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153 - The Dream 100 (Part 2 of 3)

The Dream 100 (Part 2 of 3)

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Today we have part 2 of 3 where Russell speaks at Dream 100 Con about traffic and how to build your list. Here are some of the things you will hear in part 2:

--Find out the difference between hot, warm and cold traffic, and why you need to change how you get your word out to them.

--  Why you need to build out your dream 100 list by knowing who everyone else is in your market and what they are doing at all times.

--  And find out how phones are like TVs in 1965 and how you can use that to your advantage.

So listen here to part 2 of 3 of Russell’s super informative presentation at Dream 100 Con.

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Best Quote:

People down here that are warm, you have to speak to them differently. They don’t even know what they don’t know. They don’t know what they don’t have. So you have to speak to them differently. And people that are really cold, you have to speak to them differently.


-- ClickFunnels: Everything you need to start market, sell, and deliver your products and services online (without having to hire or rely on a tech team!)

-- DotComSecrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online With Sales Funnels."

​-- Expert Secrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Converting Your Online Visitors Into Lifelong Customers."

-- ​Traffic Secrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Filling Your Websites And Funnels With Your Dream Customers.


Hey everyone, this is Russell. Welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast. I hope yesterday you enjoyed part one of three from my presentation at Dream 100 Con. Today I want to give you part two.

So we’re going to drive in today into the next section of the presentation. I hope you’re taking notes and starting to piece together how this process and how this concept can work inside of your company. With that said we’re going to queue up the intro and then jump right into part number two of my presentation at Dream 100 Con.

Okay, now one thing I want to explain as you’re doing this is, these are little landing pages right here. The landing page or the funnel for each of these is going to be a little bit different because they’re different parts in the journey. In fact, Dana this is the reason why your stuff works really, really good on Dream 100 and sucks on Facebook ads. It’s not because the offer doesn’t work, it’s because right now your offer works really good at this phase right here.  Someone needs traffic? Boom, dream 100. So you have a list of people trying to get traffic, he dream 100’s them, it’s really, really good.

But if he’s going to come back here to somebody that they don’t even know they need traffic, they just got their first website set up and they’re trying to figure out how to sell something, that person needs dream 100 more than anybody, but if he says dream 100 they’re like, “I don’t know what he’s even talking about.”

As you move further out the person, they don’t understand your language patterns, so you have to rephrase how you do it. So every single step back in this timeline, my landing page, my funnel has different ways that I explain things.

If you’ve read the Dotcom Secrets book, I talk about, there’s basically….how many of you guys know what I’m drawing here? There’s hot traffic, there’s warm traffic, and there’s cold traffic. So the hot traffic, they know this thing, those people are super easy. You just have to push them over the edge and they’re in. “I know about traffic, I know about everything. The dream 100? Sweet, that’s more traffic. I’m in.” That’s hot traffic, so that’s how you speak to people.

People down here that are warm, you have to speak to them differently. They don’t even know what they don’t know. They don’t know what they don’t have. So you have to speak to them differently. And people that are really cold, you have to speak to them differently.

Jean Schwartz, how many of you guys study the old school copywriters? If not, they are the best. All the good stuff is from the old school. So Jean Schwartz, old dead dude who’s a genius, he said, he was talking about this concept right here. He said, “If your prospect is aware of your product and realizes it can satisfy his desire, your headline starts with a product.” So if he knows about your product, “I was at Funnel Hacking Live, I was onstage and I heard about Dream 100, Dana was there.” or “I was on a webinar and my buddy introduced me to Dana on this webinar and talked about this thing.” Like, they know what the product is, it’s really simple. “Hey, just buy my product. Buy the thing. Buy Clickfunnels.”

If someone knows about Clickfunnels, I can just pitch the Clickfunnels. Now move back. If they’re not aware of your product, only the desire itself, the headline starts with the desire. So if I’m  here, here I’m selling the product. Here I’m selling the desire. So if I’m like, “I want to grow my company.” That’s my desire. So if I’m speaking to someone in my world about desire, my headline, my hook, my pitch is not going to be like, “You need a funnel.” Because they’re like, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” But if I’m like, “I got a way to double your business in the next 30 days.” That’s their desire, “Well, what is it?” Then I can introduce them to like, “There’s this weird thing called a funnel.” 

