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(Q&A) Shifting Your Money Mindset for Growth?

(Q&A) Shifting Your Money Mindset for Growth?

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Dominick Pirone has been a cheerleading-buyer for years, and at the last Inner Circle event he asked how to break through his limiting money beliefs using the tools I’ve been learning in Secrets of Success. With his permission, I’d like to share with you what I’ve been learning, because while it’s not quite at the point where it’s a formulated process or system, it is something I love to discuss and figure out…

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Best Quote:

Normally, we get suggestion from the world suggesting stuff, and we start believing these things because of all the outside voices. Auto-suggestion is you taking those things like, "What do I actually want to believe about the situation, these things," and start placing those things in. I can't remember the quote, but it's like, "Between the stimulus and the response, there's a gap. And in that gap is your shot, is where you have to stop it. You have to stop the pattern, look at where you're at, and start planting these thought seeds."


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Russell Brunson:
What's up, everybody? Welcome back to The Marketing Secrets Podcast. Today, we've got another Q&A episode for you, and this one's coming from Dominick, who's one of my favorite Inner-Circle members. I can't say that. It's like my kids. I love all my kids the same, but I got a special place in my heart for Dominick because he came in the way that everyone did, he went and bought a book, implemented, had success, and then he joined 2CCX, and he was in there for two or three years, and he was on every single coaching call. I saw his face over and over and over again. Then he was Inner Circle, and he's been there every single time. And then he had a chance to speak at FHL this year. And anyway, he's awesome.

But it was cool. His question was one I think a lot of people, especially entrepreneurs, struggle with, specifically when they get to a certain level. People went in Two Comma Club, and they get stuck. Or they get to six figures, and they get stuck, right? These different things, and so that was his kind of question was about money-mind shifting, like, "I'm stuck at,"... I can't remember exactly off the top of my head. It was like three million bucks a year. "How do I get to 10? What are the things?"

And I think my answer is probably different than he would've thought or assumed. So I hope you enjoy this episode, and I hope you're enjoying these Q&A series. Thanks so much, and let's dive into the next question.

Dominick Pirone:
Hey, Russell. Dominick here.

Hey, I know you.

Hey, I want to ask you about mindset-related things. First of all, you're one of the... I don't know how to describe this, but you're so clean about money, just the way you think about money, just the way that you love money. But it's in such a clean, ethical way, which is really cool and admirable, and I love that about you. And so I want to ask you about self-limiting beliefs that you had to work through and how you work through them relating to money.


And then I'm also curious how you're applying Think-and-Grow-Rich principles. How are you applying the affirmations, the burning desires, the visualization? Is that during your God time? Is that late at night? I don't know. Is it you're in the jacuzzi? I have no idea.

I could do a three-day event on this. Well, and you should do a three-day event on this. This could get really fun really fast.

Yeah, but the more I go, the more I realize how much everything is so based on my mindset.


And us getting to that next level, the $10 million level, is so mindset based, so that's why I want to ask you these questions.

Cool. So I'll share I feel like I'm still on this journey. So it's not something where I'm marking it, and I'm like, "Here's the definite answer because I've done it so many times." But this is the first time I've gone on this journey consciously. So I've done it in wrestling, and I had a lot of success. I did it in business with success, but I didn't know a lot of time what was happening. You know what I mean? I was doing the thing and eventually had success.

This is the first time I'm going down this journey very conscious of what I'm doing and thinking. It's really been fun for me. I'm really enjoying it, actually. And so a couple things, and I don't know, there's so many principles I could talk about. But the things that have been the biggest impact for me, especially in the last two or three weeks as I've been launching Secrets to Success and going through the courses and speed-reading all of these things so I can talk about them and stuff... So Elsie Lincoln Benedict, do you guys know who she is yet?

Yeah, she's awesome.

The fact that most of you guys know who she is is insane. Nobody knew who she was a month ago. She is one of the greatest authors of all time. But she's book number one in Secrets to Success. We're doing a book haul. There's a book set she wrote. It's 14 little booklets called, "How to Get Anything," and it's fascinating."

And what was really cool for me, and we had this conversation earlier, because this is what he teaches and talks about, which I'm still trying to figure out... Anyway, again I'm in this journey right now. But almost every other book I've read, Think and Grow Rich and all the other ones, talk so much about, "You think, and you change. You think, and you change." Where Elsie starts, book number one was not about thinking. In fact, she says, "Thinking is not the thing that will change anything." She's like, "What changes things is your moods or your feelings or your state," which was really fascinating.

