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Hypnotic Selling Secrets: How to Ethically Influence and Close More Sales


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Episode Recap:

On this episode, I take you on a journey into the world of hypnotic selling and how you can use these techniques to boost your sales and influence online. Now we’re trying something new with this content, in which we reference the powerful lessons I learned from Darren Stephens, an expert hypnotist and public speaker, alongside strategies I’ve refined over the years from studying hypnosis and its impact on sales. In the future, we may even pivot to calling this the Selling Online Podcast, but hopefully you enjoy this new format!

For this episode, I wanted to deliver a unique experience, combining my eight hypnotic selling secrets with a special replay of Darren’s legendary presentation from the second Funnel Hacking LIVE event. I begin by sharing my journey of discovering how hypnosis principles can be ethically applied to marketing and sales, using subconscious persuasion to connect with and influence your audience effectively. I dive into concepts like using suggestions to bypass the conscious mind, creating vivid future outcomes through age progression, and the art of getting people into a “yes” state to improve your closing rates. Then we jump into Darren Stephen’s full presentation from FHL.

If you’re curious or skeptical about how these strategies work, this episode will provide a fascinating, practical breakdown that you can implement in your own sales processes.

Key Highlights:

  • Hypnotic Suggestions: How to influence your audience’s subconscious mind through strategic language patterns.
  • Age Progression Techniques: Creating vivid future scenarios to help prospects envision their success with your offer.
  • Building Rapport and Authority: Insights from Darren Stephens on using truisms and universal statements for connection.
  • The Yes State: How getting repeated affirmations from your audience primes them to say yes to your offer.
  • Ethical Use of Hypnosis: Darren emphasizes the importance of using these tools from a place of genuine care and intent.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just beginning to craft your sales presentations, these hypnotic techniques could be the missing link to transform your selling strategy. Tune in and learn how to harness the power of subconscious influence to skyrocket your sales!

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Best Quote:

...first thing is you want to get clarity, because when you get clarity about what it is that you want to achieve in life, what your goals, dreams are, that leads you to have more certainty. The more certainty you have, guess what?
The more confidence you get. The more confidence you get, the more action you take. The more action you take, the more success you'll have. Hopefully this weekend you're getting so much clarity and certainty and confidence that allow you to go and take that success to a whole new level with everything you're doing in ClickFunnels.


  • ClickFunnels: Everything you need to start market, sell, and deliver your products and services online (without having to hire or rely on a tech team!)​
  • Expert Secrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Converting Your Online Visitors Into Lifelong Customers."
  • Traffic ​Secrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Filling Your Websites And Funnels With Your Dream Customers.
  • DotComSecrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online With Sales Funnels.":


Russell Brunson:
Good morning, everybody, or afternoon or evening, wherever you're in the world. This is Russell.

Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets podcast, which we may be transitioning to the Selling Online podcast. I'm having some fun with that and thinking about that. I'm not sure which version you're going to get, but welcome back to the podcast.

I got a really fun episode today. I recorded a YouTube video this week about hypnotic selling secrets and how to use hypnosis to get people to give you money, which is a fun topic. It's about a 20-minute YouTube video, and then after that, during the YouTube video, I actually showed some clips from one of my friends, Darren Stephens, who is a hypnosis expert/public speaker from Australia.

He spoke at our second Funnel Hacking Live. Because we had that clip in there, I was like, how fun would it be for the podcast version, you guys, all my friends where you could actually hear me give the eight points on how we use hypnotic selling inside of our presentations for me. Then also, on top of that, give you guys the presentation from Darren Stephens at the second Funnel Hacking Live.

That is the game plan. You guys are getting a two for one. I hope you enjoy it. If you want to learn how to use hypnosis to increase your sales, that's what this is, hypnotic selling secrets. I hope you enjoy it. I'm going to queue up the audio from the YouTube video right now.

If you're not subscribed to our YouTube channel yet, go subscribe. Search for Russell Brunson.

You'll find me there. Go subscribe for the new videos coming out, but I'm going to show you that video right now, and then I'll come back and I'll set up the presentation from Darren Stephens.
In the last decade, I went from being a startup entrepreneur to selling over a billion dollars of my own products and services online. This show is going to show you how to start, grow, and scale a business online. My name is Russell Brunson. Welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast.

Can you hypnotize people to give you money? Before we answer that question, some people think it's immoral or illegal, but this book teaches you exactly how to do that. Before I tell you what the title is, before I show you what this book is, this is the book that I read almost 20 years ago when I first started learning how to sell online.

I was at an event and there was a stage hypnotist who was there, and the night before he did this whole hypnosis show. He had everybody on stage falling asleep, doing crazy things. Then the next day he actually spoke again, and this time he sold his product at the end of his presentation and people were running to the back jumping over the tables.

What's crazy is before he would allow anybody to buy his product, they had to sign a contract stating they were not hypnotized, and they were buying this of their own free will and mind. I remember seeing that. I was like, "That's so fascinating." I started thinking, "Can you use hypnosis to become better at sales?"

Over the next 10 years of my life, I started buying everything I could find on hypnosis to start understanding it. I bought over 2,500 books and of all the books, all the courses, everything I bought, this was the book that helped me to understand how to use hypnosis to actually sell your products and your services.

I took what I learned inside this book, and from there I actually set a world record speaking on stage, closing one out of nine people and setting a world record for the most cells in the shortest period of time. What is name of this book? Do you guys want to see what it is?

The book is called Unlimited Selling Power, How to Master Hypnotic Selling Skills. Now, for some of you guys, you may be freaking out already, just because I use the word hypnosis. I don't want to use hypnosis for selling. Two quotes I want to read from the beginning of this book that should help this make more sense to you.

The first one here says, "Scientists who study language patterns have documented the top salespeople use forms of conversational hypnosis and the less successful salespeople don't. In addition, scientists have found that the top negotiators use conversational hypnosis, as do the best attorneys and the most charismatic ministers and preachers."

People who are really good at sales and persuasion are using this. A lot of times they don't even know they're using hypnotic language patterns, but the best people in the world are actually using it. You may be wondering, "Well, how does hypnosis work when you're selling?"

