A few weeks ago, I had the unique opportunity to speak at Pace Morby's event. Now, I rarely speak at events outside of Funnel Hacking LIVE, but for Pace I made an exception. His community of real estate investors is remarkable, and I was excited to share insights on how they could turn their knowledge into thriving businesses. This presentation was especially thrilling because many attendees weren’t our normal crowd. Most were unfamiliar with online marketing and info products, which allowed me to open up a whole new world of possibilities.
During the presentation, I delved into some foundational concepts that have been pivotal in my journey. From Myron Golden’s four levels of value and my three levels of selling, to providing a framework that the attendees could apply immediately. It was a dynamic session where I not only shared the full blueprint, but also showcased how simple ideas can transform into profitable ventures. One of my favorite highlights was discussing the power of selling information products—a business model that I firmly believe is unparalleled in its potential to change lives.
Key Highlights:
This episode is packed with actionable advice and real-world examples, making it a must-listen for anyone interested in leveraging their expertise to build a successful business. Tune in and discover how you can turn your ideas into income!
You can have everything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want." I look at Pace as the perfect example of this. I've never seen some human being on this planet serve more than him, and I feel like just give him a round of applause.
And I am not just saying that. In my mind I thought I was serving at a high level with my audience, and I do, and I put a lot of effort. And I met Pace the very first time I was like, holy cow, there's another level of this game. And you see it and you see it why you guys are here. The value he provides you guys is insane. And I'm just grateful.
Russell Brunson:
What's up everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets podcast. I hope that you are pumped and excited to be here. I definitely am. Back when I got started in this business, I used to speak at a lot of events. I traveled around the country, it was a lot of fun. And about that time, my wife and I started having kids and then more kids, and now we got five kids and they are amazing. But we just spent less time traveling. And I got to the point where I stopped speaking at other people's events pretty much altogether. Outside of Funnel Hacking Live and the things that I do, I almost speak at no events. But one of my close friends, Pace Morby, he's speaking at this year's Funnel Hacking Live International. You are going to love Pace, by the way.
He's built a brand that's done over a hundred million dollars like year two or year three in business, which is insane, all by building one of the most amazing communities on the internet.
The only community which may rival that is obviously the Funnel Hacker community, but between Pace's community and the Funnel Hacker community, I just sync with everything he does and he says, and I love this guy. And so he asked me if I speak at his event and for Pace, I said, "Sure, of course." So I flew out there and had a chance to speak to his group. Now his group, you have to understand these are all real estate investors. They don't know anything about online marketing, about info products or anything. And Pace wanted me to come and basically open up a vision of how these guys could turn their ideas, their knowledge, information into an actual business. And so that was the game plan. So I gave this presentation for this group and it was a lot of fun going deep into how they could turn their information into products.
I talked about Myron Gold's four levels of value. I talked about my three levels of selling and a whole bunch of other really cool things I thought were beneficial. So I got a copy of the recording. I wasn't able to include all of it. Obviously this is for Pace's people, so I had to cut some things and trim some things out. But it turned into a really cool session that I thought would be really valuable for all you guys who are listening in. So that's what this next podcast episode is, is my presentation from Pace Morby's event, teaching a group of real estate investors how to turn their talents and their hobbies into an actual business. And it was really fun. And then at the end, I got to do some Q and A with the audience. That was really fun as well. And hope you get value from the entire thing. So that said, hope you enjoy this episode of the Marketing Secrets Podcast.
In the last decade, I went from being a startup entrepreneur to selling over a billion dollars in my own products and services online. This show is going to show you how to start, grow, and scale a business online. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast.
First off, thanks for having me. Pumped to be here with you guys. You know how it is, when Pace texts you and is like, "Hey, can you do a favor?" You just do it for him, right? Do you guys all agree with that? There's very few people I've ever met in my life who serve as much as him, and multiple times now he's served me without asking for anything in return or anything. So I'm like, "Yes, I'll make it." And tell my wife because we're flying out tomorrow morning for Greece.
So I was like, "I promise I'll make it home in time." She's like, "What if the flight doesn't make it?" I'm like, "I'll borrow his car, we'll drive back, we'll figure out a way to make it work." But I'm super grateful to be here with you guys for an hour, an hour and a half or so, talking about some fun stuff. And I hope you guys get some ideas and some things. How many of you guys have never heard of me before in your entire life? This is so great. This is called opportunity, my friends. This is amazing. So this is crazy. I've been doing this for 20 years. I've spoken to literally tens of millions of people and the fact that 90% of this room's never heard my name before is the most exciting thing in the world. So I'm pumped for that. This makes this even more fun.
So I own, well, let me step back. I'm going to go to the very beginning. So what Pace wanted me to talk about was helping you guys to create your own coaching programs, your own courses, your own information. Not courses, Pace and love courses, but information. I believe that the greatest business in the world is selling information. I've written three books, one's called Dotcom Secrets, Expert Secrets, Traffic Secrets, and all I do is I learn really cool things, secrets, and then I tell them to other people. And I built a huge company off of just doing that. I love learning, love sharing. How many guys love sharing your ideas, your things? Yeah, it's the most fun thing in the world. When you have someone that you meet who's struggling and you tell them things you do, you help them and they have success, and it changes their life and you get paid in the middle.
It's like the most fascinating, most fun, most exciting things in the entire world. So I believe this is the greatest business in the world. Any of you guys currently in the information business or you're selling some kind of coaching or info products? Okay, we're like 10% are. Okay. My goal in the next 90 minutes is to get a hundred percent of you guys to do this because this is how you literally change the world. And so that's what I'm going to go deep into and hopefully have some fun. So this is me. 20 years ago I was a wrestler at Boise State University. I've got cauliflower ear. Do we have any wrestlers in the room? Any jujitsu guys? I'm up for lining up. We just roll instead of doing this if you want. I'd much rather do that. My first passion. I was a wrestler growing up. Wrestler at Boise State University. My wife, and got married and we were broke.
This is us cutting up our credit cards. And because we had no money, I had no skills other than wrestling. And I got onto the internet, I went to Google, I typed in how to make money on the internet. Anyone ever done that before? And all these things started coming up and I started trying this and that and fell for this scam and that, all sorts of stuff. Nothing was working until a little while later I bumped into some guys who were talking about creating information products. I was like, what's an information product? You take the things you know and you package in a way and then you sell it. And I was like, but I don't really know anything other than wrestling. I have no other skills. And I remember I was learning it. I was figuring out, I was like, someday I want to figure out something I can create.
I was just frustrated because I didn't feel like I had any superpowers, any talents, anything I could actually share with anybody else. And then one day, it was spring break and me and this guy here, his name is Nate Ploehn, me and him were the only two married guys on the wrestling team. So spring break hit, our entire wrestling team goes to Wendover, they're gambling, having fun, and we're at home because our wives are working, supporting us. And they were like, "You shouldn't spend our money in gambling. You should stay here." So we were home all week while our wives were working, our friends were all gone and we're like, what should we do? And Nate's like, "We should build a potato gun." I'm like, "What's a potato gun?" He's like, "Oh dude, they're really cool." Anyone here shot a potato gun before? Okay, yeah. So he's like, "We should build a potato gun."
I was like, "How do you build a potato gun?" I'm like, "I don't know." So we went to Google, how do you make a potato gun? And we went and saw all how it works. We saw the plans and everything. We downloaded the plans, went to Home Depot. We went and cut the pipes, got sprinkler pipes and we cut them. We got barbecue igniters. We went to the shops. I put them all together and we built my very first ever potato gun. Spent the whole week building three or four different potato guns. And that weekend, when our wives got off work, we took them out to the desert and we started shooting potatoes, and we had the greatest time ever. So much fun. So then Monday I go back to school and I was not a great student. I was a great student athlete, not a great student.
I was sitting in this class, I was kind of bored and just thinking like, man, how can I start my own business? I have no talents, I have no hobbies. And then all of a sudden I was like, wait a minute. I wonder if anybody besides me was searching for information about how to make potato guns. And I went online and at the time there was a site, there's a lot of sites nowadays, but there was a site back in the day called Overture. I went there, I typed in potato gun, and it showed you how many people each month were searching for different keywords on Google. And sure enough, there were about 18,000 people per month searching for the keyword how to make potato guns. And I was like, oh my gosh, I'm not the only one. There's 18,000 other people trying to figure out how to make potato guns.
I have a skillset. I now know how to make a potato gun. So I called up Nate, I was like, "Hey man, want to make a potato gun this weekend? We're going to film it, make a DVD, we're going to sell it." And he was like, "Nobody's going to buy a DVD of us making potato guns." Like, "No dude, it's going to be amazing." I was trying to explain it. He's like, "Whatever." So he had nothing else to do. So we sat down and we got a video camera, we borrowed it from a friend, went back to Home Depot, we started filming us buying the pipes. I was explaining, okay, here's the pipe and here's the correct barrel, the chamber volume width you need to have. So you have give this one to this one, and this is the right PSI. If you get the wrong PSI, the pipe will explode in your face.
And then all this stuff we learned from all the different plans. And then here's the right igniters, the right barbecue igniters, here's how you glue it. And then we went to, this is the shop my wife worked at the time. She worked at a motor rewind company. So we snuck in the back there and we filmed us cutting the pipes, gluing them together in this little handycam video. And then I snuck into Boise State University because this is my first time making a training course. And so we had all the formulas for how you're supposed to make a potato gun. And so we snuck into Boise State University, this college classroom at Saturday, four in the afternoon. We snuck in and there was this huge whiteboard across the wall. And so I remember on the whiteboard on this side, we wrote up all the formulas like the barrel of the chamber volume with it, all the stuff.
We had all the things here, and then we set up the camera so it would just focus on the whiteboard right here. And so we're standing there looking like we're scientists. And I'm like, all right, now... And I explained it. I can see it right here as I'm rewriting the whole thing. And I filmed me explaining how to make potato guns. And the whole thing was the most fun, exciting experiment ever. We filmed the whole thing and they went and we burned a bunch of DVDs, because that's what we did back 20 years ago, and put some packaging on them, threw up a website, started buying some Google Ads. And sure enough, I think my next slide, I might actually have it. This is the DVD right here. There's me and Nate.
This is like 21-year-old Russell. I want to go back to him and be like, I promise you, keep doing this. This may seem ridiculous now. You are super awkward and introverted and shy, but if you keep doing this, eventually it's going to pan out. So we made this DVD called How to Make a Potato Gun, bought the domain name, simple website, started selling it and started making sales. It was crazy. Again, I was a college kid without a job. My wife was working making 9.50 an hour, and I was making like 50 bucks a day selling potato gun DVDs. And I was like, this is the greatest thing in the world. Thank you, thank you.
And I have a longer story I'm not going to go into because I run a company called ClickFunnel. So I look at the world through funnels, and this is where my funnel story started. I was selling this potato gun DVD, and it was the first thing we were selling. And then eventually Google Ads cost got too expensive, so I was losing money every single month. And so we built the first, we didn't call it a funnel back then, but we made it where someone bought my DVD on the next page, we'd have an upsell. And I found this company in Northern Idaho who actually made potato gun kits. And so someone bought a DVD, the next upsell would be like a potato gun kit. And that became my very first funnel ever. And anyway, that's a different story, but that's kind of how I got started with this.
