The dream 100 isn’t just for JV partners… it’s the key to ALL traffic.
On this episode of Marketing Secrets Russell talks about immersing himself in SEO stuff over the weekend and how that has got him thinking about getting creative about getting traffic. Here are some of the cool things he mentions in this episode:
-- How you can use Dream 100 strategies with people who write magazine articles to get more traffic.
-- How you can find out who is dominating each platform (i.e YouTube, Instagram) and use them to build your Dream 100.
-- And find out why Russell is looking at strategies he used 10 years ago to help gain traffic.
So listen now to hear how to do SEO the right way using the Dream 100.
There’s black hat stuff that we didn’t really do, there’s gray hat that we definitely did, and then there’s white hat that’s too annoying and takes too long. But this weekend I started re geeking out on it and thinking about it. And looking at the white hat strategies, I always hate them because they seem so slow and organic, like SEO is supposed to be. But then I realized that it doesn’t have to be slow and organic, it just has to, you get the right things to the right people.
-- ClickFunnels: Everything you need to start market, sell, and deliver your products and services online (without having to hire or rely on a tech team!)
-- DotComSecrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online With Sales Funnels."
-- Expert Secrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Converting Your Online Visitors Into Lifelong Customers."
-- Traffic Secrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Filling Your Websites And Funnels With Your Dream Customers.
What’s up everybody, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome to Marketing Secrets. I’m here in my house today about to head out to my son’s kindergarten graduation which is pretty excited. It was cute, we were talking about it last night and he was like, “What’s graduation mean?” so we had to kind of explain that.
But I’m super excited. We’re heading out and so many cool things, but the one downside to doing a podcast where it’s also a video, so those who are listening on iTunes, you go to there’s also a video version of these. I used to do them on my phone all the time, which is a lot easier and I could do it more often. So I had a bunch of things on my mind that I wanted to share with you guys, that I have had a chance to til right now. So I had a few minutes and wanted to kind of just hang out with all my marketing secrets people.
So a couple things, one is if you listened to last week’s episode, or the last episode I did, it talked about faith. You have to have faith first in a mentor, business, products, all those kind of things. Because otherwise everyone would do it, it takes away all the joy and excitement and the fun and all those things disappear. There’s a book, a lot of my Mormon friends know. It’s called Faith Proceeds a Miracle. Without getting into the content of the book, just the title was right. Think about that. Faith proceeds a miracle, you want a miracle, launch a business, change the world, whatever. It starts with faith. Faith in yourself, the process, in it all. I’ll leave that there.
So today what I want to talk about, if you listened to me talk recently I’ve been talking about how transitions going from zero to a million dollars a year, a million to ten, and ten to a hundred and it’s interesting, the different mindset tweaks and the creativity switch. To go from zero to a million is all about figuring out your what and how. What is it you’re selling and how are you going to sell it. Once you figure that out it’s easy to get to a million bucks.
Then a million to ten is all about figuring out acquisition funnels to get people in, ascension funnels to ascend people up and monetization funnels, and that’s the next phase in the process. The third phase is traffic, like how to convert cold traffic and more traffic, things like that. And our job as entrepreneurs is to shift our creativity from figuring out the what and how, as soon as you figure that out it’s transitioning our creativity to the front end and back in ascension funnels. After you figure that out and get those in place, it’s transitioning to our creativity in traffic and lead generation.
So what’s cool is that in our company, the first two phases are done, and it’s fun because the Two Comma Club coaching, which we launched a couple of months ago, is all about focus and getting people from zero to a million, the what and the how. And then the inner circle is about the second phase, which is going from 7 to 8 figures, which is all about figuring out the acquisition, ascension and monetization funnels.
And the next phase is where my next group of people, I’m thinking about opening another group, called the inner, inner circle. I don’t know what it is. It will be really, really, obviously a lot more expensive, but the goal of that one is going to be traffic, and creativity in traffic, because that’s what we’re doing right now, it’s my focus. Thinking about this. All weekend long, I started geeking out on SEO again, which I swore I would never do, I hated SEO. But as I started thinking about this, SEO, I’ve had times in our company where we were ranked number one for work at home, and internet marketing, internet marketing strategy and all these other cool key words.