“Who wants to get 10 times more traffic to your website without buying a single Facebook ad?” That’s the desire they have, now you can transition them into Dream 100. And then you come back here to the cold prospects. If he’s not aware of what he really seeks, he’s only concerned with a general problem your headline starts with the problem and crystallizes it into a specific need. So here’s the problem, the problem is like, “I need somebody to give me money.” That’s where the traffic comes in or whatever.

So this is kind of what I’m looking at. Now, one more example. As you’re going here with hot traffic, people that are close to the thing, if I walk up, like you guys right now, if I came to you guys and said, “Hey guys, I figured out a new funnel. This funnel is amazing. I can plug it into any business and it’ll add an extra zero to your bottom line.” How many of you guys want that funnel right now? Boom, everyone’s in. Because you guys are all here in the awareness spectrum, you understand where it’s at.

So for me and for you guys, as a business owner, the first thing you want to do because this is the biggest problem I have. I’ll explain this and people are like, “Cool.” And they start over here. You don’t do that. How many of my Inner Circle members are in here? I tell you guys this all the time. The first thing you do is ignore everything and grab the pile of cash that’s right there. Just grab it, take it and then run with it. That’s the first step.

Don’t be like, I’ll get this in a minute, let me step over it really quick and let me try to figure out how to get these cold people. No, grab the pile of cash first. That’s step number one. So that’s the first thing. Do that until the market runs out and it’s done. And most of your businesses, you can get to multiple millions of dollars a year only grabbing the warm traffic, so focus there. Find Dream 100 partners who, their list, their customers, their platform understand what the product is and then you just have to push them over. It’s easier to sell, it’s more fun. And you get the money fast.

As you start growing and scaling, then you have to move this way on the spectrum. So next are warm people. For example, I could go to, and Anissa Holmes is in my Inner Circle, she’s a dentist, dental guru from Jamaica right, so she’s got a bunch of dentists, and what are dentists? They have a desire to grow their practice. They have no idea what a funnel is at all. So I can go and create a special landing page for Anissa and for the dentists and in here talk to them like, “Hey how many of you dentists want to actually grow your company?” “Oh we want to grow it.” And Anissa can be like, “this is the secret. I don’t tell many people about this, but there’s this really weird thing that this guy named Russell came up with and it’s called a funnel, and I’ve been using it in my practice and it’s been amazing. We’ve grown this huge thing.”

And then all the dentists are like desiring this funnel. Then they come in, I can explain it to them, and we can move them towards me and they’ll buy funnels like crazy.

The third phase of this now is cold, and the lipmans test to figure out if your offer will sell to cold traffic is, picture….how many of you guys went to Mall of America like next door here? That thing is huge, right? So imagine this, you go there during lunchtime, you go to the food court, and there’s 8 thousand people running around, you get a chair, you step on top of htat chair in the middle of the food court, you stand up and said, “Hey everybody..’ and they all stop and look at you and you’re like, ‘This is the deal, I got this really cool funnel you can plug into any of your businesses and it will give you an extra zero at the end of it. How many of you guys want it?”

Everyone at the food court is like, “What is he talking about? Is he selling funnel cakes? Did he say funnel cakes? I think he did, that sounds awesome.” They’re not going to make any sense. So if I speak my language patterns to the cold markets like that, it’s going to completely crash and burn. But if I stand on the chair and I say, “How many of you guys want a free money making website?” Everyone’s like “Ahh!” and they’re freaking out right. I can get them to come over here and be like, “Cool, here’s your free money making website, it’s called a funnel.” And they’re like, “What? What’s a funnel?” And then all the sudden I can start moving them up this thing and warm them up, move them from cold to warm to hot.

Two of our biggest affiliates right now, all they do is they target cold traffic. And they’re doing this, they’re on the thing screaming at the top of their lungs, “I’ll give you free money making websites. Free money making websites.” And the cold world is standing up and going crazy because of it.

So that’s what’s happening to that side of it. But do you notice as I go further and further back, my messaging has to change. The landing page changes the funnel changes, everything’s changing as I’m going this direction. So initially you’re just going to go right here.

Then the other side of this, after someone’s come in and they bought funnels, then we start thinking, what are all the other things someone’s going to buy? So if they bought funnels, they may buy traffic, they may graphic design, they may buy all the different things that they need, after they got a funnel. So start looking at that side. Let me make sure I got my doodle right here. In fact, I will pop it up right here. Here’s the finished one.

