What is up everybody! I am always asked how I would start all over again if I had to start from zero, and I’m doing it right now! My newest business Secrets of Success, is now live! You can see how we are launching it and funnelhack exactly what I am doing at https://www.secretsofsuccess.com/bibliomania - and I will explain exactly why we launched with that video specifically as you listen on today’s episode! If you want to follow along step-by-step to build your own business as I build mine, apply for the 2CCX program by heading over to https://www.twocommaclubx.com/2ccx-application!
I realized that just like there was the Stoic era and there's the Renaissance era and the Enlightenment era, these different eras of time, there was an era of time that started about 1850 and went to about 1950. It's still kind of happening today, but that's when it was really this new idea that people were kind of freaking out about. It was called the New Thought Movement. Okay? So we have the Stoic era, this is the New Thought era or movement or whatever. And they called it New Thought because it was the first time in history that people basically would sit there and they realize that if they thought they could change life, think and grow rich, thinking your thoughts would affect who you were, your feelings, your actions and all sorts of stuff.
What's up everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets podcast. How are you guys all feeling? I know that as the moment I'm recording this, I am really excited. I'm about 48 hours away. I think it's like 47 actually from launching my brand new company, my brand new business. This thing I've been working on for three years called Secrets of Success, and I'm excited. In fact, by the time you're listening to this, it will have already launched. You'll probably have gotten emails from it. You probably heard me talk about it, but the company's called Secrets of Success. As you guys know, I've been on this journey for the last three years now, traveling the world, trying to acquire these old books and manuscripts from the greatest minds of our time. My mission with this, and I didn't know this when I first got started, I wasn't aware of it, but as I started getting deeper and deeper into this, I started buying these books and these manuscripts and I was just having so much fun with it.
And I remember that by the time I looked at what Ryan Holiday was doing. And Ryan Holiday, he found this era of time that he fell in love with, which was the Stoic era, right? He loved all these authors. I guess they weren't authors, they were the philosophers like Marcus Aurelius and Seneca and Epictetus and all these Stoic philosophers, right? He found that group of people and he read all the books and found out the life stories, and he became obsessed with it. And from there, he's written a dozen books on stoic and stoicism, and he's got a podcast and all these amazing things. And I saw that. I was like, "Oh, that's so cool what he's doing, and I love it and I love this Stoic stuff. I love Ryan's stuff." But I was like, "He's done that. That's not what I'm looking for." And for me, as I was going through this and I was buying these old Napoleon Hill manuscripts and books, and I started piecing together the history, who did he learn from and who did he learn from and who did she learn from?
And I started building out this timeline of events. And from building out this timeline, I realized that, I didn't realize, I actually found that just like there was the Stoic era and there's the Renaissance era and the Enlightenment era, these different eras of time, there was an era of time that started about 1850 and went to about 1950. It's still kind of happening today, but that's when it was really this new idea that people were kind of freaking out about. It was called the New Thought Movement. Okay? So we have the Stoic era, this is the New Thought era or movement or whatever. And they called it New Thought because it was the first time in history that people basically would sit there and they realize that if they thought they could change life, think and grow rich, thinking your thoughts would affect who you were, your feelings, your actions and all sorts of stuff.
And you could change your circumstances by thinking. For us, we're like, "Oh, yeah, we hear about it all the time." But back in 1800s, this was not a thing. It was the first time in society that people were like, "Oh my gosh, I can change my life by thinking." And from there, there was an author and then two authors, and five and 10, and there's a whole bunch of people blew up. And so the era that I collect is the New Thought Movement from 1850 to 1950. This is the era I'm obsessed with, and I spent over eight figures right now buying books and manuscripts and courses. We're building a library, that's the $20 million library/museum. We're building an event center, we're doing all sorts of stuff. And this week we launched the first part of this business, which is the membership site and a mastermind in a community where you can come and you can actually get access to some of these books.
And so I have a team now we're scanning the books and making PDFs out of them. We're reading audio books of them and putting those in the members' area. We're doing courses in communities and a whole bunch of amazingness is happening. And so anyway, I just want to jump on here to let you guys know that it's done, it's launched. I'm so excited. I'm having so much fun with it. And we have this new community building, just like when I launched the ClickFunnels community. ClickFunnels was the brand and then the people were called Funnel Hackers.
Over here we have Secrets of Success is the brand, and our people are called Round Pegs. They're the round pegs in the square holes. And so it's something that's been really, really fun. I did a presentation at Funnel Hacking Live called My Goals. How to go from zero to a hundred million dollars in 24 months with this new business I'm launching. And so a lot of the people who are at Funnel Hacking Live know a little bit about this just because I've been talking about it, but I'm using the same things from a marketing standpoint that I did when we launched ClickFunnels. Same playbook, same strategy, same everything. In fact, I went back and reread my own book, Expert Secrets to figure out what did I do over here? Oh, yeah, oh yeah, I forgot about that.
