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Ep. 107 - Only Those With Brass Balls Can Compete With Us, Do You?


Welcome back to another episode of Funnel Hacker TV Behind the Scenes! You could say that we are all a little competitive at Click Funnels HQ. And in today’s episode, you’ll get a glimpse at how much we love to incorporate competition. Do you have the brass balls to win?

It all starts when John Parkes issued a “hook” challenge in the bullpen. The premise of the challenge was that everyone had the same pictures and ad content for Russell Brunson’s Dotcom Secrets book, except each person was responsible for changing the hook at the top. The goal was to see who could “hook” the most customers with the best copy.

Meanwhile, Russell had a ClickFunnel’s affiliate challenge in which the top ten sellers got a prize of brass balls. The story behind these balls goes back to Russell’s mentor, Dan Kennedy. However, Both Dave Woodward and Russell have their own funny stories behind these legendary brass balls.


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