So the other side I’m looking at, these are potential dream 100 partners and things like that. This right here, as someone’s come through this world and if they’re not already using my software, my platform, my product, my service, then I’m going to do an opportunity switch, trying to get these people to come backwards and come to me.

So if you’ve read the Expert Secrets book, we talked about there are three core markets, Steven Larsen calls them the three core desires, which I think is really cool. There’s health, there’s wealth, and there’s relationships right. And you look from there, every one of your products and services fall into one of these three. And if you break down one more thing, then there’s a submarket typically. And then from there there’s all these different niches that are coming off here right.

So what’s typically happening on this side of the value ladder, is somebody, boom, they’re in my world, they’re making money online, they’re using funnels, maybe they’re using some crappy funnel software, like every other product out there on planet earth. So I’m looking at that, and they’re in my submarket and they’re using, I don’t even know the names of them, let’s say it’s 10 minute funnels, or something like that, they’re using another product.

So my job then is to have to opportunity switch those people back into my thing. Or maybe they’re in our world, but their selling stuff on Amazon. So they understand what funnels are, but they’re selling stuff on Amazon. So maybe they’re right here, so if I do a dream 100 with somebody who this is their customer base, at this point in the timeline they’re making good money on Amazon, the way I present it is going to be different.

“hey Amazon is awesome, but I’m going to show you an opportunity switch. Instead of doing this one right here, let’s switch you to this other opportunity right here.” So my joint ventures, my dream 100’s, all those things are coming from switching them back into my opportunity as opposed to just trying to pitch them on my solution.

So this is, I want to kind of help you guys think about this, this is your customer’s journey. I haven’t heard too many people talk about this and very few people think about this. But for you guys, I would be spending time doing this. Sitting down like, “Here’s my customer, what am I selling? What are they buying before they come to me? What are the things they’re buying after me? What are those kind of things?” It gives you a good landscape of where you fit in the ecosystem for this person, for their life.

The better you understand your customer, the easier this whole game becomes. For me whenever I’m thinking about my dream customer, that person in the middle, if you’ve heard my story before-When I was 12 years old I started ordering junk mail like crazy. I was obsessed with it. I would get all the work at home junk mail that would come in. Every single day I’d get a stack of 20-30 letters and I would come home from school, I was in 7th grade, and my parents would hand me my stack of junk mail. I would take it in and start reading it.

So for me, whenever I’m trying to figure out what my dream customers would want, I picture little 12 year old Russell, my parents called me Rusty back then, so I’m picturing Rusty sitting on his bed, reading this junk mail, and I’d rip it open and read the headline, and then throw it away, then open the next one and be like, “Oh, whoa, oh my gosh.” And if it got me to the point where I have to have this, I’d go and beg my parents to borrow their credit card, that’s how I knew it was a good offer.

So for me, I’m thinking about myself, 12 year old Russell sitting in the bed, would this thing I’m offering them, would this get them to want to go beg their parents for their credit card? That’s my test.

How many of you guys have bought something from me in the past? It’s because it passed that test. I sat there, “Would 12 year old Russell buy this?” and if I’m like nah, we don’t sell it. But if I’m like, yeah, I would totally go beg my parents for the credit card. That’s the test, that’s how we get them in.

So become obsessed with your dream customer. The more you understand them, the more you understand where they’re coming from, where they’re going, what their goals are, what they’re trying to get away from, where they’re trying to go to. The better you understand this about your customer, the better you’re going to be able to serve them, be able to sell stuff to them, also you’re going to be able to better understand where in the dream 100 they fit.

If I’m looking at this and I say, “Okay, who’s my dream 100? Alright I’m going to start here, this is the big pile of cash, who are the closest partners I have, where our customers are easily going to figure it out?” So usually my first dream 100 goes from here. What’s the stuff they have right before they need me? Stuff right after they need me? Those are going to be the easiest ones to sell.

Then after I saturate that, then I go to the next level. What are the next two or three levels here, things that are coming before me? So I’m moving more to warm. And what’s the next things here, this direction? I start moving out, I tweak my dream 100 campaigns to focus on that. And it keeps going out from there.

Most of you guys luckily, in most of your businesses, you can make a couple million dollars a year just doing these two here. But if you want to get to ten million dollars, you’ve got to come out to about here. And right now, we’ll pass a hundred million dollars this year, and right now we are a continual focus of going further and further and further out. Because eventually you run out of customers, you’ve saturated everything. How many of you guys see 40-50 ads of me a day, every single day?