In the very first chapter it says something really cool. It says, "When you communicate a message hypnotically, the message is more likely to bypass the listener's conscious mind. The hypnotic message goes more directly to the prospect's subconscious mind."

As you know, all selling happens at a subconscious level, and by using hypnotic language, it bypasses the conscious. It goes directly to the subconscious. This book has tons of powerful things, but what I want to do right now is I want to shortcut this for you, because a lot of you guys aren't going to read this book.

I want to pull out the eight most powerful things that I learned from this book and show you how you can use them when you're trying to sell anybody anything online. I'm going to put on my trusty bookmark and come over here to the whiteboard. I'm going to walk you through the eight principles of, as you can see here, hypnotic selling secrets.

With that said, you guys ready to jump right in? All right. The very first secret here is what hypnotists call suggestion. What is suggestion? Well, let me read from you from this book, talk about what suggestion is. If you think about when a hypnotist is trying to hypnotize someone, it could be stage hypnosis or clinical hypnosis. They may say something like this.

Your eyelids are getting heavy. You're beginning to feel sleepy. What the hypnotist is doing is they're suggesting something to the person. They're bypassing the conscious mind, suggesting to the subconscious mind. Now, how would you use that in everyday language? If you're talking to someone, I might say something like, "You're going to love this meal." I'm suggesting to them that they're going to love this meal.

Now, how might you use that if you're selling? Well, here's how that works here. It says, "You're going to be very excited about what this computer can do, what this funnel can do, what this software can do." These are all suggestions I would give somebody if I was speaking on stage or in a webinar or in a video sales letter.

This is why suggestions work. It says, "They work because people get what they think they're going to get out of an experience. They work because thoughts can become self-fulfilling prophecies. If someone thinks they will like something, chances is they're going to like it. If they doubt they're going to like it, then chances are they won't like it."

That's how we do suggestions when we use the hypnotic language. Now, whenever I think about suggestions, I had a roommate in college, his name was Aaron Holker. I remember he used to do the funniest thing every single time. He would do something to me and he's like, "Oh, you are so mad. You are so mad." Or he'd say something like, "Oh, you are so happy. You are so happy."

He'd always tell me that, and it used to drive me crazy or make me laugh, and I didn't know it at the time. I don't think he knew it either, but he was giving me suggestions. He hit me like, "Oh, you're so mad." Do something else. "Oh, you're so happy." But he was giving me the suggestions.

Whenever I'm on stage, I'm speaking to an audience or I'm on a video sales letter, I always think about that the same way that Holker did it to me. I share something like, "Oh, you're going to be so excited when you see this. When you find out what I'm going to show you guys, it's going to change everything for you. Next five minutes is going to change everything for you. You're going to feel happy. You're going to be more excited."

I start using suggestion in my language patterns. That's the first way that you can use hypnosis when you are speaking, is embedding suggestions about how they're going to feel, what they're going to experience. By doing that, you're setting the expectations, and the expectations will dictate how they actually feel.

That's secret number one. You ready for secret number two? Secret number two is one called idiosensory trance. This one is called truisms and universal statements. That says truisms, universals. To queue up this one, I actually want to share with you guys a video clip from one of my friends.

His name is Darren Stevens. He's one of the best hypnotists I've ever seen. I've seen him walk up to somebody, touch them, they pass out cold on the ground. You've seen those before. But then he's also one of the best stage presenters and closers I've ever seen, and we had a chance to have him speak at a recent Funnel Hacking Live event. He talked about a whole bunch of stuff. I'm not going show you the entire presentation.

It's almost an hour long, but there's one clip, it's two minutes long where he talks about truisms and universals that I think is going to change everything for you, because this is something you can do at the very beginning of any presentation you give and helps build rapport with the audience immediately. Then that way as you're giving your presentation, they're more likely to take your other hypnotic suggestions and more likely to buy from you at the end. That said, let's watch this really quick clip from Darren on universals and truisms.

Darren Stephens:
That's what a universal truism is. A truism is something that is irrefutably true in the moment. When you use your language, one of the things I used when I first came out, I said, "Ah, isn't it fantastic being here in the Hyatt Regency in Dallas?" That's a truism, because it's undeniable.

You're all in the Hyatt Regency and you're in Dallas, and you're at ClickFunnels. I said all three of them. Truism, truism, truism. The reason you want that happening in your presentation is because in their head, unconsciously they're going, "Yes, that's correct. Yes, that's true. Yes, that's true."

Then if you put in your product or service that you're offering, their unconscious mind is going to go, "Yeah, that's true. That's good." All right. Universals and truism. There's a couple of examples. All right. Law of truisms and universals. Here's another one. Universals are things that anything that is true for the majority of people.

The majority of you would know or heard of Russell Brunson, or you were all teenagers once. Most of you have ClickFunnels, and if you don't, you should buy it now. There's some examples. Anyway, that's universal. If you can use universals and truisms in your presentation right at the very start, it's a very fast way to build that rapport.

Russell Brunson:
Okay. You guys see how it works? In the very beginning of presentation, you introduce universals and truisms. That's one of the most simple things. You start building trust and rapport immediately with the audience, and that way, as you're persuading moving forward, they're saying, "Yes, yes, yes." They connect, boom, and now you're able to move forward with them after that.

All right. You ready for secret number three? Secret number three from the book is creating amnesia in your clients. Now, why would you want to create amnesia in the clients? I'm going to share with you from the book exactly what this is. All right. It says, "You can trigger hypnotic amnesia by using words such as forget, hard to remember, impossible to remember, not important to remember, or too boring to remember."

What are the things you want your customer to forget about? All you're using is you're using suggestion to give them something to forget about. For me, when I'm trying to sell somebody and persuade someone to influence them, one of the things that hold people back is they have this remembrance of times they've tried in the past and they've struggled and they've feared.

I'm going to give suggestions that cause amnesia. I may say something like this. "I want you to forget other times in the past you've tried this and you've failed. I want you to forget all the struggle, all the heartache, everything else you've tried in the past that hasn't worked. It's not your fault. It's because of something else. It's because of this thing that kept you from being successful.
"Moving forward from this time forward, I want you to think about how you can be successful, because this is a new version of you and you're no longer held back by the thing that you were struggling with in the past." I'm using suggestions, have them forget the things that might be holding them back in the past.