After I did this, I realized that 18,000 people a month searching for something are great, but it's still, it's actually a really, really small market. I didn't become a millionaire off of potato gun DVDs unfortunately. But what I did learn was people will pay for information. I tell you, the craziest, weirdest feeling in the world is the very first time you set up something. You set up a webpage or something and then some stranger in the world, on the other side of the world, gives you money for something you made up. It's the weirdest, most crazy. I can't believe some human being gave me money for this thing that me and Nate made. It made no sense. And he shipped it out and they came back. That was amazing. And he shipped out and it was the coolest thing for me. It gave me so much belief, okay, this is possible.
I was like, now what else can I do? And for me, at the time, I didn't have any other skills or talents. So I started finding people who did have talents. I met the world's fastest reader. I was like, "Dude, you're a genius. Can I record? Can I film you teaching this and we'll sell it to people?" He's like, "Sure." So I'd film that. We'd launched wreading.com. And I found someone who's a couponer. She would go, you guys ever seen that TV show, Extreme Couponing? She'd go and buy $200 worth of groceries and get paid 30 cents to buy them. I was like, "That's amazing. Can I record you doing this?" She's like, "Sure." So I followed her with the camera, went to Walmart everywhere, cutting coupons. And we made a course there called Living on a Coupon. And we did another one. We started finding everybody who had, anyone I found who had any kind of talent, I'm like, oh, we can turn this into a product. We created, record it and start selling it.
And it was just so much fun. So over the next 10 years of my life, I didn't just launch one product or two, I launched a lot. In fact, a couple years ago, this is a guy named Andrew Warner. He did this podcast interview with me when he was interviewing me about my whole story. And before the interview, he's like, "How many funnels have you actually put out there into the world?" I was like, "I don't know. Let me find out." I went back to my archives and stuff, and this is how many funnels I put into the world before I ever launched my software company, ClickFunnels. Each one of these is its own product, own person, and we did a lot of them for 10 years, over and over and over. And I became obsessed with this, creating funnels, information product, selling them over and over and over. And every market you can dream of, over and over. And it was the most fun thing of my entire life. I did that for a decade and in a decade I launched over 150 funnels. Thank you.
I don't think there's another human being on this planet more obsessed with this topic of creating funnel. It's my passion. I love it. And so I did it for 10 years and then a little while later, I was actually on a mission trip in Kenya and we work with a company called Village Impact and they build schools in Kenya. And we've been donating for a long time. And eventually Stu and Amy own it, were like, "Russell, you got to come to Kenya with us." And I was like, "I am never going to go to Kenya with you. I'll give you money and you guys can do that thing." And one year they went and they built this college classroom or this classroom of these kids and they filmed the kids in this room. And the kids are like, they trained him how to say it. They're like, "Thank you, Russell. Thank you, Colette." And this thing.
And so they sent me the video of this and my wife and I are watching. We're bawling our eyes out. We're like, "Okay, we're going to Kenya next year." So went to Kenya and in Kenya had this really cool experience. In the background there's this guy right here with the camera. You see him? His name's Bill Harrison, the only picture I could find of him. He's a guy. He's kind of like Josiah. He's behind the scenes, the mastermind that runs everything. He's not like the Pace who's in front of everybody. But he's a genius, one of the smartest marketers ever, Bill Harrison. And Bill and I, we were on a safari while we're out there. We sat in the Jeep for four hours and we're just talking shop, talking business. So much so that after 30 minutes, the Jeep stopped to go look at a lion eating something, we're watching it.
And my wife got out of the Jeep and got into someone else's Jeep, said, "You guys are boring me with this business talk." And she went off on someone else. And me and Bill talked for four hours about stuff. And at the end of this four hour session, he said something that literally changed my mind forever. It changed my life forever, changed everything. And this is the piece that I want to share with you guys, because I think if you guys get this part, it's going to be huge. He told me, he's like, "Russell, I've got a really nice business. We do 10 plus million dollars a year." He's like, "I feel like I'm one of the greatest business owners, marketers in the world." He's like, "I feel like I have a level 10 skillset." He's like, "I'm implying this level 10 skillset to a level two opportunity, and so I'm capped out, I can't get past this 10 million dollar a year mark."
He's like, "I have friends who are not that smart. They have a level two skillset. They're not that smart." But he's like, "But they step into a level 10 opportunity." He's like, "Two of my friends exited for a billion dollars. They're morons. They don't know anything. They have level two skillset, but they're in level 10 opportunity." He looked at me, he's like, "Russell, I feel like you are the best on the planet at building funnels." He's like, "There's nobody better." He's like, "You have a level 10 skillset, but right now you're doing a bunch of level two opportunities." I was like, oh, 150 level two opportunities. And some of those were good. Some of them made million dollars, some made 5 million. They were all good, but they were all level two opportunities. He's like, "What's your level 10 opportunity, Russell?" I didn't know. I was just like, huh.
So I thought about that for the rest of the trip, thought about the next week, the next month, couple months, I found my business partner. I told him, "What's our level 10 opportunity?" I'm like, we're doing well, but is there something bigger? We have a level 10 skillset. How do we apply this to something good? And we didn't know what it was going to be.
And for me, what I started realizing was me building funnels is amazing, right? Each one I can do million, $2 million a year on, but it was like my level 10 opportunity is not me doing the work. The level 10 opportunity is me teaching people how to do the work, me showing this. And so we started transitioning from me just doing the work. What if we started coaching people on how we're building funnels? What if we built software to help people build funnels? And so we transitioned. And that transition went from Russell doing a whole bunch of funnels, to 10 years ago we launched a software company called ClickFunnels, a training platform that now last month we passed a billion dollars in sales. That crazy?
It's crazy. You have a level 10 skillset applied to a level 10 opportunity. So that's what I want to talk to you guys about today. So as I was learning through this, this is my original mentor. His name's Dan. Anyone here know Dan Kennedy? Any Dan Kennedy fans in the world? Okay, this is my first mentor I started learning from. This is the course he had back in the day called Info Riches I bought. This is him, I think, during the Reagan era.
He is awesome. I actually bought his company three years ago, which is kind of a cool thing. But he speaks in events. He will not do slides. He has that thing there's called an Elmo. And so he'd bring a stack of papers to the event and he put it down, and he put the first people and his slides were pieces of paper, and that's how he, anyway. So this is him teaching Info Riches. And he talked about this concept. He called it, he said, "If you want to be rich, there's a difference between being rich and being wealthy. If you want to be wealthy, you have to learn how to be a shovel seller." I was like, "What does that mean?" He's like, "There's all these people out there who are trying to do things and they're making money digging for gold." But he's like, "The people who make the most money are the shovel sellers."
And then he shared the story about a guy named Sam Brandon. Anyone heard the story of Sam Brandon before? Okay, this is the most fascinating story. So Sam Brandon lived out in San Francisco during the gold rush, and Sam was out there and he's an entrepreneur just like all of us, and he's trying to figure out how to make some money. And he sees everyone out here is trying to dig for gold, pan for gold. There's gold fever right now happening. So he went out there, he went to all of the shops in San Francisco and he bought all the picks, the shovels, the little sifting things for the water. He bought them all, put them in his shop, and he was the only one that had that. Then he got some gold in his hand and he walked down the streets yelling, "There's gold in the American River. There's gold in the American River." All these people start freaking out like, "There's gold, there's gold. We got to go dig for it."
They started running trying to find the picks and the axes and the things. No one could find it. They all ran to Sam Brandon's shop, they bought all the tools from him. They went out to dig for gold and Sam Brandon became the first millionaire in San Francisco's history. Now there's a lesson behind this. I want you to understand. You want to become a shovel seller. That's the level 10 opportunity. My guess is most of you guys now, you're probably level two, maybe level three opportunity and you're doing well. If you're able to be in this room, obviously it's not inexpensive to be here. I'm guessing you're all doing really well. But I'm also guessing most of guys have a level 10 skillset, but you're probably applying it to a level two, level three opportunity. Which is why, anyway, I'm going to go deep in that. I'm going to show more case studies, but this was the big aha for me.
I'm doing the thing. I'm building funnels, building funnels, building funnels, which is great. I can make a really good living from that. But my level 10 opportunity was stepping back saying, I'm the best in the world at this. There's nobody who geeks out more than this. What if I showed this to other people, help them all do it, and then boom, that changed my life overnight. Okay, that's key. Have you guys ever seen Alex Hormozi before? This dude's blowing up on social media. So Alex came into my world when he first joined my mastermind program, my first call. He's like, "My goal, if I can make an extra $20,000 a month, it'll change my life." And I started laughing. I was like, "Dude, we are you going to blow your mind." So he came into my world, and this is a two-minute podcast clip that I found the other day, that I want to share with you guys because on this clip he talked about me telling him this level 10 opportunity concept, how it shifted everything for him. So here we go. Hopefully get audio coming.
Speaker 2:
It's at this hangout or this mastermind or this meeting where you realize I'm in the wrong business. I shouldn't be running gyms, I should be teaching other people how to run their gyms. How did you even end up at that thing?
Speaker 3:
It was like Russell's idea, right? At least I saw the video. It was wonderful story.
Alex Hormozi:
So the long story was two years before I went to that mastermind, I went to Traffic and Conversion Summit, because I knew I needed to learn more about marketing. And I'm a gym owner, not internet marketer. I was like, this is not my world, you know what I mean? I was like, I got to learn more about marketing, so I'm going to go this marketing. So I go there and one of the side rooms is Russell, and he goes and pitches ClickFunnels. But he couldn't actually do the stack because there weren't allowed to sell. So he did his entire sales presentation and then literally just stopped before the buy button.
And I was like, I want whatever... I was like, screw the gyms. I want to learn how to do this stuff. And then, like most things, because I couldn't buy, there was nothing that I didn't. And I went back to my life for two years and that was it. And then when I was having some sort of existential crisis, because I was down 26 or 27 at the time. All the gyms were, they were making money. And I remember texting one of my managers and I was like, "Hey, do you need anything?" He was like, "I think we're good. I need some ink." And I ordered on Amazon, sent him ink, and then I was done for the day.
Speaker 2:
Trying to be useful.
Alex Hormozi:
I needed to be useful. So I googled. I was like, you know what? That Russell thing was really cool. So out of the blue, I Google his name and the first link that comes up is, are you one of my dream clients or something, which was directly to his mastermind. So I applied to the mastermind. I got sold on the mastermind and transparently, I should never have been sold into this mastermind. It's for internet marketers. And I was the only person-
Speaker 3:
And it's like 30 grand, right?
Alex Hormozi:
And I was the only brick and mortar business owner there. And they're like, oh yeah, tons of gym owners here. And I've already told him, we laugh about it now. But anyways, I show up and I'm like, all right, all the guys show their funnels and all this stuff. And I was like, yeah, I own a bunch of gyms. I'm trying to get to 10, I've got six. So that's, I'm just here to learn.
Speaker 3:
That's where I'm at.