I can’t show you that many more ads you guys, I’m trying but it runs out. So eventually you have to keep going further and further out. I just want to kind of paint that picture so you understand long term if you want to keep scaling, that’s what it’s about. It’s getting better at language patterns. This way, this way, getting better at teaching to the warm and to the cold. But don’t skip that, get the big pile of money first before you shift to the next one and move out from there. Make sense? Sweet.

Okay, now that you’ve got this vision of who is my dream customer, then the next question we ask ourselves is who has my dream customer? And this is where in my mind the Dream 100 picks up. Who has my dream customer?

So the first phase, and Dana talked about this yesterday, the first phase in this is I need to first off, build a list. How many of you have built out a list of your dream 100? How many of you guys haven’t yet? What are you doing here? This is your first thing, on the plane ride home you should be doing this.

You need to actually build your list, which means sit down with a piece of paper and write out your list. Some of you guys have like, “how do I find my list? How do I know who my dream 100 partners are?” I get that all the time. “I just don’t know how to find it or figure it out. How do I find these people?” And if you have to answer that question it means you’re not obsessed enough about this guy right here, or girl.

When you become obsessed with your dream customer, you put yourself in their spot. For me, when I’m thinking about things I’m like, “okay, if I were my dream customer and I went to Google, what would I be searching for and how would I say it?” I’d be searching for this phrase and this phrase and start searching. And as I start searching, guess what starts popping up? All these options start popping up on both sides of it.

So I go to the pages, I subscribe to the email lists. I go to the podcasts, I subscribe. I’m becoming insane. I need to get a really good vision of the ecosystem that already exists. Every one of your markets, there’s already an ecosystem that exists. Don’t think you’re coming in and inventing something new. There is an existing ecosystem.

If you read my forward to the Dream 100 book, do you have the Dream 100 book here? Does anyone have the book? This is key. Some of you guys thought I was saying, oh yeah, Russell uses this for traffic. But it’s more than that. Listen to what I said in the forward here.

“As the CEO and cofounder of the fastest growing blah, blah, blah……..It’s difficult to narrow down one thing that’s really propelled us to where we are more than anything else, but it’s not. It’s the Dream 100. The Dream 100 is the foundation for our entire company. At Clickfunnels we don’t just leverage Dream 100 approach for traffic, we use it for everything.”

Did you guys catch that when you read the forward? We use it for everything. “How do we pick what markets we want to go into? The dream 100. We use Dream 100 to research different markets, niches and narrow down to the one that suites us best. How do we decide our blue ocean strategy? We use dream 100 to find the red oceans and carve out our place in the market.  How do we create our offers and figure what we’re going to sell? We use dream 100 to model offers that are working in our marketplace, which takes the headaches and the hassle out of blind guessing.

“Everything we’ve done has come back to mastering the dream 100 and specifically knowing how to compliment as opposed to compete. That is how you build your foundation. From there you just get traffic by again tapping into dream 100 and the rest is history.”

I want you guys to understand, when we’re doing this and I’m deciding what market to go into, or how do I destroy this market? Or how do I conquer the whole thing? My first goal is, I have to understand the ecosystem. I had a guy that came to one of our coaching programs and he’s like, “I’m going to be a real estate guru.” And he’s all excited and he starts telling me. I’m like, “Cool, who are all the people in your dream 100?” and he’s like, “I don’t know.” I’m like, “How about Robert Kiyosaki?” and he’s like, “Who’s that?” I’m like, “Are you kidding me? You don’t know… How about this guy, this guy?” And I named off like 30 different real estate gurus and he hadn’t heard of any of them.

I’m like, “Dude, you’re going to get screwed. You’re going to get destroyed.” And he’s all excited, “I’m going to teach people how to flip houses, have you heard of this before?” I’m like, “Dude, that’s what everybody…what? How in the world…How do I know more about your market than you?” I envision, this is this huge ecosystem that I’m stepping into and I need to come in there and be like, that guy’s teaching that, they’re teaching this, they’re…..and I understand, here’s everything that’s happening, so I have a really clear picture and I’m like, where….How am I different? Where do I carve out my space in this ecosystem? How do I create my very own category that I can control, that I can own?

There’s a really good book that I have my entire team reading right now, it’s called Playing Bigger. Only like two people I’ve recommended it to. It’s called Playing Bigger and the whole concept of the book is about creating your own category, which is very similar to what we talk about with new opportunity and things like that.