Some of you guys are like, "Russell, that's too simple. No one is going to be like, 'Oh, I'm going to forget about the struggles in the past.'" The reality is consciously you're not going to be doing that, but my goal with hypnosis is never to speak to you consciously. I'm speaking past your conscious mind to your subconscious mind, which is holding you back right now.

As I do that, I'm talking to your subconscious mind and saying, "Hey, forget about that. This is going to be different." Your subconscious mind say, "Okay." It unleashes that so that person can start moving forward with you. Does that make sense? You guys getting this?

You ready for number four? Number four is very similar to amnesia, but instead number five is hypermnesia. hypermnesia is kind of like amnesia, but it's the opposite. Amnesia, I'm trying to get you to forget something. In hypermnesia, I'm trying get you to think about something.

If I'm doing a webinar or a challenge or a live event and I make somebody an offer, I make the audience an offer, what I might say to create hypermnesia, I'll say something like this. For all of you guys who just signed up tonight, you're going to go back home knowing that what you did was the correct decision in your life.

You're going to fall asleep tonight feeling good, feeling excited, feeling energized, knowing that tomorrow your new life is going to start. Now, for those of you guys who are struggling with this decision and you haven't decided to take action yet, tonight when you go to bed, you're going to lay down there, you're going to be thinking about what could be possible.

You're going to start thinking about what your future could be like if you decide to take action on this. You're going to realize that if you take action on this, you have complete certainty knowing what you're supposed to do moving forward, you're going to have more success and more happiness. By tomorrow morning, you're going to be ready to take action and run with us all together.

Insert a hypnotic suggestion like that, creating this hypermnesia. Now, first time ever did this, I was like, "There's no way this is going to work." I remember doing that. It was a three-day event. I made the offer on day number two. Day number three, everyone came back and the next morning we did what's called a re-pitch. I gave them one last chance to buy and a whole bunch of people ran back and they bought.

What's crazy is after that, we talked to people like, "Why did you buy? You didn't buy the night before. Why did you buy the next day?" They told me, "I sat there in bed all night just thinking about this, realizing this was my future." They literally said back the thing that I had actually said from stage.

They didn't consciously remember that's what I had said, but what's crazy about it is that's exactly what they've reverberated back to me when we asked them why they signed up the next day.
hypermnesia is a very powerful hypnotic tool that you can use in your language patterns as well.
All right. You guys ready to move onto hypnotic selling secret number five? All right. Here we go. All right. Number five is called age progression. The book says age progression is the hypnotic technique which allows a person to feel as if he's living in the future.

All right. In this example, the hypnotist is working with a client who wants to lose 30 pounds in the next six months. This is the conversation they're having. As you're looking at this, notice the conversation back and forth and how the hypnotist is putting this person into the future, helping them to create a vivid vision of what that could look like.

Can you see yourself in the future? Yes. How much weight have you lost? About 30 pounds. Cool. What were you wearing? I was wearing a new white pantsuit. I bought some new clothes. Oh, you had to buy new clothes? Yeah. My old clothes didn't fit and I was tired of those old black outfits.

Now, imagine yourself at work. How are people reacting to you? I can see Judy. She's not very friendly. I think she's jealous. She might think I'm going to try to steal her boyfriend. Now, can you imagine the men in your life? What the hypnotist is doing is helping them see a vision of what their future might look like.

How does that work when you're trying to sell somebody something through a webinar or a challenge or live event? It's the exact same thing. I want to create a vivid vision of what that person's future might look like. I might say something like this. I want you guys to visualize.

Imagine after you buy this course, and let's say it's three months from now, six months from now.

You've gone through the training, you've understood all these things. What would your life look like. For some of you guys, how many of you guys, you're just in so much debt and it's stressing. You want to get rid of the debt. How many of you guys, you want to get out of debt? Visualize yourself being debt free.

What would that feel like inside your life? Some of you guys may be out of debt, but you're trying to figure out. You have a job and you hate it and you want to get rid of that job. Visualize what it would look like if you had a chance to fire your boss and moving forward you can work for yourself. You are your own boss. What would that look like? How would that feel for you?

Now, some of you guys, you already have your own job, but you're struggling. You want to grow. What would that look like for you? Picture yourself six months from now, nine months from now when all these problems are solved, absolute certainty, you're having tons of success. What would that look like for you inside of your life?

We start getting to visualize this vivid future of themselves and you're doing this age progression by putting them into the future, helping them feel what that looks like. You bring them back to the future state and they're able to now see the future that you're trying to create with them.

It's one of the big things. Some people are really good at seeing the future and a lot of people struggle with that, and that's why when you use hypnotic language to do age progression, you create this vivid vision for them they want to run towards. All right. You guys liking this so far?

Move onto secret number six. All right. Let's check out what secret number six looks like. Here we go. Secret number six is time distortion. This one is really cool how this one works. Think about this.

Sometimes in your life you experience something and it goes so fast. You could be enjoying a movie and all of a sudden you get in the movie, three hours later it's over. You're like, "That was so fast."

Other times you might be sitting in line at a store for 10 minutes, it feels like it went forever. Time is not really real in most people's brains. You have to learn how to use time distortion. For example, if you were doing a webinar. For me, when I do my webinars, they're usually 90 minutes to two hours long, and that may seem long if I'm not careful.

Or I do a three-day event that's long. Three days, eight hours a day. That event can feel really, really long if we're not careful. You can use hypnotic suggestion to shrink the time inside of people's minds. I might do this at the beginning of the webinar. I might say something like, "Hey, over the next 90 minutes we're going to be covering a lot of information and it's going to feel like this is going so fast because it's going to be so exciting.

"The new things you're going to be learning are going to be stimulating and help you feel excitement and joy and everything you're doing, so the next 90 minutes is going to go insanely fast. But I promise you, if you focus, you're going to get a lot of value out of everything we're doing."
By embedding that suggestion inside their mind, the event is going to feel short for them. It's going to feel fast. Same thing if I'm doing a three-day event. If I come in the next three days, we're going to cover, it feels heavy, it feels overwhelming, and subconsciously my mind is like, "This is long."