Alex Hormozi:
And so I walked through my acquisition process because we were getting 30 to one on the front end. So 31 LTB to cap ratio in the first 30 days, not including my recurring on the backend. And I walked through-
Speaker 3:
Which basically means you're making 30 x what you were spending to get a customer.
Speaker 2:
You spend a dollar on ads, you get $30 out.
Alex Hormozi:
On cash.
Speaker 2:
In the first month.
Alex Hormozi:
Yeah. So when you do these launches-
Speaker 3:
The first month, which is good for a lot of brands, one to three over a year would be all right.
Alex Hormozi:
It was insane. So it would cost us $3 to get a lead, and one out of five leads would give us $500. And the reason that it wasn't more than 31 is that that's me giving the average with the sales guys. But when we ran it and I was selling and we were working leads, we could get a hundred. It was insane.
So anyways, he saw these numbers and was like, "What is going on?" And so anyways, I walked through it and he said the sentence that changed my life, which was, "Alex, you shouldn't be running gyms, you should be showing gym owners exactly what you showed me. And right now you're in a level two opportunity with a level 10 skillset."
And those were the exact words that he said to me. And it honestly hit me like a ton of bricks. I was like, this is my vision, United Fitness, we're going to be America's next gym, we're going to make America healthy, we've got this. But he made more money than me at the time. And so I was like, if I don't listen to someone's advice, then why am I paying for it?
Russell Brunson:
All right. So you think about this, Alex came into my world. He had a gym, right? Level two opportunity. He had a level 10 skillset, killing it, but he's capped out. I'm a six, going to eight, to nine to 10, but no matter he can keep working harder and harder and harder, but the opportunity's only level two. So how are you supposed to transition? You can't. So we transitioned from I'm going to grow gyms to let me help gym owners start coaching it. And boom, from there, blew up. Built Gym Launch with these awards. We have Two Comma Club, which if you make a million dollars in funnel, you get Two Comma Club Award, 10 million, Two Comma Club X, a hundred million is Two Comma Club C. And then the last year before he sold the company, that purple award right there, it's called the Two Heart Award, which means you gave away $1 million to a charity. Him and his wife were able to give away $1 million to charity. And then they ended up selling Gym Launch, which you give a round of applause. That's amazing.
They sold Gym Launch. That was the level 10 opportunity. But over time, as big as it got, it was like this has now became a level two opportunity for them. He sold that and now he's doing what he's doing now with Acquisition.com, which is his new level 10 opportunity. So this happens in levels.
We're always ascending and moving up from our level two to our level 10. And that's how you start growing and scaling. Okay, Pace is a good example. I was pulling Pace. So Pace, I had a quick little interview with him this morning and with him I was like, "Hey, tell me the story. How did everything start?" He's like, "Well, I started and I was in construction, I was doing these houses, I was doing the work." Probably making pretty good money, probably pretty content, but they transitioned from, I'm doing the work, right? I'm out digging for gold to, what if I give picks and shovels and axes to everybody else? And boom, he built this brand, which is now a nine figure brand, right? Insane.
So that's what I'm talking about, you guys, because every one of you guys here has something inside of you. You have something. I always tell people, every single person who's been placed on this planet has a calling. I think God gives everyone talent, skills. He gives you trials, he gives you problems. And the reason why he gives you those things is because you are supposed to use those things to figure it out in yourself. And then after you figure out for yourself, your job is to serve other people. And every single person who's here has been called to serve another group of people. So you're like, who's the people I'm called to serve? You got to figure out who those people are. And then you're bringing back everything you learned, all the resources, all the things that you've figured out, and then you can change their lives. And that's how you... It's the most fun, exciting thing in the world.
When you take the things that again, sometimes it's like the cool things you figured out, but most times it's the painful things you went through. And you can take somebody else who's in pain and get them out of pain. How does that change their life? How does that make you feel? And it's like the coolest thing in the world. So I'm going to show you a couple other examples of friends I have that have taken information from the brain. Some of you guys are thinking like, well, what would I do? I don't even know what I would do, right? This is my friend Jacob Hiller, and you guys know how to jump, by the way? Most of you do? Oh, cool. Well, Jacob knows how to jump. He liked jumping a lot. He became obsessed with it. He started learning how do I jump higher?
And he started doing calisthenics, exercise and stuff. He got better and better at jumping. And eventually everyone's like, "Man, you jump really high." He's like, "Yeah, that's cool." And, "How do you jump so high?" And the very first time someone asked you that question, that's when this sparked and happened in your head. You hear it once, you hear it twice, by the time you're the third time, you know there's a market for it. People could ask, "How are you dunking? How are you doing this thing?" Finally, oh, so he created a course called the Jump Manual, launched it, and this manual has done millions and millions of dollars, year in and year out for a decade. Your kids got it. Stacey and Paul Martino, this is my friends. They were in a marriage, they were struggling on the brink of divorce. It was a mess. And they decided to change everything.
Stacey ended up building a whole program, not building a program, figuring out how to save her marriage and transformed everything in their lives. And then people started asking, "How did you do that? You guys were literally separated, divorced, how did you come back? And now you have this passion, this excitement in your marriage. How'd you do that?" Right? And the next person, the third person asked them. So they started telling their friends, started telling more people. Love sharing it. Their friends started having success and stuff like that. And all of a sudden this thing, they didn't know what it was, but it was like this calling. You're called for more. One of my friends calls it a call to contribution. I felt this call to contribution, we need to do something, we need to do more. And so they decided, okay, they didn't want to do it.
She was an accountant, he was I think a lawyer. I don't know. They were not relationship gurus, but they had something different they'd figured out, that was different than anything else on the market. And so they decided eventually put together course, a training, a seminar system. And right now, my wife and I actually had a chance, we went to their retreat in Jamaica last year and with all the high end groups, kind of like this group here. And the average divorce rate in America is like 60 or 70% right now. Something crazy. The average divorce rate in their group is 1%. And they had something amazing and they're called to serve. Now they're changing millions of people's lives all around the world. And every single of you guys have something that God gives you talents and gifts and problems and opportunities, all these things to develop you into somebody who's going to be able to change somebody else's life.
That's my biggest belief. That's what I think this whole thing's about. This is Andy Grace. Anyone know Andy Grace? Andy Grace is someone who struggled with alcohol addiction her whole life, not her whole life. After she got married and got into business, started struggling, the point where she couldn't overcome it, she tried the traditional ways to stop, she couldn't do it. So she figured out a whole new way to do it using NLP in your mind and everything. And she overcame her alcohol addiction for herself. And then people are asking her, "How'd you do that? How'd you do that? How'd you do that?" So she wrote a little book out there, posted the book online and said, free ebook, no opt-in or anything ebook. She said, 150,000 people downloaded it and we're freaking out. And you got to teach it. She's like, "I don't teach stuff."
Like Pace. "I'm not going to do a course. I don't teach. It's not what I do. I'm in the corporate world. I just stopped drinking." Everybody kept asking and asking. So she's like, "Fine, I'll do this thing." And she creating a course event, all sorts of stuff. And now she's changed millions of people's lives, help insane amounts of people overcome alcohol addiction, saved families, saved relationships, protected children. What she's done with her calling is insane. And she's someone who's very introverted. This is not something she wants to do, but she's called to do it. And I look at what she's done and how she's changing the lives of literally millions of people around the world, because she was willing to step out of her level two opportunity and into her level 10 opportunity, and share her message with the world. I can tell you tons, this is Anissa Holmes.
She's a dentist making great money, running multiple dental practices. And then she decided, what if I help other dentists to fill their practices? She was using Facebook ads and funnels to blow up her practice. Stepped out, started teaching other people, and now she has a whole community. She makes a hundred times more money helping other dentists than she ever did being an actual dentist. The first time I really got this process, this is a guy named Matt Fury. He was a wrestler. I was a wrestler growing up. And so when I first got in this role, I saw Matt Fury and I signed up for one of his coaching programs. I remember he said the coolest thing. He said, "When I got started in this world," he's like, "I was a teacher and I was teaching wrestling and fitness and stuff." And he's like, "I got paid, I don't know, a hundred dollars a day to go to school and teach the class of 30 kids." Maybe 200, whatever the money was.
And he teaches that. He's like, "I would go teach, make a hundred dollars, come back. Teach, make a hundred dollars." But he's like, "I had to go to class to get the hundred dollars every single day. And so if I didn't show up one day, I got no money." He's like, "Everything, all my money was bound to how much time I was actually putting into it." He's like, "Then one weekend I sat down and I wrote a book called Combat Conditioning." And this book is not a fancy book. If you open it on one page, there's a picture of him doing a pushup and the other side, there's a paragraph explaining how to do a pushup. And you flip it over. There's a page talking about how he did a Hindu squat and then a paragraph explaining it. And he's got 50 exercises. He's like, I spent all weekend long, took 50 pictures, wrote 50 paragraphs, put it in a book, put a price tag, $50 on it, titled Combat Conditioning.
And this book has made him probably at this point, tens of millions of dollars selling this book. And he's like, "The coolest thing is I did it once and I stepped away and it just keeps selling every single day, day in and day out forever." I have courses and products and things that I've built. They're selling right now, whether I'm here or not, when I'm in Greece next week. When I die, they'll continue to sell. They'll sell for my kids, my kids' kids and my kids' kids, because we structure it, set it up, and they just keep on running. That's the power of you break out of your time when you get into these coaching and information businesses. Okay, all right, how many you guys are a little more excited about, maybe I could do this. Maybe I hear that call to contribution.
So I'm walking you guys through a couple key principles. If you understand these things it can unlock everything. I learned this next one from my friend Myron Golden. Myron calls this the Four Levels of Value. And when he explained this to me the first time, everything connected. I was like, oh, this is why we make more money doing it this way. This is why these are level 10 opportunities versus level two opportunities. So the first level of value here at the bottom is called implementation. If you are working in a business where you are in a level one of value, you are using your muscles to make money. You're implementing, right? So I think about this Pace. When Pace got started, what was he? He was a contractor, he was out there and he was out there every Sunday working on houses. I don't know exactly what he was doing, but he was putting together houses.
I'm not a real estate guy, I know nothing about real estate, but he was doing that, right? He was building houses, putting stuff, so he was working with his muscles, which is great. And the hardest working people in this world or working with their muscles. The problem when you're working with your muscles though, is you get capped out at a certain level. You can't provide more value. You're always trading time for money, time for money. You think about this as someone who's working in a business with their muscles, they're usually 80 to a hundred thousand dollars a year is kind of the cap. And then you get stuck. You can't get past there.
And so people think like, well, I got to work harder, I got to work harder, I got to work harder. And you don't make more money by working harder. You can't do that. The only way to make more money, we lost my slides. The only way to make more money is to shift the level of value you're operating in. Okay? I mean, eventually eight hours a day, if you work 10 hours a day, 12 hours a day, you cap out. You can't get any physical, anything past that, right? All right.
Okay, so first level value. Right here, level one is your muscles, right? Okay, level two value is unification. This is management skills. This is where you come in and you are taking a whole bunch of people with muscle and you are unifying, you're managing and they're working, right? So you make more money because you're moving more things, you're getting more muscles to work, right?