But if you look at any market, there’s always one category king in every single market, which sucks up like 90% of the business and everybody else fights over the last 10%. Look at us in the sales funnel world, we’ve sucked up 90% of all the business, we’ve got all these little “me too’s” trying to compete for the last 10%. But we own the market; we are the category king.

Look at Apple, they are the category king of multiple things. They’re the category king of phones, they’re the category king of music, they’re the category king of all these things. They suck up 90% of the business and everyone else fights over the scraps.

For you, if you read that book it teaches you about category design. How you design your category so you can be the person. So I walk in the ecosystem, I want to look around and be like, which category hasn’t been taken yet? If I come in and be like, “Oh cool, they’re flipping houses, I’m going to do that too.” Then you’re just another me too and the best case scenario if there’s already a category king, you’re fighting over the scraps with everybody else.

So I’m walking into this ecosystem trying to find all the different players, all the people, everything my dream customer is seeing right now every single day in their news feeds. I want to get a very good perspective and I want to figure out, how am I going to create my business? Because the whole foundation comes from that.

So if you don’t know yet, it’s time to start doing the research, start becoming intimate with your market. Because if you don’t know what all the different messages are bombarding who you’re trying to serve right now, it’s going to be really difficult for you to try to compete in that world.

But for me I’m in there, and I know what everybody’s talking about all the time. That’s the key. So the first thing is understanding that ecosystem, and then the second step that Dana talked about is starting to dig your well before you’re thirsty. You gotta go in there and start figuring it out, start building a relationship. Start sending packages, start sending gifts, go to events, meet people in your market, getting to know them, calling them on the phone, buying all their products, subscribing to their podcast and listening to them.

I listen to conservatively, on the low end, an hour a day, some days three or four hours a day of podcasts. People are like, “Russell, what are you trying to learn in their podcast? Are you trying to pick up the next marketing thing?” I’m like, “No.” I know all the people in my ecosystem, I’m listening to what all of them are saying so I can have my finger on the pulse, so I know what’s happening. I know who’s talking about what, what’s happening, where they’re going, what their ideas are. So I can make sure I can create and continue to dominate my category.

And then I’m sitting there thinking, okay well, JLD is talking about this, and over at Mixergy Andrew Warner is talking about this, and I look at all these different people. I’m like cool, now that I know where I fit in the ecosystem, I see what everyone is doing. Now it’s easy to be like, “Oh me and JLD could do cool things, because he’s on Entrepreneur on Fire, what if I helped him do a funnel thing with his people, now it’s this really good compliment between us.” Okay, I’m not competing with him, but I can compliment what we’re doing.

Any wrestlers in the room? A couple of wrestlers. So in wrestling, just so you guys, if you’ve never wrestled before.  In wrestling, when we come, for those that don’t see it, don’t know wrestling, it’s probably weird watching it. But I come out and I shake someone’s hand initially and we start the match and we’re head to head. We’re competing against each other. Now, the person who wins the wrestling match is not the person who goes head to head the best. Wrestling is all about angles.

When we’re out there doing hand fighting and doing all sorts of stuff, the goal of what I’m trying to do is get someone to step so I can get an angle on them, and then I can attack them. So I get them to step, it opens up a little hole and then boom, I shoot and I take them down. I’m finding my angle.

It’s the same thing in this dream 100 stuff. I’m not going head to head with people. I’m looking at everything, building my own category and saying cool, this category, this thing I control, I own, I can partner with everybody on this now. Everybody fits in somehow because I designed it the right way initially. Now all these people in the ecosystem become partners, and we can complement each other as opposed to going head to head and competing. So you’re figuring out this thing.

Again, it’s coming back to figuring it out, consuming everybody’s stuff, reading the blog posts, listening to the things, getting their emails and watching what’s happening, becoming intimate with your market, and at that point when you start approaching people you can figure out exactly how what you do fits in with what they’re doing.

We may or may not be working on a really cool software product based around this whole concept. And what’s really cool in this thing, is you literally, you plug in your whole dream 100 and it has a facebook newsfeed of what all your dream 100 is doing. So in the future when this is live you’ll be able to login and you’ll see everything. So here’s someone posted a podcast or a blog post, and you’ll see a whole newsfeed of everyone in your dream 100, everything they’re doing at all given times, so you’ll always have your finger on the pulse in your market.

