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(MS) Inner Circle - What We’re Building Into The NEW Value Ladder for ClickFunnels 2.0

514 - Creating Your Lead Funnel (ClickFunnels) -5 Day Lead Challenge - Day 3 of 5

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If you’ve been listening for a while, you’ll remember our discussions about the Linchpin strategy and our launch of ClickFunnels 2.0. Since our launch, we’ve put many of our old funnels on ClickFunnels Classic on pause and have been rebuilding our Value Ladder.

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Best Quote:

Right now, like a lot of you have been, is when ClickFunnels 2.0 launched, you started the process of like, "Okay, I'm going to start moving and migrating my funnels over." And I don't know about you, but for me it's been so much fun because it gives me a chance to kind of, okay, slowly move things over and how can I get better and what tweaks can I make? What changes? And knowing what I know now versus what I knew when I started this funnel six months ago or a year ago or five years ago, what are the tweaks and the changes I'd make?


  • ​ClickFunnels: Everything you need to start market, sell, and deliver your products and services online (without having to hire or rely on a tech team!) ​
  • Expert Secrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Converting Your Online Visitors Into Lifelong Customers."
  • ​​Traffic ​Secrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Filling Your Websites And Funnels With Your Dream Customers.
  • ​​DotComSecrets: Get a free copy of the "Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online With Sales Funnels."


What's up everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets podcast. Today I want to go a little old school with you. I want to go back in time all the way back to the time that you first read about the Value Ladder. If you read the DotCom Secrets book, you know that the value ladder's one of the core, fundamental principles about how you grow a company online, right? And each tier of the value ladder, there's different sales funnels and things like that. And it's interesting because right now, like a lot of you have been, is when ClickFunnels 2.0 launched, you started the process of like, "Okay, I'm going to start moving and migrating my funnels over."

And I don't know about you, but for me it's been so much fun because it gives me a chance to kind of, okay, slowly move things over and how can I get better and what tweaks can I make? What changes? And knowing what I know now versus what I knew when I started this funnel six months ago or a year ago or five years ago, what are the tweaks and the changes I'd make? And so we've been systematically and slowly moving funnels over from 1.0 to 2.0 and rebuilding them and it's just been so much fun. I hope you guys are enjoying the process too. Some people are like, "I just want to have everything moved over for me." And I'm like, "God, you're depriving yourself of the opportunity to rethink through how to make these things even better." But anyway, that's just me. I'm kind of a nerd in this game, as you know.

But as I was going through, I remembered this really interesting conversation I had with Chet Holmes, man, probably 10, 12 years ago now that I had forgotten about. But as I was building out, moving our funnels over and redesigning our value ladder and all the things that come with that, I realized that I had missed this simple and yet powerful piece. And so I don't want to ruin the surprise for you what it is, but I do want to tell you. So in fact, at one of my recent Inner Circle meetings, I sat down and I explained to people what this aha was. And it's simple, but it's so powerful. And so I want to share it with you guys today because if you are building out your value ladder, you're thinking about it, you're trying to figure out all that stuff, and maybe you're just beginning, which is totally cool as well. This gives you something to think through as you're building out the thing that you're creating.

But anyway, I wanted you to have this piece because it strategically will help you think about your funnels differently, how one funnel ends, the next funnel starts and a whole bunch of other cool things. So yeah, this is a part of a presentation I gave at one of my Inner Circle events from a lesson I learned from Chet Holmes. So I hope you enjoy this, and those who were in the Inner Circle and you're hearing this again, I'm wondering if you implemented it yet. If not, now is the time. And those who are just hearing it the first time, know that these are the conversations we have inside the Inner Circle and they are so much fun. So hope you enjoy this glimpse of your future from something I learned back in the past.

This is one of those things as we started focus on ClickFunnels 2.0, what's the value add look like? What's the problem? All these things are rebuilding them. It's interesting because you start seeing the holes in what you're doing. You guys ever done this before? Have you ever hired a consultant, they come in and tell you all the stuff you did wrong and you're like, "I knew I was doing those things wrong." Or have you ever said, "I'm just going to hire myself for five minutes and see what I'm doing wrong." And you're like, "Oh, this is all stuff we're doing wrong. We should fix that before we hire a real consultant." This is a similar thing is as we've been looking through this, I'm like, "Oh, I'm seeing the gaps." And it's funny because these are things I understand, that I've learned earlier.

And so back when I was first getting started in this business, I'd built a call center of 60 people and I had a chance to work with Chet Holmes who wrote the book, The Ultimate Sales Machine, and we were going to be doing inbound calls for Chet. So we had a really cool opportunity to spend some time with him and he showed me their entire business model, and it was really interesting because if you look at the way Chet's model worked is they ran radio ads for a free report. Instead of sending them to the website to get opt in, they said, "Call this number, we'll give you..." Or he said, "Call this number and leave your email address and we'll email you a free report." So that was the hook. So if you would call on the phone and then they would actually get a live operator and live operator would be like, "Hey, what's up? Thanks for calling Chet Holmes International. What's the best email address for send your report to?"

