There is a big difference between having a funnel...
...and having a funnel that is actually making money (wouldn't you agree?).
Recently we analyzed over 6,187,948 funnels, and looked at over 130,728 split tests ran by our members, trying to find a pattern of what made some funnels successful, while others flopped.
And what we found shocked us, and became the premise for my new book Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook For Converting Your Online Visitors Into Lifelong Customers...
And I want to send you a copy today for FREE!
After doing all of the research for this book, I was shocked to find that getting your funnel to actually make money had almost NOTHING to do with:
But instead, it had everything to do with your ability to:
They Had Mastered The Art Of Being An Expert (Or Guide) To Their Dream Customers, And Then Helping Them To Achieve The Results That Their Business Promised!
I want you to get this book in your hand because it's going to help you to figure out how to tell your story in a way that will get people to buy your products and your services.
Right now, you can get a free copy of the hardbound version of Expert Secrets for free (just cover shipping and handling), when you go to
Let me know the best place to ship it to you and I will get one out to you ASAP. Thanks again. And I hope you love my new book Expert Secrets.
Russell Brunson
P.S. - Don't forget, you're just one funnel away...