I can’t tell you how important that is, understanding those things. Alright so dig your well before you’re thirsty, that’s the first step. And like Dana said, that’s when you start building a relationship, serving people. How can you actually help these people? Not with the intention of them doing something, but ahead of time, doing something really nice for them.

When I first met Tony Robbins the first time, how many of you guys thought when I saw Tony Robbins, I started licking my chops like, “Oh my gosh, if he promotes me it’s going to be the greatest thing in the world.” Everyone does. And guess what happens, everyone that comes into Tony’s world, they meet him for like 5 seconds and they pitch him on the first thing that comes out of their mind. What happens to all those people? They disappear, they come off the thing.

So what I did instead. I met Tony and I was like, “Ahhh, this guy is amazing.” And I freaked out a little bit. And then I was like, “How can I help get Tony’s message out? I know that’s what’s most important to him.” And for the next decade of my life, ten years, ten years of my life I went back and tried to figure out how to serve Tony. I spoke at his events for free, I’d cover my own flights, my hotels. I did, uh, I helped with new products, I did multiple consultations on the phone with his team members who were stuck at this and that. Trying to help them, coach them, for an entire decade. I helped and I served and I never asked for anything once ever. I just did it.

And then guess what happened ten years later? Then I hired him to have him come on our stage, I wrote him a huge check twice to come on our stages, a bunch of stuff like that. And then when my book came out, I was like, “Hey Tony, I wrote another book, I’m so excited.” I was like, “Is there any way you could do an interview with me on your Facebook page?” He was like, “Yes.” “Really?” Did the interview and we got 3.2 million people to watch the interview and sold thousands and thousands of books.

But I didn’t just come up to Tony day one right. I was building the relationship. And so many good things came from that relationship. Tony introduced me to like 10 other people who introduced me to like 10 other people. If you come with a serving attitude, just like Dana said yesterday, if you come with that serving attitude it will make you one of the cool people in the market place to get passed around to everybody.

If you come in and you’re pitching people from day number one, nobody passes you around. “Oh that person just pitched me. That guy’s annoying. That person, beware of them all the time.”

If you come in and just serve and give and do all that kind of stuff, then I’m like, “Ah man, you should meet so and so and so and so.” And I start plugging you into my network and instantly you infiltrate the entire dream 100? And again, if you’ve created your business in a spot where you’re your own category king, now it’s just like, what’s the logical connection so we can all work together in this thing, and boom, everything blows up really, really fast.

So dig your well before you’re thirsty. Now I’ve been doing this whole process, right. I’ve been mapping out my dream 100, is this a laser? Yeah. Alright, here’s the laser, that you can barely see. So I list out my dream 100 and I write out all the different names of the people. Now that I have the names of the people and I’m plugging into their stuff, I’m listening to them, figuring out what they’re doing, now my goal is to figure out, of all these people who are the people that I can buy my way in? And who are the people I can work my way in?

So there’s two different things, how do I buy my way? And how do I work my way in? Let me see if my next image is the one that explains this, it might be. Yeah. Okay, so I come over here and let’s say, my dream 100 on there has got a whole bunch of amazing people, let’s say there’s Tony Robbins, there is John Lee Dumas, there’s Andrew Warner, there’s Richard Branson. All my different people here.

So I go through and let’s say I’m listening to Andrew Warner’s podcast, he’s the guy who runs Mixergy. So I’m listening to his podcast, I’m like, “Cool, he interviews entrepreneurs, that’s cool. I could potentially work my way in, I could get on his show, get an interview and get him to spread the message, but he also has ads, so I can buy my way in as well, and I could buy ads on his show.” Maybe with someone else I’m like, “they have a show and they don’t interview people, but they do sell ads on it.’ Maybe I see a Facebook live, or I’m looking at their email, I’m looking at all the different communication channels and I’m categorizing and saying, “What are the people that I think I can work my way in to get them to do it for free? And who are the people where I’m probably not going to work my way in but I can buy my way in?”

With Tony Robbins, even though it took me the decade to get Tony Robbins to ever promote me, during the interim guess what I did? I targeted every Tony Robbins fan on Facebook, on YouTube, on Twitter, on Instagram and we’ve been running ads to his entire, I’ve been buying my way into his network, buying ads to his people, for the last 5 or 6 years.

So just because Tony is not going to say to me or to most of us initially, because of the way the network is setup I can still buy ads in front of those things. So I’m always looking, can I buy my way in, or can I work my way in?