Okay, so unification. So that's management skills, right? Now management, you make more money to work with your muscles, right, because now you're helping make eight to 10 to 12 people to work with their muscles. So you're giving you more value so you make more money. So by shifting from working with your muscles to working with management skills, you make more money because you're operating a different level of value. But then there's another problem with management skills. Problem with management is that you cap out again.
Good managers make 150, maybe 250 grand a year, but it kind of caps out once again, right? I don't know about you guys, how many of you guys like to be in an opportunity where you're capped out of your income? No, it's the worst, right? If you're going to work anyway, might as well make a lot of money. Now the problem is again, people are like, okay, we're going to manage more people and they try to keep continuing, but you can't make more money working harder in the level value. Only way to make more money is to shift the type of value you're operating in. Okay.
So number three level now is moving up to communication. Okay? Communication. You think about the people who make the most amount of money are communicators. These are people like actors, actresses, speakers, salespeople. They can speak and they can make money. When you're able to speak and make money, you're not bound by time or anything else. The people who make the most amount of money, you make more money when you move to level three, which you learn how to speak with your mouth. It may not seem fair, you don't work as hard speaking as you do with your muscles, but you make more money because there's more value in communication than there is in working with your muscles. And then the fourth level of value is imagination.
This is where you're using your mind to make money, okay? Now, level three and level four are my two favorites because both of these have no caps. If we use our mind to make money, we use our mouth to make money, then we don't have any financial caps, we can make as much money as possible. And so that's where the four levels of value are. Now I'm curious for you guys, thinking about your businesses right now, what level of value are you currently operating in? Okay, lot of you guys are in one, right? Yeah. Usually the way it works when you first get started, you're at a one because you're doing thing and then you start building a team and you level up.
Now you're managing a team, but you're still capped at these things. So the question, how do I break free? I don't want to have a ceiling and I cannot do it at level one or level two. But most people are stuck at level one or level two. So if you want to get unlimited wealth, you want to have no ceiling, if you want to grow, you have to move up to the next levels. Okay.
All right, let's talk about level four first. So level four is imagination. I want to talk about this because this is the one that's harder for people to grasp. I think most people are easy to like, oh, I understand what sales are and communications, but what is imagination?
Okay. So let me explain to you guys how imagination works. So it starts out here with each of you. How many of you guys remember back when you were a normal person? Before you came... It's a long time ago. So what happens to most people is they come in and they're normal person and they have something they want, something they desire, some kind of big result they're looking for. So here is this says, result. I have horrible handwriting, but you get it. There's a result. This is the thing that you want. And so it could be anything. It could be, let's say you're down here, I want to lose weight. The result, I want to lose 20 pounds. So you have the result you're looking for and you start going on this journey. You start going on a journey trying to get the result, and you're like, what should I do? What should I do? And you start pursuing the result. And let's say, I'm going to do the paleo diet because that one sounds really cool.
It's on my newsfeed five times a day. Start the paleo diet. You're like, oh, that's amazing, and all of a sudden and you mess up. Oh crap. You come back to go, okay, I'm going to try again. I'm going to try this time I'm going to do the keto diet. You're like, I'm going to do the keto diet. You're going, it's like, this is amazing all a sudden and you wreck again. You're like, oh, dang it. And you try the next one and the next one. It was crazy. I bought a female weight loss business two years ago called LadyBoss. When I bought it from Kaelin Poulin, who owned the company. She told me, she said, "The average woman in America goes on eight diets a year." Eight.
And each one costs. Eight diets a year, you think about this. So that's like this is eight times and they're not ever getting the result, right? Think about this in, if you want to start a business like real estate. How many guys, before you met Pace, you tried something, it was like, ah, and you tried multiple things before you got the result. How many guys that happened to you, right? And it happens over and over again. But what happens eventually, if you stick at something long enough and you start working through it, working through it, eventually you get the most powerful thing in the world. You go through it, you get to the end and boom, you get the result. Okay? You're like, I got the result. I figured it out. I got the thing. And then what happens is that, in that journey, you get the most valuable thing in the world.
The thing that you get is now you have a map. You know how to get that result. You've done it. When I got started in this business, I was trying to figure out to make money on the internet. I was trying to sell stuff on eBay, on Craigslist. I was trying to do this, all these different things. I was trying a thousand different ideas, and eventually I was like, I made a potato gun. I put it together and I did a whole thing and I launched it, and all of a sudden I got a thing. I made my very first sale.
I was like, I have a result. I did it. I was trying two years and I went through all these things. Somebody bought something from me on the other side of the world. They bought something for me and they gave me money for something I created.
I know how to do this now. I have a map. I told you the potato gun market is not that big, but I have a map now. I know exactly. I know how to go from here to here. I can do it over and over and over and over again. And I did. I was like, hey, speed reading. I go with that. Boom, made money with it. Hey, couponing, boom. Hey, boom, boom. I did it 150 times because I had a map. I knew exactly where to go. And I kept using the map over and over and over again, okay? If you lose weight, you figure out the whole process. I lost weight and I finally, I had tried a million things, but this was the map that actually worked. I have this map, okay? The map is the secret. The map that you have, that is the value.
And every one of you guys has a map. The story I shared earlier, Jacob Hiller wanted to learn how to jump. He tried a million different things. Figure it out, boom, he's got a map. He can work at any, it's like a recipe. If someone gives you a recipe to build a cake, to make a cake, is it hard to make a cake? Like, oh, step one is this, step two, step three, and then you make a cake, right? Same thing here. Jacob's like, I want to teach people how to jump. I tried a million things. Do things work the best. He can work with any single person, give them the map, give them the recipe, and the person can increase their vertical. Stacey and Paul Martino with their marriage thing, they tried a bunch of things. One thing worked, they got a result, they have a map.
They find people who are struggling in their marriage. It's like, we have a map. Come here, I'm going to show you the map, and we'll go. And they take them on this journey and they give them success, right? Pace was talking the early stage. I was like, "What's the first deal you did? How did it all work?" He told me he tried a whole bunch of different things. Eventually got it, got a map, and then started sharing with people. Was it Circle K, the parking lot? The first time three people showed up. He's like, "Dude, I got them." And he was so excited. He wasn't trying to make money, he was just excited he figured something out. He's like, "Let me show you this thing." And the next day, 20 people came and then a hundred people came until eventually there's a whole gang of people at five in the morning showed up at Circle K, right?
He was so excited about his map. Every single one of you guys has a map to something, and it could be anything. It could be in real estate, it could be in fitness, could be in whatever it is that you got. The hardest thing for most people, the reason why they struggle with this idea of imagination is that typically the thing, that you have that can change most people's lives, for you is a superpower. And you don't even know it's valuable. That's the biggest problem. It's not that you don't have something valuable, it's that you don't know it's valuable because it's second nature for you. You show me a sales funnel, I can look at a sales funnel three seconds, I know exactly wrong with it. It's like, yeah, change that. Headline's wrong, move this. That's the wrong order. Change that. It's like second nature to me. All I've done for 20 years is look at sales funnels.
I don't even think about it twice. People pay me $250,000 to come in a room with me for a day and be like, move those three things. I'm like, "Are you guys? How do you not see this. It's really simple." "I don't know." They write me a check for $250,000 and I'm just like, "Move those three things." For me it's my superpower. It's not even hard. But for them it's insane. It's the superpower. And every single one of you guys is gifted and born with a superpower, and you just don't even know you have it. You think it's second nature. And that's why when you start sharing the stuff with people and people are like, "How'd you do that? How'd you do that? How'd you do that?" I had me a third time. It's like, oh my gosh, is this a superpower? I didn't even know this whole time.
I didn't even know. I know something. I know how to get a result for somebody and I have a map, and this map is the coaching, it's the book, it's whatever the thing is for you. What happens for most people, it's happened for me. I started building funnels, my potato gun funnel. People found out about it. They started inviting me to speak at events and I showed them my potato gun funnel. I showed another person and I kept doing it. I spent eight years traveling to seminars, teaching people like this is how I made my potato gun. And people were all freaking out. And they kept asking the same question over and over and over and over again, to the point I was just like, if I have to answer this question one more time, I'm going to kill myself. It got bad. Pace and I were talking about this before we came down here.
He was saying, he's like, "I kept answering the same question day in and day out. It's like the reason why I finally decided, fine, I'll make a community and a training is because I kept asking the same questions over overall. I said, I want to create something I can give people so they can listen to that and then we can have intelligent conversations." I'm like, I feel the same way. My first book literally was written because I was so tired of having the same conversation a thousand times. I'm like, read this book first and then we can have a good conversation. It was just taking my map, putting it in a book, or a course, or a coaching or something. But you're taking this thing and you're putting it out there for people to be able to use the map to get the result. But that's what we're talking about.
That's the level four. This is the imagination. How you imagine you're creating this thing out of thin air. That's your result. You know the steps. And all it is when you're creating this map, I call it a framework. And basically all is a framework. You're taking people on steps. Okay, the first step you're going... To be successful and to get this result, the first step is this. Second step is this. Third step is this. Fourth step is this. Fifth step is this and that's it. And it's this framework. Here it is. Step-by-step process, right? If you look at any book, you open a book and you flip to the beginning, there's a table of contents. All the book is like, here's the step-by-step process to get the result at the end. A good coaching program, usually there's modules. You log in. I logged in the sub two members area last week, I got account and I logged in there and there's like four or five different trainings in there.
You log in and it's like oh, here's step number one. It's just like the steps to get the result. It really is that simple. Everyone tries to overcomplicate it and make it this big fancy thing, but it's not. It's just you've got a result you figured out, you've got a map how to do it, and now you're going to go and create a framework. That's imagination. You're imagining this thing that's not really, nobody else ever had it. It's coming out of your head. That's how this game is played.
If you start thinking about this, if you want to become a coach or a writer or an author or whatever, you need to become a framework creator. So I start thinking in frameworks. This is how the best coaches, the trainers, this is how they do it. How many of you guys have ever been to Tony Robbins GPW? Cool. If you haven't, it's worth it. Especially if you can walk on fire. It's insane. So Tony changed my life. My wife and I have been married seven years. We were struggling. I went Tony Robbins, I walked on fire, blew my mind. Sent my wife, changed our marriage, changed our relationship, changed everything. It was amazing. And then went to UPW a couple of years later. We did it again when Dave Destiny did the whole Tony Robbins circuit, went to Fiji, did the whole thing, loved it. And then took a couple of years off from going to Tony events.
And then during Covid, when Covid hit, my kids are home and all struggling. I was like, "Hey, Tony's doing a virtual UPW. We should sign up all the kids." We signed all the kids up for UPW and we sat down in this room at my office and we're all watching it together. And at the time I was teaching people about creating frameworks. And Tony got up there, he did his normal Tony stuff for a few minutes and all of a sudden Tony stopped and he said, "Okay, first thing we talk about is this." And boom, he went in and instantly he started a framework. It was like, I can't remember which one the first one was. The three core things of leadership. And he's like, "Number one is this, number two is this." And I was like, huh. And I wrote the three core leaders of leadership. And then he went to the next one and he taught that for an hour.
