClickFunnels. "We would like to get our customers onto an auto ship program. At what point should we sell auto ship, immediately or later?"

Russell: Cool. What was the name again?

Group: Guy.

Russell: Guy. What's up Guy. All right Guy, so your question is, right now we're selling protein we have free plus shipping, my question is when should we introduce continuity? Great question. So two things I would say. Number one, if you saw Drew Canole, if you seen the Organifi funnel we helped him design. Initially we just had one, three and four bottles and guess what? Nobody's signed for continuity because it wasn't there. So if you look at their thing, it's interesting. The way they price it, the one, three and four, but then they have basically two buttons, like this is one is let's say, $79 a bottle. Or if you go on auto ship, it's $59.99 a bottle, whatever it is. So you're making the pricing so that they be more on to not do auto ship and just have it there. Dave Asprey with Bulletproof. When you buy Bulletproof stuff, same thing. It's like say, 15% if you're on subscription. Amazon does it now.

So I would just, on the actual page, have that as an option now. People are used to it, it's happening more and more even in the mainstream, like in Amazons and things like that. So I would have it there. The second thing though is, for those who didn't get on continuity, then the next... Somewhere else in the phone and I wouldn't wait too long, I'd probably wait long enough for them to get it and be consuming it. So maybe 30 days, 45 days later, for those who didn't get on continuity. Then I would have a huge, really cool campaign. That was basically a video of... I don't even know. I just look at a funny video that explain the situation they're in. It's like get a video of you in your house with an empty tub with protein, and you're like, "Oh crap, it's done." And then you're like, "How else do I get protein? Then be like, "Eggs." They're like cracking eggs, trying drink those, playing like puking and then trying to do... And like finally five or six funny situations where like they're probably in.

Like I'm a big supplement guy I take 800 a day. So I know that feeling when you're in the supplement cabinet, you open the bottle and it's empty and you're like, "Dang it. How am I going to get this? Vitamin D. I guess I have to go sun tanning," or whatever. But make a funny thing on it, and then send that video out for 30 days and be like, "Hey, is this you yet? If not, go watch this video. This is what happens when your first thing runs out. Warning, this is what happens when your first bottle runs out." And show that. So four or five funny little things about what else they'd have to do to get that same thing that they would've got if they had your product. And then they'll be like, ha, ha, ha. And then people will laugh. It connects them with you and then they're more likely... And then offer continuity. Then at that point. That'd be how I would kind of do it. So is that fun?

Group: Yeah.

Russell: All right. Am I allowed?

Group: Mic cushion-

Russell: We're dropping the mic, but we got the Purple cushion now below. Okay. Here we go guys. Much less damage to the mic. It didn't make the ding now. We need a sound effect that's like, ding. So you guys think I really dropped it. All right. What question... Are we number... How many have we done, we did 3, 4, 5?

Group: 4. So this is number five.


All right. We're on question number five. Has Miles cued it up?

Group: Yeah.

Russell: Are we watching this one? No. Okay. This is who it is.

Group: Pretty shirt.

Group: Yeah. Nice shirt by the way.

Russell: Johnny. What? He's got the same shirt we all have on. We're not Confusion Soft. We've got Confusion Soft and Confusion Soft. It's usually Confusion Soft Fridays. It's Thursday today. So everyone should see, all of our funnel hackers out there, Friday is our Confusion Soft Friday where everyone in the office wears Confusion Soft shirts. So if you have them wear them on Friday with us. All right. Miles you're up.

Miles: So John asks, "I do a lot of different things, should I be focusing on different funnels for each of these businesses or should I build a massive funnel that takes people through my entire journey of what I do."

Russell: Okay. What's his name again?

Miles: John.

Russell: John. All right John, let's talk about this. So this is the pros and cons of us entrepreneurs. In one side, we are super human because we can do all sorts of weird crap. Second side, is we have such bad ADD that most of the times nothing ever gets done because we're trying to do 30 things at once. So this question, I don't know all the info behind your business, so there's kind of two different directions. Number one, is if you're... Do you want to read it again so I make sure I got this.