And then the goal of both of those things is to get them to become traffic that I own. I know when Dana is talking about Dream 100, his focus point is on working your way in, getting on the shows, doing the jv, having them send emails to your list, doing those kind of things. That stuff is amazing, that stuff takes more effort, more time, but it’s free. Other stuff costs more money, it’s kind of like, how many of you guys have more time than money? How many of you guys have more money than time? Who has more time than money? Who has more money than time?

“So where do I focus at first, Russell?” If you have more time than money, focus on working your way in. Try to get on the show, do those things, get them the email, build a relationship, you have more time. If you have more money, a lot of times it’s easier just to buy your way in. How many of you guys have a decade to try to court Tony Robbins before you’re going to drive traffic? It’s a lot of work right. But you can go tonight and start running ads to all of his following.

So it comes down to that. So if you don’t have money yet and you’re getting started, focus on working your way in. How do I get…what are the people in my dream 100 that have a platform that I can come into and I can leverage to get people to join my platform, that’d be my focal point.

If it’s like, I’m busy, I have a bunch of things, I just want to focus on the other way. Then just do the traffic control and buy your way in all those things. And ideally you’re going to be doing both.

It’s funny, this is the first time I’ve taught this and I know there’s all these things that like I know I’m teaching, I’m going to talk about this later, but I need it for context for now, so I’m just trying to make sure I don’t screw this up. I’ll keep going from there.

Any questions about this part at all yet. Each step is kind of layering on top of each other. So we’re finding our dream 100, we’re figuring out who we can buy way in, who we can work our way in with a goal again, of transforming everything to our own platform, and building our own platform.

Alright, so that’s how we start creating our dream customers. If we go back to the very beginning we have three types of traffic, figuring out dream customers journey, who has our dream customers, and how do we get these dream customers from these other platforms and move them onto our platform and get them on our list, have them listening to our podcast, have them….whatever platform it is that you’re trying to build, we’re trying to use the dream 100 to get their customers into it.

Just like Dana did right here with the goat feed yesterday. The empty one and it’s all about dumping  a little bit in from every single person, so it builds your platform and the bigger your platform gets, the bigger platform you can leverage and it keeps growing like that.

Alright the next phase here. Now I want to start shifting so you guys can understand distribution. So distribution is this game, this is how it works. Last night in the hotel room I was watching Shark Tank. How many of you guys still watch Shark Tank? Cool. It’s interesting if you watch Shark tank, if you look at how they all do their deals, someone brings a deal to them, all the sharks, if you notice this, in their heads, they don’t say it out loud, but as you listen to their questions and which deals they pick and they don’t pick this is all they’re focusing on.

Each of the sharks  has a distribution channel that they understand. Laurie’s really good at QVC, Damon is really good at retail, Cuban is good at pretty much everyone thinks he’s cool and he just plugs into whatever he wants. But everyone’s got a channel that they’re really, really good at, a distribution channel.

So the deal comes in and it’s like a clothing line and all the other sharks are like, “I’m out, I’m out, I’m out.” And Damon’s like, “I’m in.” because he knows the distribution channel, and he grabs the distribution channel, he plugs it in, and boom, the retail takes off.

Laurie, she’s like, amazing deals come by and she’s like, “This won’t work for QVC, it’s out.” Comes in and she’s like, ahh, have  a distribution channel where she takes the deal, plugs it in, and boom it explodes overnight.

So distribution is the key. That’s why you’re trying to build your own platform, your own platform is your own distribution channel. It’s the most valuable thing. Steven Larsen said it yesterday, the most valuable thing in your business is your customer list, it’s your distribution channel. When all is said and done it’s the only thing that matters.

If you look at all the companies, the big tech companies that get bought and sold, it’s all based on their distribution channel. I remember when I first got started, the first time I ever saw a company get bought for over a billion dollars was when eBay bought Skype. It was like, I don’t know, 3 or 4 billion dollars. I was like, what? I was thinking, did they buy….Skype didn’t even have a business model at the time, they weren’t making any money. EBay was like the biggest company back in the day.

Do you guys remember back EBay was the most amazing thing and like all day long you were just trying to snipe auctions all day? It was the company right. Myron remembers. There was like sniper software where like 25000 people all bid on one thing, and then the software was like, buy at the last second. It was really fun. Then they ruined their business and now it’s all boring.

But EBay bought Skype and I was like, they had the best tech people on planet earth, they could have cloned Skype in about a week. But they didn’t do that. Why did they spend billions of dollars instead? Because Skype had the distribution channel, they had the list.

