Imagine I just walked up randomly to someone on the street and said this:
“Hey! I’m Russell Brunson. Can I build you a funnel for $1 million?”
My conversion rate would probably be negative.
But the reason I can charge $1 million is because of this thing called a value ladder.
So what’s a value ladder and how does it work?
Building a business that lets you charge $1 million for a single service is based on ONE principle.
Give value to people at every single interaction.
Here’s how that works in terms of a sales funnel:
A lot of people think that a sales funnel is this overly complex thing… but it’s just a common sense approach to human interaction!
Think about it like you’re going on a date.
You go on the first date and the other person has a great time. So you go on another one. Then another one. Then you go on holiday. Then you move in together…
On and on you’re giving that person value until you get married! ❤️
This is literally the way I built my business.
I offer books, home study courses, webinars, video trainings, sales funnels, inner circle memberships… and then I offer a done-for-you funnel service.
I can go and charge $1 million because the people at the top of my value ladder trust me.
They’re still excited for more.
So… what about you?
Are you pitching your products to people and finding they’re not willing to pay the price tag?
It’s probably because you need to build a value ladder.
Honestly once I started thinking about giving value at every interaction it made me so excited to go out and start talking to everyone I could.
In fact… that’s the reason I’m offering you my book DotCom Secrets absolutely FREE.
All I ask is you cover shipping and handling ($9.95).
Click here to get your copy.
Inside it you’ll find all my thinking on value ladders with tons of cool examples.
Talk soon,
Russell Brunson