Miles: Yeah. "So I do a lot of different things, should I be focusing on different funnels for each of these businesses or should I built a massive funnel that takes people through my entire journey of what I do?"

Russell: Okay, cool. Will you grab the big board right there? The seven to eight, eight to nine... Okay. So this is a cool question. So it depends on where you are currently in your life cycle. So number one is if you're going through this whole process, what I recommend doing, this is like Gary V101, is document the process of you figure this stuff out. If you don't know, that's what I'm doing all the time. We're documenting between this, between this camera. I'm just documenting the journey to share with people, because it's really, really interesting. But with that said, is... Okay. This is right here. So two coming from coaching, those are our coaching members. I talk about everyone like, there's three phases. It's going to be inverted for you guys. Anyway. Basically it's like how to go from zero to million, million to 10, 10 to 100 million.

There's different things at each point. But the first step you go from zero to a million dollars. The whole goal of this step is to figure out what we call the what and the how. What am I actually selling and how am I selling it? So your questions, I'm doing a whole bunch of things right now, should I keep doing that? The question's like, it depends. If you're in that phase and you don't know what to sell or how to sell yet, then yeah, keep doing a bunch of things. When I started my business, I was launching this and this. I was different markets. We had 12 businesses and 12 different markets we launched in a year, which is a horrible idea, do not do that. But a whole bunch of things like that.

So we're all over the place, and then what's interesting is from that though, by doing it, I was able to figure out like one or two businesses are the right ones. And eventually it was the one I figured out, this is what I wanted to sell, and this is how to sell it. By the how it's like, is it through a webinar, is it through a tripwire. What is it I'm selling and how am I selling it? And so if you're in that phase right now, that's okay to be doing a couple things because you don't know what your actual business is going to be. But as soon as you get one that actually works, this is the definition of how you know it works. Hand me a mic. You know that a business works when you're able to get it to a million dollars in a year. Like that's it. If your business hasn't gone to a million dollars yet in a year, you haven't figured out your what and your how yet.

Like that's what I'm convinced of. As soon as you figure out the what and the how, your business will within 12 months hit a million dollars. That's the gospel according to Russell. All right. Now you got the thing where you're like, "I figured out what I'm selling. I figured out how I'm selling it. Now I'm at a million bucks." Now you transition to phase number two, where you turn the blinders on, you delete every other business, you shut them down, you hide them, you burn them, you sell them, you get rid of them, and you do this thing that's really hard for us entrepreneurs, you focus. It's really hard. Now the good news is... The F word. It's the F word for entrepreneurs. You focus on one thing. Okay. But when you focus, it's kind of fun because there's a way you can be unfocused and focused.

So ClickFunnels when it became my thing. When I figure out what and the how, I transitioned and I shut off everything else. We sold, killed, deleted, destroyed, everything besides ClickFunnels. But then I started focusing on there's three ways to get people into your business. There's front end funnels... Excuse me. Okay. Let me step back. Jay Abraham taught me this. Three ways to grow a company. Number one is getting more customers. Number two, getting them to spend more. Then number three is getting them to buy more often. So I call this acquisition funnels, ascension funnels, and then monetization funnels. So then you're focused on what funnels can I create to get more people into my thing? So for me, ClickFunnels is my thing. I'm creating funnels and things to get people into that thing. So that's my answer. So it depends where you are in your journey right now. First off, document your journey on Instagram or YouTube or whatever you want to do it, pick your platform. And then number two. Is someone laughing at me?

Melanie: Dave's eyes.

Russell: Oh Dave's eyes.

Group: This is where you're going.

Russell: All right. So the first phase, if you're jumping on it's okay. Knowing that I'm doing that trying to figure out what is my business, as soon as you figure out the what it is and how to sell it, you'll know when you hit it because you've made a million dollars within 12 months. Then you transition over to focusing going deep. So there you go. That good?

Group: That's awesome.

Russell: All right, there we go. We're dropping the mic guys. It's like a bounce mic now, instead of the drop mic. Okay. That was number five. Takes a long time to answer 10 questions. I thought it was going to be a lot faster. All right.