Instead it's like, "Hey, over the next three days, we're going to be going so fast. Everything you're going to be learning is going to be so exciting and new and fun. You're going to feel like everything is pressed down just a couple of hours. Even though we're going for three full days, this is going to feel like every single day as we're going deeper and deeper into this, you're going to have more energy, more excitement, more fun.

"By the time this is over, you're not going to feel drained and exhausted like a typical event. By the time it's done, you're going to feel energized and more excited than you ever knew was even possible. In fact, sometimes you're going to feel overwhelmed and stressed out, but that overwhelming stress is going to turn into energy and excitement as we're going through this, because you're going to know that your life is changing from this point forward."

You guys ready some secret number seven? You guys liking these so far? If you are, let me know in the comments down below and make sure that this is valuable for you guys, because this book is insane. This is just eight of the many things you're going to learn when you have a chance to actually read through it.

All right. Number eight is called future pacing. All right. Let's go back to the book for some future pacing to help you understand exactly what it is. Future pacing. By talking about the undeniable truthful events that will take place in the future, you can build expectation and excitement.

Here's an example. It says, "In a few minutes you're going to begin to feel heaviness in your arms and hands and deep feeling of relaxation in your neck and your shoulders." That's how a clinical hypnotist would use it. How do we use it as someone who's using hypnosis for selling?

Again, this was the definition initially. Said, "By talking about undeniable truthful events that will take place in the future, you can build expectation and excitement." That's the goal of future pacing. Expectation and excitement. Every time I introduce a new concept to somebody, let's say I introduce the concept of funnels to you the very first time.

Now, my job is to future pace this by giving you expectation and excitement. Now that you understand what a funnel is, you now have everything you need to be successful. You now have exactly what you need to be able to grow your company online. Before you were probably struggling.

Now you understand this concept of funnels, it's literally unlock something that's going to change everything for you. The funnel is the key to so many people's business success. Now you have that secret knowledge into your head. Now you have the ability to use it as well. Again, I'm using suggestions to future pace and give them excitement and expectation about the new concept I just shared with them.

All right. You guys ready for number eight? The final one. All right. If you are, here we go. Number eight is you want to use hypnosis to get people into what's called a yes state. This is where we get people to say yes as often as possible. A little while ago I did a YouTube video teaching you guys about trial close. You remember me talking about this?

What trial closes are, they're little questions you ask somebody throughout your presentations where you know the answer is going to be yes. I'm going to ask you this question just so you say yes. Does that make sense? I ask you a question and I'll say, "Are you guys getting this? What would life be like if you had this implemented in your system? Would that make life easier for you?"

I'm saying these little questions like that. They're like, "Yes, yes, yes." These are trial closes. The more times I can get you to say yes during a presentation, the better. It gets you in this hypnotic movement of saying yes, yes, yes over and over and over again.

One of my favorite places to use trial closes in a presentation is when I finished my presentation, I'm making my offer. When you make an offer to somebody, you start stacking. You get this and this. You start building up the value of the thing you're trying to offer, and eventually you have this big, huge price point.

This is the big dollar amount. If I gave you everything today, the value of it's $10,000. Let's say the value is $10,000. That's the first thing. I'm establishing this is the price I'm going to sell. Now, before I do the price drop, I don't just price drop. But it's not going to be $10,000. I'm going to give it to you for just $1,000.

Instead, what I want to do is I want to get them to see the value. I want to get them into a yes state and have them say yes that this is worth $10,000 at least three times before I drop the price. Now, if I've done this right, I've been doing these little yes statements, little trial closes all throughout my presentation saying yes, saying yes.

By the time I get to the spot where I'm asking for money, they've said yes 500 times. I get the spot right here. I show them the big price. It's $10,000, but don't worry, I'm not going to charge you guys $10,000 today. But I have a question for you. If all of this did, if all statement, if all this did was help you have this benefit, would it be worth $10,000? Say yes.

Now, if all this did was this, would it be worth $10,000? Yes. Now, if all this did was this, would it be worth $10,000? That's three if all statements. If all. They say yes, yes, yes. Then from there, then I drop the price down to the smaller amount. I'm getting them into a yes state.

They said 20, 50, 100 yeses throughout the presentation. When I show them the high ticket price, I get three yeses. Yes, yes, yes. I drop the price and then from there, then I make the actual offer. Getting people in a yes state is another way to use hypnotic selling inside of what you're doing.
All right. There you guys go. There are the eight different ways to use hypnotic selling secrets. You've got suggestion, you got truisms and universals, you got amnesia, you got hypermnesia, you got age progression, time distortion, future pacing, and yes states.

All right. With that said, I’m going to come over here to the couch. I want to talk about what we learned today and how you guys can use this inside of your selling. Again, when I first learned about hypnosis and selling first I thought it was crazy. I'm like, "There's no way that's real."

But I saw somebody do it and I wanted to figure it out, so I started reading all sorts of books. This was the one I found that had the most practical application. I hope that this video helped you guys to pull out, again, eight things that were really powerful that I use every single day when I'm selling.

It's something I've used so much now it's just built into my language patterns. I don't really think about it anymore, but when I first got started, I had to think about it. As I was creating presentations, I'm like, "Okay. How am I using truisms? How am I using universals? How am I getting people into a yes state? How do I create amnesia and hypermnesia?"

I started thinking about those and weaving them into my presentations, and now it's become something that's just built into my language patterns. I do it when I'm not even thinking about it, and you can do the same thing as well if you just start practicing it. Now, I showed you guys a really quick clip from Darren Stephens speaking at Fun Hacking Live, sharing the truisms and universals, but he taught so many other really powerful, amazing things.

Unfortunately I don't want to post that here in this video, because it's about an hour long, but I am going to be putting that on the actual podcast. If you have a desire to actually watch the rest of his presentation, if you go to any of your favorite podcast apps and search for Selling Online podcast with Russell Brunson, you can go and find that episode that'll have everything from Darren teaching you guys even more hypnotic selling secrets, which I think you guys will love as well.
Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this presentation. I hope you learned some really cool things that'll help you in your selling. This works in any type of selling from video sales letters, YouTube videos, webinars, challenges, live events. Weaving these hypnotic patterns can change everything for you.

