A few years ago I ran an event for the top 20 affiliates of my Expert Secrets book.
These are usually closed-door events…
But I rediscovered this clip about creating your customer avatar which is probably in the top 1% of Marketing Secrets I have to share with you.
If you struggle with what to write when posting content…
If you feel lost about creating offers…
If your prospects aren’t buying and you don’t know why…
Knowing who your dream customer is changes everything – it’s literally the missing piece that makes everything fit together.
Ready to find out more?
Then meet Jimmy…
Jimmy is the customer avatar of my buddy John Lee Dumas, who is an all-time top affiliate and making over $250,000 a month through his podcast Entrepreneurs on Fire.
During this affiliate event, he told us all about this avatar:
Whenever John Lee Dumas is stuck on his podcast intro, his lead magnets, his interview questions, or his offers…he imagines talking to Jimmy.
His business mantra is ‘WWJD’.
What Would Jimmy Do?
Most entrepreneurs have a vague idea of their dream customer.
Instead, ask yourself these 9 questions and watch everything fall into place:
Before you do anything, bring up your avatar in your mind.
I can’t wait to meet them 🙂
Talk Soon,
- Russell Brunson
P.S. If you want to learn more about dream customers, I talk a lot more about this in my book Expert Secrets. You can get it for free using that link.