We should do these things over here. So if you want to see me building my next movement, you should come watch the show, come watch what we're doing. So anyway, it's been a lot of fun. And so I just actually wanted to show you guys two pages. So if you had a pad of paper, get it out and write these things down. This will help you to funnel Hack what I'm doing. The first is when we launched the pre-launch, I launched to a mini-documentary, and the Golden Mini documentary was to set the tone, help people listen out what's happening, to create a frame that people can come through. If you go to a site and it's like, "Hey, pay $100 a month to read old books." That frame's not very powerful. It's like, "Why would I do that?" So I had to create a frame. Okay?
So here's a marketing secret for you, creating a frame, right? And so this mini-documentary is called Bibliomania. It's me telling the story about what I'm doing and why I'm doing it, and shows me flying across the world and paying $1.5 million for an old book, and why would I invest that much and all these kinds of things, right? So it creates a frame of, all of a sudden it's like, "Whoa, first off, this is cool. Second off, I have desire for this thing now. Third off, there's value attached to it. He paid 1.5 million. I get access for $97 bucks." Right?
And so marking secret number one is creating a frame. If you want to see that frame, if you go to secretsofsuccess.com/bibliomania. So bibliomania is the disease that I have apparently. It's the obsession with books. If you go there, you watch this little mini-documentary about bibliomania. I'd go through, watch the 17-minute video, and then when you watch the video, there's going to be page that pops up. You can opt in. I would just funnel hack the process. It's powerful. If you're launching a new movement, if you're creating a new course, a new anything, looking at what we did there as a pre-frame to control the frame of our customers as they're coming in. So that's number one. Then number two, guess what we did? You're never going to guess. If you've been following me for any amount of time, you're probably going to guess that Russell probably launched a MIFGE. Guess what I did? I launched a MIFGE.
So if you want to see the MIFGE, if you go to secretsofsuccess.com/round pegs, that'll take you to the page where you can actually see the MIFGE. And yeah, we created an insanely good offer. And so right now, that's what we've been launching. We sent emails with the first four days all to the Bibliomania documentary, and then we transitioned over to the Secrets of Success MIFGE. And right now, people are joining in droves and it's fun. It's Plains Gaming, and I don't don't know about you guys, but the last time I launched a new company was ClickFunnels, and we spent 10 years doing it, and it's still fun. In fact, we have some crazy things come to ClickFunnels in the next month or so, which I'm pumped about, but it's just fun for me. A mental exercise. How would I do this again if I was starting over?
People always ask me, "If you're starting from scratch, what would you do, Russell?" Well, let me find out. And so I'm doing it. And one cool thing is for those who are in the Two Comma Club X coaching program this year, they already know this, but for those who aren't, it's cool because all of them are following the same linchpin formula we taught at Funnel Hacking Live. And so what I'm doing it with them, it's like I'm literally going through and I'm doing it with them right now, right? We're going through and we're creating the same order and sequence that I'm doing it. They're doing it. So I'm a month ahead of everybody else. I'm like, "I'm building my funnel up. Go build the funnel up. I'm doing my email newsletter, go do your email newsletter. I'm doing my member site. Go do your member site. I'm doing my MIFGE. Go do your MIFGE."
And so everyone's just basically one step behind me, and I'm just doing this and everyone in the coaching program's copying it for their business in their market, and it's really, really fun. So if you're not in Two Comma Club X coaching yet, you're crazy. It is literally the best handholding we've ever had where you're going to do it with me in real time, which is the best thing, right? And you get me coming back and showing what's working and what's not working and giving feedback and all that kind of stuff. Anyway, it's kind of fun. I'm having a good time with it. So anyway, I wanted to jump on the podcast because all of you guys are aware of this stuff. You hear me talk about it, but you don't know when things go live or not. And so I just wanted let you know that it is officially live.
You go check it out. And if you can't find those domains, if you go to secretsofsuccess.com, you'll get there. You can figure out how to watch the Bibliomania documentary and also get access to the MIFGE. So anyway, with that said, I hope you guys are doing amazing today, and I love this game. Isn't it fun? You guys really enjoy this? It's cool. And the cool thing is this whole business has been all built in ClickFunnels 2.0. People keep telling me, "Oh, ClickFunnels 2.0, it's not working because of this, because of this." I'm like, "Literally, it works for all the things you guys." Everyone says that because they don't spend the five seconds you need to figure out how to make it work because it's a little bit different. It's a little more powerful than 1.0. So people kind of freak out. It's like, "No, it actually works."
Here's a whole brand, whole business we're launching on it. We are processing. I can't remember. I think since we launched 2.0, it's like half a billion dollars have been processed through 2.0. It works. It's just you got to spend a little time to figure out the differences and the intricacies, but it works great. So anyway, hope that helps. I appreciate you all. Thanks for listening to me and the craziness that's always ensuing for me, and I hope that you get some value from this. So thanks you guys, and I'll talk to you all soon. Bye everybody.