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Extreme Ownership: The Ultimate Key to Entrepreneurial Growth


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Episode Recap:

On this episode of the Marketing Secrets podcast, I revisit the topic of Extreme Ownership—a principle that has shaped not only my business but also how I approach every challenge that comes my way. In this return episode, I share an interaction I had with someone in our community who was struggling to get traction with her business and explain why it’s critical to take full responsibility for your own success. It’s not about placing blame or looking for others to solve your problems; it’s about owning your journey and being willing to push through the discomfort and setbacks.

Throughout the episode, I break down why relying on others, whether it’s a coaching program or a mentor, to deliver success is a recipe for failure. Instead, I emphasize the need to shift the focus back to yourself and the actions you’re taking—or not taking—to move forward. I reflect on my own early struggles and share how consistently putting myself out there, whether it was on a stage or through webinars, was the only way I built the skills and confidence needed to succeed. This is the same mindset that can help anyone listening to break through the barriers holding them back.

Key Highlights:

  • Taking Extreme Ownership: How to stop relying on external sources for success and start taking 100% responsibility for your results.
  • The Power of Repetition: Why your first attempts might suck, and that’s okay—keep iterating and refining until you get it right.
  • Proven Business Models: Why sticking to what’s been proven to work is far more effective than trying to reinvent the wheel.
  • Mindset Shifts for Success: Why changing how you phrase things can make or break your business journey.

This episode is from a few years ago, so I may make a few dated references, but overall, the message still rings true. If you’re struggling to make progress, this episode is for you. Tune in to hear more about how owning your role and taking charge can transform your business and personal growth.

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Best Quote:

There's this weird thing that whatever we focus on grows, so hey, let's focus on that, and it'll grow, and get better. We focus, everyone focuses. Thursday, this is sales day. This is the day we all focus on selling, okay. Monday through Thursday is marketing, Thursday is sales, and the rest of it is follow up. If you do that, you guys, that's the prescription for an amazing business next year.


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What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson, welcome back to the Marketing Secrets podcast. Today I’ve got a rant.

Alright everybody, I hope you’re all doing amazing. As I said during the intro today, I’ve got a little bit of a rant. And this is a rant not out of being upset, more out of love for somebody who reached out to me on Instagram the other day, and said some things, and I wanted to grab the person and spot coach them on the spot and be like, “I see what’s wrong.” But instead I thought, there’s more than one person who’s got this exact same problem, so I wanted to do this as a podcast so that it will not only help her, but will help everybody.

So I’m not going to tell you her name or situation or story or anything, but I’m going to kind of tell you a little bit of our conversation, I’m going to do a little bit of a rant, and hopefully it will help somebody else out there who is listening, as well as her, as well.

So some of the really, really quick back story, this is somebody who has kind of popped in and out of our community a couple of times, I’ve seen her at a couple of events, she’s somebody who is definitely trying, putting forth the effort. So I am, that’s why I’m aware of her, and I’ll kind of leave it at that. She came to an event we did last year for our high end coaching clients, as a guest, I let her come and kind of attend, and I’ve seen her at Funnel Hacking Live, and a couple other spots.

So I’m really excited, this looks like good things are happening, momentum is happening, so I was really excited. Then I didn’t hear anything from her for a while. And then a week or two I got a message on Instagram asking if I would help with this project she’s doing. And I didn’t, I get 8,000 messages a day on every platform, and I’m just not able to respond to everything. So unfortunately I don’t respond to most things, unless its something that really pops out. So I didn’t and then she messaged again, and she messaged again, and she was like, “What I’m selling is very similar to what Myron was talking about at this thing. Can you help me? Can you be an executive producer for this documentary I want to make?”

So it kind of caught me off guard, and I responded back, in fact, let me see if I can pull up my response here, keep the recording going hopefully. So my response was, “Why don’t you just do a webinar and sell the training direct? There’s a proven model that works over and over again. It sounds like you’re trying to gamble on an unproven model, crowd funding for a TV show. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel, just follow the model that’s proven to work.”

She was trying to say, “I’m doing this crowd funding thing for this TV show and I want you to be an executive producer, and it’s going to tell my story and from there we’re going to sell my course that teaches how to do this thing.” I’m just like, “Okay, you could do that, or you could do the model that’s been proven by thousands and thousands and thousands of people that we know works beyond a T, you should model the proven thing, as opposed to running down this rabbit hole on something that makes no logical sense and nobody’s ever done before, because you think it’ll be easier than doing what actually works.”

