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The One Person You Need to Hire for Business Success


Promising athletes do it.

Impressive business owners do it.

Successful people recognize they aren’t perfectly skilled at everything…

And then they hire a coach to get better. It could be a financial coach, athletic performance coach, business coach, or any kind skilled in their particular interests or endeavors.

Coaches range from life coaches to dog trainers. The best fit for you depends on your goals. Your industry and company size are also factors if you’re looking for a business coaching service.

Coaches, you’re probably screaming ‘Yes!’ at your screen as you read this. People need to know how necessary and accessible your services are.

Let’s dive into the most common coaching services available to businesses and business owners. We’ll end this article with a quick glance at the advantages of using a business coach.

​First up: today’s most popular type of coaching:


Virtual Coaching

Why pay big money and waste time flying yourself or your team to meet face-to-face with a coach? On the other hand, why limit yourself to coaches you can only find near you?

Virtual coaching puts the best coaches around the globe within arm’s reach. No wonder it’s the most in-demand in today’s workplace.

As business becomes more global, the need for virtual meetings is increasing. Coaching services easily translate to the virtual arena, and you are sure to find a knowledgeable coach for whatever you need.


Executive Coaching

Executive leadership coaching is one of the more time-intensive and costly types. But, if you’re a struggling executive, the investment is worth it to excel in your position at a more advanced pace and with greater ease.

Executives, you make daily decisions that affect the lives of all your employees and consumers. That can amount to a lot of mental and emotional turmoil.

You analyze and agonize over important business and financial documents, often needing to read between the lines to predict your next strategic move. An executive coach can help you assess data, create development plans, and tackle interpersonal challenges.

​In addition, an executive coach can help you hone specific leadership qualities, such as:

  • Effective communication
  • Emotional regulation and intelligence
  • Quick and efficient decision-making abilities
  • ​Critical thinking skills

Performance Coaching

Performance coaches gather feedback on past events and devise a plan to help you learn and improve.

For example, you are a wise, savvy executive or manager with great ideas. However, you feel disconnected from your staff and struggle to get employee buy-in on your clever plans. A performance coach can assist you with building office rapport and help you “rally the troops,” so to speak.


Transformational Coaching

Transformational coaching may serve you well if you plan on significant business or lifestyle leaps soon.

This type of business coaching will help you and your organization transform. These coaches help you develop mindful goals, create action plans, and enact necessary alterations.

It’s also great for organizations wanting to reinvent their business practices. They’ll help you implement new processes or strategies.

Individuals can also use this type of coaching. Consider transformational coaching if you foresee major life modifications, like switching careers, starting a business, or moving to another country.

Transformational coaching pairs nicely with any other types, and others often use it with different coaching forms.


Teams Coaching

Team coaching improves your entire team’s performance rather than the individual’s. A team coach can work with your employee group to help them determine:

  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Goals
  • Objectives
  • ​Processes
  • Action plans

Team coaching assists newly formed or struggling teams in working better together. It also helps project teams work effectively, constructively, and cooperatively. A coach observes the team as they work, helps them engage, and provides feedback on their observations.


Integrated Coaching

You’ve likely heard the old saying, “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” Integrated coaching helps you use “it.”

​Integrated coaching helps you or your team apply what you’ve learned from other types of leadership education. It’s a short-term solution to reinforce training concepts so that they stick.


The Benefits of a Business Coach

So, why hire a coach? Why not find a mentor or Google your questions on the internet for free? Here’s what hiring a coach gets you:


More Dedication Than a Mentor

A mentor would take you under their wing and show you the rope (back in the 1800s). That’s no longer the case in today’s world. Paying a business coach to give you the best advice on how to succeed in business better meets your needs at the pace of today’s commerce.

​These days, finding suitable mentors is more challenging. You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who could devote their time and attention to you the way you need it when they aren’t getting paid to do it. At best, you’re more likely to have a video chat with them or a lunch date occasionally.


Shortcuts to Success

Can you learn much of what you need to know by combing the internet? Probably, but at what cost to your time? You could earn twice the business in half the time when you hire someone who can cut through the clutter and get you better answers immediately.

Besides, what if you don’t yet know enough to know the right questions to ask? A business coach can anticipate some of your needs before you even assess them.



Your attitude and thoughts matter. When business gets tough, you want someone in the trenches with you, preferably someone who’s been there before. A coach aligning with your industry and goals knows what you’re going through and how to motivate you when running a business seems like a never-ending uphill battle.


Coaching For the Win

It’s never been a better time to find or become an online coach. Coaches provide an objective, experienced third-party perspective that even the most seasoned professionals can use.


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