And I read booklet number one two or three times, and then I had a call with Andy and Grace for the book club, and we got deeper on it. And it was interesting, the thing I got was in any situation, there's a feeling you have about it, right? And so I started thinking about all of the things... In fact, I wrote this down. I wrote down everyone in my family, my kids, my wife, and I was like, "What's the feeling associated?" And I think about my wife, I think about one thing. I think about one of my kids and another kid. I think about Nora differently than Bowen. They're all different. But it's feeling like, "Oh, interesting. I feel something different for each of them."

And then I started thinking about circumstances, like going to the office, going back home, going to the library. What are the feels I feel when I go to wrestling, when I go to the gym? And I was consciously trying to notice what are the actual feelings or moods or Tony Robbins would call it state. What's the state I feel when I think about the thing?

Anyway, if you listen to the interview with Andy, she was dropping Andy stats, which are really cool. Is Andy in the room, by chance? Oh, crap. She can fact check me. What did you say? You said, "Seven seconds before the feeling comes your subconscious mind," is that what it was?

You have the feeling seven seconds before the thought.

Okay, yeah. You have the feeling seven seconds before the thought. So before I'm thinking about money, I'm automatically like, "The feeling's coming, seven seconds. One, two, three, four, five, six... I'm thinking about money, boom." And it's already there. It showed up. And so your question about money, how do you overcome the money beliefs, that's it. It's, "How do you feel about money?"

I saw Tyler do it at Ray's event. Who did you have up there? It was somebody from the audience, right?


And he muscle tested, he's like, "How do you feel about making $100,000 a year," and she's like, "Ah." And he's like, "How do you feel about making a million dollars a year?" And all of the sudden she's like, "Huh." He's like, "Your body does not believe it. You're internally feeling like you can't do it." Or $10 million or whatever, right? This is the first part. That's the thing, the feelings are more important, right?


And then what Elsie talks about, what I think is fascinating, is she says the feelings come from the thought seeds we're planting in our subconscious mind. So that's where thoughts come in, is they're seeds that you're planting in your subconscious mind.


Right? And so what's interesting is your feelings about whatever it might be, whether it be a kid or money or whatever, it's coming off of years of conditioning or suggestion. You hear media tell you something. You hear from radio or from TV or from books you're reading, you keep hearing these things. It's the way of suggestions.

And so what Napoleon Hill talks about in Think and Grow Rich, what she talks about in How to Get Anything You Want is our job is you have to understand that... How do I explain it the best? You have to plant these thought seeds that are going to replace the other thing. So it's figuring out, "What are the things that are keeping me back?" And then you start planting those thought seeds. So what she talks about and Napoleon Hill talks about is what they call auto-suggestion. What auto-suggestion is you manually planting those seeds in yourself.


Normally, we get suggestion from the world suggesting stuff, and we start believing these things because of all the outside voices. Auto-suggestion is you taking those things like, "What do I actually want to believe about the situation, these things," and start placing those things in. I can't remember the quote, but it's like, "Between the stimulus and the response, there's a gap. And in that gap is your shot, is where you have to stop it. You have to stop the pattern, look at where you're at, and start planting these thought seeds."

And so that's my application right now of Think and Grow Rich and Secrets to Success is that, where I'm trying to become hyper-aware of the actual predominant moods I have about different topics and ideas. You just gave me a gift right there when you talked about worthiness versus ability. That just adds a whole... Now we're multi-dimensional level on these things, which is really cool.

But I want to become more conscious of that. None of us are really conscious of those things, right? So you have to become aware of it. Just me writing down the other day all those different things, I was like, "Holy cow."


I didn't even think about... There was a time where I looked forward to going to the gym. And now, my feelings about going to the gym right now were not... And this is why I've been struggling to go to the gym, because it's a weird thing. And then trying to figure out, "Why do I have that?" And it's like, "Oh my gosh." I can tie it to things a lot of times, right?


That's number one. Number two is now trying to capture myself. As I'm trying to do something, and I'm not having success, I'm like, "Why am I doing this," what's the feeling I'm having? And it's like, "Okay. Now I can change the response. What's the auto-suggestion? What are the thoughts I can now use to try to change that and move things around?"


And so that's a micro-portion of it, but that's where I'm in this journey, where I'm having so much understanding it and just becoming more hyper-aware of it. Even today as I was coming here, there was a part of me that was really excited, and part of me was really nervous. And like, "Why am I so nervous about it?" And I was trying to psychoanalyze myself about the whole thing. And anyway, I want you to remi... Is it worthiness? I don't know what it is.


But it's pretty cool, so hopefully that helps a little bit. I do want to do more long-form stuff with you guys in the future, going through more of the stuff. I'm just not where I'm super comfortable, like, "This is all the stuff." I'm in the journey now, enjoying it and having so much fun learning it, and trying to tie all these different methodologies and ideas. Anyways, it's been a fun journey.

Love it, dude. Thanks.

Yeah, thank you.


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