Group: We’re not doing 22. Okay. So we have @baldscottyd.

Russell: @baldscottyd.

Dave: And he is indeed bald with an awesome beard. "What's the one thing in your business that made it just take off?" And then follow up to that question is, "What's the one thing out of your personal characteristics that makes your business take off?

Russell: Okay, cool. So what was the one thing in my business that made it take off? I'm going to say it's two things and we just talked about. So the two things that you need to... Again, there's so many entrepreneurs I know that are in like the six figures... You got six figure range, that's fine. It's awesome. But it's interesting, the difference between six figures and seven figures and seven and eight is not you spending more time working. It's interesting. It's being strategic about how you're working. And so the first phase for me, again, when I launch any of my businesses or I work with entrepreneurs directly, the first phase is figuring out the what and the how. What are you selling and how are you selling it? We have to identify that.

Some people get that fast. Some it takes a long time. It took me a few years to figure out my what and my how. But as soon as you figure that out, then it blows up really fast. So you're just like, "Oh my gosh, I am selling this product. I found out it's converting through webinar and that's it." Or, "I figured selling this product and we're selling on the phones." Or "I'm selling this product, and we're... You figure out the what and the how, then it's so easy to scale. Because then you're just turning the heat up. But for most people they never figure that out. So the hustling is selling a little bit of this, selling a little bit of this, but they're not getting something that's consistent, because they may know what they're selling, they don't know how to sell.

So let's say they're selling this really good product over here, but they don't know how to sell it. So they're trying this, they make a couple sales, they try this. And they're jumping from thing to thing, platform to platform. They never get more than like six figures or something, they're kind stuck of that spot. It's because you haven't figure out what and how. Soon as you identify that, then boom, it takes off. So that's the one thing. And then number two is the characteristic that makes you successful. There's a lot of important characteristics, but probably the best one is understanding that you don't have all the skills you need to make this work. I am not Superman. I'm only good at like one thing. Luckily that one thing is getting a whole bunch of really good people together to create something amazing. I think the biggest skill is being very self aware like, "I'm really good at jumping on a mic, yelling, and then dropping it, but I can't actually focus for more than 30 seconds." Or whatever your thing is. So I need to find someone focused.

One of my first mentors, Alex Mendoza, he said, "Every business needs a starter and a finisher. You got to figure out who you are and then find the other person and partner with him." And it's true. I'm a great starter, I suck at finishing things. Okay. Same thing, I'm not technical, I need a techy person. So it's identifying what you're good at and being aware of that, and then finding a team of people you can bring in. And It could be employees, it could be partners, it could be whatever. Bring in the right people that compliment what you do, and then that way you can grow together. And that's probably the most important skill because everyone's. Like if I said sales, that's not always true. Some companies like the sales... You don't have to be the salesperson, maybe you're someone else. So it's kind of figuring out what you're not, and then building the right team. That's the most important I would say. So that good.

Group: That's awesome. Awesome. Drop the mic.

Russell: All right. Is that five?

Group: So many crazy amazing comments in the chat. People are loving-

Russell: I wish I could see the chat comments very Well. Can we do double taps. Periscope you could double tap. Can you guys...

Group: You get the heart…

Russell: Is it one you can heart? So just one. If you guys are having fun, heart that thing as fast as you can. In Periscope, you could do two, so we have them double tap. I don't know if you can do that. They're flying now. Yeah. All right. What question are we on?

Group: I don't know what we're-

Group: Five, six-

Melanie: Seven.

Group: Seven.

Russell: You guys seen Napoleon Dynamite, by the way? Everyone's seen it right, or is it just an Idaho movie. Anyway, so remember in Dynamite where he's working out, and then he comes out and Lafawnduh ask him some question of where Kip is, and he's like. Anyway, I always try to drink... Every time I have a water bottle, I always try to drink like Napoleon. This one leaks at the top. This is not a Napoleon approved. Melanie put a hole in just to mess me up. All right. What have we go? How do you find a good finisher? Submit that question maybe next week we'll hit it up. That's a good question. All right.