This book changed everything for me and it can for you as well. There's also a link in the description down below where you can get a copy of this book, or if you want to go deep in selling with me, if you go to our event, you can learn exactly how to sell from stage, which is a lot of fun as well.

All right, everybody. Hopefully I gave you some ideas of how you can weave hypnosis into your one-to-many sales presentations. This is one of the things I go deep on and I teach at the Selling Online event. If you don't have your tickets yet to the next Selling Online event, go to and get your tickets.

It's 100 bucks, three days with me, eight hours a day, and we go deep into one-to-many selling, how to create presentations, how to create offers, how to do a whole bunch of really cool things. I do have a session there talking about hypnosis inside of selling. If you want to go deeper on this and master, be sure to go to

All right. With that said, next thing I'm going to do is I told you guys that a lot of this hypnosis stuff I learned originally from a guy named Darren Stephens. Darren, he's a public speaker, but he's also a trained hypnotist and a whole bunch of other really cool things.

He spoke at the second Funnel Hacking Live, talking about how he weaves hypnosis and all his stage presentations. It was fascinating and amazing and it was the second Funnel Hacking Live. It was almost a decade ago. No one even remembers his presentation and it was so good, so I wanted share it with you guys right now. For the rest of the podcast episode, you're going to have a chance to listen to Darren Stephens talking about how he uses hypnosis to sell insane amounts of volume of things from the stage. Hope you enjoy.

Darren Stephens:
All right. First I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself and how I got started. I want to share some strategies that I use to close between 50% and 60% of the people that come to events of ours, and it makes me anywhere from a million to $2.5 million at any of those events.

We do that with very little people in the room. I want to be able to share those steps with you, because you don't have to fill a room like this. You could have a small event and have that million dollar payday. All right. I want to share those strategies with you.

Then I'm just going to break down step by step what I actually do, because if you model what I do. Russell did this after I shared it with him and he made $1.3 million in that 60 minutes once you used this strategy. If you model this, you can do the same for yourselves.

All right. A little bit about myself is I'm a bestselling author. I have nine bestselling books out in the marketplace on business and marketing and different mindset and things like that. I'm married and I have seven beautiful children, and I had to become an entrepreneur and make a lot of money, because I needed to be able to feed them all.

But I've realized since being here and mixing with the ClickFunnels team is that it's a part of Russell's culture that you have lots of kids, because he's clearly got lots and so has Dave Woodward and anyone in ClickFunnels. A little bit about myself. These strategies I'm about to share with you really changed my life and gave me a very blessed life because of these things.

I really want to give this to you as a gift, because if you can replicate this, it's going to make such a difference in your life. I started out from a very poor family, an average household in a little country town in Majorca, Victoria, Australia, which only had a population of 30,000 people.

This was my first house. Pretty stunning, as you can tell. But years later, after applying all these things and growing and going to seminars and learning from people like Russell and everything else, I applied those things and it changed my life. You are really just one funnel away, especially when you apply these things that you're learning here this weekend.

This is my house now. This is one of them, anyway. It's on two acres and 90 square property. It's a huge place. I needed it for all the kids. I also six months of the year have another house which is on an island. I'm very fortunate to live in a beautiful place of Australia on an island for six months of the year.

All right. These are the things that have come from these strategies. All right. I'm going to talk to you really about the back end of the funnel. Once you get the people there, you can obviously funnel hack Russell. He's brilliant at getting people to an event. Just look at this.

All right. Or you can go and have a look at any of mine and things like that, but I'm not putting 1,500 people in the room like Russell is. I'm putting 60 people, 80 people, because for me, that's all I need to get the result that I'm looking for on those things.

All right. Before I get into that, there's something I need to have you have a little understanding of first, because these tools that I'm going to share with you, you need to use them from a loving place and that you really care about your audience and that you want to make a difference, because you are helping people influence them to make decisions and to feel that connection with you.

But it only works if you do it from the heart and that you really care and that you want to make a difference and you believe in your product. I need a commitment from you when I share these that you're not just going to go out and use these to manipulate people, or when you don't really believe in your product or service and that you actually are coming from a good space.

All right. The first thing is to understand a little bit about how the mind works. I'm just going to do a little picture. All right. Hopefully that looks like a little pirate ship. I'll put some guns there. All right. Back in the olden days with the old pirate ship, you've got the captain and the crew.

Who's in charge of the ship, the captain or the crew? Yell it out. The captain. That's right. You've got the captain. All right. The captain might even look like this, or I think this is a better looking captain, because he's much more handsome and that's this guy.

All right. Now, you've got the captain and you've got the crew. Now, what happens if the captain treats his crew like crap? What happens? You get a what? A mutiny. You get a mutiny. Now, who's in control of the ship? The crew. That's right. Now, for this demonstration and for you to have an understanding of what I'm going to take you through is the captain is your conscious mind, the crew is your unconscious mind.

That's those little voices inside your head, but that's actually who's making the decision. When you are selling or you're presenting to an audience, you're not talking to them consciously. If you want to build a relationship with them at a deep level, because that's where the riches are really at, you need to do it at the unconscious level.

You need to be talking to the crew, because what stops sales is when people are procrastinating. Who here has ever had anyone procrastinate or anyone here ever procrastinated about anything? Show of hands. Anyone not really sure? All right. They procrastinate, and what that is, that's two parts of their unconscious mind that are in conflict.

Because one part of them is going, "Yeah. I really want this ClickFunnels thing." The other part is going, "Oh, but you can't build funnels," and doesn't know what to do. There's two parts that are in conflict, but if you can get them to come together as one and not be in conflict, then you're going to get a much better result.

You have to understand that you're not just talking to a person consciously. You're talking to their unconscious mind, and that's who you have to build the relationship with. That's who you have to build the rapport with. All right. What I'm going to do is share now those steps that I use when I run my events to be able to build that relationship at the unconscious level.

All right. All right. First we've all seen iceberg metaphors before, and there's 18 steps that I use when I run an event. Now, you use the same 18 steps if you're running a webinar and you can do it in one day, two days, or three days. The event that I normally typically run is a three-day event and we use it broken up over those three days.

