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How can my teenagers become financially independent?


How can my teenagers become financially independent this summer using ClickFunnels?

How can my teenagers become financially independent this summer using Clickfunnels? Even if he doesn’t have a product of his own? He’s ready to start this week by selling Reflex Racing Hand Guards invented by his stepdad. We’re all looking forward to you answering this question so we can drop the mic.

Question Featured On: Episode 2 - #AskRussellAnything

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Oh, she wants to drop the mic. Good question. How can my kids who are 15 years old, what can they do to make money in Clickfunnels this Summer, so they can have money and drop the mic? Did I get that right? So how can a teenager make money with Clickfunnels. Great question.

Now I have not pre-read these questions either because I wanted to be able to do this on the fly, because it’s more fun that way. So a couple of things, what did she say they had? Handle reflectors. So t here’s two kinds of ways to do it. Number one, if that’s what you want to sell then you can go and create a funnel. But number two, for teenagers, something that might be faster to do and that I would do. First off, I would get them to go inside of Clickfunnels and learn it, become good with the editor and actually making pages and understanding funnel hacking and just geeking out on that.

I’ve got 5 kids, as many of you guys know. My oldest twins are 11, almost 12 and both of them know how to play in Clickfunnels, how to move things around, and add images, stuff like that. What I would do is I would have them build a little tiny funnel for themselves, their own little business that basically talks about how they built this funnel, their skills, what they’re learning and stuff like that. Then what I would do is go around to my local area, try to find a strip mall or something where there’s a couple little businesses, something fun like that. Have them go in and basically knock on the door.

Because I don’t know about you, if there is a kid that comes to my door, cold calling, and he’s like, “Hey, I’m 15 years old and I want to talk to the owner.” Most entrepreneurs are going to be fired up by that, I’d let him come in. And if he came and said, “Look, I built my very first funnel, this is what it is.” It would be something simple, even make it, we call them inside the office Hero Funnels. Hero Funnels are basically like, you, your picture, your social media, links to all your stuff.

So have them make their own Hero Funnels and go to business owners and be like, “You need a Hero Funnel. Right now you have this website, but it doesn’t do much. You need a Hero Funnel. I could build a Hero Funnel for free. And if you like it in the end, I only charge $500. But let me build it first and see if you even like it.” And then I would go and build a Hero Funnel. I would walk around their office, get my camera out and take pictures of their staff and people, little things like that. Set them up on Twitter on Instagram, a couple of places. Link to those things and then create that Hero Funnel with them and experience that whole thing in the office.

I promise you as a young entrepreneur, if you’re in an office of business owners and people and you go through that work to do the thing, and put it afterwards. Most people will give you at least the $500 you asked, a lot of people will give a lot more because they think you’re awesome, and that is the true thing. That would be what I would do really quickly if I were a 15 year old and wanted to make some money this summer.

There you go, that’s question number one. Is that good you guys? Can I drop the mic? Alright, we’re going to drop it.


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