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Perfect Webinar Secrets - just $7: the PERFECT WEBINAR script


...did you download it yet?

Okay. There's a lot of things you can get for $7...

You could go get a Happy Meal at McDonald's or you could go to Starbucks and get some caffeine with some whipped cream on top.

Or you could get arguably the best sales script known to man called "THE PERFECT WEBINAR!"

Click here to get your copy of the Perfect Webinar script for just $7.

Perfect Webinar Video

I've used this script to sell almost anything you can dream of.

When we launched ClickFunnels, this was the script that took our company from startup to overnight success.

I've taught the script to thousands of other entrepreneurs as well, and I would like to teach it to you as well.

Right now, you can get a copy of the script and the training to show you exactly how to use the script at

Go and get it now before I come to my senses and I pull it offline.


Russell Brunson

P.S. - Don't forget, you're just one funnel away...


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