Ever tried to sell something online but not got the results you wanted?
I’ve been there, too…
But looking back, virtually every time, there’s one reason this happens…
It has to do with this law of marketing that has guided virtually every funnel I build.
It’s this…
A confused mind always says “no”.
This is why funnels outperform websites every single time…
Because funnels are focussed… and websites are like digital brochures with too many options.
But it’s not just about having a focussed funnel.
When you break down why a funnel might not be working, it often comes down to clarity & confusion.
If people aren’t buying… they’re confused…
About what your offer is…
Or why it’s valuable…
Or if the price makes sense…
Or how they’ll access it…
Or if it will actually help them solve their problem or get results…
Or if your system is proven…
Virtually every reason a sales page doesn’t work comes down to this one law.
If you look at any of my sales pages in this way, you’ll realize they’re literally just built to get rid of all confusion — to make it make sense.
Our offer. The value. The story. The result they should expect. The people it’s for (and not for)...
It’s all to eliminate confusion, build confidence, and make their decision as simple as possible.
One thing I like to do is ask my friends or colleagues to read my sales page… and then ask them what questions they still have… or if there’s anything they don’t understand.
Hand your funnel to people in your target market before you launch — and ask them to be blatantly honest with you…
Because a confused mind always says “no”. 🙂
It’s a bit of a different way to look at your funnels… but it’ll change the game!
And if you want to get more of my best sales funnel tips, grab a free copy of my book, DotCom Secrets.
Talk soon!
- Russell Brunson