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The ONLY Reason People Don’t Buy 🚫💵


When most people are writing a sales page or putting together a script for a webinar, they’ll make a list of objections their target market might have…

And then one by one, they’ll brainstorm answers to those objections.

But there’s an easier way.

In fact, when I’m brainstorming for a sales page, I only ask myself one question…

You ready?

It’s this…

What’s the one thing that, if they believe that one thing, they have to buy from me?

Then I spend the entire sales page or webinar or script trying to convince people of that ONE THING.

I call this the “big domino”

Knock it over… and all the other objections get knocked over, too.

(Here’s a 4-minute video about it)

So… what is your BIG domino?

Here’s a template you can use. Plug in your answers!

“If I can make people believe that [my new opportunity/category] is/are the key to [the result they desire most] and is/are only available through [my specific vehicle/frameworks], then all other objections and concerns become irrelevant and they have to give me money.”

Here’s an example…

“If I can get people to believe that Au Bon Bone Broth is the key to losing weight and it’s only available through Au Bon Bone Broth, then all other objections and concerns become irrelevant and they have to give me money.”

Craft your big domino statement and then spend every second of your sales efforts pushing people toward that single belief.

And watch your sales skyrocket 🙂

- Russell Brunson

P.S. By the way, I originally introduced this idea in my book, Expert Secrets. You can get a copy of that here for free (just pay S&H).


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