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Watch the Journey

Kanye West is now a funnel hacker, how Edward hit 1 million followers in 10 months, and lots more!



I’ve asked myself that question a LOT during my years as an entrepreneur and marketer.

You create something that you think is absolutely mind-blowing. And then you go tell your target market about it. You expect them to come in droves.

“If you build it, they will come,” someone once told you.

But *crickets*.

What gives?

Why won’t people pay attention to your emails? Your ads? Your offer?

It almost feels like they won’t even give you a chance… like they reject your offer before they even “get” what it is.

I’ve been there.

And there’s a really simple framework that I revisit every time I create anything — ads, sales pages, content on Instagram… everything.

It’s one of the frameworks that I talk about in ALL three of my ​Secrets Trilogy books​…

Hook, story, offer.

Here’s the doodle I made to remember it.

Why is this such a game-changer for getting people to “pay attention”?

I know it almost seems *too* simple…

But here’s the truth. The average person sees about 10,000 ads per day. Even if you have EXACTLY what they’ve been looking for, their default reaction is going to be to ignore… because they’re so bombarded with ads and sales messages. They literally couldn’t pay attention to all of it if they wanted to!

So you’ve got to hook them. You’ve got to catch their attention… to make them stop scrolling.

This could be an image, a video, a headline, or something else. It makes them pause because it surprises them or sparks their curiosity.

Then, the story feeds their curiosity and explains the pain you went through to discover your unique solution, how you discovered it, and why you want to share it with them.

The story also increases the perceived value of the offer you’re going to make so that they fully understand the value it will bring to their own lives.

Finally, the offer blows them away with so much value they can’t say no. It gives them everything they need to solve their problem or achieve their goal.

If you want to improve your sales pages or even your organic content, become obsessed with the hook-story-offer framework! Everytime you create something, repeat it to yourself.

It’s been a game-changer for me 🙂

If you want to see a real-world example, check out the ​One Funnel Away sales page​. And see if you can spot the hook, the story, and the offer. The better you get at spotting these elements in other people’s funnels, the easier it’ll be to add them to your funnels!

- Russell Brunson



It was 20 years ago when Russell Brunson started getting the world obsessed with sales funnels.

And now Kanye West is funnel hacking!

​Check out this video​.

In the video, Kanye West is breaking down Taylor Swift’s sales funnel. He says, “Say Taylor Swift has 500 million Instagram followers… if she had a 7% conversion rate for people to buy her album… that would be 35 million albums sold.”

He also talks about his own funnel and how he was able to get a 7% conversion rate.
Does this mean we’re now mainstream? Haha.

Pretty wild!

If you want to stay updated on what’s happening in the “funnel-verse”, go ​follow Russell on Instagram​!



In October of 2021, Edward Collins made his first post on social media… EVER.

You read that right. Edward had built multiple brick-and-mortar businesses, but he’d never dabbled in social media or much online technology.

When COVID hit, he was forced to switch gears. He started learning about online marketing, he learned about Russell Brunson, and he streamed Two Comma Club Live while he sat next to a whiteboard taking notes.

He realized he needed to start posting on social media in order to attract his target market.

So from January of 2022 until April of 2023, he posted every single day on all of their social media platforms. He tried a lot of different stuff during that time.

And none of it worked.

After one year and four months of posting every single day, they had only six thousand followers across all of their social platforms. One day Edward walked into the studio and told his team he was done. But his team held him accountable and told him he needed to continue.

But he knew something needed to change.

So he looked at all of his past videos and found the ones that performed the best — which typically meant over 100 views.

He discovered that the best videos they did were reaction videos that took a ton of time to produce. He’d find the video to react to, script them, spend tons of time editing, etc.

It was too much work.

So he decided to simplify it. He told his team to just turn on the camera, record him watching the video for the first time, and then he’d talk about it for a few minutes. No script. Very minor edits.

After their first video with this new strategy, they gained 8,000 followers overnight!

They went all-in on that strategy, ad-lib reaction videos. Posting at least once per day.

In just 10 months, they’ve grown 100% organic from six thousand followers to now over a million followers. And they get hundreds of DMs per day from people in their target market.

Mind blowing!

If you want to learn more about Edward Collin’s Instagram strategy, check out Russell’s ​full 49-min interview with him​.

​That’s a wrap for this week’s newsletter.

Remember, you’re just one funnel away...

- The ‘Marketing Secrets’ Team


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