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You Might Now Know How To Do It…


Here’s a little secret.

Nobody who’s successful… figured it all out on their own.

In fact, the MOST SUCCESSFUL people I know are obsessed with “stalking” those who’ve achieved what they’re trying to achieve.

And the more successful they are, the more diligent they are about studying other successful people.

Even Steve Jobs once quoted Pablo Piccaso: “Good artists borrow, great artists steal.”

The point is this: let go of your ego… stop trying to figure it out on your own… and LEARN from people who’ve already done what you’re trying to do.

Whenever I’m trying to do anything new…

I study other people who’ve already done that.

I even have created a separate Instagram account for only following certain influencers I want to learn from.

Because I might not know how to do it… but someone does.

So stop trying to do it all yourself. 🙂

The fastest path to success is learning from people who’ve been there, done that.

- Russell Brunson

P.S. Speaking of which, you can get virtually ALL my funnel-hacking, business-building secrets by purchasing my Secrets Trilogy. Remember this quote from Isaac Newton: “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”


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