Group: We've got a guy here, Dennis, with a funnel hacker t-shirt on. Dennis asked, "Can you tell us about a time you launched a funnel, you thought was going to kill it, but it actually flopped. What did you learn from that? And what can we learn as newbies from your experience?

Russell: What was his name again, Dennis?

Group: Dennis.

Russell: All right, Dennis. This isn't a good question and I'm kind of embarrassed about, because it happens way more than you would ever believe. Okay. So Dennis' question was, what do you do when a funnel, when you're all excited about a funnel, you're super pumped up and you launch it, and then it dives. Number one, most people they get idea for a funnel or a business, and first thing they do, step number one is they tell everybody they know. I that's the stupidest thing in the world, to be completely honest. Okay. When you have an idea for a business as an entrepreneur, you should just shut up. Because what unfortunately is true, is that the people around your life are not necessarily going to be all in on your new idea.

You're going to be so excited and fired if you tell them what's going to happen, they're going to talk trash and talk... And they're like, "Oh, good job. Good luck with that." And that's what's going to happen over and over and over again. So then when you go out there and you start trying to create this thing, you have so much stress and build up and anticipation and if it fails, everyone else is like, "Told you so." And it's horrible. So the other way... I never told anybody. In fact, our team, I came out the other day, I was like, "We're almost about to relaunch the app." And they're like, "What app?" I'm like, "Oh, I didn't tell you guys about it. We have an app coming out. I've been killing myself for the last..." I don't tell people lines ahead because I don't want that stress and pressure of it not going... That's number one.

Number two. So I'm a wrestler. And I was talking earlier, we've got a guy here doing YouTube training and he's like, "It's weird, I've seen a lot of successful wrestlers. Why do you think that is?" And I said, "I think the reason why is because in wrestling I would go out there, I step on the mat, in my singular... All nervous and awkward." I go out there and I would wrestle somebody and a lot of times they would beat me. And then they beat the crap out of me. My dad would film everything. So that night we'd come home and I'd be like all sad and depressed and we'd watch the film. And my dad would watch me, he's like, "He got you here. You're reaching your arm here. Look at your elbow., it Went up. You stepped too fast. You're out of position." And I was like, "Huh?" As we take notes of all the things I did wrong. And then we'd go back to practice next week and we'd practice that.

And we'd practice like, keep my arms and keep practicing. And we'd adjust and get better and better. I go back the next time in the next match against the same person I win. In fact, the first match of my junior year, I was going to be a state champ. That was my goal. I went out against Nick Fresquez from Hunter High School. He took second place in the state the year before and I was like, I'm going to show everyone. I went out there and he beat me really good. Actually, it was really embarrassing. And I was so depressed because... crap. My whole identity was like, "I'm going to be a state... I told everyone and this... It's probably where I learned to stop telling everybody. All summer long, "I'm going to be a state champ." Told everybody, and the first match I lost. Everyone's like, "Oh, I thought you'd be a state champ." I'm angry. But my dad captured my match with Nick Fresquez and we watched it every single day for four months, this long wrestling season. Every single day for four months, we watched it and we drilled it, watched it, drilled it, watched it, drilled it.

And then the state finals, we actually met, me and Nick Fresquez in the state finals. And what's interesting, he beat me eight to four in the first match of the season. I ended up beating him eight to four, and the final move in the match that I beat him with was the same move he had done to me. And I'd never seen the move prior, but because I had practiced every day for four months, I hit his move on himself and beat him and it was awesome. So take that Nick Fresquez. The moral of the story is now, I don't freak out when a funnel flops, and it flops often. They flop and you're like, "Huh, that sucks." But I didn't tell anyone, so there's no pressure. So I'm like, "Cool." Guess who knows it flops? Only I did. Because nobody else even knows. Everyone else saw it, and they're like, "Cool, that looks awesome." And they don't know. But what is cool is like, do just like a wrestling, after we... And you can ask Steven. Steven's here every single day, we launch a funnel and then what happens?