All right. The first one of those is the law of building rapport consciously and unconsciously. Now, how you go about doing that is the first thing is you've got to get your audience raising their hands, because guess what? What were some of the things I did first? I asked you some questions or I got you raising your hands. Just everyone raise your hand for a moment for this.

Guess what you're all doing? You're all mirroring and matching each other, and one of the fastest ways to get rapport with somebody is getting everybody doing the same thing. Who here has seen Tony Robbins before? Anyone? What does Tony do? He goes “let’s get ready, woooooh, clap”.

Guess what? You're all doing the same thing. It's a fast way to build rapport quickly with somebody unconsciously and consciously using those things. Matching, mirroring. Using language patterns, visual, auditory, kinesthetic, getting the group to interact, which we did at the very start.

Just some of those things. Universals and truisms. What a universal and truism is. A truism is something that is irrefutably true in the moment. When you use your language, one of the things I used when I first came out said, "Oh, isn't it fantastic being here in the Hyatt Regency in Dallas?"

That's a truism, because it's undeniable. You're all in the Hyatt Regency and you're in Dallas and you're at ClickFunnels, and I said all three of them. Truism, truism, truism. The reason you want that happening in your presentation is because in their head unconsciously they're going, "Yes, that's correct. Yes, that's true. Yes, that's true."

Then if you put in your product or service that you're offering, their unconscious mind is going to go, "Yeah, that's true. That's good." All right. Universals and truisms. There's a couple of examples. All right. Law of truisms and universals. Here's another one. Universals are things that anything that is true for the majority of people.

The majority of you would know or heard of Russell Brunson, or you were all teenagers once. Most of you have ClickFunnels, and if you don't, you should buy it now. All right. There's some examples. Anyway, that's universals. If you can use universals and truisms in your presentation right at the very start, it's a very fast way to build that rapport.

The law of authority. When you're the expert, the author, the speaker, the presenter, you need to build that attractive character that Russell already talks about. That's an important element as well. The law of similarity. All right. How are you similar to them? You want to tell your story how you went from this to this, or how you were scared about joining something and then you joined it and got amazing results. Whatever it is, tell your story. It's when you had that epiphany. You want to tell that story.

The law of commitment. All right. The law of commitment. One of the things I did at the very start was said, "Who'd like a copy of this book?" All right. Because I'm getting you to commit to what? Taking action. All right. I've set it up right at the start. All right. What you got to do if you want to be successful, you got to take what? Action.

I'm going to get the audience to feed it back, because we want to set that up as an anchor and a key message that if you want to be successful, it's about taking action. That's one of the other things as well. Getting them to commit. All right. The law of reciprocity. All right. Delivering much more than was expected.

Doing little things at our events. We supply tea and coffee. We do all the little things that a lot of other people don't. All right. Make sure you do those little things, because they make a big difference when you're talking about converting later on. All right. Look at this. They over deliver. Russell over delivers on everything that he does, and we care about that and that's why he gets such a great following and people coming back, because he over delivers.

All right. We raise money for a charity, because we actually really care and we've got a number of charities we support. But that also helps that law of reciprocity, because teaching your audience, "Hey listen, if you go out there and be successful, then you can go and make a difference as well."
We're showing you the way to do that, is by you taking that leap of faith, taking action, and becoming successful so you can give back to other people and make a difference just like we do. When we get them involved, we have a big charity check that we raise at each one of our events, and then we get a photo with the audience.

We want them to feel that emotion as well. Some of the most amazing things, I've had people come back, single moms that were struggling to raise their kids. They've gone on, been successful, and come back and raised all this money for charity, because that's what inspired them to do it. All right. You want to do that. That's the law of reciprocity.

The next one is the law of anchoring. Now, law of anchoring is like I did before. Who'd like a copy of my book? I'm anchoring the state of taking action. All right. That's setting up an anchor. This whole event has absolutely been awesome. I got to tell you as an audience and seeing how you've interacted with everything, you guys have been awesome.

How many people here thinks Russell Brunson is awesome? Give him a hand. All right. You want to be able to use things when you're anchoring it. What I'm doing, and I'm demonstrating it as I'm doing it clearly to show you. However, every time I said the word awesome, I pointed to myself.

How many noticed that? Only a few of you, and that's because you don't notice it consciously, but unconsciously. Your unconscious or subconscious mind seeing what I was doing. Every time I might say, "This is the most amazing event, and you, you're absolutely unbelievable. You're so awesome."
All right. When you're using your hand gestures, you can be anchoring your audience to what it is that you want them to see. Hopefully everyone is going to go out of here afterwards and they're going, "Geez, that speaker, he was awesome. He was amazing." I'm just demonstrating these are some of the things.

Now, can you do that? On a video, you can do that. You want to use these things. Using that anchoring. You can use other things as well, like embedded commands or embedded words, because by now, who here has signed up for next year's Funnel Hacking? Let me see a show of hands. By now, you all should have done that, because by now you might be picking up that I'm giving you an embedded command. Buy now. Buy your tickets now for next year's event.

In all seriousness, I've already got my tickets lined up, because I got to talk to Russell and see some of the speakers they've got lined up for next year. I got to tell you, get your tickets, because you do not want to miss it. I thought Tony Robbins was the highlight, but what they've got planned is unbelievable.

I had to fly from Australia to get here, so I've already booked for next year for a whole stack. All right. Hand gestures like I was doing before so that you can get your message across. All right. The law of breaking down beliefs and patterns. I'm not going to go into this much, because Russell has already talked about doing that sort of things.

Show them other people's successes, case studies, which sometimes are really testimonials to what you are selling or what you're showing people, but you want to do that through your presentation early. Don't leave it until you get to the end where you're about to do your closing sequence and go, "Oh, look, testimonial, testimonial, testimonial."

That's the wrong thing to do. All right. You want to have it through your presentation, so that they're already building up that belief around what it is. All right. You want to break down their beliefs and patterns that they can't do it or they can't achieve it. How many people, because of the things you've already seen with people coming up on the stage, if you didn't have the belief that you could go out there and build amazing funnels and create the life of your dreams, has changed a little bit already?

