When we first launched Expert Secrets, I asked Tony Robbins if he'd be willing to interview me about my new book...
I am not going to lie.. when he said YES, I started to freak out... But a few weeks later when we actually went LIVE...
I could barely contain myself!
To have TONY ROBBINS... arguably the person I had studied the most as I was writing this book, was interviewing me about the principles I was teaching!
It was SO COOL!
Anyway, would you like to see the interview on his page!?! It's been viewed over 3.1 MILLION times, and I'd LOVE to show you.
So, here is what you need to do right now.
Step #2 - If you haven't got your FREE HARDBOUND copy of my new book yet, then stop everything and get your copy now (just cover shipping costs).
Go and get your free copy here >>
I can't wait for you to read the NEW UPDATED version of Expert Secrets!
Thanks again,
Russell Brunson
P.S. - Don't forget, you're just one funnel away...