So that’s what I said, and then she responded back, “My honest answer, I wrote a webinar,” Which is awesome, yeah, congratulations. “It sucked.” Yeah, it should suck, the first one you do is always going to suck. “I knew it did, so I never even launched it. Then I went to Funnel Hacking Live 2019, I joined 2 Comma Club X thinking I’d get the help I needed to write it, that didn’t happen.” So that was the thing. So I wrote back, I said, “Okay, I’m going to do a rant today inside the 2 Comma Club X group, I’m going to seem a little frustrated. It’s out of love. I won’t use your name…I’m sure other people need this. Hopefully it’s going to give you a clear road map.” And she wrote back, “I’m not in the 2 Comma Club X group anymore. They kicked me out when I put my account on pause. I have no more credit on my cards.”

Okay, so I got a couple things I want to talk about tied to this. The first one is I want you to listen to how she phrased these things, because this is so, so, so essential to your success. The second you put your success on somebody else, you’ve automatically failed. If I could grab everyone of you guys and just yell this to you. Notice what she said, she said, “I joined 2 Comma Club X thinking that I’d get the help I needed to write it. That didn’t happen.” And then, “I’m not in the group, they kicked me out.” Notice in both those situations she put her success on somebody else.

“I joined this so I’d get the help. That didn’t happen.” So she didn’t get the help, although the fact we’ve got 9 fulltime coaches, 4 coaches including Myron Golden, Stephen Larsen, Julie Stoian, all of which who are amazing at things. We do live calls weekly between all the coaches. The help was there, she didn’t get it. I don’t know if she thought someone was going to come to her house and write it, but she didn’t…..Its there, the people are there. You have to grab it and take it, be on every single call, go to every single event. Jump on the coaching calls, jump on the open office hours. The things are there, but she said, I didn’t get the help I needed. So I just wanted to put that out.

And then, “They kicked me out.” So “I stopped paying and they kicked me out.” She’s putting her success on somebody else. The way that, if you’re taking, and I sent everyone in 2 Comma Club X Extreme Ownership, by the way, so hopefully everyone’s read that, but if you haven’t, that’s the big tweak first off. So I’d be like, my first feedback is you need to take 100% responsibility for yourself.

If this was the answer, “My honest answer, I wrote a webinar, then I launched it, I tried it, it didn’t work, so I tried it again, I tried it again, tried it again, after ten times it didn’t work. Then I joined 2 Comma Club X, then I was on every single coaching call, I asked every single coach the question. I got feedback inside the groups, inside the things.”

Those are the things that if she had taken personal responsibility for, those are the actions to help you have success with the webinar. It’s not a mystery. I wrote a book on it, we did the 10x Secrets training, which is inside the coaching program, we have all the coaches, all the staff, all the people, it’s a proven model. Half the people inside 2 Comma Club X are doing this thing, if you just jump in and do it, they’re there.

Anyway, and then again, “They kicked me out of the account.” They didn’t kick you out of the account. You kicked yourself out of the account, you stopped paying. And I understand if you ran out of money, I totally respect that and understand that, but they did not kick you out, you kicked yourself out by not continuing to pay. It’s just like this little phrase that seems inconsequential, but it’s so freaking important.

Don’t put your success on somebody else’s. Garrett White spoke at Funnel Hacking Live 3 years ago and did this whole rant about, for each of us individually he says, and one of the pieces was, “You’re a leader, not a savior.” Our job is not to save you, our job is to lead you, we are leading. How many webinars have I done? How many…inside the member’s area there’s like 15 different webinars that I’ve done that we successful that you can watch, and can watch over and over and over again. All my staff, all my coaches, all my people, everyone knows how to do webinars, the access is there. But the problem is that you wrote one, and then you thought it sucked so you never did it.

Alright so, there’s the first part of the rant, it was just personal responsibility. It seems so little, but it is everything. Shifting that from, “They kicked me out. I didn’t get the help I was expecting. I didn’t…” No, no, no you have to shift that, because until you do, you will always be a victim in this situation. That’s the first piece of advice that I wanted to put out there.

Now I want you to listen to the second piece of advice. And it’s funny, as I was thinking about this, this morning, it’s funny, for those of you guys that go to church, and I’m assuming it’s true in any church, but we go to church and they’re always like, “You need to pray. You need to repent. You need to do what’s right.” And you’re like, “This is the same message you keep telling me every single time.” And it’s like, it’s the same message that everyone still needs, that’s why we keep saying it.