Dave: Honestly, most of the time, the first round it barely even breaks even. And then we make all these adjustments, it's almost like adult Legos. That's how I was thinking of it. You take out this one piece, "Oh that's the weakest link." We go fix that and replay it. And then fix that piece and replay it. And it's kind of cool. That's how they work, honestly every time.

Russell: I always tell people, what's the price point thing you're selling? So let's say it's $1,000 thing you're selling on a webinar. So go and take $1,000 and you're going to just gamble on. You're going to put it out there and just see. Let's say you have a $200 product. Excuse me. You're going to gamble $200. And you spend a $200 and try to make one sale. And if you don't... Let's say gamble $1,000. I put $1,000 in, I drive ads for a week, $1,000 disappears. I look at all the metrics and like, did I make a sale? If I make a sale, I'm like, "Sweet, we broke even." If I don't make a sale, that doesn't matter either way because I got the data now. Then I look at every single page like, "How much did I spend per click? How much did it cost per opt-in? Percentage of my opt-in rate? And I look at all the numbers in the funnel and then based on that, we make the tweaks and changes and then I go back.

Okay, spend another $1,000, try it again, see if I can break even. If I didn't, okay. Do it again. And then I do that until we break even until we're profitable. And then we keep doing that over and over and over again. So those are some of the things... But don't stress out about it, it happens all the time. But guess what? Every time you figure one out, it all compounds. Because you get more customers come in, you learn some more, you understand, it gets better and better. You guys want to see something cool? You know 2 Comma Club Awards we have for everybody else. And I'll open the door real quick, I don't want to lose the reception but, this is everybody in ClickFunnels this morning 2 Comma Club Awards so far. There's over a hundred of them, which is pretty awesome. And then fact here are five more that we just today. We're making millionaires every single day, but this is not Russell be cocky. Well, maybe a little bit. But who wants to see my 2 Comma Club Awards?

1, 2, these are all mine. 3, 4, 5, those are all mine. So what's cool about it is, after you get it the first time, you learn a lesson. Then the next time is better, and it gets better, and it gets better. I always tell people, it's like pushing a rock up a hill the very first time. And it's like really hard and really stressful. And it gets to the top and all of a sudden, boom, it starts going and there's this momentum and it gets easier and easier and easier. After you get your first 2 Comma Club Award, the next 17 are really easy. Anyway. But don't worry about flopping, it's going to flop. In fact, inner circle members, I always tell them, they're about to launch their webinar, they're all stressed down, "What if it doesn't work?" I'm like, it's not going to work. Just bank on that, spend $1,000 and call me next week and we'll look at the numbers and we'll start over again. And they're like, "Really?" I'm like, "Yeah, it's going to fail, don't even worry about it."

No. Tell your mom that, tell your sister that, tell everybody it's going to fail. They're not going to get added stress and pressure. And you're not going to message me crying afterwards because you're planning on it failing. Okay. The market's going to tell you, don't get all emotional based on the market. It'll tell you whether you're right or you're wrong. And if you're wrong then it's not something personal, it's just you don't understand the market and you just make the tweaks and adjust and then you go again. So, that's how it works. All right. I need to drop it. All right. Should we drop this thing?

Group: That was a double drop.

Russell: That bounced like six times. Thank you Purple. How many is that? I'm getting worn out.

Group: Two left. Two more.

Russell: Two more? What time is it? Is it like past my bed time? Group: It's almost is. Russell: Okay. Two more questions. Who's got the next one, Melanie? Melanie: I have one.

Russell: All right.

Melanie: Bodyminddoc asks, "What is the best way to attract donors and donations for our nonprofit cancer treatment center?"

Russell: What's his name again?

Melanie: It's bodyminddoc.

Russell: Bodyminddoc ask, "What's the best way to get... What was the word? Awareness or money?

Melanie: What is the best way to attract donors and donations for our nonprofit cancer treatment center.