And then the next thing he's like, "Oh, this is the five skill sets of blah blah, blah." I was like, huh. And I wrote down that and wrote down again. And then the first day, if you look at the very first day of UPW, I challenge you guys all to do this. Sign up for UPW. Watch the first day. The first day of UPW, all Tony did for the entire day is he had 26 frameworks he taught. And every single one of them was like, here's a story. And they're like, here's a framework. It's the three steps this, the seven steps this, the five ways to do this, the two ways to do this. And each one's just a framework to get result. And so at UPW, day number one, there's 26 results Tony's trying to get to, and that's all he does. Took away the magic.
I was like, it's just frameworks, that's all it is. So what are your frameworks? You got to start thinking about this. If you're good at something, what was the step-by-step process that got you the result? That's your framework. And that's how we started this game, thinking about what are the frameworks you have? This is where imagination comes from, is you're imagining these frameworks. I got this, I got this, I got this, right? I just taught you guys Myron Golden's four levels of value framework. He created that framework. I was like, that's amazing. I'm like. "Myron, can I share that?" He's like, "Sure, as long as you give me credit for it." I'm like, "Done." So I just taught Myron's four levels of framework. All my teachers started noticing all the greatest speakers in here. Almost all of them are getting a framework. She started looking at that lens like, oh my gosh, they're just teaching me a framework.
They have a result. They know how they get the result. Who spoke? Did Adly speak yesterday I heard? Okay, she's got a billion views. How many of you guys want a billion views? So do I. Then she had a framework and she just taught this. It's crazy. I bought her course two days ago and then I didn't know, I found out she's speaking. I was like, oh, I just bought her a course because she had a result and I wanted the quote, I wanted the result, and I wanted her step-by-step framework. I'm assuming yesterday she gave you guys, here's the step-by-step process, how to get a million views. You just learned a framework. Okay? So that's what you have to do. You have to become framework creators. Okay, I'm going to pull you guys out of the matrix. Right now you guys are consuming frameworks, which is great, but if you want to shift levels of value from level one, level two up to level four, now it's your job to start thinking in frameworks. What's my framework for this?
What's my framework for this? And you start thinking through those and this is where everything shifts for you. So that's the first step in really understanding how to start being a coach. And at first you're not going to know. So first you start helping people, you start taking them, start doing this, start doing this. People start asking questions. Oh, let me go find the answer to that. That's a great question. I don't even know. You research the question and come back. That's how we do this. And you start learning and growing and that's how you start developing your very own frameworks. So that's the level four, imagination. Now I'm going to set down one level of communication because actually start creating these frameworks, there's a lot of ways we can package it. You could package it as a course, as a community, you could package it as a live event, as a book.
If you look at, in fact, let me show you this real quick. This is something, I don't have a slide for this, but this is a thing that when I start understanding this, it changed my life forever. So this is the principle. The principle is this, people will spend more money for the exact same content, packaged in a different way. Let me say it one more time, I'm tweaking a little bit. People will spend more money for the same framework, packaged in a different way. So somebody comes into my world, traditionally. They see an ad online, they see me jumping around like, oh, this is Russell Brunson. I get them to buy my first book, which is called Dotcom Secrets. They buy the Dotcom Secrets book and teaches them all my frameworks about funnels. Now the book they can buy for free, they pay I think 9.95 shipping handling.
So $10, they get it and they get all of my frameworks. And it's amazing. And if you just read the book and follow, you have everything. Everything I know is in there. That's it. I got nothing else. I'm kind of out of ideas after that. Here's all my framework from one book. There you go. It's free, cover shipping, handling. So you think if I did that, then nobody would ever buy from me again, right? Because it's like, well, I have everything Russell has. It's done, right? But no, people will spend more money for the same framework packaged in different way. The first time I got this, when I first got into this world, I was just out of college and I remember going to my very first seminar. And one of the speakers talked about a book called Think and Grow Rich. How many of you guys ever heard of Think and Grow Rich?
Okay, I'm the biggest Napoleon Hill fan on the planet. I'm a collector of his memorabilia. Anyway, that's a story for another day. But anyway, so they told me to read Think and Grow Rich. So I remember going to the bookstore, going to Barnes and Noble back in the day. Bought a copy of Think and Grow Rich for $9.95 cents. And I put it on my bedstand next to my bed. I was like, I'm going to read that book because everyone said I should read it. And every day I'd look at the book, I never read it, never read it, never read it, never read it. And then three months later, I go to the next event. I get to the event and the first person's like, "Who ever read Think and Grow Rich?" I was like, I wanted to raise my hand, I'm like, I'm lying. I have it, but I haven't actually read it.
I come home from the event. Okay, got to read it, got to read it. Look in the book, let me read it. Going to read it, going to read it. Didn't read, didn't read it. Went to another event. Same thing. I was like, I remember the third event. I was like, all right, I need to read this but I don't have time to read it. So I went to eBay and I went and I typed Think and Grow Rich Audio Course. And this is before there was audio books or Audible, this is 20 years ago. And I found a CD set of Think and Grow Rich for a hundred dollars. So I bought it, it showed up my house. And over the next week in my car when I was driving around, I listened to the CDs and I listened to the book, Think and Grow Rich. Okay, now think about this.
Was there any difference between the book Think and Grow Rich and the audiobook? They're word for word the same. The book was $10, audiobook was a hundred dollars. 10 times more money for the exact same framework packaged in a different way. So someone comes to my world, right? First thing they buy, they buy the Dotcom Secrets book. They learn about funnels and frameworks, all this kind of stuff. Like this is amazing and they have everything I got. But then I'm like, oh by the way, if you want to go deeper on this, I have a home study course. The book is free, cover shipping, handling. Home study course is $997. And a huge percentage go and they buy that. But why would they buy that? It's the same thing, just it's me teaching the book in a video format. Why would they pay that?
It's a different consumption style. But then that's not enough. That's like we have a live event called Funnel Hacking Live, that people pay 97 for. And they come to this, right? And this event, we have all these speakers, everyone. All we do though is I have speakers teach different parts of my frameworks. I have my students, you really get this part, teach this, teach this. And we get 5,000 people to come in the room. They pay a thousand dollars to be there and I'm always in the back. I'm just teaching the same thing that are in the book. But they're here and they're paying tons of money because they want the different experience. And then from there it goes to the next level where we have our first coaching program, which we have a 25K coaching program. We have a 50K, we have 150K and 250K, all these different levels.
And guess what happens to every single step of this coaching program? I teach the exact same frameworks in a different way. One time I'm in a big room, one time I'm in a small room, one time I'm in a mastermind room. But it's literally the same thing. People spend more money for the same frameworks packaged a different way. They're paying for the experience. How many of you guys know sub two? Again, I'm not a real estate guy. Pace told me today what sub two meant and I learned about the bunnies. You guys know the bunny story? It is amazing. I want to go buy a huge bunny now. Anyway, my guess though is on YouTube you could probably watch most of Pace's core framers on YouTube and get them, right? Then why are you guys here? For me? Oh, thank you. They're here for me, Pace, apparently.
Okay, so understand that you create these frameworks, but people will pay you more depending on how you're packaging it. So it's not like you have to create a million different things. It's like I'm just teaching the same thing I've been teaching for 20 years, but I'm doing different ways, different ideas, things bringing in. And so that's the imagination is creating these different things, creating your own programs.
Okay, so communication. I want to talk now about how do you communicate, how do you actually sell? So guess what? I have a framework about that. You guys want to see it? Okay, you guys know what I'm doing now?
I just told you the secret. So sorry about that. So this is my call, my three levels of selling. So first level of selling is face-to-face. How many of you guys sell face-to-face right now? Okay, awesome. Face-to-face is awesome. Now the way to master face-to-face, there's two things. Number one, you have to master having a really, really good offer. The better the offer, the more money you're going to make. And number two, you've got to have skillset. You have to learn how to actually communicate, right? And so if you're selling face-to-face, that's great. It's a great way to do it. The biggest problem face-to face though is you are capped again. You can't get past that. How many sales calls can you do today? How many things you like? You were capped out at a certain level. And so that's the first thing.
Understanding is the bottom level is face-to-face selling. And it all comes down to having a good offer and good skillset. Okay? So when I started my company, we started this. First was me calling people on the phone, selling stuff. And eventually I had a sales team selling people stuff. But it was all face-to-face, one-om-one. And again, first level of value was me working with my muscles calling, and I got a team I was managing, but we kept getting stuck because it was just so many people in overhead and stress, right? This is my friend Jamie Cross. She creates these soaps and she got started in her business. She would go first she went door to door selling her soaps, and then eventually went to farmer's market selling her soaps. But there's always this level one of selling. And she got really good. Created an offer, her skillset to close people.
She was amazing, but she could only go to so many farmer's markets. She could only go to knock on so many doors. So she kept getting capped at that level. Brad Ryan, these were financial planners, same thing. They were great, great salespeople, great offer, but they were going kitchen table, kitchen table, and they were capped out on the thing. So the first level of selling is important. It's important to get good at it, creating good offers and having a good skillset, how to sell those. But then the next level of selling is way better. So level two selling is called one to many selling. This is where you take your offer and your skillset, instead of selling one-on-one, you sell one to many, into an audience, okay? And for me, this is, I know I don't seem like it. I'm extremely introverted. If I met you guys in the hallway today, I probably was awkward.
Sorry about that. I don't like one-on-one sales. Face-to-face stresses me out. So for me, as an introverted college kid, who was too scared to pick up the phone and call, I had to figure out a different way. So I started studying and learning this one-to-one selling. How do you sell one to many? And back in the day we were doing, do you guys remember teleseminar? Do you guys still do teleseminars? So back in the day, everything was teleseminars. So I would promote a teleseminar and I'd pick up the phone, and I had no idea if there was anybody on the other line because I couldn't see it. I'd mute everybody and I'd start talking, I'd speak for 60 minutes and I would sell something. And the only way I knew if people showed up is if somebody bought at the end. If they didn't buy, then I'm like, dang, I don't know if anyone's even on this thing. But I learned to do this one to many selling and this is, for me, my favorite thing.
Here's a picture of me. I had a chance to speak at Grant Cardone's 10X event. This is me speaking in front of 9,000 people, which is crazy. But you want to hear what's really, really cool?
Speaker 7:
We're better.
Russell Brunson:
Huh? You guys are way better.
Speaker 7:
You're the high seller.
Russell Brunson:
So check this out. Okay, so I speak in this event, one to many selling. So Grant gave me 90 minutes on stage. I was selling a $2,997 offer. There were 9,000 people in the room. I did the pitch. And from that pitch, 1,079 people bought. In 90 minutes. Is that cool? Okay. Now what's crazy about this was in the Mandalay Bay. And so if you've been there, it's a big stadium. And then for people to buy, you have to run up the things and go meet me by the concession stand over there, and I'll have my order forms. And I was like, if anyone buys, I'll give pictures. I had no idea if people were going to buy or not. I thought they would. But so we did this thing and it was crazy. We had 1,079 people bought. Which meant if you look at Mandalay Bay, there was three rows of people lined up around the entire thing, standing in line waiting to give me $3,000.