And I feel like it’s almost the same thing. Two years ago I did a podcast called, this is your business plan or business model for the next 12 months. And in there it said basically you need to do a webinar a week live, every single week, until you’re a millionaire, and if you do that every single week for a year, you’ll be successful. And that’s the next piece of advice here. Is that you said, “I wrote a webinar, it sucked. The market didn’t tell me that, I just assumed it sucked, so I stopped trying.” No, that is how you don’t have success. The way you have success is you write a sucky webinar, then you get people on the sucky webinar, you do it, and you suck. Then you look at the feedback from that sucky webinar, you make the tweaks, make it a little bit better, then you do it again, and the next time you suck a little bit less. And you keep doing that every single week for an entire year until you’re a millionaire. That’s it. It’s not that hard. That’s the model, it’s the thing that we’ve….you just…that’s…I don’t even know what to say.

So I’m thinking because I did that podcast 2 1/2 – 3 years ago. The time I did it was, it’s funny because Brandon and Kaelin were launching LadyBoss at the time, and they heard that, and then they did a webinar every single week, and boom, now they’re doing like 40 or 50 million bucks this year. And I can tell you a handful of inner circle members who listened to that podcast and guess what they did? They went and boom, did these huge, built huge companies off of it.

So just like if I was at church and say, “You need to pray, you need to repent, you need to do what’s right.” I’m going to do the same thing right now and I’m going to actually insert that podcast episode right here, that way you guys can go and listen to it again and realize that this is still the same message. It has not changed. My advice for the next 12 months is the same advice as it was back then for the next 12 months. You need to be doing this over and over and over and over again.

So person who this podcast is specifically for, take the crappy webinar that you wrote and then do it, live. Don’t retweak it or change it or hope that somebody else is going to take your responsibility and rewrite it for you. This is your business and you’re the only one that cares about it. Therefore you’re the one that has to do the work, and you’ve got to do it. And then I would go and plug into every single group and go find people and say, “Can you listen to my webinar?” And ask people questions, and then after you do, go watch my webinar, and then watch 5 other peoples. Find Liz Benney’s webinar, or find Annie Grace’s webinar, or find Kaelin Poulin’s webinar, watch all the webinars, watch mine again.

Some of the people that have had the most success webinars, told me, “Russell I’ve watched your webinar over 50 times.” 50 times! How many times have you watched my webinar? Have you dissected it? Have you written it out? Have you figured out how you would change this for your market? If not, you’re not trying hard enough, you’re putting the blame on someone else. This is your responsibility to do the hard work. It’s not my role, it’s not my team’s role, it’s not anybody else’s role except for yours. We are not your savior, we are a leader. We are leading, we are going and trailblazing and leading back everything we’re finding. Here’s all this stuff, take it. But you’ve got to be responsible for it, not me, because I don’t care about your business as much as you do.

Just like nobody cared about my business when I was getting started. I can’t tell you how many times I failed over and over and over again. It wasn’t on a webinar where nobody was there. It was me failing on a stage in front of people. That is embarrassing, super embarrassing. My wife and I are broke and I’m flying across the country leaving my life with our brand new twins for three or four days, paying my own way to get there, paying for my hotel, and 4 or 5 grand in the hole, step out on stage and speak, and nobody buys. I had to call my wife that night and be like, “Hey hun, guess what?” She’s like, “How’d you do?” I’m like, “I did alright.” She’s like, “How many people bought?” I’m like, “None.” She’s like, “None?” “Yeah.” She’s like, “But how much did it cost you to get out there?” “Uh, about 3 or 4 grand in.” She’s like, “Well, why did you do that.” Because I have to learn the skill.

It’s hard, it’s embarrassing, it’s frustrating. Leaving my wife and our kids and not having the money, not making a penny from the trip, losing 5 grand to go and practice onstage, standing in front of a group of 100 people, 200 people and embarrassing yourself, not having a single person move when you walk to the back of the stage, that sucks. But guess what, I did it week in and week out, week in and week out, and I would go and sit through the event for three days and watch every other presenter present, and I would take notes. What did they do? Why’d they do that? How’d they do that? How did they get people to walk to the back of the room? How’d they structure their presentation? What worked, what didn’t work? Over and over and over and over again.