Why did Zuckerberg want to buy Snapchat? Because Snapchat had the distribution channel at the time. Why did he buy Instagram? They had the distribution channel.

If you look at all the big acquisitions, it’s not about the technology. Technology is easy to clone and to beat, it’s because of the distribution channel. That’s the magic. Every business, if you look at the actual value, what they evaluate things on, it’s the distribution channel, the list. So if you start understanding that, everything we’re doing is like, who has the distribution channels? Those are my dream 100 partners.

Now, I talk about this at Funnel Hacking Live. Some of you guys may remember me talking about this. Gary Vaynurchuk says something in a little clip that was super cool,  he said, “If you look at TV in 1965 it’s the same thing that our phones are today.” Do you guys remember me talking about this, who were there?

In 1965 there were only like three channels. There was ABC, CBS, and NBC, and it was funny because when I was talking to Tony Robbins, the first time I met him was over ten years ago now, and it was after his company had kind of collapsed. He was like trying to figure out the next step and that’s when he met all the internet marketing nerds and we kind of helped him with some stuff.

But what’s interesting is I was talking to him about it, he said, “Look, when I got started there were three channels. If you flip to any channel, guess who was on every single commercial? This big, huge giant selling his stuff. It was easy, the distribution channel was three things. We just bought all the ads on every single channel and I became Tony Robbins. Now what happened is distribution got fragmented. Cable came out and all the sudden there’s not three channels, there’s like 300 hundred channels. I can’t buy them on all of them, there’s all these niche channels. I go over on ESPN and it doesn’t convert for some reason, I go over here and it doesn’t convert. And I ran out of money because I couldn’t keep up with this whole distribution thing. It was really, really confusing.”

So that’s why they were struggling at the time. So what Gary said, when he said the phone is like TV 1965, for me it was this huge aha. This is the key. So if you look at this, back when TV first came out, the distribution was it got TV’s into people’s homes. Then there was the channels, ABC, CBS, and NBC, and on each channel were the different shows.

So that’s what you need to understand, these things kind of match what we’re doing today. So today this is the distribution channel, our phones. I don’t think I would have always believed that, but two years ago in Clickfunnels, I mean, we did see a lot of traffic, and prior to two years ago the majority, 60-70% of all traffic in our network came from desktop, and now it’s flopped. The majority of all traffic coming across all 65000 customers accounts, I mean millions and millions and millions of visitors a day, the majority, 60 or 70% is all coming from phones.

So this is the future, it’s going to continue to grow, it’s not going down. We were in Kenya hanging out with these kids and none of them had computers, but guess what they all have? This. I guarantee you as our kids get older, they’re not going to have computers, this is the thing.

So if you look at this, this is the phone from 1965, there’s a lot of different apps. If you look at the apps, again, it’s the category king right. The apps that take up like 90% of all the bandwidth on the phone are a couple of things. It’s Facebook app, it’s messenger app, it’s Instagram, it’s YouTube, it’s Pinterest for some people. There’s only 5 or 6 apps and that’s it.

So for us, you have to understand, everyone’s got their phones. It’s like the TVs, it’s been done. The apps are there, they already have billions of people on the core apps that are there, so the job that we have right now, just like back here is for us to become Happy Days or the Tonight Show or whatever. We need to be building our own show on these platforms. And that’s the big aha, that’s understanding distribution.

So these things are in people’s hands, the channels are already there, we just have to create our own shows and build the distributions. It’s easier today than it’s ever been because everyone’s got their phone and there’s nothing like, back in the day you had to get NBC to decide your show’s awesome. Today any of us could start a show, you just click a button and boom, your platform is alive. So understanding the distribution is right there.

Hey you guys, thanks so much for listening to day number two, session number two I should say. Hopefully you’re enjoying this so far. Alright, tomorrow I will release the last of the three part series here for my presentation at dream 100 con.

You guys, this is the foundation for all traffic. I hope you are getting excited by it. And hopefully you’re getting pumped for the Traffic Secrets book that will be coming out later next year. I don’t want to say my only goal in this is to cause massive FOMO, but I’m not going to lie, I want to cause massive FOMO through the book, because I’m working my butt off on it. And so I figure if I gotta work this hard, then you need to desire the book as much as possible. So just remember this is scratching the surface of what will be happening inside the Traffic Secrets book. Hope you’re enjoying it and we’ll see you guys tomorrow.


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