Damon John was up next and the audience was basically empty while he was on stage, because they were all buying from me. It was crazy. I have a one-minute clip of the table rush. Do you guys want to see what it looks like? Okay. Hey, my name is Russell Brunson and February 23rd of this year, something special happened. Grant Cardone, an event called 10X Growth Con. It was about how to 10 x your company in the next 12 months. And I was invited to speak about ClickFunnels, and then make an offer to the audience selling ClickFunnels as well as the training package. And as I stepped on stage the very first time and looked out over 9,000 amazing people. And over the next 90 minutes I gave a presentation where every second was scripted and choreographed with one goal, which was to get people to stand up and to run to sign up for ClickFunnels. The goal was $3 million in sales and we ended up doing over $3.2 million in that 90 minute window.
Speaker 8:
Russell Brunson spoke to 9,000 people. One out of nine people purchased his product.
Speaker 9:
The reason why I've come, it's been him right now.
Speaker 10:
He's the best in the world at what he does.
Speaker 11:
Actually, I had to act right away.
Speaker 12:
I drank the Kool-Aid. I'm swimming in it.
Speaker 13:
If you don't get this program, you're crazy.
Speaker 14:
Very evident. Look at that crowd.
Russell Brunson:
Anyway, so that's one to many selling. This skillset is one of the most powerful profit things you can learn. Because if you have a coaching program you're selling one-to-one, it's good. You can make $1 million a year, but you're going to cap out. The way Pace built his company, it's not him speaking one-on-one with all you guys, more so than anybody kind of does with all his meetups, but it's one to many, right? I think about this, especially for someone who my goal is to have as much impact on the world as I possibly can while I'm here. If I was to go and try to sell and talk to people one-on-one, I did the math, there's 9,000 people in the room. I had a 90-minute presentation. If I line those people up in a row till I talk to them, it would take me 810 minutes to have the same impact on all this amount of people.
It would've been 6.49, six and a half years basically for me to talk one-on-one to people to do what I was able to do in just 90 minutes. That's the power of this. And so, one to many selling, it's the next level and this is the next skillset you guys have to master because you want to start growing and scaling. Get your message out to more people. This is the next level. This is a one-minute clip from Myron Golden. How many of you guys, when you hear get rich quick scheme, you're like, ah, you got this nasty feeling? So I asked Myron about that and he gave me this one minute long response, but I think it's really powerful. And it illustrates why you have to start transitioning from one-to-one selling, to one to many selling. Check this out.
But we talk about the difference of getting rich quick and getting rich slow.
Myron Golden:
So it starts with the question, if you make a million dollars, are you rich? And the people who are watching on YouTube right now, you can just answer that question in the chat, in the comments. If you make a million dollars, are you rich? That's a good question. And some people would say yes, other people would say no. I would say it depends. How long did it take you to make it? Because if you make $25,000 a year and you work for 40 years, you've made a million dollars. Are you rich? No. What if you make the same million dollars in one year? Yes, but it's the same amount of money. So it's not the amount of money that makes you rich or poor, it's how fast or slow you make it. Wealth denotes speed. So my philosophy is this. Either get rich quick or you'll stay broke for the rest of your life.
Russell Brunson:
Oh, Myron dropping the bombs. Okay, so I want to share with you guys, because again, if I was to go do $3.2 million in sales, one-on-one, it would take me six and a half years working 40 hours a week. I was living at 90 minutes because I worked one to many. Okay, that's the next level of understanding selling. And then the third level, and this is the one that's actually my favorite, is adding in automation. So it's face-to-face, then shifting to one to many, and then shifting to automation, which we call sales funnels. So what a sales funnel is... How many of you guys know what a sales funnel is? How many of us have been through a sales funnel before? If you're here, you've been through multiple sales funnels, I promise you that. I won't go deep into what it is, but it's basically a set of pages that take you through a process, right? It's called, yeah, you guys are the back of the sales funnel right now. Yeah.
So this is insane. Speaking in front of 9,000 people, one to many is amazing, but it happened once. I don't get do this every single day, every single week or every single year. But what's cool is that's the exact same presentation that I delivered to 9,000 people and doing $3.2 million in sales. Last month we had 42,983 people who registered for webinar, watched me give that exact same pitch, and I wasn't there. I was not working. I was hanging out with my family, with my friends and just keeps happening over and over and over again. That's called automation. So after you master one to many selling, then you can automate that where that one to many selling is happening 24 hours a day, seven days a week without you actually being there. And that's what sales funnels are all about. I was able to go with our company at the time when I was selling one-to-one, we had 60 full-time sales guys.
I literally replaced 60 full-time sales guys with one auto webinar funnel. Talking about not having stress with 60 sales guys. It was amazing, right? I remember when first time I met Ty Lopez, he was interviewing me on this thing. It was like he has... You know Ty Lopez? I got invited to the Ty Mansion, which is this crazy place. So we show up and it's like 10:30 or 11 o'clock at night and his team's done. They have these painter poles and on these poles they have all these different phones hooked to them. And he's like, "You want to go live?" I'm like, "Sure." And so he goes and he hooks up, I don't know, it's like 20 different accounts. He's pushing live on all these different phones. And so we're talking to 30, 40, 50,000 people. It starts at 11:30, 12 o'clock at night. We go till four in the morning.
It was the most weird, insane thing ever. But one of the questions he asked me, he's like, "Russell, you built ClickFunnels over a hundred million dollars a year." He's like, "How big is the sales team that's running this thing?" I was like, "Oh, there's only one of me." He's like, "What?" I'm like, "Yeah, it's just me. We just drive traffic and then I sell on a webinar, and then they buy it and then we drive more traffic and then that's how we did it." He's like, "Doesn't make any sense." I'm like, "Yeah, but that's all I know. That's how it works." So that's shifting to the third level of selling. After you figured out how to communicate one-to-one, one to many and then automating it, that's the power. That's what frees you. I look at Jamie Cross, I told you guys earlier, she was selling soap at Farmer's Market.
She came into my world. She's like, "Hey, I know the pitch. I've done it face-to-face a million times. I know how to get someone in a farmer's market with walking past to get them stop. Come to me, how to close them. I know door-to-door how to close them." I was like, "Cool, you know how to sell. Let's transition this online." So we created a very simple funnel with her, with the very first page is her doing the same pitch she would do face-to-face. Upsell's her pitching the next thing, and then we made the videos, launched it. And eight months from her launching this funnel, she won very first Two Comma Club award, and has gone on since then to win a whole bunch of other awards as well. That's the power. So those are three levels of selling, face-to-face, one to many, and then transitioning into sales funnels.
Okay? And that's why, again, I believe that selling information is the greatest business in the world. So my question for you guys, and then we're going to open up for some Q and A here for a little bit, is for all you guys, what is the result that you already know how to get? You've already done it, you figured it out, it's your superpower. You don't think it's that big of a deal. You're like, ah, it's not that cool, it's not that hard. What is that thing that you have that could literally change the lives of people who are five years behind you? A lot of times people ask me, they're like, "Russell, I'm new to this. Who am I supposed to serve? Who am I supposed to help? I don't even know." And the reality is the person that you are called to serve traditionally is you five years ago. That's it.
Five years ago you start on this path, three years ago, two years, whenever it was for you. But you start on this path, you wanted this result. You tried this and you tried that. You tried 20, 30 different ways to get the process. You couldn't figure out. And somewhere along the journey you figured out how to get it and you got the result you're looking for, and you have this map. And that map is worth millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars to you guys. This is a level 10 opportunity. You can sell it, you can scale it, you can help insane amount of people around the world because you have this map. And the person you are serving is you five years ago. It's always when people ask me, "Russell, how do you write copy so good? How do you know in the webinar what to say?"
I think back when I got started in this business, I was 13 years old. 13-year-old kid. I sit with my dad and we were watching the news. And usually when the news would start, my dad would send me to bed, but for some reason that night he didn't. I was like, oh. He goes, my dad, watch the news. We watch the news, news ends, and then all of a sudden MASH comes on. And usually he's like, MASH is on. He kick me to bed. He didn't say anything. I was like, oh. So I'm watching MASH and I'm like, so cool watching MASH with my dad. Then MASH ends and all of a sudden this infomercial comes up. This little guy, Don Dupre selling tiny little classified ads. You can make money selling tiny little classified ads. Some of you guys remember Don Dupre? Okay. I'm a 13-year-old kid, I'm watching this infomercial. He's like, and the guy's got a ton of energy.
He's like, "I placed an ad in newspaper and I made $30 profit. All my friends, my family members made fun of me." He says, "But I took that exact same ad and I put in a thousand newspapers and I made $30,000 profit." And my 13-year-old brain's like, oh my gosh. And I'm like, "Dad, are you paying attention to this?" My dad's like half asleep. I'm like, what? I'm freaking out. I could buy an ad in a newspaper. I could buy it. And I was freaking out. I was like, "Dad, dad, I have to buy this." My dad's like, "You're not going to buy that." "No, I need to buy that." He's like, "No." And I kept begging him. He was like, "If you want to buy that thing, you have to earn it." And I remember on the infomercial, "If you call in the next three minutes, we'll throw in these two bonuses."
I'm like, "Dad, we got to buy in the next three minutes." He's like, "No, you can't." I was like, so I grabbed the pad of paper, I wrote down the phone number. I was like, okay, I can't get two bonuses. I was stressing out and I'm, "Okay dad, I got to make $40 to buy this kit." He's like, "Okay, what do you want to do for it?" I'm like, "I don't know what I'm going to do." He's like, "Okay, you got to tell me." I said, "Okay, whatever you want." So he had me mowing lawns. He had me doing all this chore for a month, for me to earn $40, a 13-year-old kid. And I get the $40. I was going to call the numbers I had. I was like, I want those bonuses. I was like, "Dad, can I watch MASH with you again tonight just to see if the infomercial comes back on?"
He's like, "Ah, fine." So watch MASH that night. No infomercial. Dang it. So we try again and again after third or fourth night, guess what? Boom, MASH ends. Don Dupre pops on. I'm like, yeah. So I'm waiting. I'm waiting until he gets a call to action. As soon as he's like, "You call in the next three minutes." I'm like, duh. And my dad gave me his credit card. I gave him my $40. I put in the number, get the thing. A week later, the info kit shows up in the house. I get it. I read that, rip it apart. I read the thing. It's like the most insane thing in the world. I'm so excited. All I want to do is place classified ads. I'm going to be rich. It's going to change my life forever, right? I'm freaking out. Only problem is you have to pay money for classified ads.
I didn't know that. So I was like, "Dad, I need some money for classified ads." "You got to go earn it." I'm like, dang it. So I'm like earning money, place my first classified ad, but I didn't have anything to sell, so I just made up something. I'm like, well, if someone sends me money, I'll go figure out how to make that thing. Put the ad out there, nobody bought. I'm like, dang it. So I was out of money again, and then I'm like, okay. At the time, again, I'm 13-year-old Russell, but back then I didn't go by Russell and by Rusty. So I was thinking, this is Rusty. And so Rusty is getting the stuff. And then I'd go with my mom to the grocery store. I remember we walked through the grocery store and you know the magazine rack? In the magazine rack there's this magazine called Small Business Opportunity Magazine.
