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LAST CALL: 10X documentary


...have you watched the DOC yet?

All right. I've been telling you the last two days about the 10X documentary. If you haven't had a chance to watch it yet, I just want to give you one last warning.

We will be pulling down this new movie very, very soon.

When you watch this, you're going to see one of my failure stories.

Most people talk about their success stories and you only see the highlight reel, but I want to show you the other side because there's times we put forth our time, our energy, our effort and it just doesn't work out the way we want it to.

...and hopefully, this documentary will give you faith and hope that even though some of the things you did in the past haven't worked, it doesn't mean that you can't be successful.

So with that said, go and watch the 10X documentary right now.


Russell Brunson

P.S. - Don't forget, you're just one funnel away...


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