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Ep. 114 - Our Life Changing Kenya Safari The Masai Mara Was Wild!


What happened on our epic, life-changing experience on the Kenya safari tour in Masai Mara? In this week's episode of Funnel Hacker TV, Russell Brunson and company are in the heart of Africa. We were fortunate enough to see Kenya and all its beauty as well as experience some crazy cool things! You won't want to miss it!

We Partner with Village Impact to Build Schools In Africa. If you would like to donate, click below:

As entrepreneurs, it's important that we take time to savor life away from our business. At ClickFunnels, we were able to do just that in our African safari and to say that our safari was life-changing would be an understatement. From the animals we got to encounter, the special moments that we created (or surprised us, yikes!), and the beautiful cultures we were invited into, it was an incredible time.


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