You guys ever seen it before? It's got these cartoon people on the front. I was like, "Mom, I need, it's 150 way to start a business for a hundred dollars. Mom, I need this thing." So she buys me the magazine. I go home and start reading the magazine. And if you've ever read Small Business Magazine, it's the best one. It's 140 pages of ads and four pages of articles. So again, 13-year-old Rusty read every ad. I'm like, this is amazing. I can start a business painting stars on people's ceilings. This is amazing. I can start a business selling gold by the inch at the mall. This is amazing. I can start a business selling donuts, little donuts at the fair. Every single one. And so every single one had an info kit. So I called number like, "Hey, send me an info kit.
I want to draw stars on people's ceilings and make millions of dollars. Thank you. Yeah. Yep. Okay, thank you." Boom. Call the next one. And so I sat there calling 150 ads every single month. And what happens? I start getting mail, junk mail. Well, it's called junk mail. It's the greatest stuff in the world. I started getting this mail in the mail every single day, letters after letters. And then what happens in the BizOps space is they all send you their package to make money. And then if you don't buy their thing, then they sell your name to somebody else, and they sell it again and again. So I went from little Rusty getting a dozen letters a day in the, I come home from junior high and there'd be a dozen. My parents have their two letters and I have 12. I'm like, oh. And I take these in the room, I sit down in my bed and open.
I'd read every sales letter like, oh, this is amazing, right? I tell my family, I'm going to be a millionaire very soon. Any day I'm going to be rich. And they all make fun of me and they laugh at me, all sorts of stuff. And then that day there'd be 12. Next day there'd be 20 letters, and then those people would sell and the next day it'd be 40 letters. It got to the point where I'd come home from junior high and there'd be a box of mail, 60, 70 letters. And little Rusty would take that and read every single sales letter. And as I sat there reading sales letters, I would take it, the ones where I'm like, this is amazing. I put them one stack. Ones' like, that's dumb. I put in another stack. I started looking at that and I knew who the ones were that got me excited, made me want to do this, right?
The ones I read, this is amazing. I want to do that. That's what I want to do. I knew the ones I was bored by. So nowadays, when I'm creating something to sell my audience, I just think about Rusty. 12-year-old Rusty. If I was sitting in my bed holding this letter, would I be like, nah? Or I'd be like, "Mom, I need to borrow your credit card." That's it. That's what I'm thinking about. Okay, so if you guys think about this, the person you were serving is you five years ago.
You've got the result already. You know the thing, you've got the map. You're going to figure out some way it's going to be a course or an event or it doesn't matter. If we had another five days, we can go deep into all that kind of stuff. But right now I want you to think, what is that thing? And then think back about you five years ago, what were you struggling with? What were you frustrated? What would it be like to go help you five years ago and change your life? Get you out of pain, get you success faster? What would that be like? It's the greatest journey in the world when you start changing people's lives.
I can tell you guys from being on this side now, I've been doing this for 20 years, the best feeling you will ever, ever feel is not you having success. You getting the result is amazing. It's like, oh, I got the result. That's awesome. You getting the result for other people, infinity times better. Every single time someone comes to me. Pace talked about, we have the Two Comma Club award where someone make a million dollars, they come on stage and get a picture with us. Thousands and thousands and thousands of people, and every single one of our events, they come up. I sit there for three hours handing out these awards and people are tears streaming down their face like, "Dude, you changed my life. You changed my life." And I'm like, that was way better than when I won my Two Comma Club award. Helping them is so much better.
And it's like your life will become richer as you start stepping into your level 10 opportunity. As you start helping other people with the things you already know, the talents you have. And you'll make more money doing that than you ever could in anything else. It's like Zig Ziglar said, "You can have everything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want." I look at Pace as the perfect example of this. I've never seen some human being on this planet serve more than him, and I feel like just give him a round of applause.
And I am not just saying that. In my mind I thought I was serving at a high level with my audience, and I do, and I put a lot of effort. And I met Pace the very first time I was like, holy cow, there's another level of this game. And you see it and you see it why you guys are here. The value he provides you guys is insane. And I'm just grateful. That's why when he messaged like, "Hey, can you be here?" I'm like, "Whatever you want, dude. I'm here." I've seen the way you serve other people. You serve me. Drop everything to be here because of him. And that's how you win this game. You're awesome, man. Okay. I think I have about 15 minutes left. That's still cool to do some Q and A? I heard that was the plan. Was that still a plan? Okay. Josiah the thumbs up. So we're up. How does it work? Okay, she's got a mic back here. All right.
Ingrid Hernandez:
Hi. Thank you. I'm Ingrid Hernandez here from Arizona. No, we did not go to my house last night. So one of the things that this group is thinking about, and obviously all we need to do is buy your book. So the only reason I'm up here is because I want to ask you kind of different question. What we have to do is come up with our Mount Everest, so the thing that is purpose driven in our lives that can change the industry. So I'm curious, now that you've had so much success and you're kicking ass and taking names, even though you're an introvert, which is great, what is your Mount Everest? What is Russ sold, not Rusty in five years? What kind of impact are you looking to make in the world?
Russell Brunson:
Ooh, that's a great question. Yeah, man, you guys are bringing out hard questions. That's a good question. So I spent the last 20 years working really hard on developing entrepreneurs. That's what I love. That's what I do. Now, my next phase of my mission is creating entrepreneurs. So I look at the world as a funnel. So yeah, I've been serving entrepreneurs here. I'm trying to go a step above that and find the people who aren't yet. And so for me, it's personal development. If you guys don't know who I am, so, I'm mildly obsessed with old books. I've spent-
Speaker 5:
Mildly obsessed?
Russell Brunson:
Yeah, I think I've spent $18 million in the last 24 months buying old first edition books and manuscripts.
Speaker 5:
Say that number again.
Russell Brunson:
18 million.
Speaker 5:
Russell Brunson:
No physical, but yeah, no audio. I could buy all of Audible for that. So I collect old religion books, but also old personal development books, things like that. And so I am building a collection, 18,000 plus books. I'm building a museum and a library and stuff like that.
Speaker 5:
Most expensive book you own?
Russell Brunson:
I've got two books. I spent 1.5 million for each of those two. Yeah, they're amazing. They're the coolest things in the world.
Yeah, it's actually my manuscript. I bought it for myself. Yeah. The reason I was telling you that is because I feel like a lot of the world right now is a whole bunch of people online quoting people who are quoting. It's like they're quoting things they read on TikTok, like 25 levels deep and there's no substance. And so I want to figure where did all this stuff come from initially? And so in the personal development and business, I've found I have a whole genealogy chart of every... They weren't called influencers back then, but the influencers, the very beginning from the early 18 hundreds down through who they are. I bought every copy, every manuscript, all their books I can find, and they're republishing those things. And I'm going out to the world as a whole to try to get people to want to be personal development, because that brings people into this world and that's all about growth.
And there's two, if you study Tony Robbins, there's two phases. It's like the growth phase and you shift from growth to contribution. And so right now, not that I've tapped out, but for the most part we are targeting people who are in the contribution phase who want to start businesses. We have those people. We have millions of them coming to our world every single year. I want to go up and help people grow. Because as soon as you grow and you get out of your own pain and you're having success, then you want to contribute, and then they're going to want to become entrepreneurs and business owners. So for me, it's not just working with entrepreneurs and developing them, it's stepping one step higher in the funnel and creating entrepreneurs through personal development and stuff like that. Not through my own personal development, but from the works of the people that came before us, that are just the most amazing things in the world. So that's me.
Michael Mnatsakanian:
Hey Russell.
Russell Brunson:
Michael Mnatsakanian:
Hey Russell. Thank you, Pace, so much for bringing him here. And thank you for being here for us. I'm Michael Mnatsakanian and five years ago, so I'm really trying to think about, this is my next step right now. Is to help at least a thousand people achieve financial freedom. So five years ago for me, I was in the US Army. The goal was financial freedom, just so I can have time freedom. I basically had nothing, no assets, no real estate or anything. And the goal was to save my way to retirement. And then I learned you can invest into index funds to accelerate that journey.
2020 bought my first two unit, which was a duplex, using my VA loan. I was house hacking. So I lived in one unit, rented out the other. Did that again the next year with a four unit, and then started learning about creative financing, wholesaling, all that stuff. My question is, five years ago I had nothing. I was just trying to start the basics of my journey to financial freedom. For me right now, it's what do I focus on to help others? Because when I think about that entire journey, and now I own almost $15 million of real estate. So it's like where I'm at now to where I was five years ago was kind of insane. So I don't know what to focus on, which is kind of overwhelming. I don't know.
Russell Brunson:
Yeah, I got a product for that.
Michael Mnatsakanian:
I just focus on the very first stages of how to get into your first two unit by house hacking?
Russell Brunson:
For sure.
Michael Mnatsakanian:
What does financial freedom involve?
Russell Brunson:
When I go to the market-
Speaker 18:
Michael, are you asking the question of what do you focus on for an info product? You got to be specific, brother. Come on.
Michael Mnatsakanian:
Yes. For an info product specifically. Yeah.
Russell Brunson:
So whenever I do this-
Speaker 18:
Russell's thinking you're asking him real estate advice right now.
Michael Mnatsakanian:
No, no, no, I don't-
Russell Brunson:
I'm like, I don't know what index fund is, but sounds horrible.
Michael Mnatsakanian:
Screw real estate for this instance. Yeah, what should I focus my info, my content or market? What should I try to offer?
Russell Brunson:
This is the reality. If I came to you guys and I was like, I built a billion dollar company, let me try to build a billion dollar company. You'd all be like, I don't want a billion dollar company, or that seems so far. But you notice in the beginning of my presentation, I dropped that to give myself street credit and they came back down to the beginning level. Same thing. You make, "Hey, in the last five years I've done $15 million in dah, dah, dah." But then that's not what you're teaching. Then you come back, you're just giving a touch just to give yourself credibility and then you bounce back. Most people, they spend so much time trying to brag about their credibility that it gets obnoxious and annoying, and you lose most of the people. I try to seed it for a second so that they know it's there.
Then come back down. People are coming to you because they want to talk to the guru on the mountain. So they want to see that like, oh, this person actually is the guru on the mountain. And so I'm like, "Hey, I'm on the mountain." Then I come back down over here, okay, I'm going to show how to get here. Here's the map, and then you come back down. So for you, I would reference it, but you're coming back to the beginning. People, you five years ago, and I would even niche it down. You said you were in military? I would, because this is the other part is if all you guys create a course on how to do real estate investing, that's okay. But the key is not just to make another course or another product, another thing. It's like figuring out your people.
In the New Testament, Christ said something that was so powerful. He said, "My sheep will hear my voice and they will become one fold and one shepherd." Christ's message was out there, but not everyone followed him. Most of them didn't. In fact, they crucified him. But his people heard his voice. And so for you, it's the same thing. This is an eternal true principle. There are people who are going to hear your voice and follow you specifically. There's people that if you go to Google and go five pages deep, there's a whole bunch of people who hate Russell Brunson, right? They don't like me. But my people hear my voice and I put it out there. I'm not apologetic. I'm me a hundred percent, as much as I go and there are people over here that I'm supposed to connect with. My audience, the people I'm called to serve, they will find me.