Russell: What's the best way to get donors and donations for nonprofit cancer treatment center. Awesome. Okay. Number one, I'm going to talk about the worst way, because this is what everybody does. The worst way is to come to people who have money and say, "Hey, you have money, I would like some. Can I have some?" People, do you not think we get hit up every single day by stuff like that. Okay. That's not a good pitch. Even though it's charity and it's donation, you have to sell something. Okay. People give money because... And yes, in a perfect world, that we don't live on, so it's not actually ever happening. But in a perfect world, people do things out of the generosity or like I give money with no strings attached. I just want to give money to serve people. Nobody does that. Unfortunately, I wish we did, but we're not. We're all evil. Okay. We don't. We all want something in return. So we give money because what? We want to feel good? That's a selfish thing. Okay.

I'm not saying it's wrong, but it's selfish to that person. Okay. We give money because they want something in return. You have to understand as humans, we want something in return for our money. If I'm going to give something money, I want something in return. And I feel guilty saying that, because you're a bad person because you say that. A lot of people might think that. But it's true, no one's giving money unless you're getting something else in return. Okay. So what are you giving them in return? Oh, you're going to get a sticker that says you donated money to charity. Okay. That's what people offer all the time. You have to be like, what do these people actually want? Is it significance? Is it a product? Is it training? Is it... What is it that your actual donors want? Because they're not going to admit it, but they want something in return for that. Okay. We can lie about and act like everyone cares about philanthropic stuff. There's Batman right here, speaking of philanthropic.

Honestly, the real reason is understanding that people want something in return. Okay. And it could be... It's a feeling that they're getting, it could be feeling, it could be... Whatever that is. So if I'm doing something, I want to create an experience that gives them that feeling. Okay. You asking me for money is not going to help me. You coming to me and creating an experience helps. Okay. So a couple good examples. Number one, the first time I ever gave money to charity outside of church nations and things like that, was Stu McLaren, World Teacher Aide. And he came to me and he just... We had such close connection and we're business partners. And so I did stuff initially just because like I like Stu and he had the thing he was passionate about. And I was like, "You know what? Stu's a cool guy, I'm going to help him out."

And so I helped a couple of times. But what Stu was so smart about, he came back to me after we donated money a couple times, he's like, "This is so cool. You're getting money but you're... If you experience and you could feel what's happening because of the money you're giving, that'll change everything." And Stu's like, "You have to come to Kenya with me." I'm like, "I'm not going to Kenya." He's like, "You have to come." I'm like, "Do I have to get shots?" He's like, "Yeah, a lot of them." I'm like, "Huh." But he convinced me to come to Kenya. I got shots, went to Kenya. And I got there, and I saw the kids and I played with the kids. And I saw where they slept. I saw what they ate. I saw how they lived. I saw their lifestyle. And I had such a connection to that, and to the people, that now we give a lot of money and we do things within our company.

Every time someone builds a funnel, we give a dollar to World Teacher Aide, he's building these schools. I went last year, I'm taking a whole crew again this year. I had connection now, and that feeling is what drives me. So for you, let's say it's cancer treatment that you're doing, you have to give that experience to people. I would create some amazing experience where you found people that could be potential donors. And I would bring them somewhere, bring them to a really nice fancy dinner, and bring them to this place. They can network with other people, and it's just something cool to bring them together. And then I would have a bunch of kids who are struggling with cancer, be the waitresses and waitress. Or something where they have this connection of like, "Wow, these are the kids that are serving me. How can I help them?" All right. Or something like that. I create an experience because that's what gets people to donate. It's not you trying to say, "It's going to be a tax write off and you're helping..."

Create the connection first, and then people will give you money. Because that's the key. I gave money to Stu because I thought he was a cool guy. But soon as he created that connection with the cause, then it became my cause too. And that's the key. So I hope that helps. Just any charity. I can't even tell you how many times... And it's not just charity, nonprofits are a big thing. The wrestling community, they always asked me to donate money. I was just like, dude, create an experience. If you said, "Hey Russell, this is the thing. You wrestle the boys..." Say, "We're going to bring you at the next tournament, the next home match. Have you come down, and we're going to make you an honorary wrestling captain and give you wrestling shirts and singles and stuff. And make a big deal and tell people you are a great wrestler for the community. Would you like to come to that?" I'm like, "Yeah, it's cool."