But we did it the gray hat way, shades of gray…I don’t know. There’s black hat stuff that we didn’t really do, there’s gray hat that we definitely did, and then there’s white hat that’s too annoying and takes too long. But this weekend I started re geeking out on it and thinking about it. And looking at the white hat strategies, I always hate them because they seem so slow and organic, like SEO is supposed to be. But then I realized that it doesn’t have to be slow and organic, it just has to, you get the right things to the right people.
And it’s funny because I was geeking out and studying and learning and all this stuff, and I had this weird impression that I was just, the way to rank in SEO, it’s the same principle. We talk about this inside the Fill Your Funnel Course, I talk about it in Expert Secrets. I talk about it over and over again, it’s the concept of the Dream 100. The Dream 100 is key. Chet Holmes, who I learned it for, used that to sell advertizing in magazines. And also he used it to get his screen play written and published by Hollywood.
I’ve used it to generate affiliates. But the Dream 100 is also the key to SEO ranking, it’s also the key to Instagram influencers and it’s the key to YouTube, all these traffic strategies in Dream 100 are the key. Some of you guys are like, “Russell, no it’s not. It’s all about whatever….back linking, keywords.” But think about it. We hired Neil Patel to come do a training with us. We paid him $20 grand to come hang out for the day and kind of just look at our stuff and give us feedback on the SEO side. He said basically, “Blog every single day, you need to get links from the best sites, like Forbes and Ink and things like that.”
And the data service was $20-30 grand a month, but they get you some links from these high quality sites. And at first it was magic to me. I don’t know how to get a link from Forbes, that doesn’t make sense. Then we started working with Andrew O’Brien, who does our PR stuff, and that’s what he was doing. Getting links from all these sites. We’ve been written in Forbes a couple times now, and Entrepreneur and Ink and we’re getting these links back and we’re seeing rankings.
And what’s interesting though, I’ve been interviewed by all these different writers and sites, and I realized, they’re just people, just like all of us. And the Dream 100 works on people. So let’s just say I wanted to get ranked for whatever, instead of me going back and doing it all black hat link building and all that crap we used to back in the day that was really fun and automated, it was really fun. Not going to lie. But instead of that, what if you just build. Here’s the Dream 100 list on people’s site, that I want to write an article about me or let’s say you go to Huffington Post, here’s the Dream 100.
Because Huffington Post, Fox news, all these have tons of writers, so make your Dream 100 list of the writers who write those sites, and we focus on the Dream 100 towards them. To get them to write about us. Let’s say there’s a hundred writers, I do the Dream 100 strategy to the top 10, or 20. Doesn’t have to be 100 people. But the top 20 writers on Huffington Post or Forbes or whatever and we market to those people and those relationships with those people and all the stuff we talk about in the Dream 100 and I get those people to write articles. Now let’s say I get 10, 20, 30 articles written from Forbes, Ink, Entrepreneur, that will rank me for most major keywords. Who are the sites that are already ranking for our key words. Dream 100 those people and figure out how to get on those pages.
I don’t know what It’s called, but let’s say you type in internet marketing, I might not be able to get ranked number one in internet marketing, but who are those top 10 people, but let’s Dream 100 those people and become friends with them and maybe I can get a banner up on their site or a pop up, or email number one in their email sequence. You know a million other things. There’s so many ways to do it. The dream 100 is the key. It’s interesting.
It’s key there, in YouTube, let’s say you want to dominate YouTube. Okay, who’s my dream 100 there that already have visitors and eyeballs and what can I do to get to them. A good example, JP Sears, who I love his videos. He’s one of our Dream 100. We met him and paid him a little money to come to our event, made a video with him, and he shared that video we made of him telling his thing on his page and got a half a million views. Half a million people from one person on my Dream 100. On a Facebook and YouTube channel, that’s it.