And now 15 years later it’s easy. But you gotta put in the work first, you gotta put in the time first. And this isn’t, and I wish I could have somebody just do my whole webinar for me, but guess what, nobody cared about it like I did. Nobody cared about my little ideas except for me. I knew they were big, I knew they were going to change the world, but I had to go out there and learn the skill.

So for you, and again, this is for that one person, but this is for everybody who is listening. You need to take this personal responsibility on yourself. This is your product, this is your service, this is your business, nobody else cares about it except for you. Therefore you’re the one that needs to make it successful. Therefore if you write a crappy webinar, you don’t just stop. That’s the beginning point, we all write a crappy webinar to start. Then you go and you do it, and then you do it again, and you do it again. And it’s going to suck at first, because at first you’re going to make zero dollars. You’re probably going to spend money to get ads to show up. You’re going to be bribing people, you’re going to be spending 40 hours on Facebook in every group related to you, trying to recruit people to come to your webinar. And you’re going to get 100 people to sign up and one of them will show up and it’s going to suck, and it’s going to be embarrassing, you’re going to cry your eyes out, but that’s the path.

If it was super easy guess what, everyone here would be doing a webinar every single time. It’s not so you gotta care more. And you can’t expect anyone else to care. You can’t put the blame on anyone else. Extreme ownership, it’s you. You are the only person, youl’re the one who’s stepping out into the arena and you’ve got to figure this thing out. So that’s the goal. And if you’re too shy, or you’re introverted, I get it. So am I. I hate talking to people. But if you really care about this business and your mission and stuff, then you’ve got to go out of your way to go out there and ask the questions, jump on the coaching calls, go into the facebook groups, talk to people, trade them. Say, “I’ll work for free for you if you review my webinar.” “I’ll do this for you.” Whatever it takes.

It’s going to be uncomfortable and it’s going to be painful, and it’s going to suck at first, I get it. But if you really want this thing to happen, that’s the path. And if you don’t, that’s cool. Go back and do whatever you did before, I don’t care. But if this is the path, I just want to paint a really clear picture, this is not all sunshine and roses. It’s hard, it’s hard work. But nobody ever said changing the world is going to be easy. So if you really do believe in your product or your service, and you really do want to change the world for the people you’ve been called to serve, then this is the path, and you’ve got to do it over and over and over again.

Alright with that said, I’m going to stop talking here for a second and have my brother go and find the podcast episode that I did, it might have been 3 or 4 years ago now, but basically it was like, if I remember right, it was December or the beginning of the year, I was coming home and I mapped it out. I said, this is the business model for the next 12 months. If you do this for the next 12 months you will be financially independent. And that, that calling, that statement, that phrase is still true today. So I’m going to post it here, the same thing I talked about in the Expert Secrets book, just because I haven’t been ringing that bell as much, doesn’t mean it’s not true. It’s still the path, still the process, still exactly what I would do if I was starting over again today, live.

So I’m going to have him insert that right now and then I’ll be back here in a few seconds.
Hey everyone, I hope things are going amazing for you. Heading home from the office today, and just keep getting more and more excited about how simple and stupid my plan is for next year. The angle's always world domination, and the strategy's changed so many times, but look at the people in our coaching group that have made the most amount of money, the things that have made me the most amount of money. It's all had to do with one core focus. It comes down to this. If you’re taking notes, write it down right now. If you're in a car, pull over so you can focus a 100% because this is the key. Okay, and I talked about his on my periscope, the one that I told you guys about yesterday that we did 150k sales on it. The key is having a live event every Thursday, and the one singular goal of your entire company is to get at least a thousand people a week onto that webinar.

That's it. It's kind of like the whole 'apple a day keeps the doctor away'. A thousands registrants a week for your webinar keeps money flowing. We were doing the math on that. Let's just say, and I don’t have the numbers in front of me cause I'm driving, as you guys know, but say you have a thousand people a week to register. This is all sources, so Facebook, solo ads, email ads, Twitter, social media. Everything you're doing is all pushing towards this one event that's happening ever single week. You're just focusing on that. Okay, and so you're doing that. You have a thousand people to register. From that, you get thirty percent show up rate, right? That drops to three hundred who show up, and then your call to action ... Let's say you follow the perfect webinar script, if you don't follow it, you get like 1% closure. You follow the perfect webinar script, you're at 10% close rate. That means of the 330 people give you a thousand dollars from that webinar, so you just made 30,000 dollars.