Like, "All of our donors can come, you can donate any level you want. And the higher you donate, the more prestige..." Whatever. Like, "We'll give you a gold medal versus a silver medal." I'm like, "Well, how much do the guy with the silver medal give? I'll do twice that because I want the gold medal." But now it's like an experience and I can take my kids there and show pictures. Now is something cool for me. So I'm always thinking, in any business, because nonprofits, charities, it's still a business, you're still trying to get money from people. And so take everything out of the equation and think about like customer, what do they want in exchange for their money? Okay. And like that feeling, especially in the charity stuff, is what's the key that drives it. So there you go. Am I dropping that one.

Group: Crosstalk…

Russell: Here we go.

Group: Oh, straight on the map.

Russell: All right. Last one. Who's got the last one. All right. Here's the last question.

Group: Bruno asks, "How can I use funnels to sell my photography service?"

So Bruno asks, how do you create funnels to sell photography service? All right. So I don't know enough about the business to know exactly what it is. Because it could be like local photography, wedding photography, big photography, event photography. It doesn't really matter though, the answer is the same. Okay. First off don't be a generalist. Don't be a photographer that takes pictures of everything. Because then you're a person that takes pictures of everything. Specialize in something. I do event photography, I do kids photography, wedding photography, back to school picture photography. Something, pick something where you're like, that's your thing. That's number one. Number two, go get a whole bunch of really cool pictures done. But then don't just take the pictures, bring a video camera and capture the experience of taking the pictures. Again. It's a feeling that people are connecting with.

The reason why they're going to give you three times as much money as they're going to give the next photographer, because both of you guys have the same camera. So why then give you more than someone else? Number one, I want to know your specialist and what is it I'm actually looking for? Number two is I want to create an experience. Okay. Because I don't know about you, but getting pictures sucks. Especially when you have five kids, like I do. You got to do hair, and you had to comb their clothes, and they're all angry and it's hot and they're tired. It's a bad experience. In fact, I feel bad, my two year old, we haven't got family pictures since she's been born. And it was like two years. It's been four years since we had family pictures because there's this really negative emotional experience that I've had, and my wife's had, though I've kept us from it.

So if I went to a page and they showed the experience of someone coming and picking up my kids in a limo or something, and then coming out and giving flowers and then like this cool thing. And then the photographer's like... Video of him playing with the kids and getting them toys. And I'm like, "Wow, that guy's awesome with kids. It's not going to be me jamming Swedish fish at my kids' mouth to get them to quit crying, which actually is a true story. We literally had to bring a bag of Swedish fish and like bribe them. And that only worked for like two hours. And then the sugar highs made it even worse, and it was just... It became really, really bad. But if I saw that and I saw the experience of like, "Oh wow, that was a cool experience it." And he was like, "Yeah, we're three times as much but it's a really good experience." I'm like, "Sweet." All right, I'm in.

So think about that. People are craving experience. I was watching Shark Tank the other day and it was interesting. Cuban was investing in a business that was like a Halloween one where like... Anyway, it was a big experiential thing. And he said, "The future of entertainment is experiential." He's like, "Movies and stuff are going to be going down and experiences are going to be going up." And so I heard that and it's not just true in entertainment, it's true in everything. Why do you guys funnel hackers? Why do you come to our events? Why do you use our software? Okay. I think a big reason, maybe I'm wrong, I don't know, but we're trying to be entertaining. We're trying to have fun. Our events, you come to our events it's like a rock concert. You go to other marketing events, like a bunch of boring dudes on computers ever sleeping, and it's just like... And you don't go back. You go once and that's it.