And they get your email address and then they say, "Hey, really quick while I got you on the phone. Chet used to do these full day seminars in Vegas, CEOs from all around the world would fly to be there, it was $3,000 a piece. But right now, Chet's doing this virtual seminar, which is the same content but instead of three days, it's crunched down into three hours. And Chet wanted me to ask to see if you'd be interested in getting a seat to it. Again, normally we charge $297 for these tickets, but instead what we're going to do is we're going to give you the ability to come on to the web seminar for free and then go through the entire three hours. At the end of three hours, if it was worth the 297, then pay it, or if it was worth a million dollars, you'll pay the 297. If it wasn't worth it, let us know and we won't bill you anything. So you can go through the three-hour seminar for free. If you like it, and the end of it we'll bill you if you like it."

Okay. Does this feel familiar to any of you guys by the way? Oh, this is the Invisible Funnel. Okay, let me step back. We talked earlier about offer structure. Everyone who's doing virtual live events, I would love for you guys to split test this head to head. Most people are doing virtual events and they're charging people 97 bucks for the virtual event. So we shifted the offer, we said, "Hey, the event is free, it's $0 to come into the event. And when the event's over, we'll bill you $197." You guys saw this before? Our Too Comical live event. So that was how we structured the offer. Same event, same price point, we just structured the offer differently.

I don't know the exact numbers because I didn't split test it, but the very first time we ran it, I think we had 6,000 people virtually live at the event. We've done it now four or five times, the least we've had is 1500 people live on the three-day event. My belief is we probably got three to four times more people to register than we would've if it would've been a straight sell. Really fascinating. The other crazy thing is that 63% of people who come to the funnel don't actually put the $0 in, they prepay. For a $50 discount, they pay $150 and the money we get immediately and there's upsell from there. So anyway, it's insanely profitable. I model that from Chet. So that was Chet's $0 and 297.

So then you'd come on the webinar, for three hours, he would teach you and train you, when it was over, then he'd do the pitch. Basically, "It was worth 297? Cool, we'll bill your credit card." And then the salesperson or the trainer who was training would then pitch them on their next package, and I can't remember the price. Let's say it's 10K, and the 10K thing, you would get a course plus you would get six coaching calls. One, two, three, four, five, six. First four coaching calls was training on the course, and the last two coaching calls were a pitch for the next thing, which was their $18,000 thing and it went from there. And what Chet said that was so fascinating, a couple things. He said that in his company, he's like, "Nobody is on salary or payroll." He said, "Everybody gets a percentage of the sale."

He's like, "It's cool because big months we all get big checks, small months we get small checks." How many of you guys have a lot of employees and some months they get the same check no matter what and you get no check. So his whole company was structured where everyone got a percentage of it. So the dude ran the radio ads got a percentage of every single thing that happened. The guy who did the phone call got a percentage of everything. So each personally got a percentage of everything that happened after them, and it was a really cool model. But the thing that he said that was so powerful, he said that if you look at the way he structured his offers is that every offer here in the process, you got content, you got the report, but then the report sold the next thing.

You went through the training, and the training was amazing, but at the end of it, it sold the next thing. And then this was amazing, but the end of it, it sold the next thing. So each tier of this process, it solved the problem. And whenever we solve a problem in business, it creates another what for the person? Creates a new problem. So then the thing that solved that problem becomes the sales tool for the next problem. And everything got weaved in. And so I started looking at our value ladder and I was realizing that I had things that people went from here to here to here to here, but I didn't... I hadn't... And yes, there's an email campaign that pushes you and there's these little things, but it wasn't really structured in a way where each offer did a good job of selling the next offer and selling the next offer and selling the next offer.

And so I wanted to share that with you guys just because for me, this is the thing I'm thinking through right now is going back to my existing value ladder and thinking with Chet Holmes, let's say we give someone four coaching calls, can you give them six instead or give them five instead? And the fifth one is the call that transitions them. What are the different pieces you can weave in there to get somebody to move to each tier of the valley ladder from step to step to step?

It's interesting, I have Inner Circle. For years, Inner Circle was just sold separately, just in a weird spot and some people found it, most people didn't. This was the first time ever that everybody is out funnel hacking live. Let's do something separate, bring people aside and then move them to the next thing. And this was the most people in the shortest period of time that we got to move to the next tier. And it's just strategically thinking through that at each tier in the value ladder. How does this thing get people next tier? How does this thing get people next tier? And we keep moving it up from there.

All right, I hope you guys enjoyed this episode of the Marketing Secrets podcast. If you want to see some of these principles in action and in play, you can actually go check out one of our challenges and you'll see this whole thing in action. So if you go to, go and register there and then look at the process, see what happens, see where I take you, see why I'm taking you on that journey. And hopefully you'll see some the practical applications, some of these strategies. So that's it, appreciate you all. Thanks for listening and we'll see you guys on the next episode of the Marketing Secrets podcast.


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