The math on that, let's say you should be averaging between 3 and 5 dollars per webinar registrant. Let's just say we spent 5 dollars per registrant, and we've got thousands. You pay 5 grand, and you make 30, okay. Now, what is that? If I was talking to my kids right now I'd say, "Son, you call that arbitrage, okay." I put in 5,000 dollars on Monday through Thursday. Thursday night, I get 30,000 dollars back, boom. I didn't just get that because a couple other things are going to happen.

Second off, from Thursday night to Friday, Saturday, Sunday, we're going to be focusing on our replay sequence, okay. Now, there are a lot of different things you can do in a replay sequence. You can just send out the replay. You can send out urgency and scarcity we talked about a couple days ago. You can do a whole bunch of cool things, but if you do it right, you should be able to double your sales from the replay sequence, okay. Because think about it, you had 1,000 register, only 300 showed up. Only 10 percent of those people bought. You only had thirty people out of a thousand. That means you have a whole crap ton of other people haven't bought yet, and so you're job is to follow up with those people and get them to buy. Give them some urgency, some scarcity, do some cool things, maybe do a periscope, rant close Saturday night trying to get them to buy, whatever it is. You're pushing these people to take action and to give you money and to close.

If you do it right, you should double your sales. That means that 30,000 now turned into 60,000. You have 5,000 dollars in, 60,000 dollars back out. You have more than 10X your money that week, which is pretty good, right? You're like sweet this is a good business. I put 5 grand in on Monday, I get 60,000 back out by Sunday at midnight. You do that every single week.

Let's say that was all you did. I don't have a calculator here, and I'm not smart enough to do the math while I'm driving, but if you do that, 60 grand times 52 weeks, what's that end up being? Whatever, 3 million bucks or something, right? Your cost, 5 grand times 52 weeks, you're at 250 grand. You put in a quarter of a million bucks, you made 3 million, or whatever that is. That's a great business. That's more than most people will do ever. That's really, really exciting right there.

That's the first step in this. The second thing to think about is every single week, you're adding a thousand people to your list. Okay, so by the end of the year, you have 52,000 people on your email list. These aren't normal people. People who have gone through your webinar registration funnel, seen your indoctrination series, they've been on your webinar, they've been indoctrinated, they've learned from you, they've seen you pitch. Those people will love and respect you a lot more because of that process that you went through with them. Now you've got a better quality person.

If you screw this up, if you don't treat your list very well, you should be averaging at least a dollar per name, per month on your email list which means by the end of a year, you should be averaging an additional 52,000 in sales just from other exterior, I know there's a different word for that, but other things you sell that list. If you do it correctly, and you follow the whole DotComSecrets modeling, you do a value ladder, and you have upsales, and you have high ticket things, and you have other webinars and things like that, you should make a lot more than that. You should make five, or six million bucks off of that list to be a hundred percent honest.

All that came from one solitary focus. One thing, the apple a day, it came from every Thursday we do a webinar, Monday through Thursday we fill that webinar, Friday through Sunday we close deals.

And that is the fuel. That's the business. I just today, right before I left the office, I went on Thursdays, for me I do mine at noon, from noon until 2 o'clock, I put on recurring, and said every Thursday from now until the end of time I'm doing a webinar. Some people say, "Well do I do a new webinar every single week?" No, it's the exact same webinar. “Well Russell, shouldn't I do it automated?” No, you shouldn't, maybe someday, but right now you're going to do it live.

I've done my Funnel Hacks webinar at least thirty, maybe forty times live, and I'm going to do it live every Thursday next year that I am in the office. I will automate it the days I'm not there, but I'm going to do it live.

A couple reasons why. Why would you do it live? It's the same pitch Russell, it's probably word for word, and it is at this point. This is the reason why: On Thursdays when I’m doing a live webinar, guess what happens? Everyone is focused on this live webinar. Support staff’s ready, we've got people answering chat, tech guys are watching everything making sure that everything's working.

We've got everyone’s focus and attention on this one event that's happening. Guess what happens when you focus on something? It's really weird. Whatever you focus on will grow. If you focus on how many leads a day you get, that will grow. If you focus how many webinar registrations you get each week, that'll grow. If you focus how much money you want, it'll grow. If you focus how much weight you want to lose, it'll grow, or you'll lose. Whatever it is on that side.