They'll come to me. So for you, if you're military, I wouldn't try to be like, I'm going to do real estate for everyone. It's like I was in the military. I'm talking about military people who... That audience is your people. That's who I'd be going after and talking about. Making real estate for people who are just coming out of the military, whatever that thing, that'd be the market I'd be going for. Because the more niched down you are, the easier is the target, easier to find the people, easier to differentiate yourself, and then your people will hear you. If someone who just came out of military hears this five people selling real estate course. Then one dude's like real estate course for people who's leaving the army. He's going there and he'll pay twice as much for that because it's specific to who they are.
So don't try to be so big and so broad. There was a time when being broad was the game. That time is not now. Now it's being niche specific is the game. And then leaning into you and your personality, and talking about, here's what I've done. But then going back to you five years ago and just remembering that. All the time I think about what was I thinking? What was I feeling? Where was I at? People always ask me, how do you get traffic to your funnel? Well, where were you at five years ago? Where were you spending your time? You should know. You are trying to find you. So what the blogs you were reading, what were the podcasts you were listening to? What YouTube channels, what books? That's you. You got to find out where you were at five years ago. You should know better than anybody. The traffic's easy when you start realizing it's just like, where was I hanging out? I got to go there because that's where my people are at.
Michael Mnatsakanian:
And I love that. I would love nothing more than to show service members how to buy their first investment. Not portfolio, your first investment. Just take that jump. I would love to do that. So thank you.
Russell Brunson:
That's it, man. Double down on that. I love it.
Speaker 19:
Hi, right here.
Russell Brunson:
I hear your voice. Hey, how's it going?
Speaker 19:
My name is Lisa and I'm a notary signing agent in Nevada. I was able to create my notary business and make it into a six figure notary business in the first year. So where I was a few years ago was buying a million courses and never seeing it through completion. So I was going off on all the little lines that you were doing. So becoming a notary was my first one that I saw through completion.
So because I had success, I'm actually the ambassador of Nevada for the course that I took to do that. So I have affiliate links. So I'm thinking for my free course, I want to show someone the basic steps on how to get the commission and how to get started, because that's the questions that I get asked in my group a lot. But I want to know if I could add those ClickFunnels to add my affiliate links, because I do want to push them to take the same course that I was able to find success in.
Russell Brunson:
Very cool. You have your own course as well, or?
Speaker 19:
No. I only have three years experience of being a notary, so I can take them up to my level. But the course that I took, that guy has 15 years of experience and he has all the CRMs and all the trainings and ongoing, so he's already invested all the money to create that. So because I'm the ambassador, I have an affiliate link, so when people sign up for those courses, I get money off of that. So I want to create a free course on how to do the basic part of it, to get your commission, how to get started. And if you don't want to invest in a course, then how to get business. You're not going to get to the level that everyone else is, but you could make money doing it. And then push them if they want more, then push them to the course.
Russell Brunson:
Okay. What percentage do you get paid on this course?
Speaker 19:
Russell Brunson:
Okay. So I'm going to give you something that you're going to hate, but I think in a year from now, you'll see I'm right. You need to create your own course because this is what I tell you. 30% is great. It's actually low commission for a course. Typically courses are 40, 50 or beyond, so it's low anyway.
But the reality is you're thinking this guy's 15 years ahead, therefore he knows more than me, so I can help. The reality is you're three years ahead of everybody else. You're not serving the person who's five years ahead of you're serving the person who's the beginning, right? The fact you did a six figure notary business in a year, that's insane. That's the message. They don't want to hear from that guy. They want to hear from you. You're the actual person. And any of you guys ever seen the movie Catch Me if You Can. Okay? This is one of my favorite stories, so not in the movie, but in the book Catch Me if You Can. This is the story about Frank Abagnale or whatever, who's the con artist and everything.
And so in the book, he tells the story. He went to Brigham Young University. He sat down in an advanced sociology class as a student and no teacher showed up. He's like, I'm going to teach the class. He gets in front of the class and he starts teaching. He teaches entire semester of advanced sociology at a Brigham Young University campus. And anyway, eventually when the FBI catch him, they arrest him and they're going through all his stuff. They're like, "How in the world did you teach an advanced sociology class?" He's like, "Oh, I just got the teacher. Or I got a textbook and I read one chapter ahead." So this is the thing you have to understand.
You have to understand you're already three years ahead. You're 40 chapters ahead of the beginner. Yeah, maybe you're not over here, but if you wait until you're 15 years, in 15 years from now I got to be 30. He's 30 years now. I'm only 15 years. You can start now. You're ready now. If I would've waited to tell people about how to build a business till I built a billion dollar business. I made a potato gun and I made 50 bucks off it, and I was freaking out and I was telling everybody, cause I was one step ahead... I sold information on the internet. How'd you? I'm like, and I showed them. I was like, but I didn't know anything. I didn't know any of the other stuff but I was the one step ahead of all these others. I was one chapter ahead of everyone else. So I showed them.
By the time they got here, I was already here. I'm like, come, keep coming, keep coming. And I was always a step ahead, step ahead, step ahead. And now doing this 20 years later, now I'm here and I have this whole body of work, but you don't need that to get started. You're already three years ahead of everybody else. And you get a hundred percent. You could charge more for the course and you could. Anyway. I think you've been called to serve a lot of people if you are willing to step into it.
Speaker 19:
Thank you.
Speaker 20:
Russell. Back corner. Russell back corner. Back corner.
Speaker 18:
Yeah, we've one last one right back here, Russell. All the way back here.
Ashley Perez:
Thank you. Hi guys. My name's Ashley Perez. Thank you, Russell. Thank you. Pace, thank you, Jamil, for this opportunity. So after the free course, what is the sweet spot for the purchase price? And what are the increments from there for someone who doesn't have a significant amount of proof of concept?
Russell Brunson:
Yeah, good question. What market do you want to be in? Because it's different for every market.
Ashley Perez:
So I have a few videos on helping people find, buy and innovate RV parks. So I've got that link, I've got the masterclass, but now it's like I'm a little nervous to take the next step in charging at least something to make it feel worth it.
Russell Brunson:
So someone goes through your course, they get the result that you're promising. How much money would they make in the first 12 months?
Ashley Perez:
I mean, that'll be dependent on the property.
Russell Brunson:
How much do you make in a year doing that?
Ashley Perez:
At this point and that showing people how to do that?
Russell Brunson:
No, actually doing, actually digging for gold. So actually doing the thing, how much do you make in that?
Ashley Perez:
I mean, I cashflow $5,000 a month.
Russell Brunson:
Okay, awesome. So you're teaching them a cashflow of $5,000 a month. So 65 grand a year. So my question is, what would somebody pay you to learn how to cashflow? Because you're thinking right now they're going to buy a course from me. What's a course worth? A hundred bucks? That's the wrong question. The question is, you're giving them result. The result is cashflowing $5,000 a month. How many you guys would pay a thousand dollars to learn how to cashflow $5,000 a month? You're selling money at discount, right? How many of you would pay $5,000 to learn to cashflow $5,000 a month? Yeah, you're selling money at discount. So the question isn't so much, what's the course worth I'm selling for? It's like, what's the result you're giving? I'm like, what's that worth? I had the same thing with Stacey and Paul Martino in the marriage industry. They were struggling selling expensive stuff like, "No one's going to pay me $30,000 to help them save their marriage.
That's a lot of money." I was like, "Is it?" I'm like, "How much does a divorce cost?" They're like, well, they started looking at it. And suddenly $30,000 seems so inexpensive. And they fill up again. I was in Jamaica at their event, they fill up a room of a hundred people paying $30,000 to learn how to not lose their relationship. So think less about this is the tangible deliverable of a course, and think more like, oh my gosh, this is the result I'm offering them. And then that's the question. If I know I can get you to $5,000 a month cashflow, what's that worth?
Ashley Perez:
Russell Brunson:
And then it becomes easy to sell it because you're not like, ah, they're going to buy my course? No, I'm giving you this result and if I don't give you the result, I'll give you money back. So let's just try it out. And then that's how you start pricing things. Okay. And there's no hard lines. Every market has different things. People test different price points. It's more so just what do you feel the value is? And then sewing with that, with your heart. If you believe it, other people believe it as well. And then work hard to give them the result. And then more people get results, then it gets easier and easier. You can charge more, but out the gates, it's just get people results and then everything else will build off of that.
Ashley Perez:
Cool. Thank you.
Russell Brunson:
Speaker 18:
Amazing. Russell Brunson everybody.
Marcus Lemonis:
Hold on. Hold on.
Speaker 18:
Let's give it up for Russell Brunson.
Marcus Lemonis:
Hold on, hold on.
Speaker 18:
My friend, Russell Brunson.
Marcus Lemonis:
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. I have a question.
Russell Brunson:
Marcus Lemonis. What the?
Speaker 18:
Marcus Lemonis from The Profit?
Marcus Lemonis:
I have a question. Hold on. So Russell and I, I think we've known each other almost a decade now.
Russell Brunson:
Yeah, you spoke at our second Funnel Hacking Live, which was eight and a half years ago, almost nine years ago.
Marcus Lemonis:
I just want you to talk slower.
Russell Brunson:
I'm too excited. I can't.
Marcus Lemonis:
It's the one thing. It's funny because I've had a chance. For those of you that have not, if this is your first time meeting Russell, I think you'll find that what you see is what you get. And when I first met him, his enthusiasm was so exuberant that I thought he was full of shit. I really did. I did. But over time, his consistency remained and his authenticity remained. And the one thing that he is going to work on from today forward is we're just going to slow it down. Do you agree? Okay.
Russell Brunson:
You got to give me more time on the clock then.
Marcus Lemonis:
Pace is good, pace is good, but here's what happens. And this is actually really good feedback for everybody. When you are teaching people stuff, you have to make the assumption that they speak a different language, literally speak a different language. And the intellect and the experience and the proof of success that Russell has is phenomenal. So I would encourage you guys, and again, I rarely, I really don't pass out compliments ever. So for those of you that felt like you got something out of what you heard, I would encourage you to continue to dive deeper. Part of being an owner in this organization is getting access to people like Russell.
But your responsibility as an owner, like in any business, is what you do when you leave here. Today is good. It whets your appetite. You leave here fired up, you get in the car, you put on Journey, and you're driving home and everybody's excited. And then you get home and then there's shit to do and there's garbage everywhere. And the dog shit in the yard, it's a problem. So the key is to really make good notes and to follow through. A lot of things are going to resonate, but you spent a lot of money to be in a very exclusive group.
And that investment can only materialize if you actually do something with it tomorrow. So I have been a fan of Russell's, but I've also been a student. And when we first met, I knew nothing about digital marketing, and I still don't. I still don't to the degree that I should. And so anytime you can sponge off of other people and not just him. I want everybody to, when you go to church and you have to say, I love you too. Turn around and look around. Just look around the room. Everybody in this room is a wealth. You don't have to hug. We're not there yet. Is a wealth of information. Is a wealth of information. So Russell, I am super proud of you, but...
Russell Brunson:
Slow down.
Marcus Lemonis:
Russell Brunson:
Thank you.
Speaker 18:
Guys, Marcus Lemonis. Wow. All right guys, give it up for Russell Brunson.