It makes you think, it works everywhere. Instagram, I want to dominate Instagram, Twitter, wherever you’re at, who are the people that are already dominating? Dream 100 them, build relationships, rapport, buy ads, all those things. So we have a traffic meeting a little later on today and this is the topic of the traffic meeting, within my internal team, Dream 100. And we’re going to be doing SEO and YouTube are our two biggest. And basically YouTube is because we’re trying to….SEO started because we were trying to do better on SEO on our videos and then I kind of geeked out all weekend on it.
I don’t know about you but I’m a big fan of immersion. This is kind of my learning style. I’ll get excited about learning something and I’ll go deep really fast and don’t sleep for 3 or 4 days, which is what I did this week on SEO. I studied all the best people, going deep and trying to figure out what’s relevant, what’s not, how it changed, what’s the game, what are the tools, trying to get really cool pitch. That’s number one, immersion, number two for me is finding a mentor, so I found 2 or 3 people that are really good at SEO that are going to be mentoring me. That’s the game. Immersion, mentorship, domination, Dream 100.
So for you guys, some of you guys aren’t going to care about SEO or Instagram or whatever it is, but think about the channel you want to dominate and that’s the plan. Build a Dream 100 list, immerse yourself for a weekend and just geek out and figure out the strategy, get the lay of the land, find a mentor or two, and go deep.
So those who are in our Fill Your Funnel course, by the way, this is what you’re getting access to. This first month, we already know Facebook, I think as good if not better than anybody, so John who is my partner on, he’s going to be, he’s doing all the Facebook training, so that’s this first module. Then module two we’re going deep into YouTube, which will be next month. We’ll go and geek out on it. Then the next, my guess the month after, will be SEO because I’m kind of geeking out on it. Whatever I’m geeking out on at the time is what we’ll be bringing all the Fill Your Funnel people in on too. So it’s exciting.
So those that got on Fill Your Funnel at the Funnel Hacking Live event, you’re welcome. It’s going to be so much fun. Those who aren’t, we’ll probably open that up in the next month or two for those who haven’t. I want you guys all thinking about this. Get your creativity, how can we get creative to get traffic? What are the different ways? You will notice over the next three months, three months there’s two big focuses that I have in my company. Number one is acquisition and number two is retention. So we have a really cool retention strategy we’re building out that has to do with nude squirrels. That’s all you get right now, it’s awesome.
And then acquisition, you’re going to see a whole bunch of stuff from infomercials to viral websites, to viral videos, to social. I hope you guys are watching what I’m doing, because there’s a lot of cool stuff happening. It’s interesting, I was telling my team this yesterday, a lot of the strategy we’re doing now are things we did ten years ago that nobody does anymore. Since I’ve been around that long, I remember it. I remember we had success with it. These viral sites we used to do back in the day. I could get 100 thousand, 200 thousand members in 2 or 3 weeks and they’re amazing. And we’re going to do it again. You guys are going to love. So you will see it, but watch it, model it. Because this is Russell focusing my creativity on traffic and what’s going to happen.
So if you’re watching close and taking notes you’ll see what’s happening. Because right now Clickfunnels is 750th most business website in the world, and it’s actually way more than that, but if you’re using custom domains then obviously it doesn’t count towards traffic. That’s just people, it’s us driving traffic with Clickfunnels and people using Clickfunnels in their sub domain. I would say if we were to take all traffic coming through Clickfunnels, we’re probably in the top 300 most business websites in the world.
We’re about to turn up the heat a lot. It’s exciting. That’s all I got for you guys today. I just want you guys thinking about this traffic creativity. How do you focus your creativity on traffic. If you don’t know how to do that, just watch me and model what I’m doing over the next few months. You’ll see a lot of it hitting hard in the next three months, that’s my next phase. Anyway, that’s what I got you guys, appreciate you all. If you are listening on iTunes, please leave me a review, I would appreciate it. Even if your review is Russell talks too fast, that’s cool. But please leave a review. If you are on watching this video anywhere else, please share the video it helps me to keep wanting to do these and spending time with you guys. Appreciate you all, thanks so much for everything, and we’ll talk to you guys soon. Bye.