You come to ours, you come over and over and over, because we're creating experiences that you think about, you feel you have an emotional impact and connection with those things. Okay. Why am I doing an ask Russell, Drop The Mic Show here on Instagram. I want you to have an emotional connection with me on Instagram. So every single week you're like, "I got to watch this show because Russell connected with me at some level." Why do I do Facebook live? Because I want to connect people on Facebook. Why am I doing my YouTube video where I literally carry this camera with me everywhere I go, even though my wife's like, "Quit putting that camera in my face." And I'm like, "It's not on. Just kidding, it is." Why do I do that stuff? Because I want people on Facebook to have emotional connection with me. It's all about experiences. I'm a software company you guys, for crying out loud. I'm a software company. That's the most unemotional product in the world yet we're making this emotional experience for you guys.

This is why you come, why you stick, why you stay and why you pass and share our stuff, which is the plug for you guys to pass and share my stuff. So there you go. Anyway, so that's it. I hope that helps. Oh, that was it, right? Did I answer the question?

Group: That was fantastic.

Russell: All right. We answered the question. I'm dropping the mic. That was the last one, right?

Group: That's it.

Russell: This is number 10, the last mic drop of the night until we pick our winner. So here we go. We're dropping it.

Group: Boom.

Russell: That almost hit my toe. That would've been a horrible... I'm like... All right. So now it's on you guys. So you guys, I need to find out who had our number one questions. So the way this game works you guys, for those who missed it... Actually, we can go back to this video real quick. I'm going to show you guys the intro video quick, so you understand how this game is played. Because I want you guys to play again next week with us. We're doing the same thing next week. I'm actually going to be on location somewhere else as we do this. But I want you guys to submit videos. We're going to do this again next week. I'll let you guys know the date and time. We're going to start to find a consistent time so you guys can plan on it, but we don't know what that is yet.

But what's going to happen is, watch this video. It's giving me instructions about how do submit of your questions. I've seen like thousands of questions come through here. I want to answer those questions but there's a process, a method to our madness. So I'm going to watch this real quick and I'll show you what you're going to win. Because someone's about to win this, and we'll announce our winner here in about 10 seconds. Let me show you guys the video quick. So you see the process.

My name is Russell Brunson and I'm on a journey to help entrepreneurs get unstuck so that they can get back to changing the world. In the past 10 years, I built a following over a million entrepreneurs like you, sold hundreds of thousands of copies of my books, popularized the concept of sales funnels, and co-founded a software company called ClickFunnels that helps tens of thousands of entrepreneurs to quickly get their message out to the marketplace. If you've got questions, I've got answers. Here's how it works. Step number one, go to Instagram and create a video asking me your number one question. Step number two, tag me at @russellbrunson so that I can see your question. Step number three, use #askrussellanything so my team is notified. And then each week I'll pick the top 10 questions and answer them on Instagram live. After each question, I'll drop the mic, but for the best question each week, we'll ship you out your own drop mic. Now make sure you follow me on Instagram to see if I answer your questions live. Ask me your questions so that you can get unstuck and get back to changing the world.

Boom. All right. So that's how this game is played you guys. So we had 10 questions. We had 22 people submit questions, 10 got picked for today's show. If you have questions, go submit them right now again, do @russellbrunson and #askrussellanything, so we'll see them. We'll answer them next week on the show. And these guys over here, our amazing panel, has been going through and picking our winners of today. So who wants to announce the winner of our very first drop mic? So here it is. This is what you're winning. In fact drop the mics come in these awesome boxes. We'll close it down. We'll ship this one out to you. It's pretty sweet. So Dave, who is the winner of our first ever drop my challenge?

Dave: Dennis.

Russell: Dennis. What did Dennis ask again?

Dave: About funnel flopping.

Russell: Oh, he talked about the funnel flopping. So Dennis, thank you for asking about funnel flopping. I hope I answered your question. If you want to DM me your address, we will ship you out your drop mic. Appreciate you submitting your question and everyone who hung out today, this is really, really fun. We'll see you guys next week at the same... No, I don't know about same time, same place. I'll tell you when the time is happening, but we'll do this again next week guys. Please jump on these things. Have some funnel with us. It's a lot of fun. And see if I answer your question. Thanks everybody. We'll see you guys all again soon. Bye.


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