There's this weird thing that whatever we focus on grows, so hey, let's focus on that, and it'll grow, and get better. We focus, everyone focuses. Thursday, this is sales day. This is the day we all focus on selling, okay. Monday through Thursday is marketing, Thursday is sales, and the rest of it is follow up. If you do that, you guys, that's the prescription for an amazing business next year.

I was talking to Liz Benny, and I told her, I said, “Liz, I've seen you when you were running the webinar model consistently, you have the right numbers. Everything was working”. I told her, I was like, “I think that you can do 5 or 6 or 7 million dollars”, I have a hundred percent faith she can do it.

I know she can, and she knows she can, and she's going to. Guess what she's doing? She's coming back to the same model, going back to basics, all of us. I'm doing it, my entire Inner Circle's doing it, I'm going to be sending this podcast to everyone and forcing them to listen to it because this is the basics. Again, if my son was trying it, I'd say “Son, that is the basics”. That's what we're focusing on, and if we all do that collectively, we'll change the world in our own little ways.

That's what I'm doing, I hope you guys follow suit. I'm excited, and I hope you're excited, and it's going to be a lot of fun. I want to warn you, there's going to be some ups and downs. Sometimes Facebook's going to kick you off. Sometimes other ad networks won't work anymore. Sometimes you get crap leads. Sometimes your JV partners will screw you over. Sometimes no one will show up to your webinar. Sometimes the close rate won't work. Sometimes GoToWebinar will drop you, or webinar jam, or things are going to happen, and it's going to be frustrating and annoying and lame and hard, and you're going to be discouraged.

Every time you get discouraged, I want you to think about the apple a day, and think about, I've got to come back. This is the focus, and every single week I'm going to get better, I'm going to get better, I'm going to get better. Maybe the first week I'm going to get ten people to register. Next week I get thirty. Next week I get fifty, and if I make that my focus, whatever we focus on, what happens? It grows. We're going to start focusing on that, and what's going to happen in the next 12 months is your business and your life will be transformed. It can't not be, and the lives of the people you're serving will be transformed.

You say, Russell, this is cool, but I can't afford to buy Facebook ads right now. I don't care if you can't buy Facebook ads, go spam Facebook, okay. There's a lot of ways to get traffic for free. Go out there and do it. Write blog posts, promote them, go talk to people, do joint ventures. There's other ways to do it, and if your excuse is that I can't do it because my Facebook account got shut down. I can't do it because I don't know any JV partners. I can't do it because, fill in whatever excuse you want, that's all those things are excuses. There's a lot of people with a lot of good excuses out there, but the ones who don't have excuses, and just think, how can I figure this out? They focus on it. It's weird. What happens when you focus again? You get things done. It starts to grow. Start focusing on, what else can I do? I'm broke, I can't buy Facebook ads, what else can I do?

I just saw my man Ryan from Hardcore Closer just been watching. He joined Inner Circle a while ago. I've been watching him. Just been crazy impressed with him, all the stuff he's doing, and just grateful he joined because I have a chance to see this glimpse of what he's doing and it's just been amazing. I'm watching him do these blog posts, and he's getting hundreds of thousands of millions people reading these blog posts, and it's just ... He focuses on that and it grows. I saw him post the other day how his goal of the first of the year is to get 100 thousand visitors a month, and I think now he's getting 100 thousand visitors a week, or something crazy like that. It's what you focus on grows, and he's doing that through free traffic, and he started making money, and then he started spending his money on Facebook to boost those posts, and that's the model. That's how it all works.

Anyway, I hope that all makes perfect sense to you. I hope that gets you excited. I hope that it inspires you because that's the model, my friends. That's what we're focusing on here. That's how we're going to take our company from 8 figures to 9 figures and beyond. That's how you should be taking it from 6 to 7, from 7 to 8, from 5 to 6, from 0 to 5. It's the model. It's what works. It's what's working today, and there's nothing else you should be focusing on, I don't think.

There you go. You've got it on a silver platter now, on a napkin, you have it in front of you. You just gotta pick it up and run with it, and if you do then I only want you to send me 10 percent of what you make. I'm just joking. All I want you to do is serve other people. Help other people, get your message out there, and hopefully you'll tell people about Click Funnels along the way because we love it, and it keeps getting better every single day. Thanks everybody.