All right. Good. The next one, law of identifying problems. Show them the problems and the pitfalls that are there. Help them come up with them so they can see that these are the challenges, these are the pitfalls, and then start to show them the solution, because you want to start building hope. This is what we do on day one.

The law of solutions and new opportunities, which Russell has already talked about. Having the new opportunity. Show them that new opportunity. Show them various ways that they can be successful. Again, using examples, case studies, that one big thing. Now, we're starting to take them on a journey and we're taking from what the problem is. Now, we're showing them the solutions and starting to take them into the future.

All right. The law of new beliefs and identity. Really important. We want to build that new belief that they can do it, that it's possible for them. All right. Then you want to have them take ownership for that new identity, whether it's being a funnel hacker or a lady boss or an author. You're building that following your culture that you're building.

You want them to take on that new belief and that identity. But then what I would do, once we've got them into that place where they're starting to own that identity, I get them to share it. I'd say, "Okay. Get into groups of four. Turn around and tell people about your new identity and everything else and what it's going to mean."

Because now, we're introducing the law that I've already covered, which was commitment. They're committing it to other people. They're starting to take ownership for that new identity. All right. The next one, social proof. All right. Case studies, testimonials. What I do is I bring past authors.

When I'm running the author program, I bring them back up on stage, or whatever event I'm doing, I'll bring back people that have already had success. Bring them back up on stage and I'll ask them questions, and I'll ask them questions that I know the audience would want to know.

Well, was it easy? Were you scared? Were you frightened to take that leap of faith? I'll ask them those things, because I want them to actually hear it for real. But I also then want them to share the transformation that it's been for them. I got to tell you, the people on stage that you bring back will share it so much more eloquently than you.

They will have such an impact, because people are going to really resonate, because they'll feel that passion and that belief and then the change that's genuinely happened for those people. All right. Then we would reward them with some sort of gift for coming back and sharing and having an impact on the audience, and do that public as well.

Because what happens is those people sitting in the audience are sitting there going," I want to be just like her, or I just want to be just like them and be up on that stage and giving back to others and making a difference to other people." All right. The law of future pacing.

All right. One of the things that we do is when people are on stage, also what you're doing is you're giving their unconscious mind a glimpse of what they are going to look like in the future. Because unconsciously, they're seeing that and they're going, "Okay. This is possible. This is me in the future."

All right. I would get them to do a little visualization as well and talk in their mind. Get them to see them already successfully owning whatever it is, or successfully seeing themselves as a successful author or marketer or web builder, whatever it may be. Have them do a little visualization, because their mind is more powerful than anything else, and it's better if they do it and they see it in the future.

Then have them answer some future-based questions. Once you've achieved that million dollar funnel, what sort of charity do you think you'll support, or who will you make a difference for, and what would you do? I might share examples of things that I've done to give them the idea. One of the greatest gifts in my life was the day I was able to buy my mum a car.

Share in groups. Again, it anchors it in. Have them write it down. All right. Also, before you would go into your selling or your closing sequence, have them do the numbers saying, "Well, okay. If it was possible for you to build a funnel and make this much revenue, or whatever it is that your business is."

Have them do the numbers. All right. Get them to work it out. Say, "Okay. Well, if I had 100 people in here and I closed this many and I'd get this much result or sold this much on Amazon." Or whatever it may be. Get them to do the numbers. Write it down, and then get them to share it with somebody else, because it's much more powerful for them to see it, for them to come up with numbers. Then it's real for them.

The law of fractionation and sound. One of the things that we're running is we're using music. We're bringing the music up and the tempo up and getting people's energy up. We're bringing it back down, having them do things in groups. All right. Music is a way of accelerating learning.

All right. Also, if you're using the right music tracks, it stops people going into trance. Who's ever been at a seminar where the speaker they listen to, they're starting to make them drift off and they're getting bored or whatever else? They're putting you into trance.

You're going into hypnotic trance. You want them out of trance, because otherwise they're not going to be paying attention, they're not going to be alert. One of the things we do, and through this, my presentation, there's been a music track been playing the whole time, and it's just below audible sound, because you can't consciously hear it, but unconsciously your unconscious mind can.

It's a track that opens up the brain pathways to allow you to absorb knowledge and information much faster and retain it. I'm going to get the guys at AV, can you just turn that up so they can hear it? You'll hear this track that's been playing just below audible sound. Very subtle.

That's the music that's been playing the whole time. All right. Thanks. You can turn it down. All right. It's called Pachelbel, and it's been proven as an accelerated learning tool. I can tell you I've ran events and when I have not played that in the background, I've got offstage absolutely exhausted, and so has the audience, because they're exhausted from all the knowledge and information.

If you play that track through the back of your presentation all the time, you'll find people will be more alert, more engaged. They'll absorb the knowledge and you'll have a much better result.

Exercise music. We use something called Yarny, which is a track that is a music that you're not going to know, so you're not going to be bopping along and singing the song, because it's music that's just instrumental.

All right. The Law of alignment. Law of alignment. All right. What that is is really important, because a lot of people have parts that'll be in conflict. All right. Remember we talked about people with the pirate ship before? If they've got any conflict happening at the unconscious level, what we want to do is be able to bring them together so they're not in conflict, because otherwise you're going to have people procrastinating because they're not aligned.

The last thing you want to do is go into a presentation where you're selling your products or services and those people have got that happening inside their head. Who's ever been there? By the way, being honest, raise your hands if you've ever procrastinated about making a decision.
Most of us have at some stage, but the reality is it's because those parts are in conflict. As an audience, what you want to do is take those parts and bring them together as one so that they're not in that misalignment. One of the things that I've just done, which I'll share with you.

How I did that. I'm using my hands again, just like those embedded commands. I said, "On one hand you're probably thinking, 'Oh, should I buy this Amazon product or should I buy an eBay product?'" Whatever it may be. I'm talking to your unconscious mind. I'm going weighing it up and my hands come together and go.

But if they were aligned and then I went like this. What I'm doing is taking both of those parts of your mind, pulling them together, and then installing it back. I'm doing that multiple times, because I want the audience to be totally aligned. Again, these are some hypnotic techniques and things that I'm sharing with you so that you can help people be able to make decisions much easier.

