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10 Easy, Cheap Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website!


Mark Zuckerberg called.

He wants your money…and your soul.

If you’re sick of paying Facebook or Google to drive traffic to your website — and periodically getting your ad account banned — then you’re in the right place.

I’ve got 10 easy, cheap ways you can drive more dream customers to your website right away.

These are the exact strategies I’ve used to grow ClickFunnels and my other businesses. So they are proven to work in the real world 🙂

By the way, you should know that I wrote an entire book — it’s a New York Times Bestseller — about the secret ways I drive traffic to my websites and funnels. It’s called Traffic Secrets. And you can get a free copy by clicking below!


1. List Swaps

When it comes to building a successful online business, your email list is the heart — it pumps blood (i.e. revenue) to your business consistently and predictably.

And if you want to grow your email list 100% for free, here’s how you do it.

Step 1. Find email lists that are in the same niche… and close to the same size as your own.

Step 2. Reach out to the owner of those email lists and ask to do a list swap — you promote their email list to your audience, they promote your email list to their audience.

You can even do this with as little as 100 subscribers.

And with each list swap, your list will grow… allowing you to do it with bigger and bigger email lists… getting more and more subscribers.

If you keep at it, the growth rate is exponential!


2. Story Swaps

This next tip is the same, except it’s for those of you with significant social followings — like Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat.

In the same way you would do an email list swap, you could do a story swap. The influencer shares a story to drive people to your page… you share a story to drive people to their page. It’s a win-win.

Remember — a lot of people use “swaps” like this exclusively to grow their following and reach…

…because it works really well and it’s 100% free!


3. Pixel Swaps

This next tip isn’t 100% free — because it assumes that you’re running retargeting Facebook ads.

And so neither is it 100% outside the reach of Mark Zuckerberg…


If you’re running retargeting Facebook ads already and you don’t plan on stopping anytime soon, then this is a free way to increase the quality of the people you’re reaching.

Do a “pixel swap.”

Find someone with an offer or blog or website that’s super relevant to your niche… and ask to put a retargeting pixel on one of their pages. In return you’ll put their retargeting pixel on your own website or funnel.

That way, you both can retarget eachother’s audiences with Facebook ads!


4. Buy Digital Remnant Space

Back in the days when newspapers were still a thing, there was something called “remnant space” — this was where you’d see something like “Your Ad Here!”

The newspaper hadn’t sold the ad space and so you could call and purchase it for cheaper than usual.

Today, the same concept applies to certain digital online spaces… especially to situations where there’s an opportunity for an influencer in your niche to make some money and they’re not taking advantage of it.

You can swoop in, offer them a commission, and get in front of thousands of people you wouldn’t be able to get in front of otherwise.

Here are some examples.

The P.S. Space — Did you know that the “P.S.” is one of the most read and most clicked parts of an email? And lots of people with sizable email lists don’t know this. This can be a really appealing pitch — “Hey! Can I just add a P.S. to your future emails? I’ll write it for you… and for every sale you drive me I’ll give you 20%.” What’s not to like about that?

YouTube Video Descriptions — Look for YouTube videos that get a lot of views from your target market and rank well in YouTube’s search engine. Then reach out to the creators and ask if you can put a relevant pitch & link inside of their video description. Offer them a commission for every sale they drive.

Podcast Episode Descriptions — Look for Podcasts that your target market loves and ask to include a relevant pitch & link inside one of their upcoming episodes (better yet, ask to be a guest on their show). Offer them a commission for every sale they drive.

No-SEO SEO — Want to rank in the top of Google’s search engine for high value keywords… without any of the work? Look for the top ranking articles for keywords in your niche and ask to be included — you can either pay them a fee or offer them a commission. Now your on the first page without any of the work.

The more creative you get with this “digital remnant space”, the more traffic you’ll be able to drive. Ask yourself what opportunities influencers in your niche aren’t taking advantage of… and then take advantage of them :)


5. Get On The Thank-You Page

You might know it…

…but the Thank You Page of other people’s offers in your niche is one of the most valuable pages. If they made it to the Thank You Page, then they viewed and bought an offer that is parallel to your own offer.

If you can get your own offer on the Thank You Page of other people’s offers in your niche, you will have found a goldmine!

The best part is, most people aren’t doing anything useful with their Thank You Page. So if you reach out and say, “Hey! Can I put a short VSL on your Thank You Page? I’ll give you 20% for every sale it makes!” then that’s basically free money for them.


6. Co-Registration

Co-registration tactics used to be super spammy — you’d sign up for one email list… but actually be signing up for like 10 email lists without even knowing it.

But now it’s different.

Thanks to tools like Sparkloop, you can set your own per-subscriber rate that you’re willing to pay (say, $1) and your own criteria for quality subscribers (say, must open at least one email in the first 7 days).

Then other email lists can promote you on their own opt-in pages. Every time someone signs up for their email list, they’ll see something like this…

10 ways to drive traffic coregistration

If they click the button then they will also be added to your email list and if that subscriber meets your quality criteria then you’ll be charged for the subscriber at the rate you set.

Sure beats Facebook ads haha.


7. Guest Posting

This is a tactic as old as blogging — and it can work really well if you’re primarily a blogger or writer.

Reach out to other great blogs in your niche with significant followings and ask to write a guest post for their blog. These often only need to be around 1000 words and they’ll almost always let you include a CTA and link to your own website.

This is something that works really well if you do it at volume. Set a goal of something like one guest post per week and stick to it.


8. Direct Mail

I bet you weren’t expecting to see a tip on here about direct mail.

But marketing is all about pattern interrupts… doing the unexpected.

And you know what your target market probably isn’t expecting?

For you to send them a letter in the mail telling them about your new offer.

Yes. It costs money. And yes. It takes some time to create the campaign. But this can be extremely effective if you do it right!


9. Podcasts

Podcasts are huge right now. I think we’re in a golden era of podcasting.

And one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website is by being a guest on popular podcasts on your niche.

Heck, I know one guy is making 2 sales per week on his $5k offer by exclusively booking podcasts in his niche.

It’s that powerful.


10. Dream 100

This is my FAVORITE strategy — and it’s sort of a holistic strategy I use whenever I launch a new business or offer.

You can get all the details here.

But the gist is this…

Step 1. You make a list of 100 influencers — blogs, podcasts, YouTube Channels, etc. — in your niche who already are in front of your dream customers.

Step 2. You infiltrate those influencers to get in front of their audiences. You can either buy your way in… or work your way in.


Want to learn more?

Then I’ve got great news!

I wrote an entire book — it’s a New York Times Bestseller — about the secret ways I drive traffic to my websites and funnels. It’s called Traffic Secrets. And you can get a free copy by clicking below!


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