Okay everybody, so there you go. There’s the path, now you know. No more excuses. Once again, extreme ownership, this is all on you. This is all on your shoulders. Its not me, it’s not your spouse, it’s not your family, not your kids, not the market, it’s all on you. And as soon as you take personal responsibility, 100% personal responsibility, and you really buy into your own mission enough that you’re willing to do the uncomfortable things, you’re willing to lose money, you’re willing to go through the pain of jumping on the calls and talking to people and being outside your introverted self. As soon as you’re willing to do that enough, that’s when you’ll start having success.

So on the softer side of the rant, I just want to say that first off, I believe in your guys. I wouldn’t keep doing this if I didn’t believe in you. I know it’s possible, I’ve seen it happen for me and for my family and for the business because I was willing to go through those painful things. So I believe in you. I know you can do it. Number two, if you’re in this, if you’re listening to me and you’re obsessed with this stuff, and you’re trying to figure it out, I believe that’s not just because of randomness. I believe that you’ve been called, and there’s people that you’ve been called to serve and it’s important.

And that’s why you have this thing that keeps drawing you back, keeps pulling you back. So listen to that, that should be a guiding light that pushes you as you’re going through these growing pains. The pain of the struggle, the pain of growth because it does matter. It’s not just you you’re doing this for. I know we’re in business to make money for ourselves but that’s not why you do it. You do it because there’s people out there you’ve been called to serve, and you’ve been called to change their life.

So I honor you for that. If there wasn’t you wouldn’t be listening to this, you would be paying any attention to it. So it’s worth it to learn the skill sets and to do the things you need to do to be successful.

So anyway, the other resources you need, if you need more help, number one, read Extreme Ownership, I think that will help you a ton, for everybody. Number two, if you want to do webinars and really master it, if you go to, the course is free inside of FunnelFlix, it’s my 10x Secrets course. Inside there I go and breakdown slide by slide by slide, and give you my slide. And I have like 15 webinars that I’ve done. So for all sorts of different products, you can go and watch and see me do the pitch over and over and over and over again.

Stephen Larsen told me when he first tried to do his first webinar, he went and took every webinar of mine he could find, he ripped the audio, put them on an audio track and just listened to them over and over and over again, just to understand what I said, how I said it, why I said it, my language patterns and my tonality and all those things. He started modeling it, and modeling it, and modeling it, and Stephen had his first million dollar day like 2 months ago, a month and a half ago, from selling onstage and following the process.

So it’s there. In fact, I even ripped the audios and put them in audiobook format for you, so you can listen to it in your car. But all that stuff is there, it’s free inside of FunnelFlix. As long as you’re, if you go to and you upgrade to the platinum level of Clickfunnels you get FunnelFlix for free. And then go into the 10x secrets training course. It’s all there. Everything I’ve got, all my best trainings, all there for free for you, if go to master of webinar.

I’ve tried to give you guys every tool, everything you need because again, I can’t do your business for you. I’m not a savior, I’m a leader and I’m trying to lead you. But the only thing I can do by leading is giving you, because I’m trailblazing and figuring crap out, is to turn around and give it to you as fast as I get it. So if you want to master webinars, that’s everything I got. That’s 15 years of me trailblazing for you and giving you like, here’s the script, here’s literally the powerpoints or the keynote’s slides, whatever one you want to use. Here’s 15 different times of me doing it, selling all sorts of different products and services.

Here’s me, I show videos there of me doing it, I think I have 4 or 5 different people at one of our FHAT events come onstage and I would (FHAT stands for Funnel Hackathon), but people would come onstage and I would with zero notice be like, “What’s your product, what’s your service?” I’d ask them a couple of questions, I’d fill out the pitch and then I’d stand onstage and do the webinar live for them. All that stuff’s in there, it’s all there, just go to and login, go to the 10x Secrets training course and everything’s there, there’s nothing that I hid back, it’s all in there for you. So if you want to master webinars, go and master webinars. You gotta do it over and over and over and over again.

So that’s all I got you guys, it’s been a long one. I appreciate you all, thanks for listening. I believe in you, I believe in your dreams, I believe in the people that you are supposed to change. I believe that their lives are waiting for you to become who you need to become to be able to change their lives. So this is the calling for you, take personal responsibility, step up, become who you need to be to change their lives, and as you do that, everything else will take care of itself. You’ll make enough money, all these other things will fall into line, as long as you shift the focus from you to them. But it’s all on you, personal responsibility. Alright with that said, appreciate you all, thanks for everything and we’ll talk to you guys all again soon, bye everybody.


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