All right. Just before we would go into a presentation for what we're selling or what the product is, I would play an emotional video. It can be motivational or whatever. One of the ones that I've used, I've used various different ones, but is we play often the Susan Boyle. She was the singer who was on, I think, UK Has Got Talent, and she'd come out and she was against all odds.

No one thought she'd be able to sing, and she sung this amazing Celine Dion song and brought the house down. When you play that, there's not a dry eye in the house. What it does, it puts people in an emotional state of gratitude. Guess what? One of the biggest killers of sales is fear, and you cannot feel fear if you're in the state of gratitude.

All right. We play that video because we want you to be into an emotional state of gratitude and being a different state so that you're not going into fear about purchasing a product or going through what we're offering. Put them in emotional state of gratitude.

All right. The law of adding value. That's make sure that it's clear that you're showing step by step, line by line the value you're adding. I often see a lot of presenters and what they do is they go, "Oh, yeah. We're getting this and this and this and this." They don't put the prices next to it or any images and things like that.

Then all of a sudden they go, "It's this price. It's $100,000 worth of value for $3,000." The reality is that doesn't work unconsciously. It's important to have the stack absolutely and totally do that as well, the same as Russell does. However, what Russell does is it'll have, "Well, you get this," and it has the price next to it.
People go, "Oh, yeah. That's worth $500." It has this and that's worth $1,000. Mentally they're doing a calculation ahead. That makes sense, that makes sense, that makes sense. They're adding it up. But if I just did that without having that broken down like that and got to the end, people have a disconnect and they go, "Oh, how can it be worth $100,000? I don't get that."

Unconsciously you want to break it down step by step. Use images if it's an intangible product to show that it's more tangible. Then what we do is we invite them to join our program through an application process, which we use the law of scarcity. We have an application process. We say, "Well, we've got a limited number of people that we're going to accept into our program. That application process, you have to fill out an application."

Before they can even come back into the room to have a conversation with us about the project, they have to pay a $500 refundable deposit, and then they can ask any questions about the program, and then they have to fill out the application and we go from there. All right. Then if they get accepted.

All right. We take their photo at the same time as they hand in the application, because again, these are micro commitments that they're making. We take their photo as well as a part of the application, because we are going to go through it. We also are being real with them. We say, "Do not apply for this program if it's going to mean that you can't put food on the table for your kids. We do not want your money. Save up, come back at another time."

We're very upfront that we want to help people and everything else, but we do not want you going out on a limb where it means you can't feed your family. All right. Now, some of the other things when I've sold million dollar franchise systems and things, what we would do also is we would say, "We want you to give us two or three references that we can check up and call."

Anyone here ever given a reference for something? Just show me a show of hands. Cool. All right. Have you ever given somebody a reference that's a bad reference? If you're going to write down on some application, "Hey, listen, I've put you down as a reference that they may call about that, about you applying for this business."

You're not going to put someone down that's going to say, "Oh, no. This person is a loser." You're going to put down one of your best friends, because what's going to happen is you're going to put down one of your best friends. When we ring up and check your reference, the moment we ask about, "Well, do you think this person would be a good fit and that they could really apply the program and everything else." They're going to say, "Yep. Russell Brunson, he's amazing. He'd be fantastic. Definitely take him. Accept him."

Soon as we hang up from that phone call, what's going to happen is your friend is going to ring up and they're going to pick up the phone. They're going to ring Russell saying, "Hey, Russell. I just spoke to that Darren guy and I told him how amazing you are and you'd be fantastic for the program and you'd be perfect and everything else."

Now, what's happened is Russell has got two of his closest friends that he trusts and values telling him he should go ahead. Because what happens when people leave the environment, they often will go into fear and their best and closest dearest friends, normally family try and talk them out of it. This way they've got outside help that's going to reassure them that they're making the right decision. Hopefully that helps.

Law of team. We're nearly at the last one. Law of team is make sure that if you have a team. Look at ClickFunnels as a great example. I have an awesome team. I'm very blessed in my office. I have a beautiful team that really support me and I couldn't do what I do without them, and just as Russell couldn't do what he does without his amazing, awesome wife and his team.

Because it's a bit like you've got the captain of the ship, but you've got the crew that are behind the scenes doing lots of the work. Make sure your team is aligned. I know the ClickFunnels team, they have a meeting before you guys come in here. They're all aligned with wanting to have one goal, which is to give you the most amazing experience that you're here and they're here for you.

Whenever you're running something, have your team alignment meeting where you're getting them aligned. What outcome do we want for our participants? We want to make sure that we have a big impact. Keep the same pace of the room. Your team at the back, if the room is fast paced, make sure that they're fast paced. If it's slow paced because you're doing an exercise or something, then they should walk at that same pace so it doesn't upset the balance of energy in the room.

All right. Last thing I want to leave you with is a quick formula for success, and that is the first thing is you want to get clarity, because when you get clarity about what it is that you want to achieve in life, what your goals, dreams are, that leads you to have more certainty. The more certainty you have, guess what?

The more confidence you get. The more confidence you get, the more action you take. The more action you take, the more success you'll have. Hopefully this weekend you're getting so much clarity and certainty and confidence that allow you to go and take that success to a whole new level with everything you're doing in ClickFunnels.

On that note, remember you're just one funnel away. I remember when we did our first $2.5 million weekend, and I was actually with two friends of mine, Daryl and Andrew Grant who are here in the audience. Reach out and say thank you to them. We did an event together, and that weekend we did $2.5 million in the weekend with only about 150 people in the room.

I went, "Wow. You know what? We made $2.5 million in that one day." I went, "I could make that every day if I want." Now, because it was such a shift, and I know that Russell comes totally from the heart. We've been there, and when you make that mindset shift, everything changes. You look bigger.

One of my companies, we were just offered only last week $40 million for them. We turned it down, and we turned it down because we want to make that $100 million, because I've got a goal of setting up a global charity called Global Unite where we can unite entrepreneurs and authors and people around the world in different charities. We certainly support World Teacher Aid and Starlight and a whole range of things. We turned it down because we've got a bigger vision. It wasn't so much just about the money, because we want to make a bigger impact on the world.


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